Home » This may be true but does it make a whole lot of sense?


This may be true but does it make a whole lot of sense? — 38 Comments

  1. Thought occurs to me that “whistleblower” did work for Biden, but like most Dems, is so completely wrapped up in his hatred fantasy that it couldn’t possibly occur to him that whatever lies he creates to bolster the narrative would have a negative effect on his old boss.

  2. I think the theory is the whistleblower heard Trump talk about Biden and freaked the F out that anyone would even hint at investigating the rampant soft corruption going on with our political elite and there wasn’t a lot of careful consideration after that.

    And by the way, let’s all remember that when this stupid thing started it was about Trump PRESSURING Ukraine. That supposed pressure was what mattered because you could imply/infer that Trump was asking Ukraine to give him what he wanted (dirt on his political enemies) or else. Remove the element of pressure and it’s just the leader of one country asking the leader of another to help look into allegations of corruption and election interference.

    Well, it turned out there was no pressure and now the Democrats and the media are working overtime to gaslight the public.


  3. My very simple theory is that the Dems are absolutely certain that there is dirt in Trump’s background, and whistlegate is the thin pretense for another intense investigation of everything Trump. As L. Beria would tell us, there is likely to be something untoward that happened at some place and time, if the investigation is thorough enough.

  4. TommyJay:
    I am in complete agreement. I was expecting this as soon as the Democrats took over the House in the 2018 election.

  5. The Democrats’ problem, though, is that Trump has been doing business deals in New York City and around the world for 40 years. Every time Trump has done a deal, the other side did their due diligence and tried to find out anything they could about Trump and his company.

    Trump has also been a B-list, and sometimes A-list, celebrity for much of the last 30 years, with a lot of that time spent in the NYC media market. And not only has he spent much of his adult life under the spotlight, we’re now going on three+ years where the media has been desperate to talk to anyone with anything bad to say about Trump.

    It’s possible there’s still some great Trump scandal out there waiting to be revealed but it seems highly unlikely.


  6. 1. This may be political trouble for Biden, and it may be a boon too, but I doubt there is even a DOJ investigation into Biden.

    2. If there is one, Trump and Giuliani have handed even the dumbest lawyer in town reasonable doubt.

    3.When the defacto head of the DOJ runs around like a maniac proclaiming that you are guilty, your case has became so politically corrupted that the odd of you seeing jail time are slim to none.

    4. When the defacto head of the DOJ runs your investigation thru a political operative who happens to be his personal lawyer, the odds of you seeing jail time are slim to none.

    5. When two of the people investigating your corruption are arrested for funneling foreign money into a US political campaign after meeting with the President’s personal lawyer, the odds of you seeing jail time are slim to none.

    6. The odds that the people investigating your “corruption” will see jail time go up, however.

    7. The president’s personal lawyer may very well end up like the President’s other personal lawyer.

    8. Bill Barr wasn’t too happy to see his name mentioned in that treasonous (colloquially speaking) call.

  7. Not even a “leaker”
    A “partisan hear-sayer”
    Already on the payroll.
    Shameless and shameful.

  8. “Who is the de facto head of the DOJ?”

    de facto, de jure,
    potayto, potahtoe . . .
    let’s call the whole thing fffffffp, Constitutional

    The Executive known as President. Sole subject of Article II.
    The big cheese.
    Numero Uno.
    Boss man to whom everyone answers.

    Like Pres. Pseudonym is responsible for all the illicit spying on the Trump campaign. Y’know.
    Talk about treasonous, this guy Pseudonym was treasonous.

  9. Nope, it’s just another impeachment scam. I think we all know that. We have been here before, over and over again.

    No point in responding to manju, a running dog lackey is just a running dog lackey. Poor creature, he she xer 323 genders is to be pitied. What a sad waste of oxygen and a large carbon foot print.

  10. I find nothing surprising about government bureaucrats shifting their alliances. There is nothing ideological in it. It’s just business.

  11. Manju just cut and pasted the talking points list that he got from his supervisor.

  12. The whistleblower’s affiliations are now well known, and they are highly placed Democrats.

  13. I’m just a midwit who dropped out of college. I’m no deep thinker. I’ve a small fraction of our esteemed Artfldgr’s IQ. So, I’m probably not the first to put this forward:

    The accusations and arrests this week, whether they be Giuliani’s ‘associates’ as the MSM breathlessly asserts, or MSM/Deep State complex leakers, remind me of the Cold War.

