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Live from an Israeli bunker — 30 Comments

  1. If there was an all-Iraq 24-hour-a-day channel, I’d subscribe. I want the spotlights on Bush II’s folly all day, every day, without diversion.

    Yeah, there’s some bad stuff going on on Israel’s borders. And it’s distracting the world from the fact that 100 civilians a day are being murdered in that American bastion of democracy, Iraq.

  2. And what shelterless fear does an innocent Lebanese family go through in their last moments before they’re struck by a missile from a murderous Israeli flyboy?

  3. Yes, I deplore the fact that Hezbollah are lobbing untargeted missiles into northern Israel which could land in open fields, in crowded city intersections, or in children’s playgrounds — they don’t know and they don’t care, and that’s criminal.

    That doesn’t excuse Israeli murders of innocent Lebanese refugees — or does that not happen?

  4. Tequila: Your comments are of the type that have been answered many times on this blog and others, so I see no need to address their actual substance here. I’ll leave that to other commenters, if they so wish.

    What I’m writing to tell you is that, although I don’t really consider you to be a troll, I’m laying down a harder line about comment behavior in general.

    What you’ve done here–three short comments in very quick succession, with no one answering you and therefore no sort of dialogue, but rather a sequential and very quick monologue–is very close to spamming. Please try not to do this in the future. Surely you can collect your thoughts better than that.

  5. Three short comments in the space of 21 minutes is objectionable? OK, boss, I’ll check back in a week or so.

  6. Sorry, it just occurred to me — you’re not trying to muffle dissent, by any chance?

    Sorry if I’ve violated your timelines.

    Have a nice day.

  7. Ah, the ‘bird has a martyr complex. Gonna take one for the team ‘bird?

    I got your muffler right here. Let me help you bend it around your neck.

  8. There’s another “slice of life” from Israel – from the “Right Coast”.
    Spirit of Haifa

    He has a lot in common with Londoners in the 1940s.

    If I were to reply to a certain person, I would say that while Hizbollah’s aim is to maximize casualties in both Lebanon and Israel, Israel’s aim is to minimize casualties in both Lebanon and Israel.

  9. Moth to a flame — can’t stay away, and it’s only been a couple of hours — can I post three messages at 3 a.m. GMT if I’m an administration lickspittle?

    Sadly, we both know the answer is yes.

  10. Could you be more precise with your offer to kill me, scenesentwasp, or do you prefer to keep a shred of ambiguity?

    You’re a hell of a debater.

    Whoops, is that too quick? Don’t read it for a bit.

  11. Hey, neo, I sent a message at 11:24 and another 15 minutes later, at 11:39; now I want to tell Mike Z, who said I have a lot in common with the Londoners in 1940, that he’s spot on because my father was with the Canadian Army in London during the Blitz. It’s about 20 minutes later, but I don’t want to violate your timelines: Would that be all right? If not, I certainly won’t do it.

  12. ‘Bird shit, it was a joke. Muffler=silencer here. As in bend a muffler, not cloth… forget it. You’re just interested in getting your IP hammered and oddly enough it is familiar.

  13. This is just juvenile — I’d say ban him and put him out of his misery. Sometimes you have to give people what they want.

  14. Saying essentially, “Peek-a-boo, here I am” and “Oh look out! I’m here once again” is not dissent — it’s just faggy (as if goofy or immature).

  15. oh shut up you fool. a site without dissent deserves mockery. I come back every few days to laugh at the way this place has developed. So serious right wing nonsense so outraged when mocked.

  16. Jews are smart – they build bunkers for the civilians, good bunkers. The Lebanese? Oh, allah wants them to be exploited by hizbullah and serve as shields. They make wonderful fodder – fodder for allah. That has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Fodder for allah, fodder for allah, almost parrotesque we have seen and heard it so much. You can’t argue with divine will, now can you? If you are aiding even tacitly the enemy, you are a target – just ask the former residents of Dresden and Hiroshima about that, but then I’m of the rare breed that deems islamofacism every bit the threat nazi Germany and imperial Japan was. Yeah, you know, either they remain standing or we do, but only 1 side will remain in power.

  17. This site is a fucking joke.

    Neo – you are a fucking Nazi slut.

    Suck my dick bitch – and all you other Jewish Nazi cunts too.

