Home » The Democrats and the MSM have gotten bolder about lying


The Democrats and the MSM have gotten bolder about lying — 70 Comments

  1. Oh so true the words you have written. And I am very afraid that they will take the power back in 2020. I won’t say more.

  2. Well, yeah. Democrats “used to think people were more well-informed and would be onto a game like that if they tried to play it”. But now they can be pretty confident that most people don’t know anything about the constitution, civics, or due process, because the Democrats have been in sole charge of the education system for the past 50 years and have made damn sure that these subjects are either not taught, or are taught from a left-wing perspective. I’m seriously concerned that the USA is circling the drain.

  3. Boy, I’m sure embarrassed to have been a leftist, progressive and a Democrat for most of my life!

    I used to think we were the good guys.

  4. Liberal license, semantic progression, brown matter… They’re Pro-Choice, a selective, opportunistic (i.e. politically congruent) quasi-religious/moral (“ethical”) philosophy. That said, beware overlapping and converging special and peculiar interests.

  5. “The Democrats know that the press will come forward with explanations that back up and amplify the Democrats’ lies no matter what they say …”

    It’s worse than that. Tucker Carlson very recently said something to the effect, “Is there a shortage of creative writers out there? The media talking heads keep repeating the exact same old tired tag lines and talking points that the Dem leadership feeds them.”

    He implied that it would at least seem more “organic” if different news/opinion desks used slightly different verbiage. This is Tucker’s form of ridicule because I’m sure he knows the effectiveness of “staying on message” and drilling those identical tag lines into people’s brains.

    “… and they know that the people who read those sites are mostly those who are already on the right.”

    Neo said roughly the same thing about the not new Ukraine investigation of Burisma. I checked it out on Bing. There were lots of articles about when that investigation started on the first 2 or 3 search pages, but … they were almost all “right wing” sites. The search query was “Ukraine investigating Burisma”

  6. Honestly, this stuff would be more concerning if the Democrats were a more homogeneous political group, like Republicans. It’s impossible to limit the use of these kind of tactics to just “the other side,” so even if they win it will only set off internal Democratic struggles like you cannot believe.

    In case anyone has forgotten, the single most important group in the Democratic Party is white men. There’s still a lot of them and they’ve got all the money and all the status. The next most important group is white woman, who don’t have as much money and status but have even greater numbers. Wait until the white Democratic power structure tries to pull this stuff to keep the minority segment of the party in line.


  7. Huxley,

    For all of my adult life the left (I refuse to call them progressives for they are regressives) has never been the good guys. The good guys believe in individual liberty, not the hive mind. The good guys and gals believe in the rule of law, not make it up as circumstances dictate to further an agend. The good gals and guys believe in limited government, the left favors big daddy and mommy ruling every aspect of our daily lives, except their own lives, that’s for the peasantry.

    Glad you ‘saw the light’.

  8. MBunge,

    There is a very good playbook that the Leftists follow. They keep all the various factions happy with giveaways. Whatever it takes to keep everyone quiet, they do. They finance it all through deficit spending. By the time “other people’s money” starts to run out, they will have already subborned all the institutions and the military. And by the time those various interests groups all realize they are not getting what they were promised, it will be too late. The Opposition will have been marginalized and they will have confiscated all the private weapons.

    They have pulled it off again and again throughout the world. And, they are always refining the playbook.

  9. parker,

    Well said!


    As parker said, welcome to the light. But don’t feel too bad. The “playbook” I talked about above is very effective and what they offer as bait looks and sounds attractive. I am glad you identified the barbs before it was too late for you.

  10. In 2000, when the Florida recount mess was underway, a professor (political science, I think) at NC State actually said that the exit polls were more accurate than the vote count. In this case, Democrats actually think people will believe that the White House transcript is fake and their “whistleblower” has it right.

  11. It’s theater.

    And who has ever begrudged the poets their tall-tale telling license? Theater is worship. Theater is politics. Born in the city’s devotional festivities celebrating the god(s); expressing pieties and hopes; prayers and pleadings for the city’s salvation; ringed round with sacrifices and humiliations before the awesome powers that be.

    Folks may betimes call these proceedings a circus, but no.

    It’s theater.

  12. For all of my adult life the left (I refuse to call them progressives for they are regressives) has never been the good guys. The good guys believe in individual liberty, not the hive mind.

    parker: Lots of the leftists, progressives and Democrats I knew believed in individual liberty.

    I certainly believed in individual liberty and still do.

    I date the ferocious tilt to the hive mind to the 2000 election problems, 9-11 and the Iraq War. That’s when the people I knew got crazy and thought me crazy.

  13. For a government to be charitable with money that they took from you by threat of force is not individual liberty.

    In any society there is, of course, a balance. We give up some liberty in exchange for security and other common public benefits. But, when our government becomes overly large and intrusive, as well as paternalistic, that is not individual liberty.

  14. Is it possible that one of the reasons that liberals are getting bolder at lying is that they are getting even more arrogant than they use to be?

  15. Neo,
    A couple points. It was quite clear to me that Schiff was using parody about the transcript of the call.
    Newsweek reported: “Schiff attempted to parody the president’s comments in the call during a hearing on the whistleblower’s complaint …”
    Schiff started by saying: “”This is the essence of what the president communicates,” and he ends by saying: “”This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate….” His interpretation could be wrong and he should have just read the transcript out loud but it seemed pretty obvious he was not reading exact phrasing from the transcript [which as you know are not verbatim].

    Frankly, the transcript by itself is enough to warrant an investigation in my opinion. But I would not vote to impeach until the investigation reveals more.

    Next, about due process in the impeachment process there is not a consensus. Many legal scholars and lawyers say that due process is not part of the process until after the impeachment and the start of the Senate trial. Stanford law professor David Sklansky says: “It is only after charges have been filed and the case has reached the trial stage that criminal defendants have the right to cross-examine witnesses, call witnesses, have access to evidence, and have counsel present. The role of the House of Representatives in an impeachment proceeding is to investigate and charge, not to try. The trial comes later, in the Senate.”
    The House has sole discretion on how it conducts the investigation per the Constitution. Perhaps that should change but note that the one time The Supreme Court was asked [in 1993] they said essentially: It was a matter not to be resolved by the courts.

  16. Is it possible that one of the reasons that liberals are getting bolder at lying is that they are getting even more arrogant than they use to be?

    Matthew: I read a great deal of desperation behind the arrogance.

    However, I also see the boldness and arrogance as “Hey, we got away with A, B, and C. Why not go for D, E, and F? For we have the moral high ground.”

