Home » Ilhan Omar: well, she’s honest about her drive for power, anyway


Ilhan Omar: well, she’s honest about her drive for power, anyway — 69 Comments

  1. Neo:

    Minor quibble on the intersectional power rating of the Foul Four. A trans-sexual has higher victim status than all, as recently established by Lindsey Sheppard, permanently banned by Twitter from responding to personal attacks by the trans (something) “JY” in British Columbia. But the Foul Four do think they are invulnerable it seems. Or are they the ultimate victims, so confusing.

  2. And Boss when you throw in AOC’s chief of staff admitting the New Green Deal was all about economic restructuring not climate salvation…looks a lot like the quadfecta (?) to me.

    They are the revolution’s vanguard…And there’s no reasoning with them when they have unmasked their raw lust to dominate & destroy what our forebears have handed to this generation.

    What’s to be done with tyrants? Asking hypothetically of course.

  3. “We don’t need any more any brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

    You may not need them for what YOU want. But you’ve got them, and they’re not going away. So what you’re really saying, Rep. Pressley, is that lots of “black and brown” Americans are ripe to be courted by Republicans… because, according to her, the Democrats don’t want them anymore.

    Good luck with that, kids. As the President says, see you in 2020.

  4. Daniel Schwartz:

    But only the media on the right is reporting that statement, as far as I know. So, how many “people of color” will actually know what she said? And of course, many people agree with her. This has been going on for decades. Think Clarence Thomas or Condoleezza Rice, for example.

  5. om:

    By “on top” I didn’t mean that they literally are the highest of all. I meant that they are somewhere around the top. I know that a transgendered lesbian person of color would be higher. And a transgendered lesbian person of color hailing from Somalia would be even higher than that. But “women of color” are way up there, too, and they are certainly more numerous.

  6. Their statements as to their goals is akin to what Adolf did writing “Mein Kampf”.
    Nobody took him seriously.
    We should take them seriously.

  7. I confess to extreme confusion as regards the referent of “transgendered lesbian”.

    Is this a born male who thinks himself to be a herself-female in order to become a lesbian female homosexual (except not, insofar as possessing male genitalia and so presumably disappointing his-her female lesbian partner)?

    Or is this a born female who thinks herself to be a himself-male in order to become a male-like heterosexual (thereby delighting her-his female lesbian partner on account of having female genitalia after all)?

    I’m just lost in this wacky zone of human behavior since never grasping the first bit of certainty what the hell anyone is referring to, to say nothing about how and why they go about this business.

    And here, all the more so attempting to imagine a case from Somalia where female genital mutilation is frequently practiced on preadolescents!

  8. sdferr,

    You are probably less confused than all the transgender lesbians on earth, all 154 of them.

  9. I am going Woke on the next Census. I certainly won’t admit to being that horrible thing – a US Citizen. However I will state that I am a “transgendered lesbian person of color hailing from Somalia” (with a tip of my hat to NEO). Being an Old White Guy, that will be some transition. Wonder how I can get reparations too?

    Bing flippant I know. But I agree with Edward. They are very very dangerous.
    As Neo said, the left press doesn’t report their statement. Do they know that they are riding a tiger and are expendable?

  10. sdferr:

    More or less your example #1. Sometimes pre-surgery or without what’s called “bottom” surgery, sometimes post-surgery.

  11. “intersectional victimhood is a huge qualification for holding office and dictating policy” like…….REVENGE. You just know it’s true.

  12. Hitler was pretty openly honest too, just like Omar. Too many Krauts put up with him, and too many Americans are putting up with Omar.
    One must not tolerate evil.
    Between Kenyans, Somalis and Ethiopians, we are surely worse off for their being here. There must be something genetically rotten in the horn of Africa.

  13. An enemy who openly declares their motivations and goals in the light of day is far easier to defeat than is the enemy who hides within the shadows.

    The Left, increasingly dominated by the arrogance of youth is engineering its own demise.

