Home » Ilhan Omar’s Byzantine love life…


Ilhan Omar’s Byzantine love life… — 39 Comments

  1. I was Bill Clinton who established for the nation that sexual misbehavior, even literally in the office, is private and not enough to remove a politician from office. In his case, neither was perjury and suborning perjury, unfortunately.

    What might bite Omar would be fraudulent tax returns, possible immigration fraud, and possible misuse of campaign funds. But she’s a Democrat, so maybe not.

    To Power Line’s credit, they heard rumors about these personal issues and didn’t discuss them on the blog until the Daily Mail (of course) did.

  2. That would be … fitting, wouldn’t it?
    It is purely marvelous, how long and how persistently MS Omar/Elmi’s local news outlets looked away from her “interesting” marital history. It must have taken an absolutely heroic effort on their part.

  3. It’s not about who is diddling her mutilated genitals. It’s about her funneling over $200K to her boyfriend’s company from what’s supposed to be her campaign funds.

  4. Looks like she funneled campaign funds to her lover; FEC complaint just filed. Her love life spills over to politics.

  5. Ach, this woman’s a gargoyle.

    Ethnic Somalis account for a single-digit share of the electorate in her district. White liberals put her in office in an act of vandalism. And I’ll wager she’ll be returned to office. Liberal discourse in our time is one long upraised middle finger.

  6. I can’t get too excited or indignant about her various misdeeds because: 1) I think she’ll be automatically re-elected forever; 2) I doubt she’ll ever be arrested no matter what she does.

  7. Agrippina the Younger

    Both ancient and modern sources describe Agrippina’s personality as ruthless, ambitious, violent, and domineering. Physically she was a beautiful and reputable woman; according to Pliny the Elder, she had a double canine in her upper right jaw, a sign of good fortune. Many ancient historians accuse Agrippina of poisoning her husband Claudius, though accounts vary.

    In AD 59 Agrippina was executed on the orders of her son, the emperor Nero.

  8. Ilhan, the hot Somali. 🙂 (Confession: I stole that.)

    Ilhan reminds me of a female co-pilot I flew with some years ago. A boy friend in every city. Promiscuous to the max. The new feminine power players. Because they can. It’s what feminism has wrought.

  9. I’ve noticed Pelosi does that too, and Hillary tried to but was unable to hide her resting bitch face much of the time. The reason why, in my opinion, is if you see any photos of Omar, Pelosi or AOC when they are not smiling they are quite unattractive looking and dour. You may think that sounds sexist, but male politicians do it too, just not to the extreme Pelosi and Omar do it. I think Pelosi also does it to troll people, I’ve seen her give interviews about the most serious subects against a hostile interrogator and she smiles like a ghoul the entire time. It’s like “you don’t get my goat, you’re not rattling me, look at my huge grin, I think you are ridiculous and this entire line o questioning is just funny!”-

    Omar did this exact thing when asked about her divorce “Wow! That’s quite a story! I can’t comment on that!”

    The “wow” really go me and its a form of belittling the questioner, as well as the fixed grin, and beggaring the question as if it were loaded or unserious.

  10. It’s not like the news, in halcyon days, was once truly objective, but even the usual suspects (WaPo, NYT, NBC) covered the “Monkey Business” story when Gary Hart got caught fooling around.

  11. …smile, and smile, and be a villain…

    neo: It worked, mostly, for Timothy Leary, who got the advice from Marshall McLuhan — remember him?

    McLuhan urged Leary to promote LSD the way advertisers promoted a
    product: “The new and improved accelerated brain.” He advised him to
    “associate LSD with all that the brain can produce—beauty, fun,
    philosophic wonder, religious revelation, increased intelligence,
    mystical romance.” But above all, he should stress the religious aspect.
    “Find the god within.” He encouraged Leary to come up with a winning
    jingle or catch-phrase along the lines of: “Lysergic Acid hits the
    spot/Forty billion neurons, that’s a lot.”

    McLuhan told Tim to “always smile” and radiate confidence, never appear
    He predicted that while Leary would “lose some major battles on
    the way,” he would eventually win the war. “Drugs that accelerate the
    brain won’t be accepted until the population is geared to computers.”

    Leary wrote: “The conversation with Marshall McLuhan got me thinking
    [that] the successful philosophers were also advertisers who could sell
    their new models to large numbers of others, thus converting thought to
    action, mind to matter.”

