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Is a border deal in the offing? — 11 Comments

  1. As the date for Shutdown II approaches, they will get more serious, as I think they realize they lost on the last shutdown.

  2. I can’t see the left compromising and allow djt to be successful on his signature issue. Trump is a xenophobic, crazy man don’t you know.

  3. I can’t see the left compromising and allow djt to be successful on his signature issue.

    But Pelosi’s polling numbers went down and his didn’t.

  4. I think the key polls to watch will be those checking the “purple” seats — new Dems who won from Reps.

    Those Dems won’t want to lose their seats. Trump will blame the Dems in the House; Pelosi will blame Trump. Who will the voters really blame?

    I think if Nancy doesn’t have a public offer that includes a Wall, Trump will be claiming she was not negotiating in good faith.

    I don’t see how she can win without an offer along the lines of: Wall but Dems get X; or maybe X+Y; or X+Y+Z, all of which Trump doesn’t like. If there’s no such public offer, I see Trump winning the next shutdown even more.

  5. He offered a deal with the DACA plus the wall. The 9th Circuit ruled that DACA could not be deported. The Democrats stopped the deal. The case went to the Supreme Court but that was when there were only 8 members and it tied 4 to 4, sending the case back to the lower court, If it comes upon again, with 5 to 4 possible, I suspect the Dims will get very interested in a deal.

  6. Trump will proceed with using other funds for his “barrier.” I saw Mick Mulvaney interviewed. He is a budget whiz. They have identified other funds that can be legally used to build the wall. Trump wanted to go the normal route of Congressional appropriation. Since they have failed in their duty, he will go it alone. He may have to overcome a court challenge but that appears quite doable. He has pretty well established in the public arena that the Congress has been unwilling to negotiate anything. I think it would be a big win for him if he does it. He gets things done and doesn’t quit.

  7. Mike K,

    The deep blue districts that people like Pelosi, Waters, and their ilk represent are assured permanent office until disease or death takes it away. I highly doubt Nancy’s national approval rating will cause the voters in her district to change their vote. LIVs are stuck on stupid by a diet of ‘fake’ news. These are people who see nothing wrong with infanticide in the name of “choice”. There be petite monsters.

    The cats above are more astute.

  8. J.J.

    I hope you are correct. The invasion must be be repelled if my grandchildren have any hope of living in a society that resembles a republic. Personally, I would like to get our people out of Afghanistan and deploy them to the border with orders that would send an extremely harsh message.

  9. Why on earth do the Democrats care whether it’s a wall or fence? Simple: they don’t, really.

    Actually they do care. Barriers mean fewer illegal entries and fewer seeds for the Democratic Party vote farm.

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