  17. It was quite clear to me that Schiff was using parody about the transcript of the call….

    Schiff started by saying: “”This is the essence of what the president communicates,” and he ends by saying: “”This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate….” His interpretation could be wrong and he should have just read the transcript out loud but it seemed pretty obvious it was his interpretation.

    Montage: I can’t cut Schiff any slack here. He was addressing Congress about the grave matter of impeaching the President. It was not the time for parody. It was the time for the utmost precision and honesty. Instead Schiff chose to be a weasel.

  18. sdferr:
    It may be theater, but the actors are leaping off the stage to cut your and others’ throats.

    I have posted my pessimism about the American future here several times, and it is bleak, baby. In fact, constitutional America is in its death throes. Trump, though valiant and remarkably untiring, cannot right this listing Ship of State, not when its crew is boring more holes into the hull.

    As a physician, I have watched more than a few humans die, and it is always sad, never pretty. The struggle at the end for the precious thread of life. The death of America, though worse for humanity, will be less noticed and less mourned because of all the brainwashed, corrupt and ignorant among us.

  19. “They also had some fear that the press might turn on them and be critical of them for something so egregious, and that would hurt them as well. So the whole thing might backfire, and that helped to keep such activity in better check.” – Neo

    I had a brief moment of hope, but it passed quickly.

    Pelosi sounds very reasonable if you never read any of the responses to this blatant and overt and essentially unchallenged lie.


    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You talk about the dignity with which you handle this. You’ve seen the president’s tweets. You’ve heard Republican’s– Leader McCarthy wants to censure Adam Schiff. I know you support Chairman Schiff. But– was it– was it right for him to have that dramatic– reading of the president’s– interpretation of the president’s– transcript of the phone call at the hearing last week? Did that follow the kind of process you want?

    NANCY PELOSI: I want the American people to know what that phone call was about. I want them to hear it on their– on their iPhone or whatever. I want them to see it visually. Because this was an absolute betrayal of the American people, this phone call. It was a betrayal of our national security, it was a betrayal of the integrity of elections, it was a betrayal of our Constitution. So yeah, it’s fair. It’s sad. But it’s using the president’s own words. So if he’s–

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, those weren’t the president’s words. It was an interpretation of the president’s words.

    NANCY PELOSI: Well, it was a– you mean, the– the note? The notes from the call, is that what you’re telling me?

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Yeah, when Adam Schiff went before the committee and said, “This is what the president was saying in essence.” And it was– basically a dramatic reading. They’re saying he made this up.

    NANCY PELOSI: He did not make it up.

    George then let it drop, but he can point to his attempt to set the record straight, if necessary.
    (He has, of course, been a Democrat shill for many years, despite occasionally trying to wear the guise of an impartial journalist. I have watched him do it.
    He, like others, is a Candy Crowley School of Journalism alumnus.)

    Even Mediaite called her out (paywalled so I can’t read the story itself).

    However, you will not find any other equivalents of this story on the Left, not even to promote George’s “balance,” because then they would have to point out that Pelosi flat out LIED to the American public, despite the fact that Schiff almost immediately described what he said as NOT the President’s own words, but a “parody” of what it meant IYKWIMAITYD wink-wink.

    No other left-leaning site made the front page of my Google search.




  20. People working in the media are no longer reporters reporting the news, they are journalists peddling a narrative. As one journalist said about the bogus UVA rape story, mustn’t let the facts get in the way of a good narrative.

  21. Huxley,

    Belief in individual liberty means respecting freedom of thought. Can you in all honesty say the left you once believed in had respect for the opinions of the right? Can you now admit that the left was more interested in sedition and destruction as opposed to respect for the very concept of a Constitutional Republic?

    Personally, long ago I grew tired of being called a racist, fascist, nazi, etc. And I am harkening back to the 1960s. I knew then what I know now. The left is all about squashing the individuals who refuse to join the hive mind.

    I hold no hatred for brainwashed individuals of the left, but recognize the dangers of the hive mind. “When you believe in things you don’t understand you suffer (and everyone else). Indoctrination ain’t the way. When the left seeks to disarm me I know they are my worst enemy, far more so than Russia, China, Iran, and the worst players on the geopolitical stage.

  22. Montage:

    It was not at all apparent to the vast majority of people that Schiff was offering a parody. And I strongly believe that that was intentional. Plus – as huxley has indicated – a parody under those circumstances (even if it had been made clear that it was a parody, which was not made the least bit clear) would be an insult and a travesty and an outrage.

    Schiff’s “parody” that was no parody actually fit quite nicely with the whistleblower’s claim, as well. Funny thing, that, isn’t it? And I don’t mean “funny ha-ha.”

  23. While we are on the subject of lying liars, we need to speak about conservative pundits who refuse to realize that the Democrats don’t read their stories.


    The more the media behave like the DNC’s propaganda arm, the more Americans will dismiss them as such.
    Elizabeth Warren is telling a lie about herself. Again. The media are covering for her. Again.

    It is by now well established that Elizabeth Warren is a serial liar….
    By covering for Warren’s tall tale, the media are ensuring that the story will stay alive (because it’s disputed), that Warren will keep lying (because she rightly thinks the media have her back) and that its self-image as a profession of brave truth-seekers will continue to decay. The more the media behave like the DNC’s propaganda arm, the more Americans will dismiss them as such.

    It certainly is well established among regular NRO readers, but it is far from certain that Americans will dismiss the MSM accounts as propaganda, even though Smith does a good job of summarizing their coverage.

    Geraghty gives a more accurate picture of what the rest of the public “reads” —

    Caught in another apparent lie about her personal history, Warren offered another vague response — and her allies in the press dutifully bought it.

    At best, we’ve got the candidate who’s arguably the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination changing her story about her first job; at worst, she’s rewriting her personal history to paint herself as a victim of sinister patriarchal forces because it makes for a better and more politically useful narrative.

    To the extent the mainstream media discussed this story, it mostly expressed anger that the Free Beacon dared to question Warren’s version of events. The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan called it a “narrowly factual” “unfair” “smear.” Eric Lach of The New Yorker sniffed that “the Free Beacon didn’t have a scoop; it had an innuendo.” Vogue declared, “If you think Elizabeth Warren is lying, you’ve never been a woman in the workplace.” (This will be quite a surprise to Free Beacon editor-in-chief Eliana Johnson.) PolitiFact just couldn’t come up with any conclusion, other than “At the time, it was common for women to be forced out of teaching jobs after they became pregnant.”

    After the not-so-accurate tales of her Native American heritage, the “well, it could have happened that way” defense isn’t good enough.

    The defense is, apparently, good enough for the Left, which makes it good enough for nearly half the voters in America — because they believe what their journalists say, even if the actual facts don’t match with their personal truth.

