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Must-read article — 17 Comments

  1. It seems likely that at least some folks in the Obama admin desperately wanted an excuse to launch an intelligence operation against the Pres. elect’s team. In this article we have Steele and Simpson trying mightily to provide that excuse. We don’t really know if there is cause and effect, but Ohr’s wife was at Fusion GPS and seems like an obvious conduit candidate.

    I always assumed that the key excuse trigger was Carter Page, as ridiculous as that appears in hind sight. Now, we keep learning more and more about how sleazy Michael Cohen was. At this point, I would not be surprised if there aren’t a few real connections between Cohen and Russian intelligence. If that happens, then the Dems will shout vindication.

  2. …………”he said he and Steele acted out of a sense of duty. “For him it was professional obligations. I mean, for both of us it was citizenship. You know, people report crimes all the time,” he told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    Even as these people are tried for their crimes, that will be their mantra. Stopping Trump was a high civic duty. The anti-Trump forces will celebrate what these people have done.

    Putin has managed to drive a deep wedge into the political system. Such a wedge would not have been possible had there not been such animus toward Trump. Normal procedure would have been for the FBI to report to Trump the suspected existence of Russian influence In his campaign. Much as they did when they discovered that Dianne Feinstein’s Chinese driver was a ChiCom spy. But no, the top officials at the FBI, Justice, and the Intel community all felt it their patriotic duty to connect Trump to Russia. They were certain that they would find the connection if they just kept digging. As a bonus their investigation would hamper Trump’s agenda. The question is, “What were they thinking?” The answer: They weren’t thinking, they were reacting as ideologues and letting their animus toward Trump blind them to their own perfidy. The result: The deepest political divide in the U.S. since the Vietnam War.

  3. your missing the other hand..

    “China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United States.”

  4. What this whole attempted coup d’etat has revealed is just how totally corrupt the top leadership at the Obama Justice Department and the FBI (and elsewhere in the government) were.

    Leftist partisans convinced of their own righteousness, they couldn’t care less about procedure, the law, Constitutional protections of individual rights; they ran roughshod over all of them, because they thought that by doing so they could run Trump out of office.

    The voters who put Trump in office via legitimate means, who the hell cares about them! Since they voted for Trump, they’re all obviously a bunch of uneducated cretins–toothless, mouth-breathing, bigoted–to quote a recent leftist, they’re “garbage people “; “deplorables” whose votes and will are safely ignored.

    Unconstrained by any ethical or legal code, these actors pose a direct threat to our Republic, and to each and everyone of us and our freedom; today Trump, tomorrow your neighbor, or you.

    What is even more worrying is how today’s supposed “Trump” DOJ and FBI have been covering for these coup plotters at every turn.

    I have seen all sorts of excuses for why Trump’s DOJ and FBI haven’t moved aggressively, or even moved at all against each and every one of these plotters–most of whom have not even been fired–much less been indicted, or prosecuted.

    Some say that the DOJ and FBI are working diligently behind the scenes to “build an airtight case” against all of these plotters, and that, one day soon, they will lower the boom. Well it’s been a lot of days and more than enough time, and still no “boom.”

    Another take is that the key players are being kept on as employees by their respective agencies because they’re actually “cooperating witnesses,” and keeping them on the government payroll makes it easier to put pressure on them. I don’t find this persuasive.

    Others explain Trump DOJ and FBI stonewalling, slow walking, and outright defiance of Congress by saying that Attorney General Sessions and FBI Director Wray are just protecting the institutional reputations and interests of the organizations they head up.

    While these leaders are protecting the interests of their organizations, this leaves us citizens out in the cold, without anyone protecting our interests, which are apparently at odds with theirs.

    It appears that the corruption within the DOJ and FBI runs very deep, indeed.

  5. JJ observes,

    ” Normal procedure would have been for the FBI to report to Trump the suspected existence of Russian influence In his campaign. Much as they did when they discovered that Dianne Feinstein’s Chinese driver was a ChiCom spy. But no, …”

    Yes, well, referring to Neo’s thunderstruck quote of that great Harvard educated political and racial theorist and neurotic depressive, Sarah Jeong; who virtually climaxes over the prospect of the tumbrils rolling by, ” … due process is what we get in lieu of justice. And what’s due process besides a series of rules that are meant to keep things as predictable as fucking possible?”

