Home » The FBI, the DOJ, and the soft coup against Trump


The FBI, the DOJ, and the soft coup against Trump — 54 Comments

  1. As I read the 25th Amendment, there is no role for an FBI functionary to initiate such action as McCabe initiated. Is this man so obtuse that he thinks what he pulled is some sort of higher moral move? Now, I may be wrong in my reading, so please correct me if that is the case.

    The Russian collusion was a hoax, soup to nuts. It never happened, or if it did, it happened with the Clintons. These folks at the FBI & Justice were playing at treason, worst case, or sedition. They all need to be prosecuted.

  2. Obama, Kiev, and Britain, too. A coup without borders but a central directive. Perhaps Mexican special and peculiar interests, broadcast through WaPo and similar bullhorns.

  3. Rosenstein should be answering Congressional questions under oath? Those Republicans have had their chance and did little, other than Nunes. Rosenstein et al should be in prison, under arrest for whatever charges relate to dereliction of duty and conspiracy to subvert a U.S. election. William Barr, step up now, please. And wherever this leads into the Obama administration, follow the cancer.

  4. Believing McCabe’s testimony against DAG Rosenstein will likely turn out to be a folly. Therefore, best not to do so. Rather, wait to see what turns up at McCabe’s trial, or barring that, in the course of other events and disclosures.

    Why is York’s testimonial House Republican nameless, for instance?

    No. This is poor reporting by York. But then, why?

  5. The rot is at least as deep and widespread as we fear. ALL of management has to go or our ship of State will continue to flounder upon the shoals of nemesis.

  6. When the dinosaur media is complicit with the deep state Dems/Progs, I wonder how we still have out country semi intact. Wait, AOC with the usual suspects will do their best to undermine the citizens and the Constitution.

  7. McAuliffe got his money’s worth with McCabe’s wife.

    This is a bigger scandal than Watergate but it may take years to get it all out. Where is the Church Commission when you need it?

  8. Rosenstein, McCabe, and others should be answering questions under oath in front of a grand jury. The disgusting part of all this is that all of these people will avoid serious prison time. The laws of the United States do not apply to them.

    Furthermore, if there are no consequences for this, it will happen again.

  9. Yawn, we all know that absolutely NOTHING will happen to any of these people. Only Trump associates will get jail time. Is it any wonder that we on the Right are so angry

  10. Is it any wonder that we on the Right are so angry.

    We right now are in the position of Weimar and Kerensky. The Continuing Resolution is awful. 1,000 pages of poison pills. The C of C GOP are fools or crooks. Which ?

  11. At least one of the coup cabal must end up with a life sentence breaking rocks in Levenworth. Unfortunately, we are not a nation of laws.

  12. Lynn, why so sure nothing will happen? I think several will be going to jail. Moods can change and if ever a mood were changing, the all-encompassing libbie sob story is drying up fast. Thus the desperation we’ve been seeing. There is evidence out there, not all of it destroyed. There are people who will implicate one another. Laws do apply and all that has been missing is an AG with the will to apply them. I hope that has changed. Kevino’s grand jury may be the route. I for one am heartily sick of pretending that Keurig is coffee.

  13. Kai Akker on February 14, 2019 at 6:31 pm at 6:31 pm
    Lynn, why so sure nothing will happen?

    Self interest of the people who would be ground up…

    its already passed.. and past..
    It won’t walk again (gots no legs – paraphrasing johnny hart)

  14. Kevino:

    Why would you think an oath would mean anything to these people? An oath only means something when taken by a person who truly believes in a divine power.

  15. So McCabe says that he was motivated by the suspicion that the president was in office because of Russian involvement.
    Knowing all along that he and his friends made up that story!

  16. Ultimately, there are people who need to be fed to the hogs. After all, some leftist congress critter wants, idiot that he is, to nuke gun owners. The day of unintended consequences is approaching the event horizon.There is no common ground, only a question of which side controls the ground. These people support inficide, there is no middle there. They want me and mine dead, that is their message. I got the message loud and clear.

  17. Allyn71 might be the transexual manju, confused puppies deserve no slack, but tears of pithy, at least one or two, may be warranted. Then the hogs.

  18. now hosted on Dan Rather’s News & Guts website.

    I can’t quite tell if that site is meant to be a parody.

  19. Money quotes from York’s post, but (as with everything on the Net), it’s wise to invoke the 48-hour rule before pontificating too much.
    Or maybe “bishoping” would be more like it, in re the CovCath post.

