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Obama told him to go? — 49 Comments

  1. Who knew that Obama was in favor of mob-rule.

    Orderly Transition?

    I suppose. Let’s try this here. We’ll be better off with our military commanders in charge.

  2. “Not to satisfy us,” one official tells ABC News, “to satisfy them,” the official said, pointing to mass protests in Tahrir Square.

    Let’s do it Tea Party !

  3. Mubarak listen to some freak from the south side of Chicago, c’mon.

    I bet those who really think Obama is a gift from g-d buy into this garbage.

  4. Will Bush be given any credit for really getting the ball rolling? Only President Narcissus will take credit, but if things go badly, we’ll be back to Bush-bashing about the Middle East.

  5. But I can tell you this: if Egypt turns out badly, Obama will deny any role.

    If he thinks he can get away with it, he’ll try to pin the blame on the”xenophobic Right”.

  6. Your theory about the army telling him makes A LOT more sense to me, Neo. And Mo is right on target about where credit will (and won’t) be given.

  7. Barack Obama said the people of Egypt now feel, “For the first time in my life, I really count.” That phrase sounds so familiar.

  8. One thing is sure: next several years USA will desperately need at helm somebody with guts and understanding of foreign affairs. Somehow, nobody except John Bolton comes to my mind.

  9. Obama can give a “me, my, I” speech if this all turns out well and “I was only X years old when Mubarak came into power” speech if it all goes bad.

  10. I just heard on BBC that Gates talked last night to the head of the miltary council, a 79-year-old central-power supporter, last night. I suspect that if anyone in Obama’s government had a positive influence it was the man he inherited from Bush.

    I also heard a couple of BBC pundits say that Washington had been incoherent and behind the curve throughout events. One described the first part of Obama’s speech as prose and the second part as poetry. They did a side shot of Obama during that first part, and I found myself looking for a key protruding from his back like a wind-up puppet. I wonder who wrote that part. On the other hand when he got into the freedom narrative and the Ghandi and MLK comparisons it sounded like it came from the usual suspects. Boy, when the Beeb is even mildly critical of The Won, you know things were screwed up.

  11. Obama, using the word “transformative” for the event, signals the template to be used in the U.S.

  12. Richard Aubrey,

    I don’t think the MSM will wait for a republican to occupy the oval office, they’ll instantly blame bad news in Egypt on Bush.

  13. Since collapse is the only way out of our deficit spending and debt, the question is not whether but when the Egyptian template happens in the U.S. “Democracy” will be defined as the right to not accept consequences.

  14. I almost barfed today when Obama said (I’m paraphrasing) the people of Egypt had spoken and their leaders and the world had heard them.
    That democracy was working in Egypt and it was a beautiful thing to see. WTF!!

    What did he say about the multiple peaceful TEA Party demonstrations against HCR in 2009 and 2010. Not much, except to have his minions smear us as fascist, racist, and astro-turfers. What a maroon!! What hypocrisy!! This should be pointed out over and over again as we proceed to 2012.

  15. Come now Neo, aren’t you a bit old for fairy tales? As to your comment about him owning it either way, right on!

  16. BHO+Obamacare+destruction of US security+destructive spending+infantile and destructive foreign policy+refusal to enforce certain laws for political gain+absence of moral compass+ignoring the will of the public=POS.

    If that constitutes ODS so be it.

  17. Neo, you hit the nail on the head once again.

    Remember the old saying: “Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is always an orphan.”

  18. Remember the old saying: “Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is always an orphan.”

    I prefer a slightly different formulation: “Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is a bastard.” /g

  19. InTheory:
    There is no such thing as ODS. There is absolutely nothing deranged about opposing, even hating, pro-Communist and pro-Muslim traitors.

  20. How, pray tell, can it work out for the good? Any examples? Does a steady and objective appraisal based on fact lead to optimism?

    After this episode, who has gained more credibility: Those who say Obama is a Christian or those who say he is a secret Muslim?

    Obama is the wicked witch holding a flaming broom to Israel saying, “How about a little sharia, Israel.”