    Two factions, harrassing, stalking, and detaining each others’ spies and such. Even likely assassinations, like Seth Rich and Jeffrey Epstein. The Nationalist Faction (represented most prominently by President Trump) and The Globalist Faction (represented, for the most part, by the Deep State et. al.) taking the place of the USA and USSR.

    I’m sure Artfldgr will be along before too long to point out how he has already told us imbeciles this many times over, if only we had listened to him. But long ago, I just couldn’t find the energy to read past the first two or three sentences of Art’s insulting harangues, let alone his standard rapid fire Wall of Text.

    P.S. And LOL, manju’s blatant copypasta, thrown at Neo’s comment section wall are laughable.

    Subtlety is not manju’s forte…

  14. It’s amazing how much this stuff resembles the palace intrigues of the European monarchies of the past…

  15. Fractal Rabbit, your pretty right..

    too bad your wrong about me…
    but then again…
    you weren’t here for 15 years saying this stuff, where you?

    oh, and the answers i give here are straight out of history
    no big IQ needed… just reading… lots of reading..
    now, if you want to talk some of the AI work i do or other things,
    then MAYBE that MIGHT require IQ… but maybe not…

    one of the problems with being smart is you give everone the benefit of the doubt that they are as smart too… you find out they arent when they start getting snarky and all that baby stuff that doesnt happen when smart people meet cause we arent trying to take each other down a peg, shame them into shutting up, etc..

    we debate ideas with the point that someone with a better one should come out ahead.. we dont need to get snarky… we dont need to do what you do…

    unlike what your doing, i dont think if you trip someone ahead of you your really the faster runner… do you?

  16. by the way… just for the record rabbit.. have you ever followed my links and read? or did you follow and read, and are upset that i claim you didnt?
    or did you not and are upset i am right about it?

    be interesting to know, because all the big mouth stuff kind of avoids the answer

    but, hard to believe there is a Santa after someone shows you there isn’t
    same with the stuff i link to…
    hard to keep talking the same way, after you find out


  17. So much smoke, so many mirrors.
    Dem hypocrisy.
    Like Deja vu all over again.

    What is the “crime” the Dems are whining about this time?
    Does it matter?

  18. Tom Grey:

    The crime is the crime of being Donald Trump and having won the election instead of Hillary. After that, everything he did was a crime and an impeachable offense.

  19. I keep hearing this one in the voice of J. P. Sears — what a team up that would be!


    It’s important in politics to be consistent. That’s why I’m always consistent in criticizing Trump no matter what he does.

    I’ll criticize Trump for not doing what I want. And then when he does what I said I wanted, I’ll still criticize him. Some smaller minds might call this hypocrisy, but there is no hypocrisy, because I’m sticking to the core principle that Trump is dumb and bad. Even when Trump does exactly what I want, he’s still doing it as Trump, which makes whatever it is now stupid and wrong.

    It’s clear that Trump can’t do anything right because he will stubbornly insist on being Trump while doing it. That’s why he must resign—though I will then criticize him for abandoning the country in our time of need.

    RTWT and laugh.
    It’s good for you.

  20. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/10/the_incredible_shrinking_whistleblower.html

    House Democrats are now demanding that the “whistleblower” be allowed to testify by letter. This marks another step forward in the impeachment narrative. Yesterday it was from behind a curtain with the voice artificially distorted. Today it’s by letter. Tomorrow it will be from Elon Musk’s Mars colony.

    The excuse for this is the evergreen “death threats,” but this is even less likely the case than in other instances. A CIA operative is frightened by anonymous death threats? Are you sure?

    So what could the real explanation be? Let us count the ways:

    It could be any of these (except for the last — not even the Democrats are that bold) or something else altogether. What is undeniable is that the House Dems are now trying to stall. This is a clear sign of failure. The only hope that the impeachment mob had was to strike quickly, cleanly, and successfully. A stretched out process would only reveal the weaknesses of their case and turn the entire affair into a campaign issue, and not one in their favor. They blew it, and now they’re playing for time and looking for a way down. They have yet to find it.

