Home » Sweden has a problem


Sweden has a problem — 47 Comments

  1. According to the website Voice of Europe, Swedish feminists are trying to ban political parties and organizations that dare to criticize the country’s policy on immigration. Meanwhile, leftist judges continue to give absurdly lenient sentences to Muslim refugees who brutalize and rape young Swedish girls. Perhaps a nation in the grip of such collective insanity deserves its fate.

  2. Never been to Sweden. But what I hear that leaks out leads me to believe there’ll be a backlash against the backlash. IOW, things will get worse and the virtue-signaling will get louder.

  3. RE: Sweden’s two problems: “One is a violence problem, and one is denial about that problem.”
    As my doctor is fond of saying, “There’s a lot of that going around.”

  4. I wonder how many immigrants are victims of immigrant criminals who are treated with kid gloves by people who claim to care about immigrants? The way Democrats claim to care about the black community but release black criminals to prey on that community.

  5. Back in the 1970s one Muslim leader predicted that Islam would take over Europe on the basis of Muslim’s extraordinary birth rates vs. those of Western European nations.

    Bat Ye’or’s numerous, well-researched books on Muslims and Islam, on the long history of their interactions with Christians and Jews, and their current activities in Europe argue that, several decades ago, Western Leaders secretly agreed with Muslim leaders to allow massive Muslim immigration into Western European countries in exchange for access to reliable supplies of cheap oil.

    Fast forward to today, where the leaders of Western European nations, having allowed the massive influx of high birth rate Muslims to overtake their countries, are trying, in every way they can, to suppress coverage of and to hide the disastrous consequences of their sell out of their own nations and and peoples; pretending that everything is just fine.

    In Sweden, for instance, you have the case of formerly peaceful and low crime Malmé¸, which has seen a massive spike in rapes, the overwhelming number of which are committed by Muslim “Immigrants” against native Swedish girls.

    Statistics on this spike are hard to find, and, reportedly, the perps are often only identified as “Asians.” But, you won’t get wind of this situation if you get your news exclusively from the MSM. Only on the Internet will you see the occasional report of this problem, sometimes from disgusted members of the Swedish police.

    In France Muslim “youts” boil out of the government built ghettos, the Banlieus, that the French have foolishly built around major French cities, to burn hundreds of cars each weekend, and burn even more on important Holidays. This is now just apparently accepted in France as “the new normal.”

    Massive numbers of Muslims have moved in and are claiming territory in all the countries of Western Europe–establishing more and more “no-go” zones, where they now have de facto control of the area, and the sovereignty of their host country is usurped. European leaders, of course, deny that such no go zones exist, but if you look here and there reporting about such zones is popping up.

    In Germany, in the wake of things like the mass sexual attacks on New Years Eve in Cologne, and the Christmas market terrorist attack, young German women are being warned not to wear what Muslims might consider “provocative“ clothing, to only go out at night in pairs or groups, and some cities are issuing them whistles to call police if they are attacked.

    Rotherdam and other cities in England have been the sites of decade’s long, massive sexual predation by Muslims against literally thousands of young native girls, of sexual grooming, the rape of these young English girls, and their being passed around as prostitutes; grooming, rape, prostitution of these young English girls that English police and social services were well aware of, but which they refused to crack down on/stop for fear of being labeled “racist.”

    You can bet you won’t find the English authorities emphasizing or dwelling on Rotherdam, either.

    These and other indicators show just how the people/countries of Western Europe are unwilling to enforce their own laws against Muslims who now, it must be admitted, rather than assimilate to Western Europe and to Western values, are far more a force of Muslim invaders and occupiers, not “immigrants” who want to fit into Western European nations.

    Now, it is the nations of Western Europe which are being forced to make increasing “accommodations” to elements of Shari’a law, being forced into becoming more and more Islamic in their behaviors and attitudes and, in the process, losing control of their own countries.