    (Of course, this is a mirror image of what the Left claims about Republicans & conservatives, but at least we have to read their media spin — because it can’t be missed — and they have no reason or obligation or desire to compare it to ours.)

  24. Belief in individual liberty means respecting freedom of thought. Can you in all honesty say the left you once believed in had respect for the opinions of the right? Can you now admit that the left was more interested in sedition and destruction as opposed to respect for the very concept of a Constitutional Republic?

    parker: I certainly can. It seems we remember things differently. Though I suppose it depends on how you define “the left.” Or “the right” for that matter.

    I do remember those on the right calling us “communists” because we backed civil rights, opposed the Vietnam War and smoked grass.

    You have to recall that at the rank-and-file level of the left, where my friends and I resided, we weren’t reading Marx or even Alinsky. We were just naive and idealistic and having our say in what we considered an American way.

  25. Neo,
    I agree Schiff should have read the actual transcript rather than parody but I would be surprised if anyone took it literally unless they only saw a portion of it. And, yes, maybe he expected that.

    But how different is the whistleblowers complaint than the phone call?
    Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire said: “I would say that the whistleblower’s complaint is in alignment with what was released yesterday by the president,”

    PoliFact says: “the complaint got nearly every detail correct, as the memorandum released by the White House shows.”
    Factcheck says the complaint was similar to the phone call except on one point about the DNC server.

  26. “But how different is the whistleblowers complaint than the phone call?”

    You mean the phone call the wishyblower never heard? That phone call?

    As different as a third hand story about a climb up an alp and the climb itself.

    As different as any fiction one might create about any matter one has no knowledge of and the matter itself.

  27. They didnt see it coming the first time..
    and you certainly, despite being told, do not see that this is history repeating
    not by accident, but with intention..

    NEO: ……is to indicate that the whistleblower’s interpretation of the Trump/Zelensky phone call is the truth and the transcript of the phone call is a lie. It reminds me of their approach to Rathergate: “fake, but accurate.” ………

    by the way, this is how i know no one reads my links or almost no one..

    During the summer of 1933, a mock counter-trial was organised in London by a group of lawyers, democrats and other anti-Nazis under the aegis of German Communist émigrés


    The mock trial began on 21 September 1933. It lasted one week and ended with the conclusion that the defendants were innocent and the true initiators of the fire were to be found amid the leading Nazi Party elite. The counter-trial received much media attention and Sir Stafford Cripps delivered the opening speech. Göring was found guilty at the mock counter-trial. The mock trial served as a workshop, during which all possible scenarios were tested and all speeches of the defendants were prepared. Most of the “judges”, such as Hays and Moro-Giafferi, complained that the atmosphere at the “Counter-trial” was more like a show trial, with Münzenberg constantly applying pressure behind the scenes on the “judges”, to deliver the “right” verdict without any regard for the truth. One of the “witnesses”, a supposed SA man, appeared in court wearing a mask and claimed that it was the SA that really set the fire; in fact, the “SA man” was Albert Norden, the editor of the German Communist newspaper Rote Fahne. Another masked witness whom Hays described as “not very reliable”, claimed that Van der Lubbe was a drug-addicted homosexual, who was the lover of Ernst Röhm and a Nazi dupe. When the lawyer for Ernst Torgler, asked the mock trial organisers to turn over the “evidence” exonerating his client, Münzenberg refused the request because he lacked any “evidence” to exonerate or convict anyone of the crime
    The counter-trial was an enormously successful publicity stunt for the German Communists. Münzenberg followed this triumph with another by writing under his name, the best-selling The Brown Book of the Reichstag Fire and Hitler Terror, an exposé of what Münzenberg alleged to be the Nazi conspiracy to burn down the Reichstag and blame the act on the Communists

    Willi Munzenberg set the model of how to pull this off way back then

    smithsonian knows

    As the trial in Germany proceeded, a different kind of trial captured the public discourse. Willi Münzenberg, a German Communist, allied himself with other Communists to undertake an independent investigation of the fire. The combined research resulted in the publication of The Brown Book on the Reichstag Fire and Hitler Terror. It included early accounts of Nazi brutality, as well as an argument that van der Lubbe was a pawn of the Nazis. Hitler’s party members were the real criminals, the book argued, and they orchestrated the fire to consolidate political power. The book became a bestseller, translated into 24 languages and sold around Europe and the U.S.

    get the message you want them to believe out there first
    even if wrong, its hard to correct so its best to be first
    get articles and books out quickly that purport to know the story, and translate them fast so that the weight of what ‘everyone’ knows to be true, kind of resonates in the population.

    The Case For Impeaching Trump: Elizabeth Holtzman
    The Case for Impeachment: Allan J. Lichtman
    Impeach Donald Trump – The Atlantic

    even wiki is already set up

    Lichtman argues in the book that Trump could face impeachment for reasons including: complicity of conspiracy with foreign governments, crimes against humanity for the U.S. neglecting global warming, and violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the constitution barring the president from taking personal monetary offerings from other governments. He provides the reader with an overview of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and links between Trump associates and Russian officials, asserting such ties could be used in efforts to impeach President Trump. He uses the Watergate scandal as the backdrop to compare Trump’s reactions to criticism with those of Richard Nixon during Nixon’s impeachment process. The author discusses assertions of sexual misconduct against Trump, and delves into some of the his legal affairs stemming from them. Lichtman places the Donald Trump and Billy Bush recordings within a larger context of public degradation of women

  28. parker on October 10, 2019 at 4:06 pm said: I refuse to call them progressives for they are regressives

    they are PROmoting reGRESSIVE policies
    see? its correct… they have always loved word games..
    its “duping delight”
    the more they do the less respect they have for their victims


    duping delight, the near irresistible thrill some people feel in taking a risk and getting away with it. Sometimes it includes contempt for the target who is being so ruthlessly and successfully exploited.

  29. sdferr
    The whistleblower account is very similar to the memo the White House released of the phone call. If the whistleblower account is a fiction then it certainly doesn’t attempt to be that different than the memo. We know the memo is not verbatim. But I don’t think the White House would release a fake memo. Or maybe they would… but that would only heighten concerns by the left. At this point the [first] whistleblower has not added much of anything new. There is however a second complaint that apparently heard the conversation. Let’s see how different it is than the memo.

  30. People,

    Montage is a troll. Specifically a concern troll. He sounds reasonable, but the goal of his “concern” is to distract and to muddy the waters.


    You should be honored RT, or some other propaganda mill, has assigned such a valuable asset to this blog.

  31. There is small resemblance Montage. There are many errors of fact in the fiction, whereas the conversation as such is the fact of the matter. There are profound misinterpretations in the fiction, misinterpretations of an original conversation between two speech agents in communication with one another. The delusions of reader response theory simply won’t cut it here.

