Home » Ah, if only women were in charge of the world, what a wonderful world it would be


Ah, if only women were in charge of the world, what a wonderful world it would be — 46 Comments

  1. Feminists are an endless source of amusement. First they tell us there is no difference between men and women then they continually complain about men’s behavior. Women are the eternal victims of male oppression and can do nothing about it.

  2. And this fool doesn’t realize that if it weren’t for those millennia of men who hunted for the family’s food, built shelters for their pregnant spouses, and even gave women their sperm, none of us would be here. And is she aware of how much bullying and backbiting women engage in against other women?

    People need to stop paying tuition to colleges that have people like this on the faculty.

  3. The title of the op-ed is “Why can’t we hate men?”

    I’m not the only person to notice if the direct object of the “hate” were blacks, gays, women or Muslims, the author would have been fired from a university position.

    But hate men? Hunky-dory. Run that sucker in the Washington Post.

  4. The Evil Inclination is that which causes God’s creations to act aggressively and acquisitively. Building houses, and families, and careers — these are activities that require healthy, yet well controlled, measures of both aggressiveness and acquisitiveness ]]]

    Oh wow, that’s just like the movie Serenity!

  5. It’s interesting how much liberals are obsessed with “hate”. Monomaniacally obsessed. They see it everywhere.

    Anything that they disagree with, however little, is immediately branded “hatred” and “insanity”, but what I find most amusing is how hateful so many of them are, and more and more I’m seeing that they are becoming more and more open with this hatred, to the point of taking pride in it, and seeing it as a virtue.

    How could any society run by this kind of people _not_ end up with concentration camps and mass murder? It is truly an ideology from the depths of Hell.

  6. Nature is self-correcting. Not that they will but if Western men did step away from power… within a generation or two the barbarians will enter civilization’s gates and bring upon these mentally unbalanced women, the very harshest of realities.

    “Feminist arguments for why women should not vote” JANET BLOOMFIELD (AKA JUDGYBITCH)

    “There are, of course, exceptions, but in general, women are terrible at voting, for some deeply ingrained, biological reasons. Even feminists agree that there are major, major differences in how women think, understand the world, and articulate morality.

    Those differences mean, at least to me, that women should not be voting.”

    In order to wield power, one criteria that must be met is for a woman to be willing to make the truly hard calls, such as in war, intentionally sending good men and women to their certain death because their sacrifice may prevent an even worse reality from manifesting.

    It takes a tough mindedness that few women have possessed. If you want to play in the big leagues, you have to measure up.

  7. More evidence that “feminists” have never spoken for me. I grew up with a great relationship with my father, grandfather, uncles and have had great relationships with my husband and sons. I work in an all-male environment (construction–one woman office–me) and I am in awe of these men. Talented, resourceful, all faithful husbands and good fathers. I wouldn’t wish a person like her and those that think like her on any of these men. God help us, as this passes for intelligence in the university environment. And Huxley you make a good point about removing the word “men” and adding “???” Truly this unacceptable thinking would be exposed and reviled. This is so sad.

  8. Anyone who thinks the world would be a better place if women were in charge clearly never attended junior high, or they did, they were the #meangirls.

  9. It seems that many people, especially those with the mindset of the Professor, have missed the fact that for some time now, there has been an observable metamorphosis in the nature of leadership at many levels. A great deal of power has already been turned over to women. Where women continue to be under represented is in the dirty and dangerous occupations; or at least in the front lines of many such occupations.

    Watch the national and local news on TV, or check your local paper. Note how many police chiefs and senior police leadership are now women, compared to the percentage of front line cops.

    Fire Departments are going in the same direction. The overwhelming majority of those out on the line are men; yet women are over represented in the leadership.

    Primary and secondary education are almost solely the purview of women; and academia is as well. In fact, at the University level they have created questionable disciplines to insure that women who prefer to avoid traditional male discipline, such as STEM, will have a safe and comfy place. Naturally, many migrate into leadership as their percentage of the faculty population grows.

    The corporate world is undergoing its on transformation with more and more great corporations now led by women.

    With respect to politics, the transformation to a female power structure is well underway at the local and state levels, and is proceeding apace as the old guard retires at the national.

    So IMO, the Professor, and her ilk, are baying at the moon. Given the emerging leadership demographic, the real question should be, “is the world becoming a better place in most every respect than it was a couple of decades ago?”. If not, don’t blame it all on men.