    Much, if not all, of what McCabe reports has been reported before. But an eyewitness, insider account lends new weight to the idea that the highest levels of the national security apparatus experienced a collective freakout in the days after the Comey firing.

    In particular, it intensifies questions about Rosenstein’s behavior in those eight days. Remember that Rosenstein played a key role in the removal of Comey. A few days later, he was talking about removing the president for having removed Comey. The sheer audacity of that has stunned even experienced Capitol Hill observers.

    One final note. The frenzy of May 2017 set off investigations that continued previous investigations that, as far as the public knows today, have not uncovered evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to fix the 2016 election. And if those investigations have not found that proof by now, they certainly had not found it in May 2017. And yet the investigations multiplied, and are still multiplying to this day.

  20. ICYMI,
    The 48 Hour Rule
    Posted by Sgt. Mom on January 22nd, 2019
    “The first reports about anything are usually wrong, misleading, inaccurate; SOMETHING has happened, and it usually takes at least that long for reporters to put out the fire in their hair and come up with some sensible reportage.”

  21. This is no surprise to anyone who’s been following this for, I would say, close on to a year now, perhaps more (e.g., Lee Smith’s and Mollie Hemingway’s twitter feeds, to name just a few)–and the “Epoch Times”.

    The question is, what now?

    Who will eat whom? Who will squeal on whom? Who will try to save themselves and at whose expense?

    A HUGE problem is, which of these goons, these liars—these prevaricating conspirators—are you gonna NOW believe? (And under what circumstance? And when?)

    Count on it that the MSM will CONTINUE to do its very best obfuscate, deflect, deceive, distort, hide, sanitize and ultimately derail the hugest scandal in American political history—until they can’t do that any longer (here, I’m being optimistic).

    They’ll do their darnedest to perfume this pig (sorry, pigs): e.g., “It’s just one big conspiracy theory by those racist Republican conspiracy mongerers” or, “Hey, Republicans are corrupt, too”, or “Hey, remember Richard Nixon?” or—and this is their ace in the hole (so they believe), the one they’ve been feeding, nurturing, nourishing, and pushing since Trump won the GOP nomination: “Trump is beneath contempt, beyond the pale, criminally insane, a white supremacist, a racist, an immigrant hater, a N***, a blot upon America (along with his supporters)—well, you get the picture—and therefore, THEREFORE, it is only right, moral, ethical, principled to go after this foul creature, this awful thing, and remove him from office. EVERY MORAL PERSON WOULD DO THIS! NO MORAL PERSON WOULD THINK TWICE. And so…THEREFORE, what we have done—and what we will CONTINUE to do (if we can) is the epitome of morality, the essence of morality, the very highest service to our country.”

    And they will “report” and “analyze” and “interpret” this sordid episode as crookedly, as deceptively as they can in an effort to, at the very least, prevent it from reaching the heavies: Obama, H. Clinton, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper and others in that sorry crew (though the last two are expendable, and they know it).

    As though they could actually prevent that from happening.

    But they will try. And if you think that things have been “entertaining” up until now, totally bat-shite crazy up until now… well, you haven’t seen anything yet.

  22. The bottom line for McCabe, other Deep State bureaucrats, and all the elected members of the uniparty is that they want to get rich — I mean really rich to the tune of millions of dollars — working around and for the government. Many are well on their way to this goal, almost always by doing things that even if technically legal ought to be illegal (Clintons and their foundation, for example). Donald Trump is much richer than these other people can ever hope to be, so you know this cannot be his true motive.

    Donald Trump did not have to run for president, he could just have sampled the winds of social change, and at the appropriate time moved his family and fortune to a more stable part of the world. That’s what I would have done in his place. Instead, he is an American patriot attempting to preserve the country and culture which have given him such a wonderful life — perhaps so that others like him can do the same after he is gone. I suspect he is the only American patriot now in office, and I trust him to do what he thinks is best for the country. He may choose wrongly, but at least his motives are right.

