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Getting to know the HCR bill — 11 Comments

  1. My word how I despise that woman. My hesitation surprised me a little. I swear that if it wasn’t you asking me to look at this video that I wouldn’t have. A mere glance at the preview screen capture is enough to make me shudder. That said, point well made…

  2. I remember watching Dennis Miller’s HBO special not too long ago, and he said of Pelosi:

    “I GUARANTEE you she sleeps upside down!”

    Seriously though, how weird is it – and how terrifying that it is so weird – to try to imagine her as an actual human being – expressing normal human emotions, normal human thoughts, clipping a coupon, hanging out and shooting the breeze?

    One exercise I use on my liberal friends is this: When they start bleating to me about their love of country, and the left’s patriotism, etc., I look them in the eye and ask –

    “Can you really tell me that you believe that when Nancy Pelosi goes home, and she’s unwatched and out of the public eye, she expresses any sort of love for America – ever? That she ever spontaneously so much as thinks, ‘Damn, this country is awesome’? That she feels any kind of pride in her country when she hears the national anthem? Please.”

    That thought is one which, when generalized, terrifies me more than almost anything about the Democratic party. I’m virtually certain that among the elite and faithful left, they feel more pride when they see a UN delegation than they do when they see a group of American soldiers.

    James Burnham is still right after all these years: Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide.

  3. “I’m virtually certain that among the elite and faithful left, they feel more pride when they see a UN delegation than they do when they see a group of American soldiers.”

    When it comes to swelling the chests of the left I’m fairly certain that posters of Che, Mao, Stalin, and Uncle Ho come before the swarm of ticks embedded in Turtle Bay.

  4. First came the promise of greater government transparency, followed by the promise to put major legislation on-line some ten days before congress votes on it, then, pass it first to find out what’s in it. What a loathsome bunch.

  5. Isn’t that something. Pure socialism. Making guppies out of men.

    Hopefully this whole mess will be declared unconstitutional soon.

  6. Is that a podium or a tuffet? She looks like a fairy tale character faking niceness and humanness to lure the innocent into her lair. Some sort of red spider queen puppet.

  7. I will try to refocus attention here to the matter of the Bill’s creation. New features keep being discovered, the WSJ link being but a case in point.

    But no one nowhere that I’ve seen has ever commented on the nature of this Bill’s creation. How did such 2000-plus page monster with all sorts of tripwires and bombs and bomblets come to be?

    I submit for consideration my conviction that it was crafted secretly by a small number of persons yet unknown, over a long period of time, e.g. 2-3 years, sat locked away, and was put into play when the planets aligned for its passage. The large majority of Dems in the Congress were as ignorant as the rest of us, but responded to the Politburo’s commands.

    How else to explain the birthing of this monster?
    Other ideas, anyone?

  8. “But no one nowhere that I’ve seen has ever commented on the nature of this Bill’s creation. How did such 2000-plus page monster with all sorts of tripwires and bombs and bomblets come to be?”

    HCR contains all the wish list items staffers have been piling up since Ted Kennedy began to steer the country towards a single payer (aka government takes controlled( system.

  9. More than wish list items, Parker; much more. It is in fact remarkably crafted in its malign and coordinated details.

  10. Beverly:

    Pelosi could never look as intelligent and well coordinated as Miss Cartilage!

    When you see her on TV, she has the glazed eye look of someone who is “on something”.

    She’s a certifiable idiot who only has skills in street fighting for the values in her screwed up district.

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