Home » Poland plans a YUGE lovefest for Trump


Poland plans a YUGE lovefest for Trump — 13 Comments

  1. As I have mentioned before Poland’s King Jan Sobieski
    commanded the Christian forces at the Battle of Vienna defeating the advancing Muslims. Every Pole
    and most well informed Americans of Polish heritage know thus, so Angela Merkel, the entire EU and even Pope Francis have absolutely no hope of getting
    Poland to take in muslims, just never gonna happen.
    So they are totally sympatico with Pres Trump.

  2. Trum gives the Polish reason to hope that a superpower nation will stop the pressure inviting in all these invading Islamic men.

    The power of the US is still such that it can bend weaker nations and make them into de facto puppets, irregardless of what the people want their leaders to do.

  3. “…if he is able to string two coherent words together…”

    Obama, the darling of the Left (cue the infatuated faithful) was someone who was able to string two coherent—to be sure mostly dishonest—words together….and then some.

    (Of course, a teleprompter does come in handy…)

    Ah, yes, Obama….and Eastern Europe….and Jews:

  4. Per Roger Kimball at PJ Media, Trump hit the ball out of the park in his speech in Poland. Sort of an “Ich bin ein Berliner” moment.

  5. My bias is for “New Europe” versus “Old Europe,” in spite of my ethnic background being all “Old Europe.” My hometown had a lot of people of Central/Eastern European origin. I grew up with too many Iron Curtain refugees from Europe and Asia- and worked with them in Latin America- to swallow the anti-anti-Communist line. (Yes, I did know a couple of Cuban refugees, but they were a minority among the Iron Curtain refugees I knew.)
    Poland has no problem with Islamic terrorists because Poland doesn’t let many Muslims in. Funny, that.

    I see a similarity between those who back in the day were pushing the anti-anti-Communist line and those who are now crying “Islamophobia.” Not that those who are against “Islamophobes” would like to live in Egypt or Saudi Arabia, mind you. Similarly, most of the “anti-anti-Communists” much preferred Los Angeles to Moscow.

    Funny that the President- whom the media has been telling us for the last year was a Russian tool- is selling missile defense system to Poland. What a tool! It’s even funnier when you realize that the party who was filled with anti-anti-Communists, who for decades told us that fear of the Soviet Union was paranoia, has been pushing the “Trump is a Russian tool” line.

    Enough ranting.

  6. Before after 2008 election, blacks and others were shouting “We are no longer American nation, but the Obamanation”

    Get it. Obamanation? What does that sound like

    Abomination of desolation.

  7. It’s even funnier when you realize that the party who was filled with anti-anti-Communists, who for decades told us that fear of the Soviet Union was paranoia, has been pushing the “Trump is a Russian tool” line.

    Gringo, funny as 1984’s war is peace mantra. The Leftist zombies already sold their souls. Expecting them to think is… abnormal.

  8. A sensible person must- MUST -love Poland as possibly the bastion of Western civilization in Europe. Remember Solidarity and Pope John Paul II, who succeeded in freeing Poland from the Soviet grip ( though the USSR was financially dying, which very few of us knew then).

    Read the just-released book by Douglas Murray, “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam”, to get a better grip on Europe’s intentional suicidal path. Which he deems irreversible. As do I, a much less qualified individual who thanks God that I am not a German citizen in today’s Germany, with its Muslim hordes, empty churches, and infinite righteous political prattle attesting to its suicidal zeal.

    Murray points out that “Throughout most of its history, and certainly for the past millenium, Britain had retained an extraordinarily static population. Even the Norman Conquest in 1066- perhaps the most important event in the islands’ history- led to no more than five percent of the population of England being Norman.”

    That all changed post World War II, incrementally and progressively. Despite the British public being overwhelmingly and persistently opposed to post-war migration policies. Open borders for all Commonwealth citizens. Sound familiar?

    Now 23 of London’s 33 boroughs have a minority of ‘white Britons’ and London has a Muslim mayor. Diversity!!

    Poland, with its strong Christianity despite decades of anti-clerical opposition, will hopefully remain a surviving repository of the greatness of Western civilization. Germany, France, and the UK are pffft.

    If you want your kids and grandkids to see the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, they’d best go soon. The Muslim suburbs surround central Paris.

  9. Very good points, Frog. This struck me: ” the USSR was financially dying, which very few of us knew then”. Nowadays our muckety-mucks throw money at our financially strapped enemies. I was delighted when Trump opposed the Paris Treaty because there’s no accounting for where the Green Fund money goes.

  10. Federal reserve doesn’t need to account for Green money. They just print it up as they go.

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