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Sean Spicer resigns — 19 Comments

  1. I have always despised Bohemian Rhapsody. Even the suggestion of the song gives me an ear worm. Thanks Neo!

  2. Just spent 30 minutes in basement as tornadoes briefly touched down 9 miles to the south and 3 miles to the north. The POTUS press secretary should be someone from tornado alley where everything is more important than the bs from DC that is a distant buzz of gossip from the pretenders that are busy sniffing butts at cocktail parties and congressional hearings. I p*ss on them all from a great height

  3. Time will tell but I fear this may be a mistake.

    Specifically, bringing on board Scarramucci, who verbally dumped all over Trump during the campaign. Asked about it now, he offers a really lame, nonsensical excuse. Saying back in 2015 he knew little about politics. But leaves unsaid that since then… spending some time as a FOX news contributor now qualifies him to opine knowledgeably.

    Now we learn that Trump just threw Israel under the bus. “Israel: U.S.-Russia Deal on Syria Gives Iran a Win, Is Unacceptable”

    Trump is getting a lot of really bad advice… and it’s leading him into a lot of mistakes.

  4. Scaramouche was a stock character in the Commedie D’Art (sp?). It was also the name of an adventure novel by Raphael Sabatini set during the French Revolution. I always think of the novel when I hear Bohemian Rhapsody and when I heard the news of Spicer’s replacement.

    Sean Spicer simply wasn’t good at his job. Probably decent guy, he need to do something else.

  5. Isn’t scaramouche a big shot in Wall Street, why has he taken this lowly job?

  6. Hiring Sean spencer was a big mistake because Sean just doesn’t have the look and charisma. Looks matter for the role. Sarah huckerbee is a plus size girl but she is gorgeous in a different way, looks a bit like Julia Stiles too.

  7. Dave,

    Ego I suspect.

    Far more than looks and charisma are needed for that job. Given the schisms in Trump’s inner circle, I’m a bit doubtful that anyone can do that job

  8. “Given the schisms in Trump’s inner circle….”

    At this point why anyone wants to assert they know anything about what’s up in that inner circle and is not part of that circle is beyond me.

  9. Fans of Bohemian Rhapsody might want to take a look at Lake Street Dive’s version at

    In Halloween costume, they do an affectionate parody of Queen.

    Lake Street Dive’s lead singer has an amazing voice, and the rest of the band is very good. Lots of YouTube videos and more fun than politics.

  10. Per the Daily Mail, Scarramucci referred to him as Melissa McCarthy. The guy sounds like an absolute charmer.

  11. Nobody will last in the job unless they can bury their own ego in service to trump, as sooner or later, he’s going to pull the rug out from underneath them (multiple times) and they will be without any credibility.

    trump picked a man who fund raised for obama in 2008, AND is from Wall Street.

    Didn’t trump make a YUGE deal about Cruz’s wife’s Wall Street ties a while back?

    But, hey, trump says he’s okay, so must be true!

    Let’s discredit anyone who doubts it.

  12. Didn’t trump make a YUGE deal about Cruz’s wife’s Wall Street ties a while back?

    Trum has more Gold mann sachs on his admin payroll than Cruz’s wife’s entire life now.

  13. “Trum has more Gold mann sachs on his admin payroll than Cruz’s wife’s entire life now.” Ymar S

    Strange how trump supporters don’t seem to mind that at all, or ignore it altogether. Ho hum.

    Not that it is necessarily inherently bad on its own, but it is something that trump made a big deal about and tied his “drain the swamp” message to.

  14. Trum’s backers also called me and others like me cucks, liars, and supporters of what they called “Lyin Cruz”. Reminded me of the way Confederate Demoncrats talked about Sherman and Lincoln being tyrants.

    The war always needs the war propaganda for the war tools and zombies first.

  15. Alinsky method calls for attacking enemies and defending allies. No matter what the cost. This is war, and war requires sacrifice and Obedience. Then again, that’s the same way the Left used to win, which is why People Are Not Tired of Winning.

    No matter what the spiritual costs.

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