Home » On the cuteness of ladybugs


On the cuteness of ladybugs — 8 Comments

  1. “But there is a ray of hope. In the same article, the author writes that there are plans to introduce the French parasite of the Lily Beetle sometime next year.”

    Okay, then we’ll need something to wipe out the parasite once it gets out of control, and in the immortal words of Some Guy In A Movie: kid, I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

  2. Oh, yes…state flowers. Well in Alaska we have a State Fossil–the Wooley Mammoth. Some legislators have too much time on their hands.

    Jim P in Alaska

  3. I was suprised to see that Florida’s “official” insect is some sort of butterfly. I thought for sure it would be the Palmetto bug, which is a species of cockroach which is between 1-3/8″ to 2-1/8″. The worst thing is that they fly.

  4. Somewhere in all the books and brochures and even on a CD, all from studying as a Master Gardener, I have photos of larval ladybugs. Definitely not cute, if they were not so small they would be downright scary. I think we think of ladybugs as cute for the same reason kids think pill bugs are cute. We play with them, they are not harmful and they ladybugs are colorful

  5. Yuck! That sounds like something right out of a horror movie. I guess you can get too much of a good thing. The most I’ve ever seen in the house at one time is maybe ten.

  6. Ahhh, ladybugs…not so cute this past winter for some East Tennesseans who definitely suffered inside the house investations. One family was featured in the local Knoxville paper who had to deal with literally hundreds of thousands of the little critters. Even if that is a gross exaggeration, there would still have to be a whole heck of a lot to lead a person to say such a thing in a news story. I probably vacuumed up hundreds off a south facing window this past year which fortunately was a first for me. Hope the survivors that I released to the outside ( while it still was a novel occurrence) will spread the word to the rest of the ladybug population that my house is not a safe winter hidaway.

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