Home » Synagogue shooting in San Diego


Synagogue shooting in San Diego — 61 Comments

  1. The AP is reporting that “an off-duty Border Patrol agent believed to be inside the synagogue shot at the suspect as he fled. The sheriff says the agent didn’t hit him but struck his car.” I recently read that synagogues hire off-duty police to provide security during the high holidays in the fall.

  2. “An off-duty border patrol agent was inside the synagogue during the shooting. The agent chased the suspect outside as he attempted to flee and fired on the suspect, striking his vehicle, (San Diego county Sheriff) Gore said.”

    “”[We were] outside in front of our house and heard about six gunshots, a pause, some yelling and then another six or seven gunshots,” neighbor Chris Folts said, adding that he went inside to call 911.

    Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable but the killer apparently was able to get off quite a few shots and to hit four people killing one before he was engaged by the off duty officer.

  3. Another POS that will not face the death penalty due to the insanity of CA politicians.

  4. Good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun.
    The 2A in action.
    There are jurisdictions that deny off duty carry.
    That would have been a tragedy here.

  5. Maybe I had something to do with birthing the subject. Hopefully nothing to do with the topic at hand. I used to walk the way of the judoka. If you saw me, you’d know I was knowledgeable in Judo.

    Now, there are a couple of ways we can got with this. All of them add up to my sensei saw no point in instructing me in Judo because he saw a couple of my moves and he just wanted to drink sake with me. But I learned Krav Maga at the the Lawrence Jewish Family Community Center in San Diego.


    Thank God. Thank God the Jews weren’t as easy on me as the Japanese. If there is anything I can do to help say the word.

    BTW, I would say the same thing to my sake drinking brethren.

  6. Texas, lots of us with carry permits carry guns to church and we are encouraged to do that, I usher and a lot of ushers have concealed pistols. Here in the Texas Hill Country I attend a good sized Methodist Church and we have a retired detective who stands close to the front door throughout the service. I was carrying off and on and one day I told him I was glad he was there because I did not always carry a pistol and he asked me what was wrong with me? His comment was it it better to be prepared and never, ever have to use a gun.

    No one attending any house of worship should have to apologize for being able to defend their congregation or them selves.

  7. Old Texan, from the new Texan. I got here as quick as I could. My chaplain onboard the carrier used to laugh at me when we left port Thailand. Because he heard my confession. And he couldn’t repeat it, but he knew.

    Let your imagination run wild. It probably won’t run so wild as I did, as a young man. I’d cross the perfume river and all bets were off.

  8. To combat these attacks, harden the targets. Have armed men/women in the church/synagogue/mosque. Don’t allow back packs inside. Lock the doors when services begin. Install cameras in logical places. Make sure electric service panels are not accessible outside the building. Install sprinkler systems. Make attacks on houses of worship or schools automatic death penalty crimes. I’m sure there are other things that can be done – I’m no security expert. These steps seem to me to make common sense in today’s environment. Do not make it easy for disturbed/crazy/fanatical people to act on their impulses. It’s terrible that it’s come to this, but there seems no other way.

    Gun control and disarming the citizenry? When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.

  9. The fact someone shot up a synagogue in San Diego or any place else also rips my heart in half.

  10. “Make attacks on houses of worship or schools automatic death penalty crimes.”

    In some cases — not enough — they have been.
    No trial, no appeal, no extension, no pardon — when the good guy with a gun terminally stops the bad guy.

    Attacks on cops used to have automatic capital crime status; that seems to have changed to automatic victim status.

  11. NITZAKHON, thanks for the link. Very interesting posting, and then I had to follow the link to evilbloggerlady (complete with sexy gun-bearing dames), and links therein, and ended up at Yid with Lid — all interesting.

  12. I am horrified that someone did this. What I am even more horrified by is that it’s like all you need to know about all white people.

    I don’t even say that about all Muslims.