    Inspired by McLuhan, Leary took LSD and devoted several days to creating
    a slogan. He claims he was in the shower when he came up with “Turn On,
    Tune In, Drop Out.”
    By the end of the summer he was also telling readers
    of Playboy that “LSD is the greatest aphrodisiac ever discovered.”


  12. Sorry Neo, but Byzantine was a Greco-Christian Eastern thing and not Islamic like Omar. I know the term also indicates complications but not Muslim, I think.

  13. I suppose she could always follow up the “My-private-life-is-none-of-your-business-shame-on-you-for-even-bringing-it-up-you’re-only-attacking-me-because-I’m-a-Black-Immigrant-Moslem-Woman-you-RACIST” shtick with the equally compelling (and persuasive) “Whom-I-decide-to-give-kickbacks-to-is-none-of-your-business-shame-on-you-for-even-bringing-it-up-you’re-only-attacking-me-because-I’m-a-Black-Immigrant-Moslem-Woman-you-RACIST” shtick….(especially when the person “I decide to give kickbacks to” is her lover (du jour).

    Hence so obviously a private affair. Personal. Of the heart. So romantic!….

    I’m actually waiting for her to go postal on Bibi Netanyahu, e.g., “You freaking racist Israelis, you wouldn’t let me (or my soul sister) into your racist, apartheid country so that I could trash it and thrash and trash it some more THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!”

    Which is not really chronologically accurate, but then, does it really have to be?…. After all, she’s a “Black, Immigrant, Moslem Woman” (you RACIST).

  14. OldTexan,

    It’s undoubtedly definition 2 Neo intended.
    1. relating to Byzantium (now Istanbul), the Byzantine Empire, or the Eastern Orthodox Church.
    2. (of a system or situation) excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail.

  15. What I don’t get about Ilhan is that her behavior for years is completely un-Islamic. I lived in Saudia Arabia and Indonesia, and I never heard of Muslims marrying someone “in their faith tradition.” I have never read any clear explanation of what that means, but it seems to mean that it is not a legally recognized by the government marriage. Aren’t Muslim clerics in the US required to submit marriage certificates to civil authority when they marry people?

    Moreover, I know that Islamic law does not allow a Muslim woman to be married to more than one person, or married to one (her brother) while living with another (Hirsi).

    And the finale, Islam does NOT allow women to marry or cavort with non-Muslim men.

    So to me, Ilhan is not a Muslim. Her most striking characteristic is her scandalous personal behavior and consistent lying about everything.

  16. Delilah – well, yes, you are correct on all points.
    Some possibilities:
    (1) she has some kind of tacit permission to outwardly violate Muslim laws for the purposes of subjugating the kaffirs of the Great Satan (such as the license allowed to prospective jihadi martyrs to drink and otherwise breach the laws);
    (2) the imams are aware of her unapproved heresies, but don’t dare chastise her because she is now a visible face of Islam in high political circles.

  17. Omar has a litany of questionable actions, many of which may be crimes. Yet, while her campaign has been given a fine or two, she has not really been subject to any actual prosecution.

    Washington is littered with people—almost invariably on the Left— who have committed what are very apparently far greater crimes than Omar, apparently multiple felonies, yet they all remain free, while people on the Right, at most guilty of minor process crimes, or of no crimes at all—like General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos are vigorously pursued, sometimes subject to heavily armed nighttime raids on their homes, are prosecuted, jailed, and served up solitary confinement, and potentially years—the rest of their lives—in prison for what are minor infractions or no infractions at all.

    Is this “Justice,” Fairness, “Due Process,” “the Rule of Law,” and equal justice under it?

    We keep seeing reports that Congressional investigators trying to get to the bottom of the failed soft coup against President Trump, have requested and—stonewalled—have eventually demanded this or that set of documents from the DOJ, the FBI, CIA State Department, or other alphabet agencies, and that their demands—and sometimes subpoenas—have been refused.

    We have also been strung along with reports that —in the next day or two, next week or two, next month or two, in the near future— this or that “devastating” report from Horowitz, Barr, or Durham will be released.

    Yet, they’re never released. Like “free Beer,” they’re always going to be served “tomorrow.”

    It has been reported that President Trump—several weeks ago—ordered that all sorts of Secret documents—whose release had been “resisted”—were to be declassified and released.

    Yet, they’re never released, and we see stories about how people who supposedly are under the control of President Trump like, for instance, FBI Director Wray, are “resisting” releasing these documents; are obstructionists.