    The last item on the list although all made sense) was “There is no whistleblower” — I’m not entirely convinced that isn’t true.
    Think about the character of the complaint: entirely hearsay, lawyer-eze to the max — the whistleblower’s “sources” could easily have gone directly to Schiff’s staff (see the link above), with no single person actually being “THE” whistleblower.
    The Democrats could have an invisible whistle blower to go with all their silent dog whistles.

  21. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2019/10/12/nsc-staffer-revealed-whistleblowers-likely-informant-white-house-decides-downsize-nsc-staff/

    On Friday, a source told Fox News that a National Security Council (NSC) staffer had spoken about Trump’s July 25th phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “multiple” people outside of the NSC, and had characterized the call as “outrageous.” This occurred before the whistleblower’s complaint had been submitted. This development had been reported to then-senior National Security Council (NSC) leadership.

  22. Artfldgr said:

    “by the way… just for the record rabbit.. have you ever followed my links and read? or did you follow and read, and are upset that i claim you didnt?
    or did you not and are upset i am right about it?”

    In order:

    1) Not since the first time I encountered your comments circa 2009 (I’ve been reading and commenting here since then, under various names.)

    2) Nope

    3) Nope

    4) Nope

    Originally, waaaay back then, I suffered through a couple of your Wall of Text link/copypasta fests. But, I don’t mind admitting, that I can’t stomach the woe is me Cassandra nature of your diatribes and now just skim past them. Unless they’re succinct, like the comment this is in answer to.

    Your comments would be the kernel of a great sci-fi short story, wherein some brilliant but misunderstood genius is trying to drop transcendent truths on people, but they will never know because he can’t stop insulting them and talking down to them.

    Its obvious you’re intelligent. Likely a standard deviation or two (possibly three) above most of us. Its also obvious that your intelligence has come at the cost of the social and practical wherewithal to communicate down to us mid-I.Q mass information aggregating tenderfoots. A shame and a big one.

  23. Its obvious you’re intelligent. Likely a standard deviation or two (possibly three) above most of us.


    People actually think Art is that high on the IQ scale?

    God forbid, what does that make the rest of us…

    Let’s just say that Prometheus Society and Mensa are “above average” in my standardization. They are not bad.

    They lack Spiritual IQ or maybe what they call Emotional Quotient.

    It’s amazing how much this stuff resembles the palace intrigues of the European monarchies of the past…

    Trum going to clean out the swamp in Byzantine DC was not as favorable in odds as others gave him in 2015.

    I never had the delusion of believing the DS swamp was as easy to clear out as everybody else seemed to want to have faith in.

  24. “Your comments would be the kernel of a great sci-fi short story, wherein some brilliant but misunderstood genius is trying to drop transcendent truths on people, but they will never know because he can’t stop insulting them and talking down to them.” – Fractal

    I think I’ve read that one….
    Doesn’t mean that people should stop prophesying.
    All important fiction has a kernel of truth in it.

    “Its obvious you’re intelligent. Likely a standard deviation or two (possibly three) above most of us. Its also obvious that your intelligence has come at the cost of the social and practical wherewithal to communicate down to us ..”

    Considering the general run of commenters here, I think Artfl is representative, but not extreme, IQ-wise; however, he has lots of experience and information that a lot of us (*raises hand*) simply don’t have. Intelligence is only needed to the extent required to remember and process it; communication is a totally different skill, and not all of us are blessed with it.

  25. People on the autistic spectrum, as Art is with Asberger’s, has a min maxed attribute list. Meaning, a heightened ability in one area at the expense of another. Fractal likes to downplay his own intelligence, but that’s his way of sticking it to those he considers more arrogant or above looking down. That kind of sarcasm doesn’t work very well on autistics because they usually never obtained the proper training (from people like me) in how to recognize human body language and written syntax.

    Art is also conditioned to bring up his syndrome whenever he is losing an argument or getting uncomfortable. That or lashing out at feminism. All things I don’t tolerate and communicated to him some time ago. AUtistics are very good at mimicking, but unfortunately they tend to mimick their abusers. In this case, Art mimicks Leftist tactics, but at a very child ish level, when arguing against me.

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