    “0:08 / 5:10
    Refueling at Sea Between USS George H. W. Bush and USNS Tippecanoe”

  13. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+3&version=NIV

    “1 Lord, how many are my foes!
    How many rise up against me!
    Many are saying of me,
    “God will not deliver him.”[b]

    But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
    my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
    I call out to the Lord,
    and he answers me from his holy mountain.

    I lie down and sleep;
    I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
    I will not fear though tens of thousands
    assail me on every side…

  14. The Darkness is gathering, to survive the onslaught of the Light.

    If you have any allies you want to call up, now would be the time, humanity.

    Don’t allow back packs inside.

    And how are the armed citizens gonna have enough munitions and arms without back packs?


    I’m no security expert.

    Many countermeasures were obvious to me back at the Virginia Tech shooting days. This ain’t complicated. Just stop dying, humans. Pretty easy. You need a security expert or human Authority to figure this out?

    Every single deathmatch game in existence, there are people that act like deer frozen in the headlights, running around, gunning, shooting up everything except the target. ANd those are the average peeps.

  15. The darkness is descending perpetually toward Alabama. But it keeps landing on France.

    It wasn’t until I moved to the East Cost that I finally got dragged into a fight for what I was. A dago. A WOP. Back on the West Coast when I caught a tan everybody thought I was Mexican or Iranian. Like the time outside of the Monster Truck Show outside of Bakersfield.

    OK, my bad.

    But say what you will about the racist pigs I threw down with, they weren’t walking heavy. They fought me honestly. I suppose it’s always like that. Back in my day you could depend on the Nazis to stay off your lawn. Now I want to vomit because the Nazis are shooting up houses of worship.

    It bothers me that I might come across as if I’m making light of the situation.

  16. I’ve never been really good at these situations. You should see me at funerals. The beer can tips over and rolls slowly, slowly toward the front of the church.

    No, wait, I probably shouldn’t be invited.

    But on the other hand I know how to do a burial at sea. Which includes making sure the casket sinks. Which is important because the last thing you want at a burial at sea is a casket bobbing around like a cork.

  17. Julie near Chicago on April 28, 2019 at 1:21 am at 1:21 am said:
    NITZAKHON, thanks for the link. Very interesting posting, and then I had to follow the link to evilbloggerlady (complete with sexy gun-bearing dames), and links therein, and ended up at Yid with Lid — all interesting.
    * *
    Julie – you got that right!
    I didn’t even follow all the links!

  18. So, by and large, the economy, or at least the employment situation has been better than it has been in years. More opportunity for more people, and still the fulminating and murderous rage. It seems there is a competition to see who can be the first to provoke social war between the “By-Any-Means-Necessary” churches of secular religion.

    Many observers have noticed the strangeness of this phenomenon – strange at least by traditional interpretive standards – and sought to explain it. It’s probably simpler than we think.

    When those usually expected to be in the pulpit preaching tolerance as the paradigmatic pluralistic virtue, begin commenting that “tolerance is not enough” and ranting on unhinged in Soviet-like [or Nazi] terms; burrowing down into men’s souls to dig [as the imagine] for signs of reluctance, of mere grudging cooperation, and moral reservations, then Houston, we’ve got a problem. Murderous trans-national anti-capitalist anti-private interest solidarity fascism, meets race worship fascism. And in neither realm is there room for the individual, and his choices; which fashionable social science assures us are all preconditioned or totally illusory, in the first place.

  19. Sad that it has to be this way these days, and that we have to revert to the Wild West but, as they so fatuously say, “it is what it is.”

    It just seems like common sense to me that, once you post some place as a “gun free zone,” or as a place where “no concealed weapons allowed,” you’ve just announced to the world that, if someone wants to come in and shoot the place up, come right on in, because there will be no opposition here.

    You’ve officially declared this place to be a “soft target,” when what you should be bending all your efforts towards is making it, and announcing to the world that your venue is, in fact, a” hard target,” and that anyone trying to shoot up your place has got to expect the likelihood of some tough opposition, and “lead coming their way.”

  20. [NOTE: Odd how even before I heard of this attack today, the theme of the day had already emerged.]