  14. Thanks neo. I suppose this sort of thing has to be exceeding rare, to say nothing of ridiculously complex to generate and maintain. Or to put it another way: no walk in the park.

  15. Trump should refer to democrats as the racist democrats in his every tweet. Stop allowing the left to have the monopoly on how to define racism, Trump should turn around the battle by taking over how the term racism is defined like the did with fake news. He took fake news a term invented by the left as his own and uses it against the MSM, why can’t he do just that with racism, claim it and uses it against the left, only he has the power to steal the power of the enemies and use it back against them.

  16. “They also have zero regard for the process by which this country functions, if it happens to get in their way.”

    This to me is the most fundamental and fundamentally destructive aspect of the current situation. Our system is extraordinarily flexible and provides means of enabling a lot of people to live in some reasonable level of peace and justice, with reform always available. But there are a lot of people who just don’t care about it anymore, and then of course those who actively want to destroy it. The former may allow the latter to succeed.

  17. Creating and Designing a custom cake is protected in this bill, but I don’t see any protection for a cake maker to NOT create a cake.

  18. It’s not all that honest unless she says all the same anti-American things to the American public that she says to her Nutroots friends.

    Such as, in a debate or an interview. My take: Zero chance of that.

  19. At UNM yesterday I noticed a handbill in the shuttle bus shelter about a “Black & Pink benefit” for LGBTQI2S prisoners.

    I’m hip enough to understand LGBTQ but LGBTQI2S left me in the dust. However, the web knows all and will tell all if you can ask the right question.

    I2S — means “intersex” and “two-spirited.”

    “Intersex” means the tiny percentage of people who possess a mixture of male and female genitalia.

    “Two-spirited” is defined by the Urban Dictionary:

    In contemporary times, with the advent of lesbian and gay liberation, “two-spirited” means Aboriginal people who identify themselves as gay or lesbian

    The latter makes sense for New Mexican prisoners. I’m still not sure of the “Black” in “Black & Pink.” I guess some sort of solidarity with Black Lives Matter.

  20. She seeks power, for herself personally.
    Yet she embraces a culture and ideology* that makes her a permanent second-class citizen.
    If nothing else, an impressive tolerance for cognitive dissonance
    *Socialism is a faith masquerading as a political system; Islam is a political system masquerading as a faith.

  21. This afternoon I was in a cafe working on my calculus when an older man sat in an easy chair near me. He had an interesting cane and wore a bright red “NATIVE PRIDE” baseball cap (shades of MAGA hats!) plus a bunch of turquoise jewelry. So I asked about his cane and then about his tribal affiliation.

    Big mistake. I got a twenty-minute lecture on all the broken treaties and atrocities committed by white Americans against Native Americans, not to mention his indignation about Trump. He didn’t stop after I stopped paying attention or making eye contact. He finally stopped after I started packing up my notebooks and computer.

    The ironic thing was he looked whiter than I do. I’m a quarter-Mexican. I’m darker than he was and have short Mexican legs. My sister got DNA analysis and if my numbers are close to hers and those numbers are accurate, I’m about 9% Native American. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s more than my cafe companion.

  22. I’m hopeful that all four of these dangerous women get un-elected because the people in their districts understand their egregious error.

    Because otherwise …

  23. I’m hopeful that all four of these dangerous women get un-elected because the people in their districts understand their egregious error.

    Jeff Brokaw: I wonder about that too. I’d like to think so.

  24. https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/132459-everyones-favorite-radical

    “Whenever Alinsky would have a new student coming to organize, he would ask them, why do you want to be an organizer, and they would always say, well, I want to help others, you know, I want to devote my life to doing good. And he would scream back at them, no, you want to organize for power. Obama’s organizing buddy shared with me a manual that was very similar to the one that Obama used to train as an organizer, and in it, it said, we are not virtuous by not wanting power. We are really cowards for not wanting power because power is good and powerlessness is evil.”

