Home » Kerry the narcissist plans ahead


Kerry the narcissist plans ahead — 3 Comments

  1. Your conclusions about Kerry, as having a narcissistic character disorder, are not surprising, especially to anyone who has bothered to read “Unfit for Command.” Time and time again, whether at the helm of a swift boat or testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kerry’s behavior (including killing innocent Vietnamese, exaggerating and lying about his “heroics,” or giving false testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) has been consistent with a self-serving narcissist incapable of feeling the damaging effects his actions had on others. It’s not so much that Kerry lacks a spine as that he lacks a humanist core. There is a visceral, vacant, hollow feel to the man that people observe and report on, but up till now haven’t quite been able to explain. Always putting himself first (his sentences have more “I”s in them than he has bogus Purple Heart medals, or is that ribbons, or did he throw those away, or was it someone elses, or…??) and without the inherent capability to be compassionate and empathize with others, Kerry has had to educate himself to say and do what he has learned are the “right” things, knowing he has to please his constituency if he expects to reach his grand-puff objective: becoming President of the United States. If he does reach his objective, we can only hope that among the people around him, there will be those who will try to fill the Kerry vacuum and provide him with an acceptable core set of values and beliefs that include the task of continuing the Bush war on terrorism. The fear is that all of his advisors may get caught up in the puffery and posturing of appeasement and meaningless, self-serving alliances that Kerry is likely to pursue in order to try to become the Wilsonian global good guy in the eyes of the world–a perilous and risky (Kerry) position with the biggest stakes of all, including, in the opinion of some, the very survival of the United States and western civilization as we know it.

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