Home » The push for Trump’s impeachment continues


The push for Trump’s impeachment continues — 49 Comments

  1. These Dems/Progs still cannot believe the smartest woman in the world lost a rigged election to a person who never held elected office. An outsider that imposes his will on them, seemingly without penalty. They are clearly besides themselves! They continue pandering to their delusional base.

  2. Environmentalism in China and other Green efforts to outsource and obfuscate.

    Elective abortion after conception, after the presumptive beginning of consciousness, but not after the child reaches the age or state of [external] viability, at which point a woman loses her right of choice. Even Gosnell’s little chamber of abortions produced collateral damage. A straw clown posing as a straw man beaten black and blue.

    Medical care that is affordable, available, and universal would be a positive development. However, health care begins at home, with education reform, and personal responsibility.

  3. The problem for dems, if talk of impeachment continues but never materializes is profound disaffection by their activist base. Add to the common perception that Sander’s was cheated out of the 2016 nomination… the nomination of a Joe Biden and the Pelosi/Schumer wing courts a political revolt, ensuring Trump’s reelection. That will create a irreparable schism within the party and lead to a third party.

    Whereas, if impeachment in a House they dominate… fails to materialize and instead of a Biden, another far more radical nominee is selected, the general public is likely to conclude that the dems have become delusional.

    Personally, I see the 2020 election as the Republicans to lose.

    Killing babies ‘born alive’ cannot be morally, logically or emotionally justified. Obstructing all efforts to control our borders is a losing political position. Forcing acceptance of participation by men pretending to be women in sports is a losing proposition. On this issue, feminist silence is not evidence of future loyalty to the dems in the anonymous voting booth. Most people vote their interests and feminists are, by no means an exception.

    The democrats have “jumped the shark” and in their support for blatantly radical positions and silence in the face of vile antisemitism by elected members of their party, they cannot run away from their ownership of their now extreme radicalism.

    Only the GOPe refusing to back Trump can lead to his defeat.

    And. if they do that, they will reap the whirlwind. Liberty in this country is not going to go quietly into the night.

  4. Why? This is about crippling Trump’s ability to govern. They will never impeach. But they will talk about it forever, because it is interfering with Trump’s agenda and his message. It places him on the defensive.

    For the Dems, the business of the nation can be damned, so long as it hurts Trump. They “would see the country burn if they could rule over the ashes.”

  5. 1) is plain wrong…
    2) nope…
    3) nope

    Want to play again?

    One must first understand the vehicle being driven, what its abilities are and how it functions… its not a car, it’s steering is unique… Like a very large object it is very slow to turn, and its massive, so it has lots of momentum once you get it moving….much like trying to steer a very large ship (which is why the analogies like “the ship of state”)

    its not a case of order this and it turns, its a case of deciding on a message, getting it out, multiplying it, having others pick it up, till the subjects kind of get bathed in it (ever count how many times you hear the words diversity, and such worked into arbitrary sentences or sentences structures to make sure its included, even if your taking a very diverse dump)

    now add to it that this systems steering column can fracture
    that is, the elements at the head are not giving a cohesive order and so, the system below it starts going off in different directions almost “breaking up” into factions that want different things and think they can influence their leaders, not that their leaders been playing an influence game with them…

    Another way to see the “breaking up” is when the leaders do not win with their grand plans. “We gave you X and you let us down” and “why don’t you do this” [endless variations from illegal to anywhere]

    So, there was great effort to get the big O into office to resonate messages to get things to pull in one direction. However, behind all the promises of the left is the implicitly promises of things getting better, people having more, etc… its ALWAYS THERE, the question is means… its the Faustian deal with the big hoard, who thinks its group withing the mass will get a perk.

    From election onwards, you are watching “breaking up” and no way to pull the steering back into one direction. We say it all the time here, you can’t win over them with logic, you cant reason with them, etc… [that’s a clue]

    you cant reason with them, but you can lead them from a common point, and that is what your seeing them do, an attempt to get the factions back under the tent. To which the factions all feel they cant wait any more and hard to pull together. Even harder when you don’t know where the ring in Fernandina’s nose is.