  32. Roy Nathanson on October 10, 2019 at 5:14 pm said:
    For a government to be charitable with money that they took from you by threat of force is not individual liberty.
    * * *

    Of course, Vox begs to differ – for pretty poor reasons.
    Their one example of the superiority of their stance didn’t hold up to examination.
    Which pretty much tells you what you need to know about the Democrats and the Left.

    Don’t teach a man to fish. Just give him the goddamn fish.

  33. Huxley says,

    Montage: I can’t cut Schiff any slack here. He was addressing Congress about the grave matter of impeaching the President. It was not the time for parody. It was the time for the utmost precision and honesty. Instead Schiff chose to be a weasel.”

    Had Schiff been on the floor of the House speechifying, waving his arms about, gesticulating and speaking in clearly rhetorical tones, then, and only then, might one reasonably cut him some technical, if not moral, slack.

    But he was not. He was sitting as a kind inquisitor, before the cameras … and falsifying ..

    This “man” would not last 3 minutes in an honor bound society. He simply could not survive in an environment where tolerating liars and defamers had not come to be accepted as part of the price of a “humane society”; principally by morally weak people who would never themselves be faced (so they imagine) with personally paying that price.

  34. Montage on October 10, 2019 at 6:30 pm said:
    I agree Schiff should have read the actual transcript rather than parody but I would be surprised if anyone took it literally unless they only saw a portion of it. And, yes, maybe he expected that.
    * * *
    Someone who took his parody literally was Nancy Pelosi.
    See my comment above.
    He certainly expected that.
    But then, there is no evidence that she has actually read the transcript.
    And BTW:
    It is not a “memo” – it is a transcript – a written version of a spoken conversation – and was made by people in the room who heard the actual conversation.
    Of course, Director Comey’s memo about his conversation with President Trump was NOT a transcript in any way, shape, form, or fashion — but no Democrat that I know of has questioned its veracity.

  35. Artfldgr on October 10, 2019 at 7:07 pm said:
    …… they have always loved word games.. [see below]
    its “duping delight”
    the more they do the less respect they have for their victims

    * * *
    Ekman’s book on detecting liars is very interesting, and I think the Democrats “in the know” on the various “Duper-gates” exhibit it when they think they are not being observed, and sometimes when they are.
    “Let’s go to the transcript, Candy.”

    On word games, the workhorse stand-by of the Left, they often cross the line into flat out lying:

    The Chicago Tribune falsely reported on October 4 that the term “illegal alien” isn’t used in laws or legal circles. It has since failed to fix the error even though lawyers pointed out its error on Twitter and in correction requests.

    An alien is a person who is not a citizen, and if that person is in the country illegally, he or she is an illegal alien. The term is frequently, and appropriately, used in federal statutes.

    The Tribune’s still-uncorrected piece reflects the fact that, in addition to the obvious bias that permeates the liberal press, many reporters are simply ignorant of basic facts–ignorant, and apparently unwilling to do a simple Google search to check their assumptions. I also wonder, for about the thousandth time, whether newspapers actually employ editors. It is hard to understand how an error this egregious finds its way into print.

    It really isn’t that hard to understand.
    Hinderaker calls this “an astonishing instance of journalistic ignorance” but he is wrong.
    I’m both surprised and somewhat dismayed that a man of his education and abilities is so constantly duped by the Left, but I suppose it speaks to his integrity, because he would never do such a thing himself, and still finds it difficult to believe that there are educated and able people who do.
    And, of course, journalists today are ignorant and lazy, but leaving an inherently false, as well as debunked, post alive is malice per se.
    Knaves or fools?
    Embrace the power of “and.”

  36. sdferr
    I’ll agree it’s about interpretations or misinterpretations. But this will likely always be the case. Too bad we don’t have actual tape recordings of the conversations. But the lessons of Nixon taught us that that isn’t a good idea either.

    Yes, I agree that Nancy’s take on Schiff’s act was bad. She’s playing to win.
    The phone call that the White House released is titled: ‘Memorandum of telephone conversation’. On the same page it says ‘a memorandum is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion.” So I take that to mean that a memo is not verbatim while a transcript is.

    Roy Nathanson
    The waters are already quite muddy without my imput. I am fairly certain I am not distracting anyone since people can make up their own mind on the issue.

  37. Don’t mince, Montage. None need it. It’s a fucking transcript. Even the most faithful attempts at transcribing recorded speech will occasionally have lacunae or garbles preventing a perfect verbatim. So much the greater difficulty with live speech to written capture.

  38. Wrong and foolish of Pelosi to say Schiff used the “President’s own words”. But doubling-down seems to be everyone’s M.O. these days. Yet another sign of a thoroughly debased culture.

  39. Montage is confusing the transcript and the “my truth” told by Schiff and the first whistleblower. Montage hopes the second whistleblower will have even more conclusive and more persuasive versions of “my truth” to sell to the public. Not to imply that those “truths” will be consistent or corroborate any other facts. That doesn’t matter.

    Oh my, “my truths” are slippery things.

    Where are Harry and Manju to help Montage when he needs them. Tragic.

  40. “they are making it their business to make sure that other side never gets power…” neo

    Should they achieve that goal, it will be a Pyrrhic victory. As, those who make peaceful resolution of grievance impossible, make violent resolution of grievance inevitable.

    And, if ultimately Mao was right that, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” then when the rule of law cannot credibly be asserted to exist any longer, then “politics by other means” becomes unavoidable.

    The left imagines that overall, the right will go “quietly into the night”, worshiping a then non-existent constitutional governance.

    They are setting themselves up for a literally biblical level of disillusionment.

    “Lots of the leftists, progressives and Democrats I knew believed in individual liberty.” huxley

    Well, they purported to be for individual liberty but their actions since, put the lie to that assertion. Where are the multitudes of liberals who publicly support the “individual liberty” of the “deplorables and irredeemables”?

    It’s not possible to be for individual liberty and be a democrat without also being a useful idiot. I cite Alan Dershowitz as a perfect example. His ‘blind spot’ is willful. As, he’s far too intelligent for it not to be…

    “I do remember those on the right calling us “communists” because we backed civil rights, opposed the Vietnam War and smoked grass.” huxley

    Au Contraire. I was one of those dope smoking backers of civil rights. The right did NOT call us communists because we smoked grass. Degenerates was the label attached to the dope smokers.

    Nor did those on the right oppose peaceful demonstrations.

    As for opposition to the Vietnam War, the domino theory was NOT convincingly rebutted by the left. Instead the left attacked the morality of the war and those who backed it, as though communist aggression was less of a moral concern than those who argued that we had to stop Communism’s global ambitions. So support for withdrawal was arguably de facto support for the N. Vietnamese COMMUNISTS.