  25. Obama is a Hitler who has figured out a have your cake and eat it too way to be an above all tyrant while claiming on the moral high ground being madly loved by all the useful idiots in the west as well. Hey instead of power garbing by catering to the white people, why not take the whole scheme so successfully bringing Hitler to Power but cater to everyone who is non white, and paint yourself as the robin hood who fights for the victims of the white supremacists by using the power to steal from the whites and give back to people they had stolen from. now your enjoy all they power Hitler wielded but also loved by the liberal intellectuals getting praised by the leftist Media everywhere.

  26. “And we don’t want any queers that don’t want to be a queer voice.”

    This was the rest of what she said.

  27. Francesca:

    When I read the quote in your comment, I thought you were making some sort of joke. I really did. I did not think it was possible that she went that far. So I Googled it, and I discovered that was exactly what she said.

    I am gobsmacked. Even knowing what power-mad controlling leftists they are, I am surprised she actually went that far and said such a revolting thing. But she did.

  28. Ann:
    are you done with all your lies. Trump politely asked her to go back to help build a country she obviously loves more than America. asking someone politely to consider leaving is different from kicking someone else. When I ask you politely to get the f**k out and stop spreading lies about our righteous and beloved president who has shown nothing but the utmost love for our country and intolerance for those ungrateful f**ks who does nothing but incite hate between racial groups who used to live harmoniously with little conflicts before Obama came to power and try to turn this wonderful country into the sh*thole where she came from while enjoying everything benefit this wonderful country has to offer, there is no obligation for you leave and not post lies here, just me exercising my free speech expressing opinion on how you should leave us alone and take your b*llsh*t elsewhere.

  29. Remember all those terrorist attacks committed by islamic terrorists in the Obama Era and how they were completely gone and don’t occur anymore under president Trump? obviously the so called Islam Ban works but no one comes out to thank Trump for the lives he saved. He even saved thousands of Iranians by calling off the retaliation attack against Iran, yeah you welcome Muslims.

  30. “Send her back, send her back” was the chant at Trump’s rally last night. It does not refer to his recent tweets. I suggest you view the video at the link I provided.

  31. Ann:
    your comment quoted it like Trump said it himself you lying piece of sh*t.

  32. I used the term “courtesy of”, which is an idiom meaning as a result of; thanks to.

  33. According to never trumper like you it doesn’t matter matter what the speaker intended it is what the listener interpreted that matters. Obviously you were trying frame it as Trump said it himself by using the colon and quotation marks.

    After spending millions to invest Trump ties to Russia after Democrats claiming it is important that our politicians are not sleeper agents of our adversaries are we going spend the same money investigating Ilhan Omar?

  34. Thank You Ann, by directing my attention to the video darn I got to listen to the president listing out all the anti American things this Ilhan Omar has done. This woman is more traitorous than I imagined. Why apply for citizenship let alone running for office in a country she holds so much in contempt if she wasn’t a sleeper agent carrying out a mission

  35. This is America too, leave that Hijab the symbol of oppression against women at home please.

  36. John Guilfoyle on July 17, 2019 at 3:17 pm said:
    What’s to be done with tyrants? Asking hypothetically of course.

    *points to the Virginia seal/flag*
    Thus ALWAYS

  37. “Jedem das Seine” – is the literal German translation of Latin suum cuique, a fundamental juridical concept meaning “to each his own” or “to each what he deserves”.

    During World War II the phrase was cynically used by the Nazis as a motto displayed over the entrance of Buchenwald concentration camp.

    Thanks (not really) to Franz Ehrlich of the Bauhaus school…

    He had been imprisoned in the camp because he was a communist

    this is quite familiar as to whats going on…

    If you want it in abstact literature, see frankenstein, Little Shop of Horrors, Pet Sematary, etc.