  6. The Manhattan Contrarian sure seems like he knows his (her?) stuff.

    This was very interesting. I was familiar with some of these cases, but having such an extensive summary of what looks like overly enthusiastic Democrat prosecutors is very telling.


    The Contrarian’s thesis is that given this kind of history, one may well expect that Mueller doesn’t have anything solid and is just fishing, which I’m sure everyone here’s suspected for a long time. It’s circumstantial evidence for sure, but it fits the pattern.

  7. Snow on Pine:

    And to think they sold their culture (soul) for access to Middle East and Soviet (now Russian) oil. Sharia on one hand and the environmental greeen/reds on the other. They (Europe) may not have an equivalent to the Permian Basin or Bakken for shale oil but the environmental green/reds won’t allow development either. So the Eurocrats are all good with the deal made with the devils (Islam and the communists). More rants to follow (not).

  8. The Islamic cancer is metastasizing all across Western Europe.

    France’s Macron was elected with 60+ percent of the vote. Merkel was able to retain her office.

    In a speech over the weekend, Macron set “out his vision of “European sovereignty”, Macron blasted what he called a “fascination with the illiberal“, insisting Brussels must be given power to preserve the EU as a “unique model” which demands “geopolitical, economic” union between nations, as well as obliging them to “respect minorities” and implement state-enforced feminism.

    Macron announced that Europe is entering an “unprecedented” age of mass migration, claiming “bombshell” population growth in Africa means the two continents’ destinies are bound.

    Speaking in a lengthy interview with French media, the president praised recent work by Duke University professor Stephen Smith which estimates that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.”

    Eu Commissioners are parroting the same line.

    However, IMO the EU leadership’s insistence upon wide open doors has more to do with ideology than with oil supplies.

  9. They have to go back.

    I heard some of the alt-Right say this a year or so ago and I was horrified. But, after getting over my shock, I realized they’re entirely correct. They have to go back; its the only possible peaceful solution.

    They either go back to the middle east, or Africa or wherever peacefully. Or there will be rivers of blood, as Enoch Powell predicted. If you ignore the constant pro-diversity agitprop from the mainstream media/infotainment complex, you can see the signs are there.

    Soon, the Saxon will begin to hate. The Norse will choose battle and Valhalla again. Those cracks are already appearing in eastern Europe. (See; Austria, Hungary, and Poland)

    Those Islamists and immigrants who take advantage of the kindness and naivete of their host countries (the well-meaning people, not the cynical globalists) will discover a kind of violence and ethnic cleansing that will breathtakingly horrific, like the Balkans only spread across the continent. Because it will be perpetrated by organized and prepared and rage-filled white Europeans.

    I’m not the man who predicted this, but I can now see the man was right. Does it mean I want it to happen? No. I dread it, like I dread a Category 5 Hurricane from my little shack on the beach. But the one-world globalist enablers laid the groundwork for this to happen decades ago.

  10. I wonder, more when than if, Swedes will reach down inside themselves and let their inner Vikings out.
    Fractal Rabbit understands that. There will be blood.

  11. Richard Aubrey Says:
    April 18th, 2018 at 10:22 am
    Never been to Sweden.
    * *
    Not planning to go anytime soon.

  12. “They have to go back….Soon the Saxon will begin to hate. The Norse will choose battle and Valhalla again. Those cracks are already appearing in eastern Europe. (See; Austria, Hungary, and Poland)”

    FR – You are correct in the first premise…but I fear wrong in the second.

    The boy-leader Macron & the childless Feminists running Europe will fall before the sword while on their knees. Their countries will go with them. They have neither the will nor the willing numbers. It remains to be seen what will replace Europe as we have historically known it.

  13. We shall see John.

    But I see it like this: the very social forces that keep a man like Macron and the childless feminists in power, are the same importing their destruction; those immigrants they bring in will tear the fabric of society apart enough that the space will leave a vacuum. And what fills that vacuum will be terrible to behold. Anders Breivik will be a martyr and a saint to those forces someday.