    Let me add, that in my circle, I don’t know any women who “bay at that moon”. I have daughters, and grand daughters, who make their way successfully in the world as they find it. While, in my generation, most women stayed in the home and devoted their energies to raising those daughters. They did not regret their choices.

  10. Sigh. As others have noted we are told women and men are interchangable, women belong in elite military units and if they can’t meet the physical standards, the standards need to change. They even tell us a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. Then they insist men should sit on their hands and shut up to let women rule the world. a world ruled be estrogen, oh boy, I mean oh girl.

  11. Oldflyer:

    The Walterses of the world will not be satisfied till it’s all women, all the time. And even then they will not be satisfied.

  12. What Neo said to Oldflyer, with this codicil:
    note that Walters and her ilk are doing nothing to demonstrate that they are competent to wield power either effectively or productively (presumably political or financial power — which other men are remaining to replace, given female dominance as cited by Oldflyer above?)

    They are not running for office, not moving up the ranks of some organization other than academia, not giving persuasive talks on serious subjects (I’ll vote for Candace Owens in a heart-beat), not amassing wealth through innovation or even manipulation — nothing that actually involves the use of power at their current level so we can judge how they would use it at a higher one.

    Unless you call intimidation and hatred using power — which is the purview of dictatorships and tyrannies.
    (I wonder how their male students feel, if there are any.)

    They are just kids complaining that Johnny got all the candy and they didn’t wah-wah-wah.

  13. A few years back I took a writing course from a dedicated feminist. I was the only man in the course. It took some thick skin to live with the put downs and demonization of my writing skills (though some were well deserved), which none of the women in the class were subjected to.

    I wrote a short story about a young man who was smitten with a beautiful girl, who rejected his admiration. Although the rejection was done in a kindly fashion, the young man was, for sometime, heartbroken. My teacher opined that my story was quite mythical because things never happened that way in real life. It occurred to me that she was a woman who had been spurned by one or more male objects of her affections and never understood that such rejections actually do work both ways.

    My young adult formative experiences with women consisted of quite a few rejections by young women that I asked for dates. It didn’t make me hate women. It helped me to understand that there was a chemistry between males and females – sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. I concentrated on being thankful that it worked sometimes.

    It depresses me to see the state of relations between young men and women today. The men are losing their ambition and the women are ambivalent about what it is that they want. Some think they don’t need a man, but they want children. Yes, science and celebrity examples make it possible, but is the single mother model a good one for society? Has decreasing marriage rates, falling birth rates, demonization of men as a class, and other things that feminism has wrought been good for the nation? IMO, no.

    If a woman can do a job better than anyone else, regardless of sex/race, I’m all for it. What I’m against is quotas and diversification for the sake of diversification. Let us return to the days of simple meritocracy. Let the best man or woman do the job. Let’s also accept that women do some jobs better than men and vice a versa.

  14. Camille Paglia famously said that if women ran the world, we’d all be living in grass huts.

  15. Can the feminists now stop claiming feminism is only about equality?

    A while back my son asked me why I didn’t like feminists. I explained: They hate men, and I love you and your dad, so I will not tolerate women who hate you guys.

    I’m just glad women like Walters are dropping the mask. Makes it so much easier to debate their real ideas vs. lies about a quest for equality.

  16. What Lizzy said. “I’m just glad women like Walters are dropping the mask. ”

    It wasn’t much of a mask after the first few years anyway.

  17. There was a Star Trek episode featuring a transporter mishap. Kirk is split in two:one with an agressive “evil” personality; the other with a kind and gentle personality. While the agressive Kirk was a bully, the gentle Kirk found he could not make decisions–particularly the “hard” ones that could lose possible danger. However, the gentle Kirk discovered making no decision results in an even worse outcome. Gentle Kirk realizes he needs agressive Kirk and they go back in the transporter to recombine.

    So Gene Roddenberry understood that a person (and a culture) needs both gentleness and agressiveness back in 1967. This professor has some catching up to do!

  18. You would expect such a screed in the author’s “academic” journal, or in a newsletter published by a feminist bookstore. Or perhaps in a higher-profile lefty publication like Ms. or The Nation. That it was published in the WaPo shows just how far we’ve fallen.

