Home » Tina Brown channels Princess Diana


Tina Brown channels Princess Diana — 20 Comments

  1. If Newsweek were a racehorse, it would be led into the infield and shot.

  2. That’s one of the most depraved magazine moves I’ve seen in a long time. But then Brown always was depraved in her professional life so it fits right in.

    I’m for slapping that age morphing software onto Brown and setting the dial for, oh, 112 years old.

  3. How the mighty have fallen. With dreck like this, it’s easy to see why Newsweek is no longer taken seriously as a respectable journal of current affairs and why its sales have gone down the gurgler.

    Princess Diana had enough drama in her life. Let her rest in peace.

  4. Absolutely no surprises here.

    The entire nation has sunk into the abyss.

    Liberal. Conservative. Libertarians. MSM. New Media.

    All of it.

  5. Sorry folks, but Newsweek’s been turning itself into an entertainment rag for the past 30 years. Tina’s just letting it get deeply in touch with it’s inner emptiness. Entertainment, that is the creation and celebration of a fictional world, is the one industry the US still dominates.

    What she’s doing now isn’t even news, it’s just amazingly tasteless speculation and conjecture.

  6. I am confused as to why they thought she would have aged 40 years in just 14 years. And why she would look like a zombie. Perhaps they used an intern for the Photoshop work.

  7. Why did I stop reading Newsweek?
    Why will I not resume reading Newsweek>

    Let me count the ways.

    IIRC, The late Mr. Moneybags, whatever his name was, the one married to a Democratic Party Congresscritter, bought Newsweek from the WaPo owners for the grand sum of $1.00. One dollar.
    This is evidence he was gypped.

  8. Ugh! That was one tasteless $#!%%y job Newsweek did on poor Diana!

    But let’s all face one thing: if Diana were alive today, she’d be BFF with her daughter-in-law (and her mother) right now. She’d call her “her daughter”, for cryin’ out loud!

  9. That is ghoulish taken to a whole new level.

    It’s been at least two decades since I’ve bothered to read Newsweek; clearly the magazine hasn’t improved in that time.

  10. Well this is just creepy. Blecch.

    I actually feel sorry for Princess Kate…that’s got to be the worst in the avalanche of (mostly flattering) images related to her marriage that are out there right now.

    And who among us wouldn’t want the anniversary of our death to be memorialized by being photoshopped onto the cover of a (formerly) great US magazine–covered with wrinkles!

    I can tell you one thing, if she were alive today Diana would not be un-Botoxed, that’s for sure.

  11. The Left has a fascination with the morbid and the pathological. It permeates their art, literature and philosophies. At the bottom of it all is a sublimated self-loathing which they project into every aspect of their existence(and ours if we let them). It is characterized by a preoccupation with the control of others, even down to irrelevant details(nanny-state).

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