Home » John Brennan again


John Brennan again — 19 Comments

  1. I’m sure he’ll skate which is especially infuriating given that Charles Colson and G Gordon LIddy were thrown into the slammer for doing much less.

  2. Is the legal system in DC stacked against Republicans? Oh, yeah, and has been for decades. It came to light, many years too late, that Watergate judge John Sirica was having meetings with the prosecutors–without inviting the defense teams. Had this leaked back then, it would have meant disbarment at best, prison likely. . .but of course they were all Democrats.

    I think Comey, Clapper, Brennan and their minions really thought they could get away with it. After all, if Trump were removed, then no one was going to really investigate. They nearly succeeded.

  3. You know what’s funny? If I had told you 20 years ago that the Democratic Party would evolve into the weapon of upper-class white professionals trying to desperately hold onto political/cultural/economic power, you’d have laughed me out of the room.


  4. I’m older than the average commenter, old enough to think back to a time when the Brennan/Comey behavior would have been considered treasonous by BOTH sides of the aisle. Good times, indeed. We should return to them.

  5. If Brennan and Comey end up in prison – as they should – then there is still hope for the Republic.

  6. So, says Aubrey to some of his friends. Fox had this right all along. Their only response, if these traitors skate, is to gloat that their side has the fix ready for any use whatsoever.
    This, says Aubrey, doesn’t improve your moral authority.
    Which, should these guys skate, is irrelevant.

  7. I say again, nothing will happen to any of them. If someone does ever get to the trial stage it would be in at least in 2021, which by then we may very well have a Dem Pres and the entire Congress. Not going to be pretty.

  8. My father was a guard (MP after being wounded in France) for a while after the WWII at Ft. Leavenworth. They were hanging then (murder of a guard IIRC). Who was in Ft Leavenworth I asked; murderers, rapists, black marketeers, he replied. Is treason still a capital offense?

  9. There’s always the alternative form of justice and retribution, the vigilante. The elder Jefferson approved of as much, at least twice. Does anyone have the stomach and the courage?

    For years of outrage, the right turns the other cheek, hoping things get better. But it never gets better, only worse, more outrageous, more sinister, more contemptuous and gloating, more violent and menacing at us.

    Because we won’t fight to destroy evil among us, at the highest reaches of federal government, because we blanch at blood-letting and bicker amongst us, the USA is done.

    We are proved unworthy of our posterity. We lack the courage to do the needful things in our own defense. We have become whimpering old dogs to a Great Republic once founded by lions.

  10. Talk about a familiar headline and story, here’s another one, in which Republican members of Committees that have jurisdiction again send a “demand letter” to the FBI Director for documents that they asked for (and sometimes have already asked for multiple times)–and should have been provided with–years ago.*

    Then, of course, we have Senator Lindsay Graham, shooting his mouth off on his probably thousandth TV appearance, bloviating about how he is going to haul all the key players in the Coup attempt before his committee, and to grill them.

    How many times has he made this entirely empty promise–six times, ten times, a dozen?

    And yet, no hearings are ever held, no witnesses are ever called, or grilled.

    Congress has become a joke, and some government employees know that they can defy Congress with impunity, can just refuse to show up, can thumb their noses at it, can sneer at members, can ignore questions, play dumb, spew obvious lies, and get away with it.

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/house-republicans-send-letter-wray-demanding-documents-operation-flynn-provide-fbis-bill-priestap-joe-pientka-interviews/

  11. These are the types of guys who have lots of files on lots of powerful people as “insurance policies”. If they go to jail, they take dozens or even hundreds down with them. If it even looks like they might go to jail, they will probably have an unexpected heart attack.

  12. If things start to look really bad for ’em there’s always the sex-change gambit.

    Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Rice, maybe a few others (though it might be fair to say that for Hillary, it won’t be necessary).

    Yep, if history is any precedent—and if the current zeitgeist is still geisty—this on-the-face-of-it-drastic-measure would render them practically untouchable. (Albeit, in more ways than one.)

    (On the other hand, they’ll undoubtedly yowl—why not?—that they’re victims of a fascist, Trumpian political vendetta and seek asylum in Beijing, or preferably Wuhan).

  13. Things work until they don’t.

    I recall Nixon complained- paraphrasing roughly from my faulty memory- that what he did was trivial compared to what was done against him.

    But his enemies got away with it, cleanly and quietly. So what jumps out at me about all this isn’t that the Deep State went after Trump the way they did. It’s how bad they are at it.

    They’ve pretty much destroyed the reputation for the FBI, while failing miserably to get Trump removed from office. Even worse, with the “Five Eyes” program, they can reportedly use legally gathered intel on Americans provided by those particular foreign governments- yet they still found nothing useful against Trump, except perhaps the hilariously phony Steele dossier. The Mueller investigation was an embarrassing mess, apparently led by a senile old man- or perhaps I should say “not led.”

    That’s just not what success looks like.

  14. “Congress has become a joke, and some government employees know that they can defy Congress with impunity, can just refuse to show up, can thumb their noses at it, can sneer at members, can ignore questions, play dumb, spew obvious lies, and get away with it. ”


    This is a problem, I think, both for the regime that is too weak to enforce its own laws- and for the people who rely upon that weakness for their own power and prosperity.

    The public at large has noticed- at least a significant fraction- and consequences will follow.

  15. “That’s just not what success looks like.”

    This is what it looks like when an entire social class feels like it can do anything it wants with no consequences. Even the smartest, most tough-minded people turn into bumbling incompetents in those circumstances.


  16. Xennady & Mbunge
    Even the Deep State is subject to the Peter Principle.

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