  14. We have informed our Swedish friends we will never visit them again, which is sad. Want to see us again come here or suggest another destination outside Western Europe. It is such a shame. Sweden is beautiful and Stockholm was my favorite city in Europe. The madness has even spread to Gotland, the jewel of the Baltic.

  15. I’ll go with Fractal Rabbit. I’m not sure how or when or how bad or whether it will be too late, but when the Europeans see it is truly existential, they will push back Muslims hard.

    Straight-line extrapolations work in the short-term, but not so much in the long-term. The yin turns yang.

  16. No small part of my reasoning to support the Iraq War was I thought it was the best shot we had to shock the Islamic world back into hudna — a sort of truce.

    Then we could wait them out until their oil ran low, their youth bump turned gray, and maybe they would be weakened by Western culture.

    But if they keep coming at the West like they have, there will be a day, I fear, we will have to turn their deserts to glass. I don’t want that to happen.

  17. Those leaning toward Europe at some point reasserting its nationalism and defending its cultures have perhaps not considered three important demographic factors; the mean age of Europeans is much older than the mean age of Muslim migrants. That age gap is increasing and the birth rate discrepancy is widening as well.

    So if it does come down to fighting, the Muslims will have lots of young, passionate fighters and the Euros will have not only proportionally fewer but ones with little emotional investment in a guilt ridden, secular Europe.

    And, if in 30 years, 150-200 million Africans are living in Western Europe… it will be over for European civilization, the “useful idiots” having committed cultural and racial suicide.

    Down in hell, Marx is laughing.

  18. I have a Slovakian friend. He says they have not forgotten the Turkish invasions centuries ago. Slovakia has a tiny Muslim population and Slovakia will not allow mosques on their soil.

    In May, Slovakia’s prime minister Robert Fico said “Islam has no place” in the country shortly after regaining the premiership for the third time.

    “I think it is the duty of politicians to talk about these things very clearly and openly. I do not wish there were tens of thousands of Muslims. They are changing the character of the countries [they come to].”


  19. GB: Who would have predicted the rise of Nazism in Germany or the rise of the hippie counterculture in the US, both in a matter of years? Not that I consider the two equivalent, but who saw either coming?

    Things change gradually, then suddenly, as goes the famous Hemingway quote about bankruptcy.

  20. Part of the reason they put up with it is it affects two groups they don’t care about: the poor, who as everyone knows are always and everywhere Nazis; and the migrants themselves.

    A nasty pustulent little chorf said this to me recently: “they only acid attack each other so why do you care?”

  21. Does anyone believe the Swedes are in denial? Seriously?
    Sweden, Europe, UK, United States, all becoming the same where we elect only from a privileged wealthy class which means that they feel free to perform their social experiments on the masses because they, the leaders, are insulated from the consequences.
    I can believe that they are a little frightened because while most of their experiments are bad and yield negative results, the immigration experiment is becoming a culture-annihilating tragedy. But, there can be no turning back now. That would be admitting failure, and they believe themselves too smart to have blundered as badly as they have.

  22. Europe’s leaders, even if removed from office will not suffer the results of their policies. Most are also childless thus, they have no stake in the actual results of their political ‘vision’.

  23. “….Since crime is intimately linked to the country’s failure to integrate its immigrants…..”

    Or more likely, the immigrants have no desire to integrate.

    They are from tribal cultures with a value system that is totally alien – they might just as well have come from Neptune – to that of the Swedes (or, for that matter, alien to any form of Western Civilization).

    You might as well drop a few dozen lions into a herd of a few thousand Spring Boks and, if you are the idiots that rule Sweden, expect the lions to leave the antelopes alone.

    All cultures are not the same. Not all people want the same thing.
    Everybody on earth wishes to live as they wish and be left alone, but many of these same people who demand this have no intention, of allowing “others” (e.g., females, other ethnic groups, etc) to have this same God given right.

    And even if there are no cultural differences – which serves to magnify the intensity and visibility of “us vs. them,” – there are ALWAYS people willing to exert power over others.
    Look at Cuba; the elites enjoy all the privileges one finds in any western pluralistic society, yet these elites refuse these privileges to the masses.