    Those that did not oppose, but were never sure, are what this phrase is for…

    For those that also suppressed (for whatever reason including no reason), the actions through historicals, made sure the victims would be ignorant… because they certainly didnt have the opportunity to learn it (and reasons dont matter in the material world they operate from – reasons are not material, principals are)

  38. NEO: That’s true of most of the left and the majority of the Democratic Party these days

    this is wholly untrue… the use of these days implies days they were not power hungry, ingratiating themselves with whomever they thoguht would win or manipulating such to win after ingratiating..

    I received several letters as to eliza, and now people remember her!!!
    before you could not read a thing about her unles you knew her history
    there are feminist lectureres that are “white washing the history”

    but my sources are horrible
    United States Congressional Serial Set, Volume 1718

    Flopping aces touched the story in 2016
    democrats are using illegals as they used blacks 60 years ago
    Indeed. Mr. McGurn offers us examples of classic democrat tactics

    because i added the story to the page of democrat dirty tricks when the author claimed like neo that these dirty tricks only go back 60 years…


    She testified that up to the Saturday night before the election she had lived with Henry Pinkston in a cabin on what was known as “The Island” of Ouachita parish. On that night a party of white men, some of whom she claimed to have recognized, and two negroes had ridden up to the cabin, and had called for Pinkston. Failing to entice him out, they had broken in the door, had seized him, and had sworn that if he voted the Republican ticket he would have “to vote it in hell.” When the woman had attempted to interfere, she had been knocked down. The ruffians had then gagged the man; had gashed him with knives, making a sound “just like cutting in new leather;” had then dragged him outside; and had there shot him seven times. Some of them had then re-entered the cabin ; had killed a baby which the w^oman held in her arms; had assaulted the woman several times; and had then shot her, cut her, gashed her with an axe, and left her for dead. In proof of her story she exhibited her w^ounds, which were still unhealed. They were a shocking sight, for she had unquestionablybeen brutally dealt with; on her thigh there was a frig-htful gash, there were wounds in her head and neck, and there was a deep wound in one of her breasts.

    How much have they always wanted power?
    enough to mutilate women, murder babies, and cover it up so that no one later would be free to decide to walk away from them, but would instead keep coming, keep funding, and keep enabling that same behavior from the period of the whigs onwards…

  39. Hang on, I’d like to explore Ann’s invocation of Orwell for a sec. The Two Minutes’ Hate was intended, if memory serves, to give the proles a (fictional) target on which to unleash their free-floating anger and fear, so they wouldn’t direct it at the government that was in fact oppressing them. It was a psychological tool to maintain stability in what should have been an inherently unstable system.

    Trump’s call-out of Omar, and the crowd’s response, resemble the Two Minutes’ Hate how? Trump isn’t trying to deflect attention from what he or the government has done; he’s trying to DRAW attention to what a REAL, non-fictional opponent has said and done. He’s not trying to maintain a tenuous stability against forces that threaten it; he is on the side of stability (that’s what “conservatism” is – the continuation of That Which Works) against the forces of revolution, of chaos, that seek to destabilize society in order to seize the power that we Americans believe belongs to US, the citizenry, not to an oligarchy of faux victims.

    So Ann’s analogy fails as an analogy, and it also fails as a reflection of reality in any form. “Send her back” – it takes a lot for the US to dispossess someone, and I think probably Omar hasn’t hit that threshold, but a crowd’s emotional response to the words of a *member of Congress* and a naturalized citizen who is so free with her disdain for the nation whose Constitution she’s sworn to uphold and defend does not constitute either a manufactured and mandatory psychological trick or a mark of unrepentant deplorableness.

  40. a similar point from the same flopping aces page lower down

    if you take a look the democrat dominated (now) NAACP lynching stats start AFTER this period:

    From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded. Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched. That is only 27.3%. Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

    what happened to the Democrats wholesale murder of thousands of blacks in the Democrat south? Convenient they start their date 10 years after this stuff, eh?

