Home » US and Mexico trade: this deal could be a big, big deal


US and Mexico trade: this deal could be a big, big deal — 6 Comments

  1. To answer your questions: No and No. And just so you don’t think I’m dumping on the Democrats, those answers would apply if we had a Democrat controlled Congress and President.

    I listened closely to what Lighthizer has said and one thing that jumped out at me is that the NAFTA trade deal had “gotten seriously out of whack”. I thought, why of course it has, time has passed, economic situations have changed everywhere, it would be remarkable if it were still in a not out of whack status. The upshot of that is that any and all trade deals should have a expiration date or time based renegotiation trigger.

    If the details of this trade agreement shape up to be about as positive as they are being reported then Democrats would be fools not to support it. Vote to improve trade with Mexico and improve the working conditions for Mexicans and Americans. Give Trump credit and then go back to bashing all the other things he does that aren’t as obviously positive. If not, Republicans will rightly use your no vote against you in November.

  2. anyone knows if this deal will be uphold by the incoming socialist administration when the current president steps down?

  3. Steve “The upshot of that is that any and all trade deals should have a expiration date or time based renegotiation trigger.”

    I believe as well that all legislation that sets up regulations or departments or agencies should have an expiration date — one with real consequences, unlike the debt ceiling’s one-way escalator (always going up).

  4. Why in the world would anyone even think there’s a serious deal, let alone a seriously big one?

    At various times Trump has claimed that the wall is being built, that Obamacare has been repealed, that he turned around the economy…I could go on.

    Until facts prove otherwise, his trade negotiations should be viewed like the North Korea summit…he does less than nothing, gives away a lot, and claims total success.

  5. Manju — what exactly has Trump given away in any negotiation so far, except a photo op?

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