    You cannot avoid it. The bloodlust is in the air. Neurotics of every stripe are spoiling for a literal fight; or at least to see their “enemies” slaughtered.

    Easier to plot the death of others, than to start a Savings and Loan, or an organic produce farm.

  21. Am I a neurotic? And as far as the bloodlust goes, JFC that is tiresome. I’m like, “OK bear, have the f***ing deer.” But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I am neurotic. If I am wrong I would like to find out sooner than later.

  22. Steve57 on April 28, 2019 at 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm said:
    Am I a neurotic? And as far as the bloodlust goes, JFC that is tiresome. I’m like, “OK bear, have the f***ing deer.” But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I am neurotic. If I am wrong I would like to find out sooner than later.

    Probably not asking me. But if you were, I would say that since I see no evidence of your trying to work out personal issues through stomping about shouting totalitarian slogans and inaugurating a murderous social conflagration, you would not be a neurotic in the sense I am using that word.

    Let me go historical for a moment.

    If you read enough preCivil war literature, you will see plenty of the kinds of people I am talking about. And an unfortunate number of them were New Englanders who were presumed to be on the side of compassion and the angels against what was an obviously evil slave power; but some of whom were, as their writings reveal, partly motivated as much by human antipathy and consolidationist Utopian social fantasies, as by a desire for justice for, and benevolence toward the slave.

    I see some of this now, in people who take up worthy and noble themes, as a way of working out their own mental disorders in the public spaces; and who only succeed thereby in projecting the effects of their own mental wreckage onto society as a whole.

  23. If you know any decent art restorers in the Dallas area I have a print of the Naval Battle of Vicksburg that needs a small rip repaired and to be framed.

  24. Great reason to support the 2nd Amendment, as well as to support more teachers learning how to carry guns.

    Democrat Derangement Syndrome is getting worse rather than better. It is getting worse as Trump becomes more successful, using the normal Rep “magic wand” of lower taxes and less regulation. It’s worse as there is No Collusion. It’s worse and the “woke” Dems can’t find a leader to follow.

    As Dem Derangement Syndrome gets worse, the Dem media gets more hysterical. There will be ever greater crazy insults and offensive anti-Trump, anti-Rep, anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-White, anti-Male, anti-Hetero cartoons and statements by the Dem-Rep global elite, who don’t like Individualism. (They want Socialism, so as to be leaders of society.)

    They will be implicitly encouraging more PC violence.

  25. I’m not in Texas, but here in Michigan, my congregation has a few men and women (my wife has an Sp101 in .357 in her purse) who carry.
    A report I heard today was that when faced with the border guard’s gun, the shooter dropped his gun and ran.

  26. Just when you think the horror could not get worse —- it got worse:

    Doctor began CPR on California synagogue shooting victim unaware she was his wife
    A doctor who began CPR on the woman killed in Saturday’s shooting at a Southern California synagogue fainted when he realized that the person he was trying to save was his wife.

    Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, died of injuries she sustained in the shooting at Chabad of Poway near San Diego. Three others were hurt.

    Gilbert-Kaye is believed to have thrown herself in front of Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, possibly saving his life. Goldstein was injured after suffering a gunshot wound to his hand.

    The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that Gilbert-Kaye’s husband, a physician, was in the synagogue when the gunshots started.
    Worshippers called to him to help victims and he began to do CPR on one until he realized it was his wife, Dr. Roneet Lev told the paper.

    The husband then fainted.

    Lev said Gilbert-Kaye had gone to the synagogue near San Diego to offer the Jewish prayer for the dead — known as the “Kaddish” for her mother, who recently passed away, the paper reported.

  27. Diversity (e.g. racism) breeds adversity. People should not be judged by the “color of their skin” unless there is principled alignment or overwhelming consensus.

  28. JP’s video is a must-see. Excellent narration & contemporary photos and film.
    I don’t suppose I am the only one who just could not understand how anyone could be as savage and demonic as the Nazis (and the Communists), despite the evidence, but after watching the American Left in action “in real time” (especially Antifa and its ilk), I’m starting to get a handle on it.