  41. The Four (and others) are very dangerous people.

    History has demonstrated that if certain people – Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Chavez/Maduro, Castro, etc. – had been properly dealt with before they came to power the denizens of their and many other nations would have been far better off.
    The suffering and deaths of Millions – intentional or otherwise – would have been avoided.

    Radical movements take years to gain enough traction before they are able to take power, and these movements advance slowly and in fits and starts. No one was or has been able to predict what ultimately transpired.
    These movements are generally considered by the “experts” to be fringe groups with zero chances of success.
    But these radical groups NEVER give up, they are persistent and never divert themselves from their goals.

    The FOUR and what they stand for will NOT go away; their ideology and goals have already embedded themselves into the American political debate and even non-FOUR politicians (e.g., Warren, Biden, Harris, Sanders , Steyer – actually nearly ALL democrat party candidates for president) have embraced certain aspects of the FOUR’s policies and have not even condemned any of the (anti-Semitic, tyrannical, communist inspired ) policies or comments of the FOUR.

    If in 1910 anyone would have come forward and predict what was in store for the world in the next 35 years, you would have been considered absolutely crazy and out of your mind. After all, the biggest trading partners and the most advanced nations on earth at the time were the UK, France, Germany and the USA.
    None of this made any difference at all.

    Tyrannical leaders can assume power in ANY nation, irrespective of the modernity or history of a nation.

    Just look at Venezuela.
    The lesson there is that the PEOPLE, can freely and willingly vote for a national suicide (which they did in electing Hugo Chavez whose message was literally identical to that of the FOUR as well as today’s leading contenders for the democrat nomination for president).
    That is the real danger in any representative republic.

  42. The problem with the democratic party is the crazy racial segment of the party is trying to start a revolution in a society that is largely fair, just and prosperous as a whole, and their justification is nothing more than a very small percentage of people not doing as well as others but still considered well off relatively compared to everywhere else or some fringe unhappy people wanting to find some scapegoat to blame their unhappiness on instead of accepting the fact that either they are mentally ill and need professional help or be at peace with the special lifestyles they choose instead of forcing approval from everyone who doesn’t approve those lifestyles for whatever reasons. Go ahead and be a queer all you want but don’t go destroy people’s lives for not giving you praise or getting fed up about being forced to swallow the propaganda everywhere how wonderful those choices are. I don’t care if you are gay but stop bothering me or keep beating the drum on how wonderful two men doing each other in the butt is.

  43. The point is not whether it is rational for us to not like people enjoying anal sex, the point is how in society you don’t even have the right to be silent on the issue, anything short of total agreement with what the left proposed is bigotry

  44. Can someone explain the duplicity of promoting artists like maplethorpe and making claims “He’s violating the standards of decency! He’s a global embarrassment! He’s a poor role model for our children!” has any real meaning except to the ignorati…

  45. i don’t like being forced into doing something or liking something, even when those are things i would otherwise like to do, the notion that i must like it changes the dynamic and pushes me away to the other direction. I might love the avengers movies already but when you put a gun to my head and give me no other choices but to love them completely then i can no longer love it in my heart, when you take away my freedom of choice then the choses you force upon me will never be accepted willingly by me, no matter how wonderful those choices originally were

  46. JohnTyler on July 18, 2019 at 10:16 am said: These movements are generally considered by the “experts” to be fringe groups with zero chances of success.

    first.. which side is the expert on? once in the chair, they can deflect attention from things easily.. which is why knowing the sources desires is important and triply so with the left, for whome there is no ethics, nothing is sacred, etc.. because those are metaphysical concepts that do not apply in a materialist principaled world where one can evolve your revolutionary process…

    but no, they are not fringe..

    take ayers, and the weather underground.. fringe?

    well now mansons son is going to show he was precient because he had someone stick a fork in sharon tate prtending to be black and hating cops to start the same race war ayers wanted…

    but how would you gin up the troops? well rememberr Tupac? he was the kid of a founding black panthers family? and remember the panther 21?

    well they were all about a race war too… as that was their linkage with the black liberation army… funny, one of the panther 21 was in on the brinks job in nanuet ny trying to get money to get weapons for a race war

    of course the weather underground papers had that in it too

    but what about Odinga? well, one of the panther 21 took up the knickname of Rialto Odinga… so there was a Baba Odinga in the group as well..

    funny, how a relative of Rialto would become president of the US…

    and you still think its fringe? there is tons more… easy to look up
    been pointing and saying so… why bother?

