Home » And the has-beens of Hollywood continue to cover themselves with glory by foaming at the mouth with rage and threats


And the has-beens of Hollywood continue to cover themselves with glory by foaming at the mouth with rage and threats — 23 Comments

  1. It’s like watching mentally unstable people have a psychotic episode in public.

  2. There’s child pedo rings run by the power elite and the powers that be in the US of A. The world too, but also in the USA.

    These provide funding and network access to the Deep State.

    The DS doesn’t like Trum because some factions are using Trum to get rid of the pedo rings like the ones associated with PizzaGate.

    Stuff like that goes on for decades +, while Americans just want to argue about elections the same way as sports fans argue about their teams.

  3. Peter Fonda graduated from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, but I doubt that Creighton would have made much of a difference on him.

  4. Been said before but bears repeating…
    The left really hates you. Act accordingly.

  5. I blame all the LSD PF ingested which is finally coming to the fore as he embraces murder, misogyny, and pedophilia in his senior years. What he needs is exile to one of the sh*tholes so admired by the fans of Che.

    Keep pushing you ‘resistance’ psychos. The unintended consequences will be a big surprise.

  6. It doesn’t surprise me that he tweeted hate; but, I’m still shocked that someone, anyone, who isn’t already in prison, would think up such stuff.

    But, you know, they might soon be making a movie about such garbage and then call it “cutting edge” or “brave”.

  7. Simply another sign of the accelerating velocity of our society’s free-falling descent into Hell. Which has been going on since little Petie Fonda first got onto a Harley sixty years ago.
    Vulgarity, sadomasochism, orgasmic seeking-out, drug-taking, six million abortions per year, and the dullard youth who engage in all this stuff are everywhere. The country is on its way to financial impoverishment but today there is still a too large money supply. It has already achieved spiritual poverty, like Europe.
    We need a real good depression, in which all these disgusting wretched creatures have to grovel and beg for bare necessities.

  8. Cicero Says:
    June 20th, 2018 at 9:20 pm

    We need a real good depression, in which all these disgusting wretched creatures have to grovel and beg for bare necessities.
    * * *
    Over the last 2 decades, I have begun to understand more deeply both the pride-to-poverty cycles in the Old Testament, and How Hitler Happened.

  9. David Foster Says:
    June 20th, 2018 at 4:15 pm

    See my post Lynchings and Witch-Trials, Technology-Enhanced.
    * *
    Such a sad story you start with — and then the prediction —
    “Jonathan Kay: The tyranny of Twitter: How mob censure is changing the intellectual landscape. Excerpt:

    A few weeks ago, shortly after I left my magazine gig, I had breakfast with a well-known Toronto man of letters. He told me his week had been rough, in part because it had been discovered that he was still connected on social media with a colleague who’d fallen into disfavour with Stupid Twitter-Land. “You know that we all can see that you are still friends with him,” read one of the emails my friend had received. “So. What are you going to do about that?”

    “So I folded,” he told me with a sad, defeated air. “I know I’m supposed to stick to my principles. That’s what we tell ourselves. Free association and all that. It’s part of the romance of our profession. But I can’t afford to actually do that. These people control who gets jobs. I’m broke. So now I just go numb and say whatever they need me to say.”


    The Writers Union of Canada and the University of British Columbia Fine Arts faculty do not operate gulags. Nevertheless, the idea that a whole career can fall victim to a single social-media message sent in a moment of anger or frustration — or even a bad joke — has produced an atmosphere of real terror that is compromising the art and intellect of Canada’s most creative minds.”
    “Can anyone doubt that, with the ideology of “progressivism” becoming increasingly intolerant, ever-larger numbers of people will be denied jobs, promotions, college admissions, based on opinions that they have expressed in a Facebook post or a blog post at some point in their lives?…and that expressions of opinion will–unless the climate changes markedly away from one of “political correctness”–tend to become much more guarded, ”

    But, as you said, people can choose to be different —


    “During World War II, throughout France, the Nazis and the collaborationist Vichy regime were rounding up Jews and sending them to the death camps.