    Editor’s note: For the moment, I’m leaving this up as a demonstration of the quality of argument of a certain segment of the opposition. Stevie, from the otherwise lovely city of Toronto, Canada, has been banned from this site.

    Edited By Siteowner

  18. Israel troops ‘ignored’ UN plea
    Israeli strike in Khiam, south Lebanon
    Israel had hit Khiam a number of times earlier on Tuesday
    UN peacekeepers in south Lebanon contacted Israeli troops 10 times before an Israeli bomb killed four of them, an initial UN report says.

    The post was hit by a precision-guided missile after six hours of shelling, diplomats familiar with the probe say.

    UN-led crisis talks in Rome ended with no agreement to urge an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

    In the latest fighting, up to 13 Israeli soldiers were reported killed in southern Lebanon on Wednesday.

    Israel has not confirmed any deaths from among its soldiers, but says there have been 20 casualties in the clashes around the town of Bint Jbail.

    More than 400 Lebanese and 42 Israelis have died in two weeks of conflict, which began after Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid on 12 July.


  19. Burn in hell all of you fucks who support this piece of shit country….

    Editor’s note: For the moment, I’m leaving this up as a demonstration of the quality of argument of a certain segment of the opposition. Stevie, from the otherwise lovely city of Toronto, Canada, has been banned from this site.

    Edited By Siteowner

  20. now I want to tell Mike Z, who said I have a lot in common with the Londoners in 1940, that he’s spot on because my father was with the Canadian Army in London during the Blitz.

    I’m pretty sure Mike Z was referring to someone else.

    That doesn’t excuse Israeli murders of innocent Lebanese refugees — or does that not happen?

    The above comment represents the best quality of “dissent” I’ve seen in this thread so far (several other comments are about equal, but the others go downhill fast). Consequently I’ll respond to it:

    I haven’t seen any evidence of Israeli murder.

    Certainly, some innocents have probably been killed, but given the nature of things it is hard to be certain: the Islamic terrorists make a point of hiding behind women & children, dressing in civlilian clothes, fighting from schools, hospitals, etc. Essentially, their MO is to commit war crimes: intentially attacking civilians, intentially hiding behind civilians.

    When Israel attacks terrorists and kills innocent civilians, it isn’t murder, but a horrible mistake. But it is a mistake the terrorists, not the IDF, are responsible for. But that’s assuming the innocent civilians are really innocent; civilians who let teorrorists hide among them are in no way innocent.

    If Israel intentially targets innocent civilians, then it is indeed murder. But we have yet to see real evidence of that. Of course, if IDF wished to kill Lebanese civilians, the death count would be in the tens of thousands now, at the least. Not in the hundreds, at the most.

    Aside from that, I’m sure these lefty trolls are really convincing neo to switch back . . .

  21. That doesn’t excuse Israeli murders of innocent Lebanese refugees — or does that not happen?

    It would be more accurate to say that “Hezbollah should not be excused for murder of innocent Lebanese refugees”

    Let’s say, 1,000 killers have 1,000 knifes to the necks of 1,000 hostages. The killers are cutting into the flesh, and the police shoot at their heads to stop them. All 1,000 killers are dead and 14 hostages are dead. The police are murderers? We should give the good guys the benefit of the doubt – after all Hezbollah [Iran] started this war.

    Most time the only choice we are left with is “bad” and “worse” — very rarely is “good” an option — once again thanks to the Left.

  22. If there was an all-Iraq 24-hour-a-day channel, I’d subscribe. I want the spotlights on Bush II’s folly all day, every day, without diversion.

    You would be dissapointed. You currently hear about the major failures but miss the successes. There is quite a bit of success in Iraq, and I suspect you would find it unsettling.

  23. Of course, elvis, is simply ‘conned in a glitter suit. Same fat, idiot calling people fools and telling them to shut up in a comment about dissent. About what you’d expect.

  24. Retired Canadian Major General Lewis Mackenzie on CBC radio speaking about the Canadian killed at the UN outpost: “We received emails from him a few days ago, and he was describing the fact that he was taking fire within, in one case, three meters of his position for tactical necessity, not being targeted. Now that’s veiled speech in the military. What he was telling us was Hezbollah soldiers were all over his position and the IDF were targeting them. And that’s a favorite trick by people who don’t have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can’t be punished for it.”

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