    * * *

    World War Two
    Published on Apr 27, 2019
    In April 1940 in Poland, if you are on the list of Nazi or Soviet non-desirables, there are three options: run for your life, be shipped off to a camp, or face the execution squad… if you happen to be Jewish it’s likely to be the fourth option: the Ghetto.

    Neurology of Hate Special: https://youtu.be/yeZ3_OtDa7E

    * * *

    I was particularly struck by these “rhyming” observations (beginning at 9:10):

    It is very hard to fathom how you can imagine these people [middle-and lower-class Polish Jews] could be a threat to anything. But, you see, the Nazis are firmly convinced that they are fighting a secret race war against the Jews, who are supposedly hell-bent on pushing aside the German race.
    And, somewhat paraxoically, behind both robber capitalism and Soviet Bolshevism.

    Cue the anti-semitic Nazi Trump allowing himself to be led by the Zionist dog Netanyahu.

    Historical roots of anti-semitism at 10:00, amplified by Hitler with lies.

    His refutation of the Nazi view that “Jews run the world,” made with hard numbers about the Jewish population in Europe and their minority presence in either capitalist or “war” arenas, is very well put. He doesn’t address the Soviet Bolshevist imputation directly.

    The brain science part starts at 13:00-ish. See the Neurology of Hate link above.
    (I’m paraphrasing and summarizing from here on.)

    Basically, the neurological aspect deals with the process of linking our thoughts of “them” with things that are perceived as disgusting, to the point where we lose all comprehension of “them” as humans deserving of empathy. Although this view can be reversed with experience of “them” as people, the Nazis have honed their dehumanization process to minimize that kind of interaction.
    (He later asserts that this minimization was the primary purpose for putting some inmates in charge of the others.)

    Some of the zeal for incarceration and extortion is driven by Nazi commanders’ desire to increase their own personal wealth by robbing the Jews (and, the narrator emphasizes earlier, they simply don’t understand, and won’t accept, that most of their victims have no great “hoard of wealth” to give up).

    And, of course, the Nazi camp system gives free rein to psychopaths and sadists.

  29. That was insensitive of me. What you may need to know about me is that is that I still get love letters from the Red Cross. I have a Sears Craftsman tool box full of first aid supplies. And I also have a backpacking kit and and a driving around kit.

    If the s*** hits the fan and everything turns bloody you are going to want me around.

    Plus I’m qualified with the M-14, M-16, M-590, M-9, M-11, and the 1911. So there is always that.

  30. Aesop,

    “Cue the anti-semitic Nazi Trump allowing himself to be led by the Zionist dog Netanyahu.”

    You noticed! *grin*

    . . .

    DNW at 3:36 pm, thanks very much for the pre-Civil-War background info. I can’t say I’m shocked, but I’ve never heard anyone ever say anything to that effect.

    Plus ça change, even in the case of humans and their nature.


    JP, thanks for the video link. And Aesop, what a detailed rundown of it! I’ve been wondering lately if you’re getting an early start on giving up sleep for Lent (of 202). :>)

  31. “DNW at 3:36 pm, thanks very much for the pre-Civil-War background info. I can’t say I’m shocked, but I’ve never heard anyone ever say anything to that effect.
    Plus ça change, even in the case of humans and their nature.”

    Well, you heard me say it. It’s my estimation of some of the material I’ve read, and the mindsets of some of the people who wrote that material.

    Henry Steel Commager was famous for his “Documents of American History” volume collecting and re-presenting primary sources.

    Commager’s “The Civil War Archive” is somewhat similar and also includes numerous letters and diary entries. Even the editor’s of the latter volume admit, or better notice and find worthy of remark, how much more ideological the letters of the Northerners are in general. Many seem to have a great deal more invested in the idea of a “nation” and a collective: the notion of a rather mystical collective destiny and belonging, which informs their morality.

    I’ve also found reading material of and about the Beechers, and Lydia Child and Wendell Phillips, and Garrison and the like to be pretty interesting from a number of angles.