    Under the remarkable leadership of local Protestant minister Pastor André Trocmé, and his deputy pastor Edouard Theis, the citizens of the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon risked their lives to rescue and hide Jews from being rounded up. They hid the Jews in private homes, on farms in the area, as well as in public institutions. Whenever the Nazi patrols came searching, the Jews were hidden in the mountainous countryside.”

    The current fame and even adulation of Jordan Peterson stem in large part, IMO, from his choosing defiance to PC insanity even at the risk of losing his job.

  10. neo-neocon Says:
    June 21st, 2018 at 12:22 am

    About that village.

    It wasn’t just a random village. The people in that village had a special history that made them different.
    * * *
    Ahh – I wondered if the “Huguenot” connection was important; it was only mentioned in passing in the Wikipedia article.

  11. “I blame all the LSD PF ingested”

    I think it’s genetic, look at his sister.

  12. FOAF Says:
    June 21st, 2018 at 2:20 am
    … look at his sister.
    * * *
    I have preferred to ignore her for some decades now.

  13. When it first became available, I regarded Twitter as the electronic equivalent of scrawling on public lavatory walls. Years of observation have not changed that opinion.

  14. Twitter is an ugly, but useful thing: it seems to seduce people into sending their true feelings out into the world (‘in twitter veritas’?) before they have a moment to consider if what they’re saying is appropriate. At least we now get to see how a lot of these people who hate us talk amongst themselves, what they say when the mask is off.

    Two institutions in particular that are destroying themselves with twitter: the media and Hollywood. I have decided to boycott the work of more than Peter Fonda after his crude, ugly tweets yesterday. Bye, Felicia!

  15. This is incitement by the Left, and there are lots of violence prone groups like ANTIFA and BLM, and lots of individual nut jobs out there to whom this is music to their ears.

    The Trump hating MSM, Democrat Party/the Left, and Hollywood are amping up the volume, egging each other on, stoking the hysteria and hate, setting up a situation in which those who are the most unhinged will eventually act and, as has been predicted, it’s likely that someone in the Trump circle will probably get physically attacked, or even killed.

    Someone will get injured or killed, and all those who deliberately encouraged this hate-fueled, hysterical lynch mob mentality will piously look on, and disclaim any responsibility for doing so, and—count on it—no one will be punished for their incitement

    There was the attack a year ago by the Bernie supporter who shot up that baseball practice by Republican members of Congress, injured several people, and almost killed Rep Scalese. Boy, stories about that attack and, especially, about the background of the would be assassin of Republicans sure disappeared quickly.

    Then, of course, there was the neighbor who blindsided and tackled Senator Rand Paul from behind as he was mowing his lawn, Representative Paul suffering five rib fractures—three of them the more dangerous displaced fractures that can puncture lungs and other major organs and lead to death—bruised lungs, etc.

    The attacker, an MD himself, claimed that this attack was over a dispute about Paul’s maintenance of his lawn. Yeah, like I really believe that.

    This attacker has just been sentenced to a measly 30 days in Jail.

    This week, so far, there was the mob of “Democratic Socialists”—which reportedly included a DOJ employee—that surrounded, heckled, and drove the Secretary of Homeland Security from a Capitol Hill Mexican restaurant as other diners applauded; the restaurant’s owner quoted as being just fine with this action.

    Then, also this week, egged on by the hysterical coverage about the supposed children of illegal aliens (a lot of them apparently not the biological children of those “parents” as claimed) being separated from these “parents”—we had one nut case threatening to kill the three children of Rep. Brian Mast of Florida, the apparently ongoing manhunt for a 26 year old Pennsylvania man who reportedly threatened on social media to “put a bullet in President Trump’s head,” and Peter Fonda telling all and sundry the awful fate he wished for Trump’s son Baron.

    And on it goes.

    By the way, what happens to the minor children of a U.S. citizen when they are jailed, and there is no responsible adult relative to take care of them?

    Aren’t these children “separated from their parents” and taken away, to be taken care of by some form of Child Protective Services? How come no outrage and hysteria over this routine procedure?

