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Sanders has stent procedure — 17 Comments

  1. Bernie Sanders is an evil man who vacationed in the Soviet Empire at the very same time that murderous regime was helping to kill Americans and our friends in Vietnam.

    Eventually, people like Bernie Sanders successfully conquered South Vietnam and murdered millions of people there.

    I have no doubt if Bernie Sanders and his friends were able to take power in the United States we would go down that same road, quite likely with the same ending.

    It’s very nice and decent to wish him well, but long experience has taught me that if (for example) Donald Trump had the same event happen to him legions of Bernie Bros would gleefully exclaim how they wish Trump to die in agony, along with all his supporters.

    Bluntly, I do not wish Sanders well, nor do I have any warm feelings towards his supporters.

  2. The first time I saw Bernie, he spoke for over 90 minutes without notes. The second time for the 2020 campaign, he cut it back but it was still long. He has a lot of energy.

    I imagine his votes go to Warren. He’s out.

  3. As we speak, Michael Moore, with AOC’s blessings (such as they are), is actively looking into chartering a state-of-the-art paddle boat to speed Sanders from Key West to Havana so as to get the absolute best possible medical care on the planet, pick up carbon footprint brownie points…and lose a ton of weight.

    The epitome of win-win-win.

    File under: “Who by chest pains?”

  4. Bernie Sanders is an evil man

    No, he’s a goof. Lots of bad people in the Democratic Party. He’s not, just a fool.

  5. Saunders is not a goof, he is a true believer. He also lives like the top apparatchiks in the former USSR. He has 3 rather spacious homes here. All he needs for his retirement is a dacha in the woods east of Moscow. Given the coming AGW apocalypse he will fly business class to and fro between Vermont and Russia.

    Barry Meislin,

    That is hilarious. But Michael should stay away from Cuba. Otherwise, the island paradise might tip over.

  6. I wish Bernie good health.

    Tho he is a true believer in an evil system that has often been tried, and the more faithfully tried, the more evil it is.

    Useful idiot is what the evil Lenin would have called him, with accuracy.

  7. Even as an ex-leftist I could never get Sanders’ appeal.

    In 1968 Eugene McCarthy led a surprisingly effective charge from the anti-war left into the Democratic primaries. His success led RFK to leap into the race and on April’s Fools LBJ announced he wouldn’t run for re-election.

    It turned out LBJ’s calculation included his own heart problems. Nonetheless, one might date the Democrats’ turn to the New Left to McCarthy’s candidacy.

    Similarly in 2016 Sanders marked Democrats’ turn to outright socialism. Though, as I say, I never understood the appeal. McCarthy was a handsome, serious man with a distinguished career in the Senate. “Getting Clean for Gene” made sense for late-sixties youth.

    But Sanders? He reminds me more of Ron Paul, an outsider who managed to mobilize a devoted base, though Sanders went much farther.

  8. “…a goof…just a fool…”

    Well, yes, but not “just”.

    His “Israel bombs Palestinian hospitals” act cleared THAT up—for me, at least: I couldn’t just scoff at that as just another (sigh) foolish Bernie-ism, even if that may be precisely what it was….

    (For others, the line may have been crossed by that cringeworthy, if not nauseating, video of his oh-so-joyous honeymoon in the Coruscatingly-Cool-Communist-Paradise.)

    To be sure, his talents with regard to real estate, abilities at accruing (filthy) lucre and appreciation of the “bourgeois” creature-comforts not affordable to everyone would appear to indicate that he may not be entirely irredeemable….

  9. “No, he’s a goof. Lots of bad people in the Democratic Party. He’s not, just a fool.”

    He’s all of the above.

    These folks are always goofs and fools and laughingstocks until they get real power and then the evil shows.

    That’s one big honking reason why they’re able to do so much damage- no one takes them seriously enough until it’s too late.

  10. Xennady – indeed.

    We take Trump seriously, but not literally.
    However, I don’t think we take the Left literally enough (“when someone says they hate you, believe them”) nor seriously enough (“Are you kidding? Are you kidding?”).

  11. There is no more evil thing you can do in this world than advocate for communism, but then claim that all the people who advanced the cause of communism before you got it wrong. But this one time you are finally going to get it right.

    The hell you will. Nobody can turn communism or socialism into something kind or gentle. Because it is brutal and evil.

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