Home » Who’s the leaker at the National Security Council?


Who’s the leaker at the National Security Council? — 21 Comments

  1. If you instinctively distrust politicians and bureaucrats you will never be disappointed or surprised. Yes, there are honorable and sincere politicians and bureaucrats, alas they are always an endangered species.

    Never forget RR’s nine most dangerous words.

  2. McMaster is MY bet, too.

    1) Motivation… indignation.

    McMaster ORIGINATED the opinion that Trump disregarded.

    2) He’s on a short fuse, anyway. He knows that his daze on the NSC are few, his influence, neutered.

    3) Spite.

  3. This is what happens when people jump on the Trum victory band wagon too soon. Guess nobody paid attention to the warnings that outsiders to District of Columbia will get rolled by the Deep State. Especially if they are former Democrats that like Democrats.

    A good way to get backstabbed by the Deep State. Just look at JFK, Trum. It’s not like nobody warned you… maybe ya actually thought like a Dem idiot that getting rid of Cruz and his father would save you from JFK’s fate, hah, what a clown.

    If the DS so decides, your security details will be “leaked”. Apparently they can’t setup another Nixon since Trum is too savvy to fall for that one. Not immortal yet Trum, so watch out for that. Be like JFK, strolling in his limo and suddenly all your SS guards disappear because they were ordered to Stand Down.

    This way my hands will be clean as nobody can say “why didn’t you warn him…”

    We already sent the warnings. It’s their fault for ignoring it.

  4. A “fireable offense”? That’s probably the understatement of the century. That would be a “Sent to Gitmo” offense. A “Spend the rest of the century in a cell at Fort Leavenworth”.

  5. Trump should use the blue dye test. The CIA Director knows the technique. It basically involves the same document given to a group of people but with key differences. When one is leaked then the President knows who the leaker based upon the contents of the unique content.

  6. We are laid bare with our belly exposed for decades and think soeone might happy us by scratching it not slitting it.

    to add to it:
    An email exchange between Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, makes it clear the two were political soulmates, dedicated to a Hillary Clinton victory.

    “Wishing you a happy new year,” Podesta wrote on Jan. 2, 2016. “2015 was challenging, but we ended in a good place thanks to your help and support. Look forward to working with you to help elect the first woman president of the United States.”

  7. The joke is that TV meteorologists are the only profession that can make bad predictions and still keep their jobs.

    Obviously, American Intelligence “professionals” do the same.

    The list of what they have missed over the years is … huge.

    Yet they tell us they are correct consideably more often than not. But they can’t tell us about their ‘successes’ because it would endanger their sources or methods. How convenient.

    I don’t feel any more secure with the NSC in place. Does anyone here feel any more secure?

  8. THis relates as to why there is so much so much complicity and so much of this happening…

    “Secret Empires”, explains how Chinese companies purchased U.S. politicians to gain trade advantages. When you understand this process, you better understand why those same politicians today are against the Trump trade policy that is antithetical to their purchased interests. Reminder: U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue is warning President Trump not to take any trade action against China or he will unleash his purchased control agents within congress and financial media to destroy his presidency. Allow me to re-emphasize: All opposition to President Trump stems from the underlying financial and economic policy.

  9. Tuvea:

    Economists, journalists, pundits, pollsters, population scientists, climate scientists, fotunetellers, and Al Gore make bad predictions all the time and keep their jobs.

    I guess bloggers, too.

  10. Tuvea says:

    >The joke is that TV meteorologists are the only profession that can make bad predictions and still keep their jobs.

    This may be the joke, but economists never have to be right either.

  11. The bad vibe I get is from the seemingly large number of government people who are willing to put personal political ambition ahead of national security. Why would you leak such a thing other than to ingratiate yourself with someone in the anti-Trump camp and to increase your political power?

  12. steve walsh Says:
    March 22nd, 2018 at 1:07 pm
    The bad vibe I get is from the seemingly large number of government people who are willing to put personal political ambition ahead of national security.
    * * *
    Case in point:

    (RTWT but this is the final money quote)
    “After all, former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power says it isn’t a “good idea to piss off John Brennan.” Why not? Is Brennan the type of guy who would use his power for political purposes? ”

    On reflection, is it really so much personal political ambition, or is it “principled” party-domination ambition?
    Although I grant that it is hard to separate the two for committed partisans.

  13. I’ve read that the NSC is filled with Obama holdovers and sympathizers.


    In re to: “Allow me to re-emphasize: All opposition to President Trump stems from the underlying financial and economic policy.”

    That’s only true of RINOs and liberal corporate types. The most ferocious opposition to Trump is by leftist/liberal ideologues.


    I’m thrilled that McMaster is out and that Bolton is now on board. That news made my day.

  14. skeptic

    McMaster was BEGGING to be canned.

    Hence the leak.

    I rather doubt that McMaster will get his fourth star because of the way he’s leaving.

    McMaster’s own tome set him out as a guy who is against the system.

    So, it’s the ultimate irony that McMaster WAS the system.

    He gagged when a REAL outsider started to take ‘the system’ down.

    My beef with McMaster is on policy.

    I’m in Flynn’s camp, policy wise. I was very disappointed that Flynn’s policy suite has been totally inverted by McMaster.


    As for Trump and how this has evolved…

    Trump did not want to alienate many of the Swamp critters — guys like Mattis and Kelly — who he hugely respects.

    Kelly’s problem is that he HAS TO understand that he CAN’T gate keep the President. He shouldn’t even try.

    Kelly must choke on it, but ONLY way out-of-the-box management is going to turn this ship of state around.

    Trump is, at a fundamental level, a Leader — not a Manager.

    The difference was spelled out in the Harvard Business Review in 1978. Dang, I’ve lost my copy.

    That article is, last I heard, the single MOST requested from their archives.

    The difference is significant.

    It’s big enough that you’ll run into a throng that always complains when faced with a Leader that he’s not a Manager.

  15. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    March 22nd, 2018 at 8:38 pm
    I’ve read that the NSC is filled with Obama holdovers and sympathizers.

    I wouldn’t be surprised. It would have taken a lot of resistance for Hussein’s Islamic Jihad buddies to escape US bombs and what not. They probably fired and retired all the patriotic loyalists from intel digest analysis, put Hussein people there to crank out the correct intel digest analysis, that way Hussein could bomb the terrorists that would hurt Islamic Jihad the least.

    For all the Left complained about Bush II’s civilian casualties in Iraq, that was just them fooling the Americans once again. Check how many casualties Hussein’s Drone bombs caused. These people stopped even pretending they were paying attention to collateral damage. Then there was Libya, of which Collateral Damage was the intent, not the side quest.

    The Leftist alliance is going to gather their powers for another October surprise. Since they haven’t deployed 50% of their strategic assets in this war yet, they still have quite a bit of reserve to work with leading up to CW2.

    Then there is the Deep State, which hasn’t deployed even 1% of their total power. They are still preserving it after the Demoncrats kill off the Republicans and the Republicans kill of the Demoncrats, and the Alt Right kills off non nationalists. Then the DS swoops and obtains global UN peace keeping missions in US cities. At least, that is one potential for why Hussein sabotaged and weakened the US military.

    Martial law was a good possibility too given the number of arms confiscated from New Orleans during Katrina.

    Trum is a sign that there will be a little bit more time, a bit more leeyway from the DS, until show time. What people do with that time… well, they can’t say nobody warned em.

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