  19. Female heads of state, most of them disliked by the Left, have included: Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Benazir Bhutto, Corazon Aquino. Lots of violence, corruption and wars. Some of them were very good.

  20. If all the sociologists in America disappeared tonight, there would be no effect. If all the men who drive farm tractors, do plumbing, restore electricity after a storm, fight forest fires, crawl into debris looking for survivors after an earthquake, collect garbage, fly commercial aircraft, fight house fires and so forth, we would all starve.

    The only critical thing women do is raise children which is a very important for the survival of society.

  21. The funny-in-both-senses thing about feminism is that so many feminists confirm certain stereotypes about women, particularly the ones about being emotionally driven, not being able to think rationally, etc. Fortunately I know too many good and sensible women to let the stereotype get out of hand. Starting with my wife, the math major who coached her English-major husband through calculus.)

  22. Female chauvinist… uh, persons, are Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent. They have already made an unprecedented sacrifice of…. someone else, many times over. I think they are ready to make lesser decisions.

    As a male chivalrous person, with all due consideration for the moral axioms of individual dignity and intrinsic value, free from the conflation of logical domains, and influence of the twilight fringe (a.k.a. penumbra), I confidently assert that men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature.

    That said, I would have voted for Sarah Palin, the woman, the wife, the mother, the leader, the conservative mind. #PrinciplesMatter

  23. While this kind of hate preaching has been going on for some time in academia, it is interesting that it is being shop fronted in the WaPo. I suspect it is part of the escalation – the doubling and tripling down – that the left is going through right now to stem the rising tide of common sense.

  24. Francesca:

    That was a weird typo, one of those that spellcheck cannot catch because it’s an actual word.

    Thanks, will fix.

  25. I’d like to see a study of how many people agree with the professor’s argument & proposal. Anecdotally, I don’t see much support for her ideas. Even my lesbian sisters (2), their partners, and LGBT friends all treat me civilly and with respect. And, if I may say so, I am not some sort of pajama boy.

    If I were to be charitable about this I’d say the professor wrote this purely to get attention, possibly to advance her academic credentials and career.

  26. Of course they only want the ‘right’ kinds of women. They don’t want someone like me. As a conservative I’m no better then most men.

    Put me in charge of the country, and I’d have Parker as my trusted advisor.

  27. this grakes got no handle, till it crashes…
    one way or another…

    its happened before
    and unlike others we have no way to even discuss
    let alone address it..

    its WAY too late once the Dodo figures it out
    because at that time, ALL of the dodo’s dont know
    so all the knowing can do is watch it go past a point of no return
    which was a while ago

    beleiving otherwise wont make it soooo
    if it wasnt so, you wouldnt even know this much
    not like they let you know about will, and others

    when nothing can be done – there is no reason to waste energy there any more…

    not my monkeys not my circus

    starting MGTOW and trying to prevent men AND women from losing sports and more… and turning women into domesticated cows that push out puppies, do all the work, and pay all the taxes while a reduced number of men sit around – isnt going to end up being any more utopian than a cattle farm…

    but, i reiterate…
    not my monkeys not my circus
    Translation of the Polish phrase nie mé³j cyrk, nie moje maÅ‚py

    i sent the HARVARD PAPER that detailed this process in russia and compared it to the US and without the feminist stuff in it covering the history… but i guess Neo didnt think that was good to show that they are NOT FOOLS but Knowing Knaves… just as the catechism of the revolutionary lays out and how all these countries fell

    face it..
    if you werent losing so bad
    what else would be the point of disussion to replace this

    just asking…

  28. Look…
    the whole article misses out on the men who die for their families
    turns out that this was a mistake…

    as all that ignores that until recently, women could opt out of working and by hooking up with a man, have her life paid for her, and not for anything she does other than her presence (even if her presence is nothing you would wish on another).

    it ignores that until the late 1800s.. life was a lot more brutal
    and that many of the things complained were economic

    just compare the lot of a woman who has to sleep with a man she doesnt like in jack the rippers time… just to have a warm bed… then wonder what the more impoverished men would do for similar?