  23. Not sure I’m convinced by the “Deep State” theory here, at least not with this.

    Although there’s no doubt that these goon-conspirators did not want Trump elected (and if elected, then they didn’t want him to be able to govern—i.e., the plan was to hamstring him, hog-tie him, cage him and then impeach him), I’m more convinced by the reasonable—more than reasonable—assumption that they knew, practical people they, that their bread would be better buttered—far, far better—if Hillary were president. Moreover, since Hillary was, NO QUESTION, going to BE president, they had no real motivation (other than professionalism, moral scruples, and upholding the law—which they, presumably, had pledged to do at some point in their careers; that is, unless that particular requirement was axed due to budgetary concerns or maybe political correctness…); no motivation at all to go after HER. In fact the opposite. Practical people (though no doubt assisted by their personal politics), they weren’t keen on doing their job if doing their job meant even a smidgeon of a possibility of losing those jobs, or being relocated to, say, the office in Nome.

    And even IF there was pressure placed on them, it would not have come so much from Hillary (either directly, or more probably, indirectly—via innuendo?—as mentioned above—remember, practical people). Far more likely that it would have come directly from POTUS 44 and his merrye crewe, with all the alibis for plausible deniability locked and set; yes, all of them carefully, painstakingly, professionally, built-in, of course. (How does one say “degrees of separation” in Dem-Speak?)

    But once again, if this is a professional hit job engineered by the Obama administration suborning the DOJ, does that make it “Deep State”?

    Aided and abetted by the always willing MSM. But I’m pretty sure that you can’t describe the MSM as Deep State. They didn’t have to be bought, persuaded, convinced, cajoled. They were in Obama’s and then, Hillary’s pockets all along. Willingly. Droolingly.

    (So maybe its “Deep Pockets”?)

    What Hillary did do, to be sure, was cunningly craft “plausible” allegations—and somehow get the FISA judges (thanks to the suborned DOJ/FBI) to jump through hoops, roll over, and beg, getting the whole beautifully-conceived deception rolling.

    But is this “Deep State”?

    It seems to me to be more like ideological goons from suborned agencies—with the MSM providing intense and incessant enfilading fire.

    On the other hand, I suppose it all depends on how one defines “Deep State”….

  24. D. Cohen, I’ve been wondering for three years now why Trump ran for president. At first I thought he was doing the primary thing because it was fun, disruptive, and spotlight-grabbing – and that he never expected to win. Then, when he won, I thought he’d bow out early in the campaign because he didn’t want all the rest of the crap that running for president gets you – only the publicity. But he didn’t bow out. And then he was elected, and I thought he’d revert to type and start playing nice with his old D friends. But he started presidenting like a conservative.

    And he’s continued to do that, more or less. So I’m forced to conclude that you might be right… Donald Trump, known for decades as an attention-hound and blowhard, might in fact be a patriot – and the defining act of his very public life might turn out to have been prompted by something really good deep in his secret heart. Just goes to show you, I guess.

    I voted for him because he wasn’t Clinton. But I didn’t like him. I’m still bemused… but I’m much more pro-Trump now than I ever thought I would be.

  25. Put yourself in the FBI’s shoes. You have spent your lifetime defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    Along come a draft-dodger who sides with our enemies, like Wikileaks. (As an aside, think about that. Wikileaks revealed the names of Taliban informants, people who helped us kill those responsible for 911…and Trump says he loves them).

    This lover of Taliban supporters fires the Head of the FBI. Big freaking deal in years past. But what does he do next?

    1. He invites the Russians to the Oval Office
    2. He bars the US press, but not the Russian one.
    3. He puts an Israeli soldiers life at risk by giving top secret information to our Enemy.
    4. He tells out enemy; “I just fired the head of the FBI. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

    By firing Comey, Trump was, either knowingly or unwittingly, working on behalf of Russia and working against American interests.

    It’s like seeing a President firing the person in charge of investigating Al Qaeda’s 911 attack, in order to stifle that very investigation…then bragging about doing so to Al Quaida.

    Any patriot would do what the FBI did.

  26. “,,,defending the Constitution…”

    Well yes, of course.

    Either selectively…or by subverting it.

    (Because no matter what we do, we defend the Consitution full stop?)

    The wonderful thing about subterfuge is that you’re actually defending something even as you trash it.

    (For higher reasons, of course. For the very best of reasons.)

    Because, sometimes—you never know when—you need…insurance!

  27. Any patriot would do what the FBI did.<

    Patriot of what country ? One that said, "Tell Vlad this is my last election. I'll be more flexible after it is over?"