    They are kind of sort of suffering the problems of the group they created and represent. its low IQ side of the table doesn’t know whats legal or not, and even calls for things a senator HAS to say is crazy (that is until enough power exists that crazy is what it WAS). you have a huge influx of immigrants who want their share, unions, etc…

    and while the public is not fully cognizant of whats economically actually going on, those who are, fear or are happy depending on which side of this equation they are..

    each day is getting harder to explain
    each day the mob wants a certain action, and its doesnt seem to be settling

    so the chase for impeachment is basically moving in a direction they are forced to move in given their constituency, its desire, its ability to understand a reasoned argument over points broken previously to prevent such common ground!

    they are in a potential position of either trying what is futile, bad in the longer term, and more because that is what the most vociferous people want..

    ESPECIALLY the people who make a living supporting such a machine… with unemployment and so on, its hard to get people out protesting, they are working. its hard to make cash leading groups that bring votes if they are no longer on welfare and so, no longer have all day to do stuff.

    there more.. as always… and maybe i didnt formulate it best in a rush
    but its not the leaders now.. its the leaders stuck as the beast wants

  6. Does it need a 2/3 majority to convict in the Senate? No up on my Constitution. If only simple majority then hold on.

  7. Only the GOPe refusing to back Trump can lead to his defeat.

    Since Justin Amash’s announcement, (1) a state legislator has announced a primary challenge; (2) the deVos family has publicly announced he would receive no more donations; (3) a member of the House Freedom Caucus has said they had a show of hands and not one of their members is in agreement with him. John McCain is dead; Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and Paul Ryan are gone from Congress; Lindsey Graham got the two-by-four over the head in re Brett Kavanaugh; and Wm. Kristol has been reduced to trolling for donations and trolling for copy from leftoid moneybags and HuffPo contributors respectively. GOPe’s defeated.

    Trump’s real problem is that he’s having trouble closing the deal with the 7% or so who are swing voters.

  8. My own exchanges with street-level Democrats indicate they’ve had two responses to the failure of the Inspector Javert fandango run by Andrew McCabe and Robert Mueller. (1) pretend nothing of significance has happened and (2) bald lying. As in “I’ve read the report and collusion has been conclusively demonstrated”. (I’m betting the Correct-the-Record orientations recommend the latter approach).

    The fuel for the opposition is the rage they feel that the rules they’ve tried to impose on the rest of us in regard to the substance and rubrics of public discourse have been successfully violated. (In addition to their baseline resentment they always feel when the opposition wins an election). The media pulled out all the stops, and it didn’t work.

  9. Follow the money. The loudest impeachment yappers are getting huge donations. Even Pelosi has asked them not to fundraise on impeachment.

    They think most of America is stupid; as do the media.

  10. All the Dems I have seen in Iowa just want to win at the polls. I’ve never heard the “I” word.

  11. I can’t accept they are serious since they haven’t talked about a plan for VEEP Pence. If there is no overall strategy they aren’t serious. On the other hand, they may think they can dirty up President Trump.

  12. Lynn: Yes, it’s a 2/3 vote to convict in the Senate.

    The Dems need the credible threat of prosecution and/or impeachment to use as a bargaining chip. Good cop Nancy thought she was positioned well for the infrastructure meeting at the White House this morning where she no doubt would have demanded concessions, “or else I’ll release the mob.” Trump essentially refused to respond to threats and canceled the meeting.

    Art Deco makes good points, but the GOPe ain’t dead yet. While the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has shrunk a bit in recent years, it is still the overwhelmingly largest elephant in the room of GOP contributions. Paul Ryan was merely one of their many pawns. Ryan was entirely effective at maintaining open borders while the GOP had power in the House, and now it doesn’t.

    If the GOP regains control of the House, the new speaker will not be Mark Meadows or Jim Jordan. It will be some other GOPe-r who will take orders from the Chamber.

