Home » How could this guy have been deported/removed 19 times and still return?


How could this guy have been deported/removed 19 times and still return? — 10 Comments

  1. “Ah, but I bet it [a wall] will deter quite a few of them.” [Neo]

    The Israeli wall was successful in limiting Palestinian infiltration and bombing, but, reality aside, to the left walls just won’t work!

  2. All child rapists should be castrated.

    Any illegal caught the third time should have a permanent tattoo affixed to their forehead, then deported. Any American then hiring them, earns felony imprisonment with loss of citizenship.

  3. I am just going to call bullshit on this story about him actually, physically being deported/leaving the country 19 times. I bet if someone looks deep enough into this story, they will find that the only thing done was he was asked to leave and was then released, while a box somewhere was checked “deported”.

  4. “Cosme Lopez, spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona, declined comment…”

    See? There’s your transparency of government for you.

  5. Hola, Buenos Dias,

    I can come as an Iranian, Syrian, refugee across the border and cause mayhem. You better not oppose or I’ll call you racist.

  6. Since they knew the guy there probably wasn’t a lot of additional effort needed to determine the legality of his status. Just pick him up and send him home. He goes along with it, because it’s easy to come back (though he did serve two sentences).

    Multiply this across all of the ICE offices and ask yourself if all these repeat offenders that we keep reading about are just a way for ICE to juice their statistics? Whatever the program is, it certainly is not acting as a deterrent.

  7. The US Attorneys are part of DOJ. All under Eric Holder until he resigned.
    Wonder what he’s living on, after all these years of “public service.”
    I hope Trump/Sessions do exactly what Clinton did on taking office: Fire and replace them ALL. Not just a few; for doing that Bush’s AG Gonzales was pilloried by Democrats, but all, just like BJC.

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