    In sum, virtually every high official (and probably a lot of low ones as well) in Washington who is supposedly subservient to and under the command of President Trump is “resisting” his orders, and a whole slew of people who should be under indictment walk free, thumbing their noses at us “little people.”

    The increasing likelihood is that they, like Hillary, will all just get off “Scot free,” write a book or two, rack up more TV appearances, and gain even more wealth and actual “privilege.”

    If anyone is prosecuted and jailed it will be some dumb, unlucky, low level schmuck; a fall guy—see the defective “surveillance” cameras (its a “mystery,” just like all of the government computers which have somehow had a “glitch” which destroyed critical evidence is so many cases here in Washington–see, for instance, the case of the IRS computers under Lois Lerner or Koskinen), and the guards who “fell asleep” while Epstein “committed suicide.”

    Nothing could be more productive of a deep cynicism and more corrosive to our Republic than this situation, and the proof—just walking around free—that we have two sets of “Justice”—one for the powerful, connected, rich, and on the Left, and another, much more draconian and unforgiving, “Justice” for everyone on the Right, and for the rest of us “deplorables.

    If this situation is not rectified, eventually public confidence in our government and its “justice” and “fairness”—already low—will dwindle to such an extent that the government will have lost all legitimacy, will no longer be able to govern, and the “resistance” will be coming from the other side, from us deplorables.

    This is how internal collapse takes place.

  18. P.S. –While I was writing the above,t he IG’s Report of Comey’s leaking the memos of his conversations with President Trump was released, which took 83 pages to lay out that what Comey did was to break all sorts of rules and set a very bad precedent. Bad, bad Comey.

    But that, then, when the IG referred the case over to the DOJ for a prosecution decision, the DOJ declined to prosecute Comey.

    (I have seen it said that the DOJ would likely take this course, because they were going to indict and prosecute Comey on far more substantial and more grave charges. I’ll believe this when I see his indictment on these “far more substantial and grave charges.”)

    Bottom line here, though, would you or I get any of the apparent “professional courtesy” (after all, he is one of “ours,” went to the right schools, looked and talked the part, had the right politics, connections, and friends, etc.) that Comey is getting here?

    Or, would we be roughed up, rounded up, perhaps perp walked, vigorously prosecuted, had the book thrown at us, convicted, sentenced to the maximum, and thrown into some very dangerous hell hole of a prison?

    I think you know the answer to that question.

  19. Snow on Pine,

    It is as bad as you outline, but the only real solution is for us to get back to the 14, very limited powers our Constitution gives the Federal government and for the states to take back what is theirs (and county and local governments to fight the states for what is theirs).

    The powerful always skate. Always have, always will. I believe so much of this daily firehose rush of “news” is to keep we citizens on all sides off the scent of what’s really happening, and has been happening for over 100 years; more and more of our rights being usurped by (often unelected) “officials” in D.C.

    The more we remain divided and focused on individual offenses; Orange Man, Omar, Comey, the Kochs, George Soros… the less likely it is the citizenry will unite and take back the power guaranteed by our Constitution.

  20. I agree with Delilah’s assessment of Omar and how Muslim women are supposed to behave. Omar appears to be culturally Muslim only. A MINO?

    As a side issue, I witnessed a Muslim betrothal ceremony in Cairo. The Imam doesn’t “marry” anybody. It’s a contract between the groom and the bride’s father (or other responsible male family member). I have no idea if US imams sign marriage certificates for marriage contracts they have witnessed. Maybe at the couple’s request?

  21. It is as bad as you outline, but the only real solution is for us to get back to the 14, very limited powers our Constitution gives the Federal government

    Oh, you want to abolish paper money and Social Security. Good luck with that.

  22. Call me Mr. Optimistic, but I think Omar will get her comeuppance.

    Not all Democrats skate. Ask Al Franken.

  23. Delilah:

    I believe I can help out. For Ilhan Omar, “in my faith tradition” means something like this: In a manner that means “don’t question me or you’re a bigot”.

    I think it helps to think of Omar as out for Omar, period. Truth or clarity or answering to anyone or any entity—including her own “faith tradition”—is not something that concerns her.

  24. Not all Democrats skate. Ask Al Franken.

    Franken was collateral damage in their campaign contra Roy Moore. If the media / DNC / Capitol Hill complex had been less pressed for time, the scandal, such as it was, would have gone away. Kirsten Gillibrand has earned Franken’s hostility. Still, there’s a rough justice at work. It’s a reasonable conclusion that Franken was in the Senate due to vote fraud.