    It’s not unlikely that the guy giving the orders will Paul Ryan, the new CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. He was offered the job (palms gotta get greased), but the stink of it may even be too great for Ryan.

  13. “the possibly new CEO of the Chamber of Commerce”
    I meant to say. More clear I hope.

  14. Trump did damn well today, dismissing Fancy Nancy and Schmuckie Chuckie when they came over to see about a few “billions” for infrastructure. He will not be “investigated” on the one hand while the other hand seeks his agreement on legislation. As I read it, he told them to go to hell, and he’ll govern by EO just like BHO. The Dems can pound sand. They cannot convict via impeachment (the Senate convicts), so it is all hot air. If they want to shut down the gov’t by withholding $, we know how well that’s worked with the public previously

  15. “I can’t accept they are serious since they haven’t talked about a plan for VEEP Pence.” C R Krieger

    Presidential aspirant Pete Buttigieg has exposed how they’d attack Pence… closet religious fanatic who secretly wants to turn America into a Christian theocracy.

  16. You know…we had millions of Americans believing for decades that some sort of conspiracy was behind the death of JFK and it didn’t do much harm. But that was because NO ONE in mainstream politics ever even hinted at endorsing or trying to exploit those beliefs for partisan advantage.

    Democrats and the media have now spent 2 1/2 years promoting and encouraging and even stupider conspiracy theory about Donald Trump. I mean, at least somebody did kill JFK. And now we see why those wiser politicians of the past stayed far out of the fever swamp of conspiracy.


  17. “The other issues they will emphasize will almost certainly be environmentalism, defending abortion from the efforts to limit it, and universal health care.” – Neo

    Republicans who can’t win an election by refuting those points deserve to lose.
    * * *
    Geoffrey Britain on May 22, 2019 at 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm said:

    Presidential aspirant Pete Buttigieg has exposed how they’d attack Pence… closet religious fanatic who secretly wants to turn America into a Christian theocracy.
    * * *
    Given the other option of blatant ideological fanatics who openly want to turn America into a Socialist authoritarian tyranny…do they really want to make that choice explicit?

  18. 1) While an – ti – ci – (say it!) pation does have power, it can be overused. “Dems full of BS, again.” The Boy Who Cried Wolf story would be a lot weaker if the last time he called, nobody came, but there was still no wolf. There’s also the huge problem of exactly what crime is the cause. With Clinton, it was the perjury (about Monika in the sex harassment suit brought by Paula Jones, settled with non-disclosed money); with Nixon it was the Watergate break-in, and especially coverup.

    2) they want to impeach Trump, but know it will fail, and fear the failure will hurt them, so fear to vote on the impeachment. Trump will correctly call them out, more, on Fake News & witch hunt.

    3) Trump-hate is what too many Dems really “love”, tho the green socialism is both an emotional and intellectual comfort blanket for them.

    Plus 4–what indictments are coming from Barr? Just as Barr had to wait for Mueller, the Dems sort of have to wait for Barr, and the investigations. Dems calling for impeachment of the Rep President while the prior Dem illegally spied on the Rep will NOT look good.

    Maybe Trump will claim that calls for his impeachment are actually “obstruction of justice” where the crimes were from the prior Dems and deep state.

  19. “…crippling Trump’s ability to govern…”

    Well, OK, but it’s not the whole picture.

    It’s not only to hamstring him. Or hog-tie him.

    It’s to create a nuclear cloud of flak—a firestorm so intense—that Trump doesn’t know which way is up, down or sideways.

    Neither Trump nor anyone else.

    (All “anyone else”—i.e., everyone else—is SUPPOSED to know is that Trump is worse than EVIL, and therefore, ANY means to insure his disappearance is acceptable.)

    Trump, it is hoped, will be drowned out. Blacked out. Taken out. The MSM will continue to do its mendacious best to achieve these most “moral” and “judicious” aims.

    Nothing new here, except, perhaps, the intensity. The density. The decibel level. The frequency. The INSANITY. Which will be off the charts.