  21. Bob from Virginia,

    I’m not ready to subscribe to the idea that Obama is willfully seeking to ‘destroy’ the USA as some have contended. I completely agree he has caused much destruction. And, he will cause more destruction if left unchecked by the House and the courts. Nonetheless, my take is that he is wedded to an ideology that is ultimately destructive because he sincerely believes that ideology is sacred and true. In some ways he is like a jihadist, he’s on a mission from god. (Which god, I don’t know.)

    Yes, he is blind, deaf, and dumb to anything that contradicts his ideology. (Objects in the mirror are smaller than they appear is not written on his rearview mirror.) Yes, he is extremely narcissistic, much more so than the average celebrity. Yes, he is stubborn and dogmatic. However, I think he’s like any hardcore leftist you may know personally.

    Hardcore leftists fervently believe the obvious failures of collectivism are not failures of the ideals of collectivism, its just that the right person has not been in charge. Obama thinks he is the right person. He has a messiah complex and this flawed self-image has been re-enforced by the slavish MSM.

  22. Parker, seldom have I seen anyone call someone else a neurotic moron with such eloquence.

  23. Any similarities here:

    The Black September Organization was a Palestinian terrorist secular group, founded in 1970. It was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes and officials, and fatal shooting of a West German policeman, during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

    The group’s name derives from the Black September conflict begun on 16 September 1970, when King Hussein of Jordan declared military rule in response to a fedayeen coup d’état to seize his kingdom – resulting in the deaths or expulsion of thousands of Palestinians from Jordan. The BSO began as a small cell of Fatah men determined to take revenge upon King Hussein and the Jordanian army. Recruits from the PFLP, as-Sa’iqa, and other groups also joined.

  24. Where do we (USA) come off telling some other head of a different state what he should do?? To me, it smacks of the arrogance that Obama-followers tend to attach to Obama-critics.

  25. Democracy don’t rule the world, You’d better get that in your head; This world is ruled by violence, But I guess that’s better left unsaid. –Bob Dylan.

    Anyone who clings to the historically untrue — and — thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never solves anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler would referee. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor; and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms. –Robert A. Heinlein

  26. Basically, the plan is this: Promote “democracy,” especially the perverted type that has no balls and abhors violence (a good example is the recent Egyptian disregard of its own constitution) and when the violent come in, the win by default.

  27. There is absolutely nothing deranged about opposing, even hating, pro-Communist and pro-Muslim traitors.


    What is wrong with being pro-Muslim?

  28. Some time ago I became a ‘friend” of an Egyptian. Apparently at some point this girl came into contact with somebody from my Church and networked to their friends on facebook. She is a Christian, and as you can expect, (unless you are a clueless liberal) is afraid of what the Muslim brotherhood might do.

  29. Perhaps “In-theory” can show us where Muslims are in control that non-muslims do not suffer…..

  30. Hardcore leftists fervently believe the obvious failures of collectivism are not failures of the ideals of collectivism, its just that the right person has not been in charge.

    It never ceases to amaze me that leftists make this assertion. Anysystem works if the “right person” is in charge. If one could guarantee the “right person” would always be in charge, dictatorship/ monarchy would be the ideal system. Much more efficient than democracy.

    But no such guarantee exists. The problem that leftists (despite their intellectual pretensions) never seem to grasp is that it is impossible to guarantee that the “right person” will always be in charge henceforth. (Some morons might choose, say, a grass-green Indonesian Marxist puppet or something. Hard to believe anyone could be that stupid, I know, but trust me, it could happen.)

    For this reason, the ideal system has to be fault-tolerant, so that when idiots driving Priuses bearing “Coexist” bumper stickers get their way, their stupidity does not lead to irreparable damage.