  47. oh boy, a huge amount is about to come out on these Grrrrls..
    and people are going to see what feminism really leads to
    what it really wants… and how its about power, and control…

    they are going to become the face of the democrat party…
    and the democrat party will suffer dearly for it
    even more so when you start digging…

    In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.


    Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Ilhan and Ahmed married in 2009, presumably to benefit in some way from a fraudulent marriage. They did not divorce until 2017.


    • Verifiable UK and U.S. marriage records
    • Verifiable address records
    • Time-stamped, traceable, archived online communications (Convictions and settlements based upon social media evidence are commonplace, Anthony Weiner being a notable example)
    • Background check confirmations of SSNs and birthdates
    • Archived court documents signed under penalty of perjury
    • Photos which can be examined to rule out digital manipulation
    • The 2019 Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board investigation, which found Omar filed illegal joint tax returns with a man who was not her husband in at least 2014 and 2015
    • Three years’ of evidence published across many articles — none of which has been shown to be incorrect, or have even been challenged with contradictory evidence from Rep. Omar or any other source
    • Perjury evidence that stands on its own — regardless of whom she married:
    o Long after June 2011, she was clearly in contact with the only man in either the U.S. or the UK with the same name and birthdate as the man she married. She was clearly in contact with several people who were in contact with him.
    o Further, Preya Samsundar did contact him, published how she managed to contact him, and published his email admitting to being photographed with Omar in London in 2015. To be clear: Omar was legally married to an “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi” at the time she was photographed next to a man who admits his name is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and that he is in the photo.
    o Samsundar published all of this information on how to contact Ahmed Nur Said Elmi a few months before Omar swore to that nine-question court document.
    • Rep. Omar has refused all inquiries from her constituents, elected officials, and media outlets to provide any specific evidence contradicting even a single allegation suggested by three years of now-public information.
    • In fact, Omar has responded by making information less available:
    o In August 2016, after Scott Johnson and Preya Samsundar posted the allegations, Omar’s verified social media accounts were taken offline.
    o Ahmed Nur Said Elmi’s social media accounts were also taken offline.
    o When the accounts returned, a large amount of potentially incriminating evidence had verifiably been deleted.
    o I found and published at least ten additional “before and after” instances of evidence still being deleted in 2018.
    • Omar has released carefully worded, Clintonian statements that denigrate those seeking answers from her as racists. Yet she has repeatedly refused to answer questions or issue anything other than public relations statements.
    • I have a large amount of information that we have not published for reasons including the protection of sources.
    o Sources have expressed fear regarding published video and photo evidence confirming threats from Omar’s campaign team. These sources have shared other evidence of threats. I have contacted the federal authorities to share this and other unpublished information. Providing knowingly false information to the DOJ is a serious crime.

  48. ok… i said this was out of literature and if you like fiction, its frankenstein or little shop of horrors.

    so, where was the historical equivalent?

    The Girondins

    The Girondins, Girondists or Gironde were members of a loosely knit political faction during the French Revolution.

    From 1791 to 1793, the Girondins were active in the Legislative Assembly and the National Convention. Together with the Montagnards, they initially were part of the Jacobin movement. They campaigned for the end of the monarchy, but then resisted the spiraling momentum of the Revolution, which caused a conflict with the more radical Montagnards.

    They dominated the movement until their fall in the insurrection of 31 May – 2 June 1793, which resulted in the domination of the Montagnards and the purge and mass execution of the Girondins.