    Whatever. If the article below is anywhere near accurate (NB: it is, after all, “Zero Hedge”), then the party of De-praved intellect, morality, patriotism and mental health—those who “would see the country burn”—may well initiate impeachment proceedings within the week.

  20. Art Deco makes good points, but the GOPe ain’t dead yet.

    Agreed. The Chamber of Commerce still has influence over policy and the congressional leadership remains composed of men without chests. What I should have said was that (Mitt Romney aside), there isn’t anyone left in the Republican caucuses whose disposition toward the president is hostile or adversarial in essence (as it was with Corker, Ryan, et al). There’s a residue of NeverTrumpers in the media, but opinion journalists aren’t that influential.

  21. More reasons why the Democrats may decide to pursue impeachment sooner rather than later.

    Viz. the American people MUST—at all costs—be distracted from what Victor Davis Hanson describes as “rats fleeing a sinking ship”.

    And might it be that the non-stop, unstinting, efforts by a sedulous MSM to ignore, obfuscate and redirect attention from said clever—too clever?—conspirators may ultimately prove to be about as effective as all those “watertight bulkheads” on the Titanic…

    (Meanwhile, in NYC, in-depth analysis on why de Blasio might have really decided to throw his hat in the ring…:
    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/22/nyregion/rat-infestation-nyc.html )

  22. If I’m understanding artfl correctly, he’s saying the tail is wagging the dog, more or less. I can get behind that idea. But – at least if we were coming up on a midterm election instead of a presidential one – I can see actually going through with an attempt at impeachment as a viable electoral strategy for the D’s. In a midterm, failure actually to convict in the Senate would not necessarily translate to failure at the polls, ISTM; it could instead be a valuable tool in R-bashing. “We Democrats did what was necessary, regardless of the national pain [chortle, chortle]- we impeached the President in the House. The Senate, which, voters, do remember is still under Republican control, failed to do its duty. Obviously we must gain control of the Senate To Protect The Nation. To the voting booths, all of you!”

    Whether that message would be compelling in a presidential election, I dunno. One hopes that the main body of Democrat voters has more sense, and more sense of proportion, than the hyperpartisan fraction who vote in midterms. (This cuts our way in the 2020 election, I think: traditional and/or potential R voters, who see that we hold the Presidency and the Senate and can see an opportunity to regain the House, may turn out just on that account, regardless of their feelings about Trump.)

    artdeco, I am going to be looking for opportunities to use “Inspector Javert fandango” for the foreseeable future. I will credit you, of course.

  23. Oh boy. When Nancy Pelosi’s good cop didn’t work, she is going on the offense in front of TV cameras, as I write this. Among a dozen of old tropes about the terrible Pres. Trump, he is now responsible for 6 dead immigrant kids (even though the Dems refuse to consider border funding).

    A key point of hers, was that while she was the picture calm responsibility at the infrastructure meeting yesterday, Trump was “unstable” and flew off the handle. “He needs an intervention and possibly a leave of absence.”

  24. (1) I still don’t think they’ll really do it; I continue to think this is just theater to fire up the base….

    neo: I can’t disagree with your reasoning, but it may assume more rationality on the part of the Democrats than is currently warranted.

    Today I’m leaning towards impeachment. I don’t think the Democrats can stop themselves. They see the moment as one of such fierce moral urgency that it is something they must do, hang the short-term consequences. The arc of history will prove them right.

    It won’t be the first time the Democrats’ righteous certainty boomerangs on them, e.g. Reid’s resorting to the nuclear option on the Senate filibuster in 2013

  25. Follow the money. The loudest impeachment yappers are getting huge donations. Even Pelosi has asked them not to fundraise on impeachment.

    Bingo! This is the answer to the continued agitation. They are in it for the Benjamins. Why else do Democrats run for office ? How many millionaires have been created by political office ? Maxine Waters? Of course. Her husband was prosecuted for S&L fraud a decade ago. Still living high.