    Now you’d think that the unhappy history of leftist movements would be a caution to leftists, but then you’d be wrong. They yearn to concentrate power — to do good, of course, per that imbecile Thomas Friedman — in the “right” hands, apparently not realizing the siren call that concentrated power exerts to precisely the people you don’t want to wield it, people who hijack the well-intended movement and turn it to their own invidious ends. The poster boy for this phenomenon is, of course, young Schicklgruber, who hijacked a garden-variety socialist party (complete with vituperation for “international capital”), wiped out the doctrinaire socialist elements (Roehm and the SA), and consolidated his personal hold on power. Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, and Castro, inter alia, did much the same thing. It’s a well-trodden path at this point.

    Nothing daunted, however, leftists continue to try their flawed ideas again, and much like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, seem astonished that they fall prey to the same problem every time. They don’t get it: the system they want is inherently unstable. They’re trying to push rope up the side of a wall, and yet are surprised when the rope collapses into despotism.

  31. Perhaps “In-theory” can show us where Muslims are in control that non-muslims do not suffer…..

    Abu Dhabi is rather nice, jon…

  32. Liberty at Stake said, “Jack Wiley Dithers reports that Hosne Mubarak plans to spend his first two years in retirement organizing and funding TEA Party rallies in Lafayette Park. Bibi Netanyahu will be a silent partner in the new venture.”

    ROFLMAO! What’s goes around, comes around.

    Parker. neo’s merry band has been trying to get Obama in focus for two years. Your comment at 7:52pm was as good as I’ve seen.

  33. The lower command ranks were not on board.

    That’s all you need to know.

    That’s why no shots were fired.

    The Egyptian Army is LOADED with the brotherhood.

    What could go wrong?

  34. Egypt has been under military rule and will continue to be under military rule with Mubarak gone. He was nothing more than a figure head.

  35. More proof, if any were needed, that Obama is a fool. Claiming credit for the situation in Egypt, before knowing how it will play out, is pure folly.

    Even with the MSM providing top cover for him, it’ll be hard to escape some opprobrium if Egypt becomes Iran 2.0.

  36. They’re trying to push rope up the side of a wall, and yet are surprised when the rope collapses into despotism.

    I’ve seen that actually happen in a HL2 speed run demo.

    They used a glitch in a system and the gravity gun to shoot a barrel they were standing on, causing the barrel to shoot up and climb the wall, carrying the player with it.

  37. Parker
    I’m not ready to subscribe to the idea that Obama is willfully seeking to ‘destroy’ the USA as some have contended.
    my take is that he is wedded to an ideology that is ultimately destructive because he sincerely believes that ideology is sacred and true.
    he is blind, deaf, and dumb to anything that contradicts his ideology.

    The ideology requires the destruction of the USA…
    its BASIS is that its antithetical to the system that the USA has…

    So the idea that one doesn’t think that he wants to destroy something, but is wedded to an ideology they don’t know requires said destruction, is a very silly way to deny something that their own statements prove as undeniable!

    later they also then deny the requirement to get around it after the fact – but one cant have world communism, which comes after socialism if there are any non communist states left, as the definition of peace is no more opposition to socialism (ie communism).

    That is, they will not stop fighting until they have world totalitarianism, or they are dead. and that’s their own words, goals, and so on..

    not a projection or a conclusion from the facts
    its a statement of intent left unchanged for 150 years

  38. occam
    per that imbecile Thomas Friedman — in the “right” hands,

    friedman argued against the existence of such and pointed out that the soviet union was also run on greed.

    in fact, if you want i can call up the donohue interview where he basically says this and you can hear it.

    his imbicility was that he attempted to tell them what might work with a central bank rather than deny that it would work… any potential yes will be tried, even if it results in complete and total failure and destruction. its called false hope…

    Milton Friedman – Greed

    Is there some society that doesn’t run on greed?

    see the video yourself…

    in the only cases that the masses have escaped blinding poverty is where they had capitalism and free trade…

    the record of history is completely clear….

    he basically forces donohue and the audience to see waht tey take for granted.

    at the end he says..

    where are we going to find the angels to run society, i dont even trust you [donohue] to do that…


    ayn rand with donohue
    (atlas shrugged part one is coming out!!)

    Ayn Rand Phil Donahue Interview Part 1 of 5

    another non woman non person..

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