    “even if they win it will only set off internal Democratic struggles like you cannot believe.” MBunge

    What basis is there for imagining that one faction will not eventually dominate? Has that not been the case with every communist society? And, make no mistake, socialist/progressivism inescapably leads to communism. It’s a matter of when… not if. I cite the EU’s desire for an army answerable only to Merkel and EU bureaucrats and the crushing of free speech across the EU that disputes the government’s PC as evidence.

  41. People think they’ve identified the wishyblower. Maybe, maybe not. It’s still a wait and see sort of deal. That said, here’s a couple of links on the possibility:
    FOOL NELSON, Twitter– https://mobile.twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1182443711353049089

    Washington Examiner: https://mobile.twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1182425225721503745

    The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a “professional” tie is @JoeBiden, according to intelligence officers and former @WhiteHouse officials.

  42. Well Huxley,

    They were runnining dogs lackeys for the totalitarians. That is undeniable. You may choose to prevaricate, and that is your rightt, but not underestimate the left. You are the first they come for for they know you have no ability to resist. Easy target. Me, Inhave a slim chance to take down one or two of their thugs before dying.

    Yes, you are a traitor to the cause, they will come for you first. Easy targets meet the alligator first. Sad, but repitilian tears are in vane.

  43. I’ll keep it simple:

    Giuliani is the smoking gun. He presence demonstrates that Trump is using the machinery of the state to advance his own political interests.

    Giuliani is a political operative. He has been investigating the Bidens for a while now. He is all over TV waving his phone around saying that he is working at the direction of the State Department.

    As we all should know by now, the US government doesn’t go around proclaiming Americans under criminal investigation guilty as sin. But that’s exactly what Giuliani has been doing.

    If there is indeed a DOJ investigation into Biden, then Trump has corrupted justice in order to help himself politically. If there is not, then Trump is using the machinery of the state to investigate his political opponents.

  44. This is how the Democrats control the battlespace in the public’s mind.
    That their assertions are hotly contested, and possibly false, is never alluded to in any way.
    If you state your opinions as a fact, then all but a few of your readers will accept it as a fact.


    (quoting an Atlantic piece)

    In August, an intelligence analyst filed a whistle-blower complaint alleging that President Donald Trump pressured President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine to open an investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden.

    That allegation has since been substantiated by independent reporting, a summary of the call released by the White House, and text messages from Trump officials arguing about the ethics of using taxpayer funds for an act of political extortion. Since then, Trump has publicly reiterated his call for both Ukraine and China, an authoritarian nation seeking relief from a Trump-instigated trade war, to investigate Biden.
    You wouldn’t know any of this, however, if you simply read Matt Taibbi’s Rolling Stone column alleging that the person who filed the whistle-blower complaint is “not a real whistleblower.”

    However, it might have been a mistake on the author’s part to reference an article that undercuts the Dem narrative, even to disparage it, because those few readers might actually take a look at it.

    Please note that most of Tabibi’s examples occurred under Obama and earlier presidents.
    Some blew whistles, some just blew smoke, but otherwise Tabibi’s umbrage at the current partisan gossip-monger is on point, although Tabibi is not a fan of Trump, to put it mildly.


    Start with the initial headline, in the story the Washington Post “broke” on September 18th:


    The unnamed person at the center of this story sure didn’t sound like a whistleblower. Our intelligence community wouldn’t wipe its ass with a real whistleblower.

    Americans who’ve blown the whistle over serious offenses by the federal government either spend the rest of their lives overseas, like Edward Snowden, end up in jail, like Chelsea Manning, get arrested and ruined financially, like former NSA official Thomas Drake, have their homes raided by FBI like disabled NSA vet William Binney, or get charged with espionage like ex-CIA exposer-of-torture John Kiriakou. It’s an insult to all of these people, and the suffering they’ve weathered, to frame the ballcarrier in the Beltway’s latest partisan power contest as a whistleblower.

    The common thread in whistleblower stories is loneliness. Typically the employer has direct control over their ability to pursue another job in their profession. Many end up reviled as traitors, thieves, and liars. They often discover after going public that their loved ones have a limited appetite for sharing the ignominy. In virtually all cases, they end up having to start over, both personally and professionally.

    With that in mind, let’s look at what we know about the first “whistleblower” in Ukrainegate:

    “He or she” was instantly celebrated as a whistleblower by news networks and major newspapers.
    That last detail caught the eye of Kiriakou, a former CIA Counterterrorism official who blew the whistle on the agency’s torture program.

    “It took me and my lawyers a full year to get [the media] to stop calling me ‘CIA Leaker John Kirakou,” he says. “That’s how long it took for me to be called a whistleblower.”

    When Kiriakou first saw the “whistleblower complaint,” his immediate reaction was to wonder what kind of “CIA officer” the person in question was. “If you spend a career in the CIA, you see all kinds of subterfuge and lies and crime,” he says. “This person went through a whole career and this is the thing he objects to?”

    It’s fair to wonder if this is a one-person effort. Even former CIA official Robert Baer, no friend of Trump, said as much in an early confab on CNN with Brooke Baldwin:

    Actual whistleblowers are alone. The Ukraine complaint seems to be the work of a group of people, supported by significant institutional power, not only in the intelligence community, but in the Democratic Party and the commercial press.

    In this century we’ve lived through a president lying to get us into a war (that caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and the loss of trillions in public treasure), the deployment of a vast illegal surveillance program, a drone assassination campaign, rendition, torture, extralegal detention, and other offenses, many of them mass human rights violations.

    We had whistleblowers telling us about nearly all of these things. When they came forward, they desperately needed society’s help. They didn’t get it. Our government didn’t just tweet threats at them, but proceeded straight to punishment.

    Trump almost certainly is not going to do that [send the DOJ SWAT teams after them], however, as the man is too dumb to realize he’s the titular commander of an executive branch that has been jailing people for talking too much for over a decade. On the off chance that he does try it, don’t hold your breath waiting for news networks to tell you he’s just following an established pattern.

    I have a lot of qualms about impeachment/“Ukrainegate,” beginning with this headline premise of the lone, conscience-stricken defender of democracy arrayed against the mighty Trump. I don’t see it. Donald Trump is a jackass who got elected basically by accident, campaigning against a political establishment too blind to its own unpopularity to see what was coming.

    The argument that’s supposed to be galvanizing everyone right now is the idea that we need to “stand up and be counted,” because failing to rally to the cause is effectively advocacy for Trump. This line of thinking is based on the presumption that Trump is clearly worse than the people opposing him.