    The elites , say in Cuba, do NOT want what the majority of people there want.

    The BIG LIE is that culturally disparate groups of people tossed together and given sufficient time, will by themselves become one peaceful, homogeneous society.
    That is total bullshit.
    Think the former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, USSR. Think of North America before the Europeans showed up.

    Think Africa where tribal animosities are 10000 years old and are still extant. And yes, they may speak the same language, worship the same god, look the same, talk the same and even have intermixed marriages.
    But they still hate each other and will kill each other at the slightest provocation (e.g.., Hutu vs Tutsi, Zulu vs Xhosa, etc).

    And the Belgians – a peaceful lot – is basically two different nations; a northern Flemish/Dutch nation and a southern French nation. They generally do not have much to do with one another, they have a tough time forming a government and the Flemish have wanted “out” of Belgium for a real long time.

    Closer to home think of French Quebec.
    Where is the “integration” of French Canadians into a “Canadian” culture?? (talk to Western Canadians about the French and you will get an earful !!)

    The USA at one time was a melting pot because the vast majority of immigrants came from Europe, had to make their own way thru life (many could not and returned to their homeland) and sent their kids to the same public schools as the locals.
    No special classes for the foreign kids; everybody was taught in English and they all learned US History. There was no welfare and the immigrants realized real quick they HAD to assimilate – they literally had no choice.

    This is not true today in the USA. Welfare benefits and the political promotion of class/skin color/ethnic differences have led to various ethnic groups here in the USA to not bother trying to integrate into an “American” “racist,” society.

    This will not end well here in the USA; just look at history.

  24. The Deep State pulling Merkel’s strings told her to do this, mostly to cause division and collapse. Only when you have a world crisis, can the New World Order take more power and come out of the shadows.

    Merkel may believe she will still be in power when that happens, but it is unlikely.

    Also in Europe there is such a thing as HEMA or Historical European Martial Arts. Sword skill users like me tend to hear about it even 10+ years ago. It is the manual re engineering of European sword manuals, to create schools of practical training for current modern day competition/arts, based on form matching function. Or in other words, the Knights Templars and other splinter groups in Europe are regaining their history, traditions, and skills with the blade. This will be important when the European elite traitors start fighting other middle/lower class Europeans, after banning guns. The elites will have guns, and most of Europe will have metal melee tools, that is about it.

    Of course Islamic Jihad machetes will be matched against anti rape neighborhood militias and watches.

    The Alt Right and other conservative leaders saw this trend years if not decades ago, with European demographics. Certain religious groups inside the USA has 5 children per couple if not more than that if you count adoptions. This is why the Islamic population outnumbers the native population after 1 or 2 generations. You people have inverse family trees. 4 grand fathers, 2 sons, 1 grand son. They have 2 grandfathers, 8 sons, 32 grandsons.

    Part of the reason why all First world nations, including the US, have negative birth rates after 2 generations, is feminism or the modern practice of putting to work women in their child bearing years to the state for an increase in GDP. That increases the GDP of your nation yes, but it also destroys your nation’s demographic future, as the state is now the husband of the single woman. The state pays to maintain the woman and the woman receives benefits by working for the State. That is very different from little house on the Praerie pioneer USA days, where the wife worked for herself and her family, and nothing was taxed by the State or given by the State.

    The more a country has “immigration”, the more they compensate for this negative birth rate. Japan, which has little to no immigration in terms of citizens, has less than 2 child per couple, which is below death mortality replacement rates. The USA, due to immigration, has a superficially “high” birth rate as a result.

  25. And, if in 30 years, 150-200 million Africans are living in Western Europe… it will be over for European civilization, the “useful idiots” having committed cultural and racial suicide.

    Down in hell, Marx is laughing.

    That’s not even the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is that when Islam takes over France, their nuclear enrichment power stations and nukes will then be used on the USA and Israel.