    This event is considered to mark the beginning of the Reign of Terror.

    another authors take is similar…

    The socialist party has absorbed what is left of the old Democrats. At first, the progressive old guard in Congress, like good Girondists, found the revolutionary carnivores useful in reducing the ranks of the Trumpians, the Tea Party, Reagan Democrats, old Perot voters and the white working class to the inanimate status of “deplorables,” “irredeemables,” “clingers” and “dregs” — and with them, the bigoted, racist, sexist, nativist, classist, homophobic and xenophobic GOP.

    the left is living in a odd fantasy:
    hitler is coming again, but this time the communists will win
    the french revolution is coming again, but this time…
    the civil war is coming again, but this time…

  49. I don’t think Trump said “Send her back.” The crowd did. They have no authority to “send her back.” One may say this is a picky distinction; however, many, or most, leftists deny that the actions of their followers in attempted assassinations and assaults are in any way the fault of the leftist leaders’ words. True, strictly speaking, and if we’re going to separate the followers from the leader, it ought to work on all sides.

    Read the latest from Scott Johnson at Power Line. There’s plenty of credible documentation to show that Omar contracted a legal, but probably not real, marriage with her younger brother, and that she filed at least two years of fraudulent joint tax returns with a man to whom she was not legally married until 2017. Further, it appears that her father committed immigration fraud when he came here, bringing two daughters with him. A family surnamed “Omar” agreed to claim him as a close relative to gain asylum, when he was not such a relative. His three children who went to the UK instead kept the actual family name, and one of those was the man Ilhan “married.” This seems to be pretty solid, based on the evidence presented. If so, Ilhan’s father could be stripped of citizenship and deported. It seems harsh to do so to Ilhan and her sister; they were children when their father brought them here, allegedly fraudulently.

  50. Artfldgr:

    First of all, saying “these days” does not mean “it used to be different and it only started to happen very recently.”

    However, I do indeed submit that it used to be different. Not all that long ago—for example when I was a child—although the majority of the left has always been that way, I contend that “the majority of the Democratic Party” was NOT that way. And by “Democratic Party” in that sentence I am not limiting it to politicians. I’m including members of the party, in other words anyone who habitually voted for Democrats.

    There used to be a sizeable wing, probably a majority, that was not like that. That wing is now far far smaller and really, if it exists at all, is quite silent.

    That is what I was referring to.

  51. Scott Johnson at Powerline deserves much credit for breaking, and tenaciously pursuing, Ihlan Omar’s lies and uncivilized behavior.

    President Trump has played this item shrewdly. A passing query to the press before he boarded the helicopter yesterday. “I hear Omar was married to her brother,” was deemed by the knee-jerk press as an outrageous, racist, yada yada smear. A few hours later, a few in the crowd yell “Send her back!” Left-wing heads explode. Twitter gets a StandWithOmar hash tag.

    And, now the facts are laid out in impressive detail, and it all turns out to be true. Sweet.

  52. Good God and to think us baby boomers were the worst thing in the world with talks of peace not war,free love,hard rock,draft card burning(not me)or going to Canada,to avoid the draft. We were Americans at heart and believed America was great if not missguided ar times. Like the Vietnam war,Kent State and pushing for equality black and women. Back then we were called Commies, and hippies for our thought but our thought was ever anti American but anti establishment. Now we have politicians that are still in office. They have all but destroyed this great Country by compounding bad decisions. Now we have this new group that ”is”anti American and they want to absolutely destroy this country from the ground up. These people have to be stopped. They have to be stopped at any price or cost as they are an enemy to every American. It does not matter their skin color; brown,black,white,red,green,or blue if they are American and have a voice for what is right you are not obligate to follow the sheep off the cliff. The funny thing is just the sheep will perish not the leaders. That is why as a nation under God we are obligated to fight to keep this country free like our forefather left it for us. We are entitled or I might say demanded/obligated to improve upon this great Nation, but not allow anyone to destroy what has been the greatest creation known to mankind.

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