    That might prove to be true, but if we’re talking about the treatment of whistleblowers, Trump has a long way to go before he approaches the brutal record of the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, as well as the cheerleading Washington political establishment. Forgetting this is likely just the first in what will prove to be many deceptions about a hardcore insider political battle whose subtext is a lot more shadowy and ambiguous than news audiences are being led to believe.

  45. Matt Taibbi wrote some interesting stuff during the credit crisis of 2007/2008.

    It strikes me that the so called whistleblower is really a leaker, but one who was clever enough to cloak themselves in the whistleblower statutes so as to avoid criminal prosecution. Also, “whistleblower” implies some sort of moral purity compared to some in their professional community.

    Maybe we should call him/her a “whistle-leaker.”

  46. An important distinction is the media controls the Democrats rather than vice-versa. They are in willing collusion with each other, but consider this:
    Every major news outlet is a small part of a vast media company. Comcast, Viacom, Fox, Disney, etc who make billions worldwide promoting their movies, music, celebrity pablum, tv shows and radio stations. The news is their PR division. It is one of the biggest and most profitable industries in the USA. If you had the public’s eyes and ears, wouldn’t it be natural to promote your industry’s agenda through your news divisions? Wouldn’t it be smart to co-opt one political party to advance your interests? Of course it’s tempting to go along for Democrats, not known for their ethical tendencies ( neither are Republicans).
    The number 1 advertiser on media is actually other media. Every late night and daytime talk show is full of promotional content. And then we get the paid, or in-kind promos of upcoming shows, movies trailers etc. Next is pharmaceuticals. That industry has a stake in keeping people drugged, alarmed, full of anxiety and dependent.

    Also the media has a vested interest in keeping people lazy, at home and dumbed-down. It’s easier to entertain stupid people than smart ones. Active ambitious self-actualized people don’t watch much tv or consume media drivel.
    Hence the alarmism, the political dramas ( now they are using politics like a giant reality show they don’t have to spend anything producing content.)

    It’s pure fiction. Like a daily soap opera without having to pay actors or writers. Well, I guess the anchors are actors and they use writers, but the key is keeping people hooked on the storyline. Hence Russia, Russia, and Stormy Daniels etc.

    These outlets have also been infiltrated by our wonderful intelligence agencies. Of course, why not? Operation Mockingbird. Look it up.
    Beyond the direct propaganda, every ‘journalist ‘ has sources in intelligence agencies, who naturally have their own interests and agendas. The journos and their sources come to share a bond of mutual dependence. They protect each other.
    In sum, it’s all fiction and it’s almost impossible to be sure what is actually occurring.

  47. Numbering added:
    Manju on October 10, 2019 at 10:08 pm said:

    (1) As we all should know by now, the US government doesn’t go around proclaiming Americans under criminal investigation guilty as sin.

    (2) If there is indeed a DOJ investigation into Biden, then Trump has corrupted justice in order to help himself politically. If there is not, then Trump is using the machinery of the state to investigate his political opponents.
    * * *
    (1) Works only if they are Democrats; of course, the government also tries very hard not to put Democrats who are guilty as sin under criminal investigation.
    (2) Heads you win, tails we lose?

  48. Andrew McCarthy with practical punditry, as usual.

    Mentioned on Gateway Pundit earlier this week.

    Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden received $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Group, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada member Andriy Derkach said citing investigation materials.

    Derkach publicized documents which, as he said, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.” at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine’s press center in Kyiv on Wednesday.

    “This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” Derkach said.

  49. https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/617820.html

    Ukraine’s parliamentarian Andriy Derkach, the initiator of a criminal case on interference in the U.S. elections, publishes documents from which it follows that the first deputy director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Gizo Uglava for several years provided the US Embassy in Kyiv with information that negatively affected the course of events in Ukraine and the U.S.

    At a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Wednesday, he made public the documents received from investigative journalists, including correspondence between NABU officers and representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign states in the framework of criminal proceedings opened under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (High Treason). In particular, the documents that the deputy possesses indicate that Uglava, through his assistant Polina Chyzh, gave information to the U.S. Embassy, which, he said, is an important part of the “puzzle” of interference in U.S. elections and international corruption.

    According to Derkach, he has already handed over these documents to the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) and the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO). The MP also initiated the creation of a temporary investigative commission in parliament, and filed a petition with the court to resume the investigation of interference in the U.S. election by divulging information from a pretrial investigation.

    Derkach also said he filed a lawsuit to resume the case of interference in the U.S. election by divulging pretrial investigation data related to “synchronization of illegal actions by NABU, international corruption activities with the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.” The lawsuit will be examined on October 21.

    According to the results of my appeal, a criminal proceeding was registered in 2017. On January 28, a senior investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office issued a decision to close this criminal proceeding. At the moment, this decision is appealed in civil procedure, the case is scheduled for October 21 in the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv,” Derkach said.

  50. https://libertyunyielding.com/2019/10/10/evidence-that-schiff-knew-about-ukrainian-phone-call-long-before-transcript-was-released/

    Schiff’s own tweet from August 28th—4 weeks before the transcript was even released. How much did he coordinate with the so-called whistleblower? https://t.co/EYyHyg41Z4

    — Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) October 9, 2019

    Follow Follow @RepAdamSchiff
    MoreAdam Schiff Retweeted Natasha Bertrand
    Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine, while his personal lawyer seeks help from the Ukraine government to investigate his political opponent.

    It doesn’t take a stable genius to see the magnitude of this conflict.

    Or how destructive it is to our national security.

    Note who makes the first reply to Schiff’s tweet:

    Alexandra Chalupa
    Aug 28

    Replying to @RepAdamSchiff
    I have a lot of information on this topic, Congressman. Well documented information that may be of use to your Committee, including coordination of the Trump administration and the Russian Federation to target American citizens and obstruct justice.

  51. I know many of you read PowerLine regularly, but I was off the grid over the last week-end, and just noticed this one. I don’t always agree with Adams, but I think he has this right in general, at least up to the first ellipsis.
    After that, I think he is clearly mistaken in his own “we all agree” assertions.
    The right & left leaning media are having trouble agreeing on who is actually president, much less anything more complicated.

    In the Wall Street Journal column “Trump and Ukraine: What We Know,”
    (quoting Scott Adams)

    If you’ve followed the Ukraine phone-call news, you might have noticed reality branching into two completely different movies. In one, President Trump was doing his job of protecting the republic by asking an allied country to help out on an important legal investigation. The other movie involves Orange Hitler bullying a foreign country into meddling in our elections by “digging up dirt” on a political opponent.

    Which movie is the real one, if such a thing exists?I’d like to offer a rule of thumb for evaluating political news: If a fact is reported the same by both the left-leaning and the right-leaning press, it’s probably a fact. If not, wait and see.