  26. Lots of snips… no snails or puppy dog tails..

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told her Democratic colleagues Thursday that President Donald Trump “wants to be impeached” so that he can be vindicated by the Senate.

    “Let me be very clear: the president’s behavior, as far as his obstruction of justice, the things that he is doing, it’s in plain sight, it cannot be denied — ignoring subpoenas, obstruction of justice,” Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference Thursday following the closed-door meeting.

    The House speaker’s message comes a day after she and Trump tangled over her claim that he had engaged in a “cover-up,” as vocal support for impeachment surged in the Democratic caucus.

    “We do believe that it’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States. And we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up,” Pelosi told reporters in the morning, following a closed-door caucus meeting with Democratic lawmakers focused on impeachment.

  27. The smart move would be for Republican Congressional leadership to initiate a preemptive impeachment proceedings against Trump, knowing that it’s just a dog-and-phony show that will take all the wind out of the Democratic sails. Once the Impeachment dies in the Senate, what recourse would the D party have next?

  28. “Correct the Record”

    Good one, AD. That is why I believe a significant number of leftist trolls on conservative blogs are paid operatives. Or at least dispatched.

  29. I think Huxley 11:42AM may be right, i. e. the Dems will eventually impeach. The story of the Dems since Bill Clinton left office is the “wise elders” repeatedly caving to the hard left.

  30. “The smart move …”

    Ah . . . . . . I think we see the problem right there.

  31. “…wants to be impeached…”

    Heh! Good one Nancy.

    So you think that child psychology might still work with your esteemed colleagues? “He wants to be impeached and we MUST NOT give him what he wants!”

    Psst, hey Nancy! They’re so puerile, so far gone, that not even “neo-natal psychology” will work…

    But nice try! You may even have reached the precise point where pure political genius meets pure political insanity! (AKA off the charts…)

  32. Cold Pizza:

    I’ll assume you’re not serious.

    First of all, the Republicans who voted for it would sign their own political death warrants with their constituents, for the most part.

    Secondly, an impeachment in the House doesn’t lead to a vote in the Senate, it leads to a TRIAL in the Senate, and then the vote. In other words, an opportunity for the Democrats in the Senate to drag it out, rake Trump over the coals still another time, and air all the charges once again, with an enormous audience on TV. It would play out for a long time, too.

  33. I am working on a blog post comparing this to the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868. There are definite similarities. I am still doing research but think about it. Johnson became president by the unexpected assassination of Lincoln just as the war ended. The Radical Republicans were enraged by the assassination by a southern sympathizer. Johnson tried to follow in the conciliatory path toward the southern states that Lincoln had planned. The Republican Congress, that might have followed Lincoln’s plans, refused to do and sought revenge on the entire Confederacy instead. Johnson was constantly frustrated and finally impeached over the clearly unConstitutional “Tenure in Office Act.”

    It didn’t help that he was crude and was probably drunk at his inaugural speech.

  34. The Republican Congress, that might have followed Lincoln’s plans, refused to do and sought revenge on the entire Confederacy instead. J

    Stiffing the demobilized Confederate veterans was cruel. Placing the Southern states under a federal trusteeship was sensible. The problem has been that the trusteeship was terminated far too soon.

    (Woodrow Wilson added a sweet little insult by segregating federal office buildings; his respected associate Herbert Hoover ejected loyal black Republicans from the federal patronage queue and communicated with the service staff at the White House with hand signals).


    Pelosi said Trump has “established a pattern of unpredictability”

    if its unpredictable, is it a pattern?
    can a pattern be unpredictable?
    ah, unpredictable islands in a irregular pattern?

  36. the Dems will eventually impeach

    they cant.. they wont find a single thing…
    then be left with nothing right before the election gets real hot

    they are a slow turning ship and they cant turn it from this
    they are STUCK… and they cant win the next election
    [when that happens, historically, what attempts are then made?]

    will Curse of Tippecanoe or Tecumseh’s Curse be re-awoken?

    it skipped reagan and bush…
    but 2020 is the next time 🙂

  37. “…not serious…”

    In fact it’s an, elegant and inspired plan (brilliant, actually):

    House Republicans get together and unanimously vote to initiate the impeachment process ASAP. Loudly with much fanfare. Marching bands and majorettes. Bells and whistles. Perhaps even flyovers.