    The power of evil to convert good to evil is a power beyond mortal means of countering. Anyone can kill mortals in a State or world war, but Islam has the unique property of converting many to the Caliphate’s House of War and House of Peace. The Abbasid and Umayad Caliphates were not jokes on the historical timeline.

    In the future, Americans will look at Afghanistan and Iraq as missed opportunities to go on the offensive, back when the price was cheap. Once Americans lose half their cities, they will come to realize that whatever casualties they took in Iraq pales in comparison to losing a strategic front like EUrope.

    Americans will complain about their selected leaders in District of Columbia but not kill them until it is too late and there’s a civil war where everyone is killing each other in a free for all. That is perhaps, the benefit and detriment of a civilized First World culture.

    Americans would rather put their attention to perceived insults, Political Correctness, and “good thought”, than the job of killing off the internal traitors. I see it all the time.

  26. “Since crime is intimately linked to the country’s failure to integrate its immigrants”

    Sure, that’s the source of the problems. Yet another article that can’t even say the word “Islam”.

  27. It does amaze me that there, staring you right in the face–if you bother to read them–are what the foundational documents of Islam–the Qur’an, the Sira (the biography of Muhammad) and the Major Hadiths (the Words and Deeds of the Prophet and his Companions) lay out as world-view, doctrine, example, and ultimate goal and there, right in front of you, are histories spanning the almost 1,400 years that those doctrines, that world-view, were applied in practice, all over the world, against many peoples, religions, and nations, and on many continents, striving for that goal of world-wide domination, of “all being for Allah.”

    Muhammad very famously said that (the Essence of) “War is deceit,” and, yet, despite the overwhelming evidence–both ancient, modern, and of this day or week–the majority of people in the West keep falling for the “Islam is the Religion of Peace” routine, when Islam is anything but.

  28. I’ve only been to Sweden once. I spent two weeks there about 10 years ago. At that time the big wave of Muslim immigrants were from Somalia. You could see dozens of dark skinned, short and skinny guys passed out drunk in public. I was riding public transportation to Gamla Stan and I chided three Somalis for leaving their trash in a train car when there was a trash can not 10 feet away. We actually got into a bit of a shoving match. The native Swedes all averted their eyes as if I was doing something gauche. In Sweden, when you get on a train or bus, there is an clear area where people put bikes, carts or baby carriages. Yes, the country use to be so safe you could put your baby by the train doors and take a seat half a car away and not even think about it. People would often leave their carriages outside restaurants when they went to eat as well. In my particular case I sent one of the Somalis sprawling and he fell against one of the carriages. Only then did the Swedes snap to life and start hissing like geese at the drunken Somalis.
    I got out a lot, and I naturally like to speak to people, which freaked the Swedes out at first. Back then no one ever admitted to me that perhaps it was a bad idea to invite several tens of thousands of illiterate, unemployable men into their country. I did hear at least two anti Semitic remarks though. I just can’t understand their self-flagellating mind set. I have heard that Sweden is one of the most atheist countries in the world. But they still have a strong urge to do penance.

  29. It does amaze me that there, staring you right in the face–if you bother to read them–are what the foundational documents of Islam–the Qur’an, the Sira (the biography of Muhammad) and the Major Hadiths (the Words and Deeds of the Prophet and his Companions) lay out as world-view, doctrine, example, and ultimate goal…

    Snow on Pine: Likewise. Since 9-11 I’ve been challenging my liberal friends to pick up the Quran and just read a few pages at random, but they never will do even that.

  30. From the Ace of Spades site is this clip from a Danish sketch show parodying Sweden’s politically correct attitudes:


    What I found funny are the captions telling us when the Dane was mocking the Swedish accent. I thought they all sounded alike to me.

    Oh, and wait for the moment when you hear him say “pussy whipped,” which is apparently a Danish word now.

  31. Well, the bright side is that they can no longer point to the European countries as being very peaceful and the US being violent because guns.