    It’s also smart to wait a week or two before you make up your mind, as the fog of war often makes early reporting unreliable. But after the fog clears, if all sides agree on a fact, it’s probably a fact. Or at least it’s credible, even if future reporting debunks it.

    If you strip out the parts of the Ukraine story we can’t yet know to be true, you still know enough to have a responsible opinion. Vice President Biden was handling the Ukraine portfolio while his son had a financial interest in Ukraine, and that is enough of a conflict to merit an investigation. We all agree that the sitting president is responsible for protecting the integrity of American elections and generally keeping foreign interference in U.S. politics to a minimum. That’s what Mr. Trump was doing on the Ukraine phone call.

    All sides can also agree that Mr. Trump was serving his own re-election interests by asking Ukraine to investigate Mr. Biden. But we also agree our political system allows that—even encourages it—so long as the president is also clearly pursuing the national interest. Before the Democratic primary, would it be good for the country to know more about Joe Biden’s relationship with Ukraine? Democrats should appreciate finding out soon if there is anything of concern, because I assume they don’t want to go into the general election with a candidate who has some surprises in his Ukrainian closet.

    What we all agree to be true about Joe and Hunter Biden is that they had the types of interactions with Ukraine that raise eyebrows and invite a closer look. We also all agree that protecting the integrity of American elections should be a top priority for a president.

    Adams is implying that we SHOULD all agree on certain general things, but any brief perusal of the Left’s spokes-persons and media organs will show that they most emphatically do not share any common ground with the Right’s perception of the “facts,” deliberately so.

  52. (Scott Adams continued)
    This is what I stripped out at the second ellipsis, because I think it makes a point no one I’ve read to date has addressed in anything other than parody and innuendo, but I might have missed one or two substantive posts among the chaff.

    (For those of you who say such matters should be handled at lower levels of government, my experience in corporate America tells me nothing much gets done until the bosses talk and agree. I assume government is similar.)

    IMO, Adams is partially correct; however, in both business and diplomacy, the bosses don’t even talk to each other until the lower levels have done all the prep work.
    In this situation — and I am consciously playing Devil’s Advocate here, for Democrat values of the Devil — it is entirely possible that the scenario ran as follows:
    Trump’s underlings talked with Zelenskyy’s underlings before the July call and delivered the message that aid was going to be withheld unless Biden was “investigated” and the proper conclusions drawn, nudge-nudge-wink-wink.
    The Ukrainians delivered the message to their boss, and Zelenskyy agreed to play ball.
    BUT — he wasn’t going to make the effort unless he had assurances from Trump that the deal was sealed: open investigation, find dirt, get aid.
    Neither one of them had to mention the details on the “perfect” call itself; that was just the formal handshake.

    Of course, there are a few problems with this script.
    Since we are being Democrats, we’ll assume that President Trump is lying, about anything and everything, because Orange Man Bad.
    (1) R claim: Zelenskyy has to be publicly lying that there was “no pressure” on him to investigate Burisma & the Bidens. — D Response: all politicians lie if they have something to gain by it.
    (2) R claim: Ukraine was not formally apprised that the aid had been withheld, according to some reports. — D Response: the secret informal channels would, of course, be kept secret.
    (3) R claim: Ukraine had already reopened the Burisma investigations. — D Response: That was done before the handshake in response to the underlings’ negotiations, as the pro quo for the quid.
    (4) R claim: the aid was delivered before any dirt on Biden was delivered. — D Response: Trump is stupid enough to trust Zelenskyy to come through after he gets paid off.

    Rebuttal for the Republicans:
    (1) No one knows for a fact if anyone involved in anything political is telling the truth unless there is corroborating evidence for one view or the other.
    (2) For this scenario to fly, there have to be underlings in both administrations talking to each other — in deep, dark secret — but since they are, presumably, not telepathic, there is going to be a documentable trail somewhere of their conversations. Calling all NSA leakers: here’s your golden opportunity.
    (3) https://www.foxnews.com/media/john-solomon-says-new-hunter-biden-related-doc-shows-significant-shift-in-factual-timeline

    Solomon said Tuesday on “Hannity” that the U.S. government knew Ukraine was planning to look again into activities at Burisma Holdings, an energy company that employed then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son as a member of its board of directors, early this year. The report is noteworthy because President Trump has been accused by Democrats of threatening in July to withhold foreign aid to Ukraine unless its new president pursued an investigation into the company and the younger Biden’s role there.

    “The U.S. government had open-source intelligence and was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation,” he claimed. “This is long before the president ever imagined having a call with President Zelensky,” he added, noting Petro Poroshenko was still Ukraine’s president at that time.

    (4) Donald Trump is a lot of things, but in a business deal of this magnitude, would he really be that trusting? And even if he was, well….

    Where Was The “Favor” Granted In The Trump-Ukraine Quid-Pro-Quo Story?
    Posted at 6:00 pm on October 8, 2019 by T.LaDuke

    According to the theory, Trump was pushing at, we give you military aid and you dig up some dirt on Joe Biden and his wayward kid who scored a really cool paying gig for breathing.

    However, in all the news coverage that I have consumed, there has been one thing missing and I can’t seem to find it.

    Where is the payoff to the Trump team?

    In a murder investigation, you have to have a body to declare it a “murder investigation” and it really helps if you have the weapon also. In this case, though, we have a conversation in July and the money being released in Septemeber. We don’t have anything showing that something was exchanged for that money.

    Where is that info?

    Now, I know my friends on the left side of the aisle will say that is what the investigation is for. However, the Ukrainians have denied that anything was ever sent. If they kept quiet I could see some trouble coming. Yet why would the newly elected President of Ukraine lie about this?

    After reading the transcript myself and playing devil’s advocate and pretending I want Joe Bidens head on a plater, I can see where people would want to say Trump was arm twisting. So then to complete the process we need to see where the goods were delivered after the money was released.

    Where is the quo in the quid-pro?

    If you find it please let me know.

  53. The press has always been self interested.
    Like everyone.
    Now they are corrupt.
    I don’t know how we come back from that.

  54. Ann, thus:

    Ann on October 10, 2019 at 8:15 pm said:

    Wrong and foolish of Pelosi to say Schiff used the “President’s own words”. But doubling-down seems to be everyone’s M.O. these days. Yet another sign of a thoroughly debased culture.

    I don’t see how Ann’s remark is “trolling.” She’s just stating what she observes to be a fact, and prefaces it with an example — and not an example of conservative or “right-wing” general behavior either. It’s perfectly possible that she’s referring specifically to the Lefty/Progressive/Dem culture. Shouldn’t we carefully consider and seriouosly try to nail down exactly what’s meant before we go slinging allegations around?