    What was liberated was the ungrateful, entitled, SHREW

    they HATE the male chauvanist non racist playwrite of the masses…

    Fie, fie, unknit that threat’ning unkind brow
    And dart not scornful glances from those eyes
    To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor.
    It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads,
    Confounds thy fame as whirlwinds shake fair buds,
    And in no sense is meet or amiable.
    A woman moved is like a fountain troubled,
    Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty,
    And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty
    Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it.
    Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,
    Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee
    And for thy maintenance; commits his body
    To painful labor both by sea and land,
    To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
    Whilst thou li’st warm at home, secure and safe;
    And craves no other tribute at thy hands
    But love, fair looks, and true obedience–
    Too little payment for so great a debt.
    Such duty as the subject owes the prince,
    Even such a woman oweth to her husband;
    And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour,
    And not obedient to his honest will,
    What is she but a foul contending rebel
    And graceless traitor to her loving lord?
    I am ashamed that women are so simple
    To offer war where they should kneel for peace,
    Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway,
    Whey they are bound to serve, love, and obey.
    Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth,
    Unapt to toil and trouble in the world,
    But that our soft conditions and our hearts
    Should well agree with our external parts?
    Come, come, you froward and unable worms,
    My mind hath been as big as one of yours,
    My heart as great, my reason haply more,
    To bandy word for word and frown for frown.
    But now I see our lances are but straws,
    Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare,
    That seeming to be most which we indeed least are.
    Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,
    And place your hands below your husband’s foot,
    In token of which duty, if he please,
    My hand is ready, may it do him ease.

  29. i wasnt going to add this, but what the heck…
    its food for thougth…
    Who cares if the same old game is the same old game and the learned are tauight not to see it?

    right now… so many of the men are marrying women from other places who know men can be brutal, but they also know men do it FOR THEM… and FOR FAMILY.. these same men will do what to the opposition on behalf of these women and the kids? what they have done that allows us to progress from cro magnon to sapiens sapiens… to what.. homo sapiens domesticus?

    he may be a mean dog, but he will be HER mean dog and is her and his individual freedom
    he will defeat HER enemies, and make HER children better if she picks him…
    the state promises that… but does it deliver to anyone but the winners the ladies fight against?

    us common men, have nothing to do with the object of their anger, but everything to do being the object close to them to hate..

    note that in all this

    they are arguing with themselves as there is no other side to discuss with…
    in fact, your not suppose dto listen to the other side at all.. much like leftist politics..
    which is why peterson is so dangerous, he is saying the same things, but he is getting through!!!

    which is what it is… communism a la kolentai…
    and that is just an honest system that uses no one and tricks no one and wants great things for the individual woman and her children, right?

    take over women (to take over men), and the women want communism (the men want freedom)
    the leaders get communism – and what do the women get?

    better get to work. there are boomers to pay for and the men are losing their top jobs (not the elite though, they are pretending to fight themselves so the women are only disenfranchising their own, not the opposition)… the women are gettign them and ahving to pay high taxes, and the men are on welfare… and the women ahve to pay for them… and the men are not earning for a home, the women ahve to pay for that… and they are not starting businesses, the women will ahve to do that.. they are bailing on the military, the women will ahve to do that.

    and animal farm becoes a reality
    with all the scared cows thinking they are in charge of the farm
    (through the agency of the elites in government not their own families, and loved ones
    which if you havent noticed they are no longer surrounded by)

    then how did they lose their independent status and gain state servitude without being able to be a part of their own childrens lives? weaning the kids away generation after generation, like you do with cows and calfs… took a few generations to make it normal to have the woman who used to be taken care of when pregnant, to get right back up adn work fast… forget the kid… and produce for her NEW MASTER THE STATE… which i hear is better than her MATE…

    just read a book on this process…
    you can… its in a category called animal husbandry – how to domesticate.
    the solution to the problem of liberated peoples is domesticate them..

    and how do you domesticate people?
    like any other animal, you remove the men

    since people are smart, you cant just round them up and do that, Stalin, Mao, etc… egyptians… they found that out. You really should read papers on such things..

    first you convince them genetics has no bearing
    so their individual selves has no value, nor do their children

    your not great cause your family was, your great cause you lived in the barn that was better

    you dont have to select good mates, cause a socipathic wack job that preys on you outside your family protection, will make good kids, a great dad, etc…

    then reward the docile and punish the independent – make the independent conservative woman who knows strings always come with gifts, into a nobody… irrelevant… make the crazy lady with a knife in her crotch throwing tomatoes at it, a hero…

    you turn the protectorate of individual freedom into a negative (Family), destroy it, and then what do women have? the same relationship with the state the farmer has with the cow?

