Home » I just noticed…


I just noticed… — 12 Comments

  1. Take a Trump break!

    College basketball is hot now. Maybe a post about the Loyola Chicago head coach would be in order. It would be nice if we could learn more about Creighton alum Porter Moser.

  2. @vanderleun
    Love it!
    Providing more work for poor dentists to fix cracked front teeth for fat squirrels.

  3. Oh for the days of Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge. The president shouldn’t be the be all and end all of our system.

  4. What Griffin said.


    “Over the course of our history, the role and influence of the president during a local tragedy or crisis have evolved significantly. In the 19th century, presidents had little involvement in crisis response and disaster management, for both technological and constitutional reasons. Their influence was limited technologically because the country lacked the communications capabilities needed to notify the president in a timely manner when disaster struck hundreds of miles away. Even when the telegraph and later the telephone entered the equation, the nation still lacked the mass media needed to provide the American people with real-time awareness of far-flung events. Naturally, this affected the political call for presidents to involve themselves in local crises.”


  5. vanderleun — bread, tree, some assembly required….
    I liked the pictures — how long do you suppose the egg stayed up? — the last guy is a real over-achiever.

  6. Sorry Boss…Trump just threw out some Russkies. You gotta write about that now…maybe?

    And how about he throw out the UN while he’s got his throwing arm warmed up?

  7. “…written close to 1/3 the number of posts about Trump than I’ve written about Obama…” You want “as,” not “than.”

  8. It’s probably inevitable.

    The media loves to talk about Trump, and when they don’t he deliberately says something outrageous to make them talk about him, because being the center of attention has always been his goal in life; a trait he shares with Hillary Clinton (but not with Bill).

    More generally, this tendency reflects something in our culture and perhaps in our basic nature.

    Everyone knows who Caesar was; does anyone remember the Roman Senators who opposed him ? Everyone knows who the President is, but how many of us know who our Representatives in Congress are ? Our history, folklore, and mythology are filled with stories of Great Kings (who may or may not have been good kings), How many stories are there of Great Legislatures (or legislators), or Great Judges ?

    Historically, the American system of limited powers, separated powers, and checks and balances is an anomaly.

    The “Man on Horseback”, a strong executive leader, seems to be the default mode of government for a lot of people. For many, it’s the only mode they understand, or can even imagine.

    Certainly the MSM don’t understand it, and I’m not sure that many of our leaders understand it either.

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