  55. For the MSM there is always also the lie by omission.

    For instance, several years ago, it was a big and long-running news story when Chinese company COSCO was trying to, in effect, buy control over the largest U.S. port on our West coast, at Long Beach, California, the second biggest container port in the U.S.

    This in the context of China’s “Belt and Road” Campaign, her expansion world-wide, her control over more and more shipping, and Chinese efforts to buy control over critical ports and maritime shipping choke points—Chinese interests had, around this time, also managed to get control over both ends of the Panama Canal.

    Lots of people were worried about this, said it was a bad move to let them get control over this strategic port, but the Obama Administration let them go ahead.

    Now, comes the news that, some months ago, the Trump Administration forced the Chinese to sell their controlling interest in the port at Long Beach to an Australian company.

    You would think that this was major news, yet, so far, I’ve seen little mention of this development outside of conservative sites.

  56. Julie: History. I find Ann’s sniffing about a “debased culture” more than a tad smug considering her record here.

  57. The public has never been well-informed on such issues in my lifetime. People believed what they were told then as well.

    What was different is that other parts of the media were competitive with each other to get the accurate news out in previous eras, and would call each other out on such issues. Today, however, they have to compete so hard abut the appearance, attractiveness, and sparkle of the news that questioning each other is less important. It does still happen, as the various outlets have little love for each other. But they are using a different scale now, more closely related to entertainment and maintaining a certain narrative of life.

  58. Neo,

    I don’t think they’ve just gotten bolder about lying.

    I think they’ve gotten bolder about telling the truth about their agenda, and the classic examples are the LGBWTF “Town Hall” they had, and Beto’s scream for attention about “Hell, yes, we’re taking your guns away.”

    About the former, I have to agree with what Ben Shapiro said: Leftism is a religion; the Leftists are theocrats, and their plan is to outlaw heresy against their dogmas in the U.S. and to shut down non-compliant organizations (e.g. every church and school that doesn’t enthusiastically preach their dogmas).


    And as for the firearms?

    Heh. There is no chance that the gun owners of the U.S. will surrender their firearms, especially while the left is waxing censorious floating totalitarian trial-balloons. There will be an awful lot of “unfortunate boating accidents.”

    It’s not often that Ancient Greek references become 21st century pop-culture catchphrases, but in the wake of the cravenness of the NBA and the oppression in Hong Kong, coupled with the openly inquisitorial airs of modern Leftism, I expect Molon Labe to be all the rage.

  59. R.C.:

    Yes. They’ve gotten bolder about that, too. The two go together, in a way. Their agenda can only be supported by the public swallowing their other lies and being ignorant about the arguments and/or evidence and/or principles to the contrary.

  60. Do people buy the “Trump is the Great Unmasker” theory? Has he provoked these people to simply reveal what they’ve always been or has he, like some sort of spiritual virus, infected these people and made them worse than they were before?


  61. They were runnining dogs lackeys for the totalitarians. That is undeniable. You may choose to prevaricate, and that is your rightt, but not underestimate the left. You are the first they come for for they know you have no ability to resist. Easy target. Me, Inhave a slim chance to take down one or two of their thugs before dying.

    Yes, you are a traitor to the cause, they will come for you first. Easy targets meet the alligator first. Sad, but repitilian tears are in vane.

    parker: I’m not at all interested in your characterizations of or advice for me. We disagree, as people often do in these discussions. That ought to be enough.

    Your responses remind me very much of how my comrades on the left treated me when I disagreed with them.

  62. Here’s the fireside scene in Easy Rider, where the Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper characters discuss freedom.

    Nicholson: You know…this used to be a hell of a good country. l can’t understand what’s gone wrong with it.

    Hopper: Everybody got chicken, that’s what. We can’t even get into a second-rate hotel. I mean, a second-rate motel, you dig? They think we’d cut their throat. They’re scared.

    Nicholson: They’re not scared of you. They’re scared of what you represent to them.

    Hopper: All we represent to them is somebody who needs a haircut.

    Nicholson: Oh, no. What you represent to them…is freedom.

    Hopper: Freedom’s what it’s all about.

    Nicholson: Oh yeah, that’s right. That’s what it’s all about. But talking about it and being it…that’s two different things. It’s real hard to be free…when you are bought and sold in the marketplace.

    But don’t tell anybody that they’re not free, because they’ll get busy, killing and maiming to prove to you that they are. They’re going to talk to you and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it’s going to scare them.

    Hopper: Well, it don’t make them running scared.

    Nicholson: It makes them dangerous.


  63. “Has he provoked these people to simply reveal what they’ve always been or has he, like some sort of spiritual virus, infected these people and made them worse than they were before?”

    My two cents: They have never dealt with anything like Trump. First, he’s not a traditional conservative/Republican; he represents – dangerously – how far the left has strayed from the middle. Second, he doesn’t behave like a politician; there are different ways he deals with opposition than a politician generally employs, and he stands as a mirror opposite to most GOPe politicians who are slimy snakes in terms of what they say they stand for and what they say and do after an election.

    The left was always going savage any non-Democrat that won the 2016 election. But because it was Trump – barely a Republican to begin with, and someone who almost looks for a fight – and not one of the Republican politicians he was running against, almost from the beginning the attacks had to be more vicious and more reliant upon inventing reality than they otherwise would have had to be.

  64. Vietnam was started by LBJ, a Demoncrat piece of work, based on the Gulf of Tonkin incident. A false flag op designed to provoke Americans into some war that would benefit the Federal Reserve and the Deep State. Did it benefit the patriotic veterans? No, they were the cannonfodder, and you, American voters, sent them in. You, the American citizenry, are responsible.

    Nixon got a peace deal and got as many POWs as out as mcCain and other traitors allowed, and the Deep State instigated your Satan soul and petty ego “anti communist” urges, but it was the American people that did the deed.

    parker: I’m not at all interested in your characterizations of or advice for me. We disagree, as people often do in these discussions. That ought to be enough.

    Your responses remind me very much of how my comrades on the left treated me when I disagreed with them.

    That’s because the Left back then was afraid of being suppressed by the Leftist secret police as Parker is afraid of the same.

    Fear makes men foolish and also reckless.

    The angels had to repeat “do not fear” and “do not be afraid” so so many times. Humanity is full of fear. Just look around you. Fear is the enemy of the Holy Spirit.

    People can learn a number of things by hating the Leftist alliance, the enemy. They can also learn a number of things by loving their enemies.

    But what do they learn by fear? Fear leads to hatred? Such a petty and weak hatred.

  65. I used to think we were the good guys.

    Just as Trum supporters think their Red/pill side are the good guys.

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