  32. Matthew Says:
    April 18th, 2018 at 11:18 am
    I wonder how many immigrants are victims of immigrant criminals who are treated with kid gloves by people who claim to care about immigrants? The way Democrats claim to care about the black community but release black criminals to prey on that community.
    * * *
    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions; how much more so when the claims to good intentions are cynical and false?

    I think Matthew’s observation could apply to a number of situations.
    Dems claim to care about poor people but support policies that … increase poverty.
    Dems claim to care about sick people but support policies that .. increase the cost of health insurance and care (for all but the subsidized few).

    One could continue for a long list (and the GOP is not exempt from this syndrome; it is a function of elitism at the root, just expressed in different claims and policies).

  33. Barry – from your link – “Is it this pain that keeps Americans from looking too deeply? There is one person who thinks so.

    Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam is a former physics professor who has taken it upon himself to study Islam in all its manifestations. He has a theory that the West is suffering from PTSD, and therefore it is in a kind of 1400-year-old shock and denial state: In a video giving a pretty good potted history of Jihad over the past 1400 years, Why we are afraid he concludes:

    “After 1400 years of jihad, brutality, enslavement, theft, rape, deception, annihilation, and insults the Kafir mind has become identical to that of an abused victim”.

    Some may see this as a reductionist position, but it may just be a contributing factor to the nightmare scenario that is now unfolding before us.”

    Contributing factor in Europe, for sure.
    Here? Not so much.

    The US didn’t lose the vast majority of its best youth in the two world wars; we haven’t fought in the past to reclaim our own Islam-conquered lands; and we still have active Christians that know the difference between the Gospel and the Opposition.

    Will that be enough? Perhaps.

    We ain’t played Cowboys and Muslims yet.

    (oops – I probably needed a trigger warning for that –)

  34. huxley Says:
    April 18th, 2018 at 11:43 pm
    I’ll go with Fractal Rabbit. I’m not sure how or when or how bad or whether it will be too late, but when the Europeans see it is truly existential, they will push back Muslims hard.

    Straight-line extrapolations work in the short-term, but not so much in the long-term. The yin turns yang.
    * * *
    The SL extrapolations would have given us, in turn, the Nazi conquest of Britain instead of V-E Day; the USSR of Western Europe (which was at lease delayed, but maybe not forever) instead of the fall of the Berlin Wall; and President Clinton femme instead of President Trump.

    Not sure any but the last was a yin-yang thing, but they were all a right-angle bend in the Arc of History.

  35. Fractal Rabbit, et al: not arguing with the will behind your thesis (though wondering who the hell is voting for Macron and Merkel, then?), but… Where will they get the weapons?

    They have all allowed themselves to be disarmed.

    Knives are not going to … Ahem… Cut it, for that task…

  36. Geoffrey: not the Islamic cancer. The PostModern Liberal cancer. Islam is just an opportunistic infection.

    PML is out to destroy the West, with its self-loathing.

    It morphed out of Classical Liberalism as a result of WWI.

    What We Lost In The Great War

    I’ve noted this article before. I assert that the proud, arrogant Classical Liberals, so assured of the superiority of The West, upon seeing what they did with it, turned on Western Culture with a vengeance, and morphed into the PostModern Liberal. PML is ALL ABOUT the destruction of The West, attacking its twin underpinnings of Christian thought and ethos, plus Classical Greek thoughtband ideal.

    If you look at the components of PML in that light, suddenly they make a sick, demented kind of sense. MultiCulti, Equality of Results, Moral Relativism, Deconstruction, Cloward-Piven… All of these shatter and destroy everything that makes The West what it is and what has made this entire planet immensely wealthy…. In just the last 25 years, humanity has gone from 30% living in “Extreme Poverty” to LESS THAN 10%. That is largely due to India and China adopting some elements of Western market and culture.

    Propping up a failed barbaric culture such as Islam is just a means to an end. The purpose is to destroy the West, nothing else.