  28. A) HR Clinton committed numerous crimes – secret illegal server, illegally having US Secret material on that serve, lying to the FBI about it (repeatedly)
    B) Coverup by Obama’s FBI, including McCabe & Comey
    C) Violating the law in their FISA application to wiretap Trump (and was dishonest about it when Trump was truthful) ***
    The FISA application, in violation of FBI & DOJ regulations was illegal. Those signing off on it are criminals. The (Rep) judge should be impeached — it’s his job to be positively assured by FBI evidence that what has been submitted has been corroborated. The FBI / Comey knew it was opponent speculation.
    D) Multiple illegal unmaskings.

    The “Deep State” is at least many top level unelected bureaucrats who have tremendous power. And have been illegally abusing their authority.

    The USA needs a special prosecutor to go after the FBI, DOJ, and its illegal actions around the above crimes. I don’t believe IG Huber will do so.

    I hope and pray that there will be serious investigations, and justice, but don’t believe there will be. Trump’s biggest mistake was a failure to push for a real indictment on Clinton’s crimes, and such an indictment is needed in order to “Lock Her Up”. It’s not too late – or is it? Lots of evidence already destroyed.

    So, I’ll:
    Hope for the best,
    Expect the worst.

  29. 3. He puts an Israeli soldiers life at risk by giving top secret information to our Enemy.

    which is why Trump is uber popular in Israel and with Jewish Jews.

    nazi goyim like Manju and Herr Müller don’t get to speak for Jews

  30. Although Manju has made many ludicrously inflated charges in the past, this latest litany of hysterically framed sweeping indictments is probably his most noteworthy production yet. It’s the kind of writing that high school teachers use to illustrate what an intentionally misleading presentation looks like.

    Synecdoche and metonymy run wild in the service of polemics, and in discussing perpetrators we are asked to imagine that we are “the FBI” and that “it” [no name of the actual actors] has spent its life [intro drumroll and Trumpets] defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and [italicized for emphasis] domestic“.

    Not even the use of grammatical articles is allowed to proceed unmolested. A news organization becomes “the US press” and a nonexistent symmetry is implied with “the Russian one”.

    “The” Russians are invited into the oval office we are told, but who and why are omitted. Just the Russians. Maybe all of them. Certainly nefarious.

    Details and intention and number, mix and spin out for the sake of a hoped for impact.

    He “…puts “an Israeli soldiers” [sic] “life at risk by giving top secret information to our Enemy.”

    Our “Enemy” appears. In person, no less. Credit Manju here with restraining himself enough to employ only one capital letter when he typed “Enemy”

    Anyway, even for the product of an overwrought mind, it’s a pretty bad and transparent mess. Save it to show your kids what not to do.

  31. Although Manju has made many ludicrously inflated charges in the past,

    Actually, that post read like he’d been hitting the bottle pretty hard when he hit ‘send’.

  32. For many citizens, I’d imagine, these conspirator’s actions have severely damaged—if not destroyed—any reputations for adherence to the Law, honesty, integrity, fairness, even-handedness, loyalty, patriotism, and competence of the Federal Departments and Agencies they headed and/or worked for might formerly have earned and enjoyed.

    Of much more dire consequence, they have given an increasing number of citizens reason to profoundly doubt and distrust these formerly trusted Departments and Agencies, and whoever heads them.

    The message that has been conveyed—loud and clear—is that their fidelity to the Constitution, to our Republic, their motives and actions, is a fiction, and can no longer be trusted.

    The absolutely essential bond of trust between the government and those governed, the absolutely essential assurance that those nominally ”public servants” who operate our government—and who are supposed to protect us—will adhere to the Constitution and to the Law has been severely damaged.

    And, frankly, I don’t know if that critical, absolutely essential trust—or, at least a majority of it—can ever be restored.

    The actions of the members of this lawless, reckless, hubris-filled, power-hungry Leftist/Democrat Cabal have changed the political dynamic in this country for the worse, have injured–perhaps even fatally injured–some of core institutions that are vital to the health and continued survival of our Republic in it’s current form.

    They might as well have pulled down the statue of “blind justice,” and trucked the broken pieces off to the junkyard to be chopped up for scrap.

    And, to make things even worse—from the looks of it—no one inside the Departments and Agencies involved is even attempting to (or, perhaps—their institutional survival at stake—they may be unwilling to, or—outnumbered and hampered at every turn—even unable to) start cleaning up the mess, and righting our Ship of State.

  33. You guys who’ve given up on justice — you’re part of the problem, you’re letting the crooked Clintons and Dems walk all over us with that attitude. You’re so sure it’s a done deal — that’s part of what they need to win. Keep it up and stay losers.