    How about all the estimated 13 million U.S. citizen children who live in squalid conditions, mostly in our Democrat controlled inner cities? Why no outrage and actions directed toward fixing their situations?

    The Democrats/the Left have no actual message, no programs of obvious benefit that they can present to voters in the upcoming November midterm elections except that they all hate Trump and his supporters, who they obviously look down on and despise, so all they can do to gin up voter turnout is to fall back on MSM and social media generated propaganda, on their hypocritical, phony outrage at how illegal immigrants and their children—according to DHS statistics most of them sent on the dangerous trek to the border alone, and not with their parents—are being treated.

    Inquiring minds want to know—Why no outrage when the Bush and, especially, the Obama administration, were carrying out the same kinds of “separations”?

  16. It is pretty obvious that all the Democrats, having no real program to offer voters, can only resort to unthinking emotion to motivate their base to turn out. Thus, the coordinated attempts to inflame the emotions and rage of their base, through these propaganda pictures, and the coverage, commentary, and phony emotions and outrage that go along with them.

    They do not want their potential voters to do a little thinking about this whole issue and the facts surrounding it, they want them to bypass analysis, and go straight to outrage and unthinking emotion.

    For, if they thought about it a little, voters would likely realize that it’s not anywhere near as black and white as they are being told.

    So, for instance, let’s start with the question of who is fundamentally responsible for this situation? Who put these children and families in the position to be “split apart” and “put in cages”? A question that you don’t see discussed by the MSM.

    It seems to me that those responsible are the parents who irresponsibly sent their children on the very dangerous track up though Central America/Mexico—often unaccompanied by family members, but guided along the route by smugglers/human traffickers/Cayotes—with the intent of having these children break U.S. law by deliberately sneaking cross our borders.

    For they know—from word on the street—the educational efforts of the Mexican government and various activist groups have made sure of this—that under current U.S. law these minors and families with minors will only be detained a few days, and will then be released into our country, with only their promise to return in a year or so for the adjudication of their claims for asylum; a promise which very few ever keep.

    And why should they. To quote Bill Ayers, “guilty as sin, free as a bird.”

    Faced with this illegal invasion—for, given the reported 50,000 illegals breaching our borders each month, this is what it is, an invasion—what should our authorities do?

    They’re enforcing the laws.

    Who created those laws? Congress.

    Why doesn’t Congress modify those laws?

    Well, Republican’s only have a Senate majority of one, and need 60 votes to pass any remedial legislation passed by the House, and send it on to the President for his signature. Thus, not having enough of a majority to do so by themselves, Senate Republicans need Democrat votes tp pass any legislation.

    However, the Democrats in Congress see this as a great issue for the fall elections. Thus, the pictures on TV of various Democrats foaming at the mouth with phony rage and indignation over this issue. So—they want this supposed “crisis” to continue to boil and fester, and to gin up strong emotion among their base.

    Thus, they will not vote for any real solution to this this problem whose continued existence offers them a chance to flip seats and take back control of Congress—to quote Rahm Emmanuel—“‘never let a good crisis go to waste.”

    I might also note, in passing, that this ginned up propaganda “crisis” is actually a ’twofer,” since the almost exclusive focus on this issue allows the Democrats, MSM, and the Left to divert attention away from all of the dangerous news for Democrats that is emanating from that messy and inconvenient DOJ/FBI/Hillary E-mail/Muller supposed Russian collusion thing.

  17. Aside from the fact that the Secret Service will take an active interest in anyone who threatens a member of the president’s family, I wonder if Mr. Fonda realizes that acting on his impulse would activate the Lindberg law. Such action would expose the perp to capital punishment. Maybe he fantasizes about a role in the remake of The Green Mile…

  18. Can anyone tell me why Peter Fonda – @iamfonda – still has a Twitter account or is threatening sexual violence against children allowed now?

    I really don’t care. Do you? Oh, wait,Hollywood, you want me to give a ****? Not happening. Where do I buy the jacket Melania Trump was wearing?

  19. I looked up the retailer, I guess I’m going to an army surplus store and doing a little spray painting.

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