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What’s wrong with this picture? — 10 Comments

  1. As I said in a recent comment, everything this administration does is first and foremost a politcal calculation.

  2. That explains a lot. The more I learn about who he surrounds himself with, the more concerned I become.

  3. Democrat Party strategist and campaign adviser; can’t get more non-ideological than that.

  4. Here’s a question: would Buraq appoint a national security adviser (a real one) to be a Democrat Party strategist and campaign adviser?

    I doubt it.

  5. I wonder if either Ms Lizza, or her editors, ever detected the pure irony contained in that paragraph?

  6. Oldflyer:
    That would be Mr. Lizza. According to Wikipedia, he graduated from the Berkshire School, a private boarding school. But I would not be surprised to find out he is against school choice for the great unwashed.

    I doubt they picked up the irony. This is along the same vein as the NYT/MSNBC= objective versus Fox= partisan theme of the libs. As we know all too well. 🙂

    Obama could have chosen worse. He could have appointed Nancy Pelosi as National Security Advisor. That would the the Nancy Pelosi who made a pilgrimage to the “reformist” regime in Damascus to protest dastardly Dubya’s removal of the tyrant Saddam Hussein. “Reformist” Assad Jr. certainly agreed with Nancy about the infamy of removing tyrants from power.

    You notice that Nancy hasn’t said much lately about Syria?

  7. What’s wrong with this picture? Obama stands a very real chance of winning in 2012.

  8. As was mentioned before; it is amazing how incredibly stupid these professional thinkers are.

    Academia is where stupid people go to hide.

  9. Academia is where stupid people go to hide.

    Yep, and not to engineering schools, either. They might hurt themselves or others playing with things that have moving parts.

    When Hilary is the most competent foreign policy person in the entire administration, then the U.S. is in serious trouble. I’m not one of her fans, but we’d be a lot worse off if she weren’t at Foggy Bottom right now, and Donilon and McDonough were the ones calling all the shots.

  10. BHO is not interested in the details of being the president. Despite the MSM’s fascination with ‘the most intelligent president’, he’s overwhelmed by the daily grind of having a real job for the first time in his life. What he has reluctantly discovered is that its all a big drag to have to think about the reality on the ground, potential known and unknown consequences, and all the boring trivia of leadership. Its all beneath the messiah. It detracts from his narcissism, golf, and 24/7 campaigning. So, he lets his subordinates make the tough calls and blames Bush or the republicans or the tea party or the bible/gun clingers when things go wrong.

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