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We’ve become… — 5 Comments

  1. What one sees as a problem, another sees as an opportunity. A new energy policy and reductions in regulations would be enough to jump start the greatest resurgence ever. If we shrug, let it be a shrug, that shrugs off the parasites and not our resolve.

  2. Just so.

    For many years now I have been ranting about the need for this country to renew our commitment to using our own resources of energy, timber, fish, farms and more. All this has been gradually blocked by the green movement and their strongest weapon, the Endangered Species Act . The ESA coupled with the EPA have made utilizing our natural resources and building things either extremely expensive or out-right prohibited.

    If we would only drill for our oil and reduce the barriers to other productive activities such as farming, logging fishing, and manufacturing, the economy would be revitalized.

  3. We are at the tipping point where a majority can vote for perks and welfare paid for by the productive minority or borrowed/printed on the backs of the unborn. This mentality is a form of plague just as deadly as the bubonic plague, smallpox, etc. IMO we have a narrow window to reverse course. Otherwise: ashes, ashes we all fall down.

  4. Gov. Rick Scott of Florida recently began a policy so that you could find the base salary of your favorite state employee by doing a database search. Some of my state employee peers are livid about this.

    I do computer support for the state. I have 40 plus years of experience; two degrees; and multiple certifications yet am the lowest paid, (when total compensation is considered), of those peers in a similar job category. Some of them earn 43% more for doing the same job. I am NOT underpaid. I could understand my peers being embarrassed. But angry???

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