    the doyens that started this were already the elite, they wanted what gave them power, to be destroyed for the common woman. just ask naomi goldstein…

    milk her, do not let her raise her kids
    guide her, tell her how to live, favor taking calfs away faster
    remove the pesky bulls!!! they just mess up this process
    make them hate them, disarm them, marginalize them

    then farm them… selectively abort is next…

    the remaining few men, will be like lions
    where the women do all the work and the men sit around looking pretty
    instead of the men doing all the work and the women sitting around looking pretty.

    we forget the inspiration for horror movies is mankind itself.

    funny funny funny

  30. I wonder whether Walters realizes the contradictions inherent in what she’s written. She states that men are incorrigibly violent oppressors of women the world over, and then says that they should voluntarily give up power to women, while mocking men’s feelings ……

    men have made fun of women for ages including calling the above womens logic…

    you can watch REAMS of it…
    ‘I’ll always love Gracie,” Mr. Burns says. ”Gracie made my whole life. Don’t forget, I did 15 or 20 acts before I met Gracie, and they were all flops. If it wasn’t for Gracie, I don’t think you’d be interviewing me.”

    paraphrasing from the old show:
    George: Gracy, we have to save money, you have to stop spending us into the poor houise!
    Gracy: but i have to George, if i dont, the neighbors will now we have no money!!!

    THATS womens logic…
    in fact, they know it and they think THAT is superior (cause its made to get what you want from another individual you depend on!)

    My favorite titles are: XX examples of YY which cant be explained!!!

    Women hate porn, which is why chick flicks are all about sex, their clothes are all about sex, their education focuses on how to use sex better (can you imagine a man having a course in college for the guys: strokin, or how to get more out of less?)…

    she will have twenty soaps and creames and usually made from fruits cause women are much more suggestive than men (or else players and such like harvey weinstein would not exist. in fact, the ladies that could resist those “BAD BOYS” didnt have kids… their own genetics damns them this way.. just as the ones who are most successful today have few kids, cause thta is not the success that matters in REALITY)

    but its your future ladies
    you gave it to people who think like THIS
    Newtonian Physics: “Oppressive” to Marginalized People

    oh, and ladies, this is YOUR idea of science (dont laugh they are SERIOUS)

    Feminist researcher supports ‘combining intersectionality and quantum physics’

    take some time and read this one..
    which reduced physics to opinion!!!
    [notice it takes the marxist form that dominated this like ON the jewish question, which is the methods they follow!!]

    On the possibo;oty of Feminist Philosophy of Physics
    by Maralee Harrell

    Moving Towards a Feminist Epistemology of Mathematics – jstor

    MOVING TOWARDS A FEMINIST EPISTEMOLOGY OF. MATHEMATICS. / a feminist epistemology for mathematics – Massey Research Online

    Hidden Figures
    Women’s studies meets mathematics in a new book arguing for a more inclusive cultural notion of numeracy.

    and here is one from the Campus
    Another Breakthrough in Feminist Mathematics

    a new book, Inventing the Mathematician: Gender, Race and Our Cultural Understanding of Mathematics (State University of New York Press), by Sara N. Hottinger, interim dean of arts and humanities and a professor of women’s and gender studies at Keene State College, suggesting that the problem may not be with women but with math.

    In a revealing, just published interview with Hottinger, “Hidden Figures: Women’s studies meets mathematics in a new book arguing for a more inclusive cultural notion of numeracy,” Inside Higher Ed notes that her book’s “ultimate goal is to deconstruct our individual and cultural ideas about math – then build them back up again in a more inclusive fashion.”

    thts if your enemies dont pound you into the dirt permanently while your screwingt your minds up… (remember, bs like above happens inside the protection of those brutal men with guns… missiles etc… withotu them., when will you have time to think like that?)

    anyone want to tell them they are wrong?
    i sure dont.. .
    look what happened to larry summers, and watson of dna fame, and more…
    this brake has no handle!!!!

  31. Heinrich Heine said about women: there is only one way for them to please us and 30,000 ways for them to make us miserable.

  32. Neo,
    The spellchecker doesn’t check for meaning. I once wrote “tittle” when I meant “title” and the spellchecker didn’t notice.