    Yes, it’s so BORING when the law is known, promulgated, and the relation of the citizen to the law can be predicted. He knows what is expected of him. He figures there are legitimate limits to what may be done to him in the name of the general will (as enunciated by the vanguard class of evolutionary progress guides)

    Leaves altogether too much wriggle room for those who wish to pursue boring private interests, as if they need not continually be looking over their shoulder for the next command to emerge from the social engineering and compensatory justice administering class. Who would want to live like that other than the selfish? Why should the sensitive allow the selfish to live like that?

    Sarah knows the answer to that. And that answer is that you must be made to feel her pain: since if she hurts, it’s your fault. Even if it isn’t.

  6. Listed another link to this story on yesterday’s Mueller post:
    The focus on Manafort has been to tight recently, that other developments in the Mueller probe have gone unremarked here (there is really just too much going on!) so I though I would bring up a couple of articles about the other players in the game.




  7. Ultimately, it may not matter how conclusive the evidence of illegality on the part of the Obama administration. As the Left will not accept any obstacle to their agenda, no matter how legal and valid the impediment.

    What counts is votes.

    If at any point, the Left garners enough of them, this will all be but a speed bump. It’s a virtual certainty that if the Trump administration does prosecute and convict the guilty, the next democrat President will pardon them and the media will celebrate the correction of a “grave injustice”.

    You can’t reason with people disconnected from reality.

    You can’t negotiate with people who view our very existence as intolerable.

    Will enough of the American public follow the Left over the cliff’s edge?

  8. Animosity towards Trump and shock at the election result are insufficient excuses for the destructive behavior which has followed.

  9. Dan Bongino has been following this process and citing those in the print media who have been on the trail of the Trump “investigation” (/s) on a daily basis for months now, including Solomon and many others. His show notes provide links to articles such as Solomon. See the Dan Bongino Show on Soundcloud for the podcasts.

    IMO timing of the release of the unredacted version of the FISA application by the Trump administration is a sensitive issue because John McCain’s staff (Steele document) and Senator John Warner (D VA) are both involved in pushing the Trump “investigation.” Oh, to live in interesting times.

  10. “Putin has managed to drive a deep wedge into the political system. ”
    I disagree. The Democrats and their crony capitalism allies have been hysterical to harass and try to drive Trump from office before all their crimes are revealed. Bush was passive, if not complicit, but the present frenzy suggests that here is a lot more to be found. Who coordinates things like the simultaneous deplatforming of Alex Jones and Dennis Prager whose YouTube videos were blocked.

  11. Stunning, but at this point I am not surprised.

    JJ gets to the essence of it: these folks convinced themselves that Trump was (is) an existential threat to America, its people, and the Constitution. They see him as the embodiment of evil – literally Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot all rolled into one person. Thus anything they could do, legal or not, true or not, to prevent him from winning or remove him from office once he won was justified. Ironically it is their actions that pose the more serious threat to America, its people, and the Constitution.

  12. Mike K., My view is that the Russians did meddle. Not to favor any candidate, but to disrupt the elections in any way possible – attempting to cast doubt on the political process in general. My next sentence, “Such a wedge would not have been possible had there not been such animus toward Trump,” put the blame on the Dems. The disruption tactics of the Putin regime have succeeded far beyond their hopes. All because of an insane animus about a candidate’s personality. Many hate his policies, but many more hate him for his personal style. It wouldn’t have happened without the unbelievable and illegal reactions of some partisan leaders in DOJ, FBI, and the Intel Community to the Russian meddling.

    As to the coordination of deplatforming, I have little doubt that Obama’s Organizing For America (OFA), Soros, Steyer, and other progressive activists are pushing that forward. Elimination of free speech for conservative voices has been a common goal of the Progs for sometime now. They’re becoming more desperate. Otherwise they wouldn’t be so transparent about their aims.

  13. What Mike K. said:

    It wasn’t Putin who drove “a deep wedge into the [American] political system”. (Though Putin does make a terrific fall guy.)

    No, it’s a whole lot closer to home than that. HInt: Think “administration with no scandals”…together with non-stop, enfilading support from the MSM.

    Virtually unstoppable. (just ask Peter Strzok.)


    “…Ironically it is their actions…”

    Not sure the Dems “do” irony. (At least not any more.)

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