  25. Steve Sailer is of the opinion that Ilhan Omar loves politics for old-school reasons. It gives you the opportunity to smite your enemies, have them driven before you, and hear the wailing of their women.

  26. Art Deco: Yeah, I know the Franken story, but my point is that it can happen, that the boundaries are much wider for Democrats and they vary for the individual and by the moment as well, but it can happen.

    The other aspect of Franken is that he was expendable compared to say, Ted Kennedy or Bill Clinton. IMO that’s Omar’s vulnerability as well. She’s coloring too far outside the lines and she matters less than Franken.

    If it becomes necessary to write Omar off, I believe Democrats will let it happen. And she is becoming an embarrassment. Likewise the Squad.

  27. Art Deco: The proper quote:

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

    –“Conan the Barbarian (1982)

    That’s a good ole movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger breaks out as a big Hollywood star and Gerry Lopez, the most stylish surfer in the history of the word, plays his sidekick.

    John Milius (writer/director) might have gone on to the heights of Lucas and Spielberg but didn’t because of his conservative politics and/or stubbornness.

  28. huxley:

    Regarding your comment at 3:16 PM, please see my new post. When I wrote it, I had not seen your comment at 3:16. My post is relevant to it, though. That’s because although I agree that the left may do away with Omar (I give it a 50/50 chance), it would not be because of what she did, it’s because (as you say) she doesn’t really matter politically.

    In fact, HE didn’t matter either (as I wrote in my post), because of the same reason Omar doesn’t matter—in terms of political power—because both would always be replaced with another Democrat. There is no question about it. So the left can replace them or not replace them, as they wish, with no consequences in terms of power.

    Franken, however, was MORE expendable than Omar, not less. The reason is that he did not belong to any favored groups. He was a white male, Jewish. No demerits in the virtue-signaling department for getting rid of him. Omar has many intersectional advantages over Franken: female (and attractive), Muslim, black or brown or whatever is the correct term these days, immigrant.

  29. Neo: “I think it helps to think of Omar as out for Omar, period. Truth or clarity or answering to anyone or any entity—including her own “faith tradition”—is not something that concerns her.” I agree. She does what benefits herself, in her eyes, and doesn’t care about how that affects others. It remains to be seen if she can continue to get away with this. I’d give even money that the “boyfriend” will soon be kicked to the curb.

  30. Snow on Pine on August 29, 2019 at 10:57 am said:

    Yet, they’re never released. Like “free Beer,” they’re always going to be served “tomorrow.”

    “The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday—but never jam today.” “It must come sometimes to ‘jam today,’ ” Alice objected. “No, it can’t,” said the queen. “It’s jam every other day: today isn’t any other day, you know.”

    If this situation is not rectified, eventually public confidence in our government and its “justice” and “fairness”—already low—will dwindle to such an extent that the government will have lost all legitimacy, will no longer be able to govern, and the “resistance” will be coming from the other side, from us deplorables.

    This is how internal collapse takes place.

    Feature, not bug.

    Snow on Pine on August 29, 2019 at 11:23 am said:
    P.S. –While I was writing the above, the IG’s Report of Comey’s leaking the memos of his conversations with President Trump was released, which took 83 pages to lay out that what Comey did was to break all sorts of rules and set a very bad precedent. Bad, bad Comey.

    But that, then, when the IG referred the case over to the DOJ for a prosecution decision, the DOJ declined to prosecute Comey.

    That certainly sounds like the DOJ and FBI share the same secret code book.
    The Alphabets* are much less interested in justice for individuals than in precedents that might constrict their institutional power later on, regardless of the ideology & party of the incumbents.
    However, to cut Barr & Co. some slack, they are the tippy-top of a huge pyramid almost completely filled with people who, at the very least, don’t share their priorities.

    One begins to have some sympathy for the “conservative extremists” balleyhooing in 2016 “burn it all down!” (previously discussed in this blog at some length) after it became painfully blatant (the discrimination was always existent) that there were, indeed, at least two tiers of “justice,” if not more.

    *hmmm — I wonder if Google’s parent company is broadcasting a little ironic gaffe there?

  31. huxley on August 29, 2019 at 3:16 pm said:

    If it becomes necessary to write Omar off, I believe Democrats will let it happen. And she is becoming an embarrassment. Likewise the Squad.
    * * *
    The betting, I think, is whether Pelosi & DNC will be able to deep-six Omar before she (and The Squad) topples them.

  32. Joe!!!
    Reminds me of something a former boyfriend said about an ex boss of mine but I’m NOT going there…

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