  33. I hope someone makes it past the artfldgr deluge to read this post.

    I just read John Carreyrou’s book “Bad blood” on the Theranos scammer Elizabeth Holmes and it bears directly on the topic of this thread. I highly recommend that you read the book. It is a case study on the workings of a woman sociopath’s mind.

    How Silicon Valley got played by Theranos
    is a recent interview of the author.

    The interviewer asks: There are a few other themes in the book that explain how Holmes duped so many people. One, it seems, is she was an incredibly persuasive person. But another is that people seemed to really want to believe in her and want her idea to work.

    John Carreyrou

    She was going to be the first tech founder billionaire who is a woman. It was also that her product and her company were going to do good, as opposed to just being a smartphone app that you can use to hail a taxi. The two parts of that proposition combined were very potent. It was like catnip.

    The part in bold is the key. It is amazing how she was able to manipulate the mostly older men on the company board of directors and the CEOs of Safeway and Walgreens who so wanted to believe her when she lied through her teeth.

  34. I hope someone makes it past the artfldgr deluge to read this post.

    deluge? i havent been posting much at all..

    why not look into carly fiorina too…

    The part in bold is the key. It is amazing how she was able to manipulate the mostly older men on the company board of directors and the CEOs of Safeway and Walgreens who so wanted to believe her when she lied through her teeth.

    they know.. i work with such people
    i watch them fire good people to win a diversity award
    (the excuse cover to make illegal legal)

    they knew… but what was the alternative?
    if they didnt fund her and failed the old white guys did it

    just as if anyone says thats a bad idea, and creates a brake
    they will say your doing it to be the mean man

    it got the banks to loan to people who couldnt pay, then be blamed for giving them bad loans

    they know
    but no one will stand with them on that
    so they HAVE to give other peoples money to the blackmailers
    who blackmail to get the cash to run their ideological games

    given a choice between settling a false accusation rather court
    even if you did nothing… is often the easy way out

    they spent their sharholders money on this
    similar with carly fiorina who destroyed HP as it was


    Hungarian PM: ‘Population Replacement Underway in Europe, Speculators Like Soros Hope to Profit from Its Ruination’


    now, how would you get the ladies to wear underwear outside, slut themselves up for eye candy, allow their children to be replaced by other people —- and STILL think that htey are the future…

    you have it made

  35. sorry i wrote..
    delete it!!!
    make em happy!!!

    waste of time anyway

    they are just finding out what others ahve studied for 30 years while they werent watching…

  36. That horrible woman got me suspended from Twitter for posting a pic of Pepe the frog on her man-hating article thread!

    Pepe just happened to be holding a noose. Hahaha

  37. If her thesis about women were true, why do women tend to be statists? Does she not realize that the State is founded, and thrives on, violence and the threat of violence?

  38. About half of California school property taxes and about 40% of really expensive New Jersey/New York school property taxes go to pay for the education of the children of immigrants. “part of the group of 340,000 babies born to undocumented immigrants in 2008 — about 7.9 percent of all children born that year.”

    not like its a problem for the ladies here…

    except that their monster hates them and is talking really nasty about these white supremecist feminists who like pink, but they aint pink… etc…

  39. So the only way womyn – strong, powerful, intelligent, can-do, feminist womyn – can take the reins is if men hand them over, since apparently, given that they can’t “win” even with a seriously stacked deck, womyn are neither strong nor powerful nor intelligent nor can-do, and the only way in which they’re “feminist” is in that they seek special privileges for womyn.

    I long for the days of the Second Wave, when my childhood self believed that one day I could bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan, and never never never let him forget he’s a man. All my own daughter will have to look forward to if these silly harridans win the day is a lifetime of angry discontent at her inability to do ANYthing unless a man lets her. When did they become so feckless?

    It’s not as if women have for-real been unable to thrive in what used to be more or less accurately called a man’s world; those women who choose to compete, and pay the attendant price in dedication and self-sacrifice and loss of the option of being “nice” in favor of being effective (a price men also pay, of course), do just fine. Women are taking over medicine, law, education, and all the social sciences. In STEM fields, if they can keep up they are a super-hot commodity. We all know there’s no great push for more women in farm labor or trash collection or logging or custodial work, so we can safely ignore these areas of endeavor as being properly “men’s work,” according to feminist orthodoxy. (Women, all women, deserve to be in the E suites… right?) And as we’ve seen from Hillary!, two X chromosomes are no barrier to being just as venal as a male politician.