  32. DNW, there’s long been a quote, which I first heard from my mother:
    “I love mankind!
    It’s people I can’t stand.”
    This is the hypocrisy of so many, including many Christians in history.
    (quote by Charles M Schulz)

    The goal is to signal your own virtue, so as to claim moral superiority.
    All too often supporting policies which have the opposite effect of those claimed by its supporters.

  33. New socialist man requires they be gone..
    this is what has happened per these ideas since mid 1800s
    and for other reasons prior
    now, once their supporters in the population are gone due to democide
    then what?

  34. “This is the hypocrisy of so many, including many Christians in history.
    (quote by Charles M Schulz)”

    These are people who say they are Christians, Tom?

    It sounds to me like they missed the whole effing point.

    Matthew 20:

    “27and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

    My God condescended to come into creation in the form of a servant. There is no virtue signaling in Christianity. Now, I don’t always exemplify that fact. But when I don’t, that’s not Christian.

  35. My previous comment about Sardinia didn’t make any sense. It wasn’t supposed to. Because when I’m making sense no one listens to me. For instance, I like Muslims. I despise Islam. There’s a difference which ought to be easy to spot.

    Most Muslims don’t know what their Quran tells them they are supposed to do.

    So when I cite Quran verses like Surah 60:4 (hatred and enmity forever) or 2:223 (there is no such thing as marital rape in Islam because a farmer’s field has no say in how or when the farmer plows her) or Surah 2:216 which commands Muslims to fight me they accuse me of lying. And I’m like, great!

    Or the more educated ones tell me I’m taking it out of context. I choke it down because context doesn’t help them. And I think it’s wonderful that they don’t know. Because, tough guy that I am, I can’t fight 1.6 billion people. Eventually I’m going to get tired. I mean, nobody can work out that much.

    But it’s in the Quran. And some people take it seriously.


    The Islamic state doesn’t publish an on-line magazine named after the town called Dapiq. Because, humble brag, we took it back. Now they call their on-line magazine Rumiya. The Arabic for Rome. They want to take Rome and behead the Pope.. Now, I don’t think you have to like the Pope to want to prevent that from happening.

    BTW I don’t cite Quran verses to the Muslims I do happen to know.

  36. Some more news stories of interest.


    On April 27, 2019, Breitbart News reported that a suspect opened fire in the Chabad of Poway and a good guy with a gun was able to shoot back. That good guy, Border Patrol Agent Jonathan Morales, chased after the attacker and shot at him as he got into his vehicle to flee.

    The Times of Israel reports that Morales had “recently discovered his Jewish roots” and, after he began coming to Chabad of Poway, was asked by Goldstein to pray armed.

    Goldstein said, “Morales recently discovered his Jewish roots. He would travel three and a half hours from [the California town of] El Centro to pray with us at our shul. He felt this was his house of worship. And many times I said, ‘Jonathan, you work for the border patrol. Please arm yourself when you are here; we never know when we will need it.’”

    Goldstein made clear that the synagogue has armed guards at the service when they can afford to do so.

    This is a switch on the more common “he was always such a nice, quiet boy” —

    “Our son’s actions were informed by people we do not know, and ideas we do not hold,” Earnest’s parents said.

    “Like our other five children, he was raised in a family, a faith and a community that all rejected hate and taught that love must be the motive for everything we do.

    They described their son’s motivations as “a terrifying mystery” and said they were helping police uncover what had led to “this evil and despicable act.”

  37. AesopFan, I wish I could reach out to these these people. Because sometimes your kid just doesn’t work out like you hoped. I don’t have any biological children. But I did raise children in a certain sense. When I was in the Navy I trained my replacements. which is why I can take a certain amount of pride in the fact the US armed forces drove the Islamic state out of Dabiq. And made them change the name of their magazine.


    But not all the children I was entrusted with turned out well.

  38. Steve — I know several families who have had heartbreaking experiences with their kids, despite “raising them right” — I hope never to have one of my own.
    This will be a difficult time for them.

  39. Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, died of injuries she sustained in the shooting at Chabad of Poway near San Diego. Three others were hurt.