    House Democrats respond with jaw-dropping perplexity and extreme skepticism, believing the maneuver to be a GOP trick, a Trumpian trap; and so resolve—unanimously—to block the move.

    The result: House Democrats reject vehemently the cunning GOP “scheme” while calling for Trump to be impeached, adding to their “rationale’ his “grossly unethical “effort” to influence the impeachment process”.

    Absolutely brilliant…

  38. Johnson vetoed almost every single Reconstruction bill from the Republicans, including the ones that would have given jobs or political security to black Republicans. This caused the economy of the South to stagnate to the point where people worried over Northern carpet baggers revoted the KKK Demoncrats back in.

    Virginia still had one as early as a few decades ago. KKK Byrd, remember him.

  39. As Napoleon once said,

    “When your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, it would be discourteous to interfere.”

    (Yes, I know he didn’t actually say that; he was speaking French when he said words to that effect.)

  40. Johnson was a Democrat that Lincoln was forced to pick, to appease the Northern Demoncrats, as his running mate. This was before the war, however. It turned out that the Northern Demoncrats were little better than the secessionist Southern Demoncrats.

  41. Johnson implemented his own form of Presidential Reconstruction – a series of proclamations directing the seceded states to hold conventions and elections to reform their civil governments. When Southern states returned many of their old leaders, and passed Black Codes to deprive the freedmen of many civil liberties, Congressional Republicans refused to seat legislators from those states and advanced legislation to overrule the Southern actions. Johnson vetoed their bills, and Congressional Republicans overrode him, setting a pattern for the remainder of his presidency.[2] Johnson opposed the Fourteenth Amendment, which gave citizenship to former slaves. In 1866, Johnson went on an unprecedented national tour promoting his executive policies, seeking to destroy his Republican opponents.

    People who look on Johnson favorably are of a few flavors.

    Educated by Southern Demoncrat propaganda institutions. Stuck in the tradition of the “Dixie crats” of the South. Or they just favor the Confederacy on general principles.

    This topic is important not to get wrong, since CW2 is just a continuation of the first one. A lot of issues were left unresolved during and after Reconstruction.

  42. The Radical Republicans were enraged by the assassination by a southern sympathizer.

    The 7 or so conspirators were Catholic and more importantly, Jesuit advised and guided.

    Why the Catholic Church or the Church of Rome was favoring the Southern slavery policies had something to do with Maryland and the Vatican funding the Confederacy’s naval program being built in British yards.

  43. Yammer you are a fool if you don’t know that Senator Byrd represented West Virginia. It’s a different state. Comedy gold. Up your game or stay home.

  44. Secondly, an impeachment in the House doesn’t lead to a vote in the Senate, it leads to a TRIAL in the Senate, and then the vote. In other words, an opportunity for the Democrats in the Senate to drag it out, rake Trump over the coals still another time, and air all the charges once again, with an enormous audience on TV. It would play out for a long time, too.

    neo: What’s not to like? For Democrats, that is…

    I must say if I didn’t read about this stuff almost everyday, I would be thinking, Gosh, Trump must have done something terrible, the way Democrats and former heads of the FBI and the CIA are talking.

    Even after the Senate votes down impeachment, assuming the House impeached, Democrats can write it off to Republican partisanship.

    Nate Silver’s 538 site just ran a post doubting impeachment will hurt Democrats:


    The only real downside I see for Democrats is they may push Trump to a “Release the Kraken!” moment. Yesterday Trump was annoyed enough to walk out of a high-level meeting with Pelosi and Schumer. I’ll bet Trump has some serious, scorched-earth ammunition held in reserve for impeachment.

    “Release the Kraken!”

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