    Come and get me. It’s true.

  34. For Kai Akker:

    [Lucilla stands and turns to Senator Gracchus and the crowd in the Colosseum]

    Lucilla: Is Rome worth one good man’s life? We believed it once. Make us believe it again. He was a soldier of Rome. Honor him.

    Gracchus: Who will help me carry him?

    –from the film “Gladiator”

  35. Manju’s post gives heart to an old science fiction fan like me. There really are parallel worlds! (BTW — have any of you seen “Counterpart” on Starz? It’s terrific!) In Manju’s world, “inviting the Russians to the White House” is treason! Allowing the Russian state photographer to take pictures of the Russian ambassador visiting the White House is collusion!

    In our universe, expelling 33 Russian diplomats, closing two Russian “facilities,” building up the U.S. military, getting NATO members to meet their own commitments to increase defense spending, reducing Russia’s GDP by 15% or more by keeping oil and gas prices around $50-60/bbl, trying to get Angela Merkel to buy U.S. natural gas instead of Russian LNG, sending U.S. troops to Poland, Romania, and the Baltic States, sending U.S. ships into the Black Sea, sending arms to Ukraine, bombing Russian airbases in Syria — excuse me, bombing Syrian airbases that happened to be manned by Russians — and killing 200 Russian soldiers in Syria (the first time the U.S. has killed Russian soldiers since 1921!) all show a President who is harder on Russia than any president since Reagan.

    I figure Manju’s universe diverged from ours around the election of George W. Bush. Soon the world’s will be so divergent that no communication will be possible. Then, WAR!

  36. Julie near Chicago on February 15, 2019 at 2:09 am at 2:09 am said:
    ….The most chilling scene in the entire movie ….

    * * *
    This is the image that the Left wanted to conjure when they attacked the CovCath boys: to them, anyone wearing a MAGA hat must be a Nazi.

  37. Manju on February 15, 2019 at 7:57 am at 7:57 am said:

    It’s like seeing a President firing the person in charge of investigating Al Qaeda’s 911 attack, in order to stifle that very investigation…then bragging about doing so to Al Quaida.
    * * *
    Or maybe something like this?

    By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Thursday, April 25, 2013
    “Before the Boston Marathon bombings, the Obama administration argued for years that there is a big difference between terrorists and the tenets of Islam.

    A senior White House aide in 2009 publicly urged Washington to cease using the term “jihadist” — asserting that terrorists are simply extremists. Two years later, the White House ordered a cleansing of training materials that Islamic groups deemed offensive.

    Now, some analysts are asking whether the 2009 edict and others that followed have dampened law enforcement’s appetite to thoroughly investigate terrorism suspects for fear of offending higher-ups or the American Muslim lobby.”

  38. Snow on Pine on February 15, 2019 at 2:41 pm at 2:41 pm said:
    For many citizens, I’d imagine, these conspirator’s actions have severely damaged—if not destroyed—any reputations for adherence to the Law, honesty, integrity, fairness, even-handedness, loyalty, patriotism, and competence of the Federal Departments and Agencies they headed and/or worked for might formerly have earned and enjoyed.
    * * *
    Excellent essay.

  39. Richard Saunders,

    ‘Counterpart’ really is a fantastic show. Unfortunately, I hear that Starz canceled it. JK Simmons is terrific. I was recommending it to all my friends but apparently, I didn’t recommend it enough.

  40. Yeah, I like ‘Counterpart’ also. Read somewhere that they were shopping it to other outlets (Netflix/Amazon etc) in hopes of continuing the series.

  41. Have each suspected of this silent coup attempt, isolated from each other and other congress members.
    Have them sworn in during testimony.
    Have the questions submitted to and asked by one investigator.
    Make sure to include a question of whom they have spoken with prior to their statements (congress, DOJ, and etc..) Subpoena those person also.
    Have the process witnessed by 6 silently watching sequestered (no outside access) members of congress for the complete process.
    Issue a Federal Judge level Press Blackout for period of collection.
    Video tape the process and post ALL unedited video footage on the INTERNET for PUBLIC & MEDIA REVIEW.
    Issue warrants for Treason and Sedition as determined by the SCOTUS Judges.
    Arrest and Jail w/o bond any one leaking reports before the official release is done.
    Public trials and testimony just like the Reagan hearings of the 1980’s.

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