    Gilbert-Kaye is believed to have thrown herself in front of Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, possibly saving his life. Goldstein was injured after suffering a gunshot wound to his hand.

    Ya humans need to relearn how to dodge bullets. Then you won’t take as many casualties.

    The way it works is very simple. You have fast twitch muscles, do a time distortion using adrenaline/endorphin glands, and watch where the the gun vector is pointed and when the trigger is pulled. All of it is easy seen and analyzed, although you need physical reaction speed and fast burst acceleration for the body to keep up.

    Some of ya’ll learned to do this before your current life, but you just forgot. Stop forgetting and wake up.

    Even if you stay negative in your response, you will just be Purged along with the Deep State. You will go to where they will be going when the Fleet arrives.

    Basically, the neurological aspect deals with the process of linking our thoughts of “them” with things that are perceived as disgusting, to the point where we lose all comprehension of “them” as humans deserving of empathy.

    That’s not that strange. People get the same reactions to me. And they sometimes respond to trolls in the same fashion elsewhere. You humans aren’t as progressive as the propaganda claims.

  40. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+19%3A1&version=ESV

    Verner Von Braun’s Tombstone

    The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky (firmament/expanse) above[a] proclaims his handiwork.

    Notice the father/grandfather of rocketry wants to talk about god in the sky and a dome/barrier around the Earth (Van Allen belts). Kind of strange, ala dead man’s last words.

    When it comes time to separate the wheat from the chaff and burn up the waste ones, the Fleet will not divide humanity between Republicans or Conservatives, Democrats or blacks. It will be divided up based on how miserable you are, how happy you are, and how you deal with this state of affairs in life (online and offline). If you are here all the time, unhappy with your life, and instead of improving and fixing yourself, you take your angst out on other humans… well you will be going with the Deep State to the not so cold place. Not because you agree with the Deep State, you may hate the Leftist alliance. But that very emotion will be used to separate you from the wheat, the goats from the sheep.

    The righteous will be saved, although not in the sense that modern religions use the word “righteous” or “saved” as. All human factions will continue to progress, just in different directions. Some have chosen the Left hand path, others will go to the Right hand path.

    This is not your conception of Heaven or Hell. Far from it. This is more like a quantum entanglement split via Schroedinger’s Cat. Your observation of yourself as a mean, miserable, son of a dog, will become the reality you will have to deal with, for over 1000 years. Even if you fight against the Leftist alliance, if you become like the Left, you will go with the Left. They will be your buddies for much of existence. On the other hand, those who have sought out the DIvine within, no matter their politics, will be granted a pardon or grace. They will have a chance to rethink things in life and to make better choices.

    Meanwhile the Darkness will continue to struggle on, as the Light ascends. Until the Final Battle and the Fleet brings the fire of purification and the Burning.

    Enjoy the Burning. Those of you that can take the heat, will be reborn in fire. Those of you that aren’t ready… well, good luck with that.

    Steve: Look what I got recently. https://sbg-sword-store.sword-buyers-guide.com/product569.html

    Cool zombie slayer! Much of the Islamic Jihad “knives” and machetes are made out of inferior steel, if one can even call it steel, without tempering or hardening. When T10 tool steel hits that blade, the Jihadist blade will be cut through easily. Unless you are an American couch potato that uses cars all the time. No luck then.

  41. AesopFan on April 30, 2019 at 1:35 am at 1:35 am said:

    Did you do your homework on secret combinations yet?

    Apparently there’s a website created by lds just for that, which I wasn’t aware of until recently.

  42. Not aware of that website, but not surprised, since the concept of “secret combinations” as found in the Book of Mormon is very similar to what is called the Deep State.
    However, there is a difference between observing similarities and fomenting conspiracy theories, and people fall on both sides of that line.

    One niggle: “created by lds” kind of implies official approval, which is doubtful.
    How about “created by some members of the LDS Church” — because we all have our different interests and ideas and level of tin-foil-hattery.
    It’s called “agency.”

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