  37. Huxley: as i detail above, that was a great idea, but, of course, It Could Not Be Allowed by the PMLs.

    Their agitprop arm, the media, set out to turn it into another Vietnam, and got their way when Obama got elected. Now Iraq is an enormous shithole, istead of a shining jewel of moderate Islam.

    Looking back at pictures of Afghanistan in the 50s and early 60s, it’s clear: PML. As soon as they stopped us from saying “our culture is better”, that meant there was no reason to adopt Western values. And so the seed of modernism in Afghanistan whithered and died.

    “We live in interesting times”, indeed….

  38. “What We Lost in the Great War”?

    Why is England, especially what we might call the traditional English ruling class, so clueless, so unwilling to defend their ancient Heritage and culture, so passive in the face of a massive invasion of Muslims, Muslim dominated no go areas, Muslim’s steadily increasing control over more and more English territory, and their usurpation of England’s sovereignty over it, the mounting Muslim terror attacks, Rotherdam, and Muslims marching through the streets of ancient London, bragging about how they and Islam are going to take over the country?

    Why are some Royals and some in the English smart set even converting to Islam?

    I would argue that one major cause has been the decimation–actually, a far higher percentage slaughtered than the traditional Roman 10%–of England’s traditional ruling class, first in WWI, and then the coup de gras in WWII, that slaughtered some of the survivors of WWI, plus a large portion of their children.

    This, today’s English ruling class is composed of the leftovers, the Third Raters, and it shows.

    The same WWI & WWII slaughter, the same winnowing process, also killed off a lot of the more aggressive and leadership types who would have formed the natural leadership of the other classes as well.

  39. Y’know, perhaps this same WWI & WWII slaughter of the men who would have formed the natural leadership classes in each and every country of Europe also goes a long way towards explaining current day leader’s acquiescence to and reactions to the Muslim invasion and creeping takeover of their respective countries?

  40. Ace of Spades HQ posted a pretty funny video of Danes making fun of the Swedes and the over the top PC. You have to see it.

  41. Huxley: as i detail above, that was a great idea, but, of course, It Could Not Be Allowed by the PMLs.

    OBloodyHell: I’m sure they would resist but as progressives often quote Victor Hugo (in one translation):

    Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.

    Who in the first century would have believed Christianity would eventually take control of the Roman Empire?

  42. Pingback:Sweden’s Violent Nightmare – Jack's Newswatch

  43. There is a 2015 Breitbart London interview on the Web with Chief Superintendent Torsten Elofsson, retired from police work in 2014 after 42 years on the Malmé¸ police, in which he drops such nuggets as the fact that many of the police in Malmé¸ are transferring away from duty in Malmé¸ to other places that have a lot less violence and crime and that, due to Sweden’s generous holiday and other personnel policies, there are hardly any police on the job in Malmé¸ during the summer.

    Eloffson also attributes the spike in violent crime and rapes to uncontrolled immigration and no-go areas.

    Then, I found a 2016 story about two child rapes in the Malmé¸ area, and how the authorities expect that such child rapes are going to rise. So sure are they of this rising trend, that they are forming a special unit of 15 people to work just on child rapes in Malmé¸.

    In this Breitbart London article about the 2016 case of two separate child rapes–one of a 12 year old, one of a 14 year old–that were carried out in the Malmé¸ in broad daylight, by perps who did not speak Swedish, I noted that he police were quoted as saying,

    “We do not want to create a rancorous atmosphere among the public but want to tread carefully. The information we have leads in a certain direction, but it is very sensitive and [these are] difficult issues for the vulnerable,”

    Later on in the article it was written, “Both the press and police in Sweden, as in neighbouring Denmark and Norway, have become notorious for their political correctness in withholding the nationalities and any description of suspects from their crime reports.”

    Finally, at the end of the article, this little gem was thrown in, “Former soldiers now working in the police bomb disposal unit of the city, where 43 per cent of its inhabitants have foreign backgrounds, have said the constant grenade attacks in Malm鶠remind them of the years they served in war-torn regions of Iraq.”

    Have a nice vacation in Malmé¸!

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