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The alleged accused suspected suspect is in custody — 4 Comments

  1. Hi Alex,

    I shouldn’t have focused on clearance and you are correct about the relatively level rate over time. However, this is the table that I found interesting. It covers the time period that includes the shift of focus from justice for victims to legal process. It was the 231% increase in rapes that really caught my eye. The current trend (since implementation of three strikes) is down. A fair question is whether three strikes would have been necessary and whether the rates would have increased to the current point had justice remained the focal point.

    The current process games that Greta and others love to point out may actually have diminished the deterrent aspect of the system to the point where unwarranted risks are being taken by foolish people. If it weren’t for the additional victims the result would be amusing.

  2. Hi Rick,

    If I have misunderstood your comment please forgive me, but at least two things confuse me about what you wrote.

    I took a look at the website you linked to, and it is an impressive set of data. When you talk about “cleared” offenses, I assume you are referring to a table such as this one. An offense is considered “cleared” if it results in an arrest, and “uncleared” if it does not.

    First of all, there is absolutely no trend in this data. The raw numbers have increased with rising population, but the percentages are remarkably flat. In 1971 the total percentage of cleared cases was 20.9%. In 2002 it was 20.0%. In between it shimmied around a little, but basically stayed put. All the numbers are rather shockingly low, but you just can’t say there are more uncleared crimes today than ever before.

    Second, and perhaps more importantly, the crime clearance rate has virtually nothing to do with defendant’s rights. Anyone who has been arrested and stands in court, whether in shackles or holding a martini, goes in the “cleared” column. The clearance rate is about the effectiveness of police and detective work, not about what happens in courts. So even if there were a huge trend toward uncleared crimes, it wouldn’t help your case.

    If you’re refering to some other “clearance rate,” please inform me.

  3. “It must have been frightening to have been anywhere near the Atlanta area yesterday.”


    Excellent post. You may want to spend a little time here (particularly Sections 3 & 4). It’s still frightening in Atlanta (and every other metro area) today. There are more uncleared crimes in the US today (percentage wise and total) than there have been at any previous time in our history. Our legal process system assures that and the MSM plays right along. The murderer in Atlanta was on trial for rape. Take a look at reported rapes versus cleared rape cases if you ever feel like you’re too relaxed. I wonder if Greta and the rest of the MSM clowns get thank you notes on behalf of all the murderers and rapists walking around free because of the public’s focus on defendants “rights” rather than justice for victims?

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