  40. Berkely

    “Reversing global warming and restoring a safe and stable climate requires an emergency mobilization to reach zero greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors at wartime speed, to rapidly and safely drawdown or remove all the excess carbon from the atmosphere, and to implement safe measures to protect all people and species from the consequences of abrupt warming in the near-term,” the resolution claims.

    To accomplish this, “requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population,,” the resolution claims.

  41. Jamie Says: All my own daughter will have to look forward to if these silly harridans win the day is a lifetime of angry discontent at her inability to do ANYthing unless a man lets her. When did they become so feckless?

    actually its worse..
    with the new equality movement, there will be no way to get raises (like me) unless your elite above, and or from that, otherwise your going to have equal wages… no matter how hard she works, what she does or accomplishes, she will never have a raise or promotion… what my employer told me…

    even better… (sarcasm)

    the movement will in actuality, achieve the soviet wonderfulness in that a high degree professional who sacrificed and worked hard, will make less than a broom sweep (already in academia… ny city janitors average over 100k and the docs and programmers who don’t get raises where i am, get less than that!)

    i went to bronx science… couldn’t do college, sister didn’t go to any special high school, has many degrees, and getting another

    She now wonders that her degrees mean nothing… that she didnt actually achieve anything!!!
    did the ladies actually compete with the men and achieve, or did some men roll over to favor women to make them think they were winning so they can have them on their side against the men that didn’t favor them?

    they thought the men cheated them so cheating to beat the men was what they thought was ok
    but if all your competition at the race never shows up to run, did you achieve/win anything?

    HOW you win matters to how you feel and think about yourself

    women focused on the surface not the substance!!
    getting the trophy is what mattered, how you got it didnt, right?

    cheating is just a more efficient way to win and this was about winning over the men

    but do men cheat in competition? some do, until they are caught…
    All sports and such between men is mostly about not cheating as a norm, so winning can be a REAL win

    you want to really insult a guy? throw a game to him and not beat him honestly…

    if the sisterhood intimidates society so that women do better, what did they achieve?

    about all women of a society learned was that they could blackmail their own people
    (and if they get far enough, who could say anything against anything? no brakes)

    what they have yet to learn, is when their own people fail from it, the new bosses will be immune
    they just need to weaken the people that die for them to be a bit less motivated, a bit less wanting to, a bit less able…

  42. Stu…”Heinrich Heine said about women: there is only one way for them to please us and 30,000 ways for them to make us miserable.”

    Yet Heine also wrote this:

    I am not lured by Eden’s fields,
    the promised land in Paradise.
    No fairer women there than those
    on whom on earth I laid my eyes.

    No angel with the finest wings
    could substitute there for my wife.
    Sitting on clouds and singing psalms
    is not my dream of afterlife.

    O Lord! I think i would be best.
    to leave me here on earth to stay.
    Just cure my ailing body first
    and then provide some money, pray!

    I know the earth is full of sin
    and vice; but I, in many years,
    got used to walking up and down
    the pavement in this vale of tears.

    The earthly bustle I don’t mind
    because I rarely leave the house.
    In slippers and in dressing gown
    I stay home, happy with my spouse.

    Leave me with her. My soul imbibes
    the music of her voice. I do
    delight when she is chattering.
    Her look is loyal and so true.

    Just better health and some more cash
    I ask of you, O Lord. Bestow
    more happy days of bliss on me
    beside my wife in statu quo.

  43. Word of the Day: Demimonde

    In order that we might all raise the level of discourse and expand our language abilities, here is the daily post of “Word for the Day”.

    demimonde [dem-ee-mond; French duh-mee-mawnd]


    1. (especially during the last half of the 19th century) a class of women who have lost their standing in respectable society because of indiscreet behavior or sexual promiscuity.

    2. a demimondaine.

    3. prostitutes or courtesans in general.

    4. a group whose activities are ethically or legally questionable: a demimonde of investigative journalists writing for the sensationalist tabloids.

    5. a group characterized by lack of success or status: the literary demimonde.

    6. (British) any social group considered to be not wholly respectable

    Origin of demimonde:

    1850—55; < French, equivalent to demi- demi- + monde world (< Latin mundus)

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