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Did you know… — 17 Comments

  1. And Pickett’s charge sealed the grand victory for General Robert E. Lee. I read it in the 1619 History Book.

  2. Conservative critics have completely misunderstood what was a perfectly valid point about Trump’s questionable motives.

    Trump was making a desperate bid to win over the Confederacy, but it had nothing to do with the battle. Instead, Trump clearly means to emulate Jefferson Davis’s famous Gettysburg address.

  3. It’s a shame that there is no leftwing media organization dedicated to opposing Trump. Otherwise, this would be covered in their news stories.

  4. Yes, it is absurd—for any rational person.

    However, the Woke (and now Democratic Party) line is, “The South Won the Civil War”.

    The reason for this is—as it is cogently, if beserkly argued—because Amerikkka is a racist, reactionary entity.

    Ergo, the South won the Civil War.

    (Yes, placing logic in the hands of certain people is like giving a five year old the keys to your Lamborghini.)

    And since the South won the Civil War (as it were), then quite obviously, Gettysburg—the turning point—is where it essentially happened.

    Note that it’s just basically just another aspect of the 1619 Projectile, weaponized by the NYT and targeting the USA so as to try to destroy—sorry, make that “fundamentally transform”—the last best hope of earth.

    (Actually, I’d put more trust in this particular five-year-old then the so-called “adults” spewing this insanity….)

  5. Based on the language of the comments, I don’t think they meant that Gettysburg is associated with the Confederacy.

    However, I agree that it was a stupid point to try to make. It makes sense for any president to want to speak at Gettysburg. Trump has never said that he thought the Confederacy should have won the Civil War. He has disapproved of tearing down monuments. But that doesn’t mean he supports the Confederacy. These journalists were implying that he does, which I agree was ridiculous.

  6. Reason # 1,325 to recycle Ben Rhodes’s comment that those in the media literally know nothing.

    The journalism profession has declined markedly. My brother and I had some high school peers who went into journalism. They were very bright- Merit Finalist quality intelligence- and later had the books published to indicate they didn’t waste their talents.

    I suspect that Watergate inspired a lot of bright kids to go into journalism. Apparently that inspiration fizzled out, at least for bright kids. Instead we got kids that couldn’t write a coherent sentence or who lacked the know-how to find out the name of our fourth President- wanting to go into journalism to “change the world.”

  7. Sam Cooke’s song plays an important part in a wonderful scene in the 1985 movie “Witness”, in which an honest cop, Harrison Ford, hiding from cops who want to kill him by living in an Amish community, learns to honor the Amish’s peaceful and cooperative ways, and falls in love with one. His struggle is that he is no pacifist and is an outsider.
    It is a beautiful and moving movie. A morality play.
    Cooke’s song remains a great song.
    Thanks Neo.

  8. False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing. – Joseph de Maistre

  9. “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”
    ? Thomas Jefferson

  10. brinster on August 11, 2020 at 6:23 pm said:
    If Trump walked on water he’d be attacked for being buoyant.

    they might set him afire, and make him flame-buoyant…

  11. The pun I heard was that if Donald Trump walked on water, the headlines the next day would be: “Trump can’t swim!”

  12. What brinster said about Dodger’s “flamebuoyant” pun.

    Did Artfldgr once root for the Brooklyn Dodgers? 🙂

  13. I noticed that Obama in 2013 did not speak at the 150th anniversary of both the Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3) and the 150th anniversary (November 19) of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. In 1938, FDR spoke at Gettysburg to veterans of both the Blue and the Gray for the 75th anniversary.

  14. Dodgers left before i knew them…
    I used to dodge and burn in the photographic dark room..
    now that doesnt exist… much at least

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