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Does Obama read Sowell? — 13 Comments

  1. Does Obama read Sowell? Not likely unless Sowell writes a book of praise about Obama. Anyway from his actions in office to date I am skeptical as to whether Obama can read.

    Oh g-d, I accidentally turned on the SOTU address and saw the Messiah speaking for three seconds; I may never eat again!

  2. Remember that Obama’s been protected and nurtured by the womb of resignation (man has no purpose-evolution) and rage (man has no purpose-evolution). That Obama might become a convert is unlikely, but not a small angle.

  3. BHO and Thomas Sowell are fire & water, earth & air; they are polar opposites. Sowell understands how a sane, rational world operates. BHO is an elitist, utopian dictator wannabe.

    BHO has been living his entire life within a cocoon. He has been told how wonderful, how intelligent, how beautiful he his. BHO has been hand fed the dogma of the sinister utopian collectivists. Sowell looks at reality and thinks for himself.

    In short, no, BHO has not read or if read not comprehended Sowell.

  4. Edison, the Wright Brothers, etc…..What Obama refuses to understand is that technological innovation and economic growth is not just a matter of a few great inventions, but also of hundreds of thousands of incremental and local innovations. His top-down model of society would suppress the ability of the market to inspire and reward such innovations, replacing it with highly-politicized misallocations like the agricultural policies of Stalin and Khrushchev.

  5. Now Obama has discovered the value of private enterprise?

    Seems like only yesterday he was playing that down and touting the ineffable superiority of “public service” careers.

  6. Meanwhile, Obama attacks and cripples the oil and energy industries which make much innovation and growth possible. They also create jobs for Americans. It’s no accident that North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the country.

    Obama’s laser like focus on jobs is a destructive force.

  7. no but i do think that several writiers come here for inspiration. sometimes we talk and include some far odd concepts, and within a day or two, someone else has worked that into an angle.

  8. Blogs have commented on Chris Matthews “rant” a few days ago, and then I heard it on the Michael Medved show… He was going on about the high speed trains, and how we needed to spend money on US infrastructure, and how we never would have reached the level we have if it weren’t for the railroads…..

    Which as MM pointed out, were built by private enterprise, and as he _didn’t_ point out, those private enterprises were run by those we call today “the Robber Barons”.

  9. here is a short list of technology i could bring to market if we had that kind of nation

    A DNA sequence detection chip. some researchers did some work, and they dont know what one of their tests before their work can accomplish if worked on.

    laser pest control. now its a gimme and myrvold worked on it with blue lasers, but i started working on it with 100mw 808nm infrared lasers and it was to be an adjunct to drip and automated farming. at the time (1983 or so) the electronics and stuff was just starting to be made so that something liek this was possible. the navy and air force wanted to license their target id and acquisition software for civiliian use and beetles and bugs look like tanks and such.

    using phages as micro pcr vessels, and so speed up detecting and sensitivity of tests for bacterial infections for emergency rooms. it took months of analysing the sequences of every phage and such i could download and work on. determining the identity sequences, and so on.

    two years ago working with superhydrphobic materials, i realized that you can form perfect round beads with them, and so it would be like passing light through a bead lense impregnated with whatever you were to analyse. the phd doc didnt think that was patentable. now someone else has it.

    as micro valve that has no moving parts, is accurate and scalable downwards (not upwards). prototype tested… principals lead to a whole new set of sensors that they dont ahve now.

    modified software to solve the blinking problem with nano dots. i pointed out that stars flicker and that looking at nano dots is like looking at stars. so i adapted software to analyse the image of dots flashing and assemble them into a cogent whole for analysis. the phd doc said that was interesting.. then weeks later sent me an email pointing out i was right. (how nice, he has tenure, and i am rotting in place).

    new security system for apartments targeting the market that is about to get better.

    new method of mice rat control for cities and large entities, like food factories, and subway systems. (works great)

    method for generating electrical energy where a certain temperature spread can be maintained. was designed to be an efficient way to recover waste heat from nuclear power plants.

    new model for how multicellular organisms are organized. the phd doc has watched me use this to predict and tel him things years befopre they happen, AND have a falsifialbe reason why. it condences all models for all mulitcellular life into one model that varies. it reveals how information is sorted and presented and its organization. its explains why extra information systems like methelation and histone systems function. and tons of other stuff. not only that, but solves the addressing problem, and ALL of it is simulable.

    a high speed search circuit that can search unordered data in clock time.

    that is, if your searching a 3.5 billion character string for a string that is up to 1k takes 3.5 billion + 1k ticks of a clock. that is single searches can be done in length of target plus length of subject. even better is that its SCALABLE… in both width, length, and various arrangements.

    so if you have the circuti made you could search a 3.5 billion base sequence, of 1024 1k targets in length of subject and target time. the extra 1023 searches costs ZERO clock time.

    using this. you couls search the dna of a million individuals for 100,000 targets on your desk top in a few weeks, when 60,000 desk top units couldnt do it.

    it uses communications chips as a base, and so its top speed if you use the crazy expensive chips, is 50gigs to 75 ghz.

    the phd and his crew hired our competitor to review the work. the competitor said it wouldn’t wlrk, then closed his company doing the same thing with FPGAs and opened a research center in Beijing. so now the chinese are using it.

    today they annoucned usnig soap films to do computations. i developed that angle 25 years ago when scientific american had an article on how to compute nodes and short connected space.

    like trying to make a telephone system with the smallest number of lines and towers. it not only requires the solution to the traveling salesmans problem, but adds to it the ability to add customers to shorten trips, not just the fixed points.

    its a omputationally intense problem that translates to millinos in savings. however i made a model to scale of the problem using some pegs and window screen… i dipped it into soap film, and then ermoved it… as the soap drained slowly the system would compute bubble connections to each node, and would also make phantom connections as needed. it solves the math problem in seconds that a super computer cant.

    “With the aid of soap films we have solved variational mathematical problems, which appear in the formulation of many physical problems”, explains Carlos Criado, professor at the University of Mé¡laga, speaking to SINC. Together with his colleague Nieves élamo, he has just published his work in the American Journal of Physics.

    i am outside the walls of academia…
    i dont have degrees, and i am self studied bronx science freak… but since i am a white male, and they want women and race in labs. i am not a resarcher.

    since i am also disconnected fro achieving, i cant get the capital to do anhything with these and what is literally notebooks full of things that have now been done, or will be done soon, or even in 10 years.

    i can keep going with tis list and you will see i have over a 90% hit rate… but thats not so suprising once you hear me say that i am only ahead of others by a few years as they dont have the time i do to read, study, and see whats become available that enables things.

    either i get dead end losers who love the ideas want to help but dont do anything. 4 years on, i am still waitinf for the chemist part of my team to stop doing crap engineering that he cant do (which i do hoping to exchange in barter time, which he recently pointed out that if i save him time, he will use all of it on his stuff. so if i save him 10k, and a week, i cant get two hours out of it).

    or i get people that steal…

    a doctor stole two catheter designs…
    would have been three if he understood the last one, which no one makes and the problem still exists.

    another team took my lifes savings and bled the company dry while letting businesses steal the technology. ever go to ny times and click on a word and it pop up a window for context and all that? THAT was my technology called udefine… it was a contextual solution for the web searches and connecting to in house data and programs for actions… a one place hub to contextualize and direct your move from there.

    they were too busy robbing me
    the other is too busy pretending

    a gate that prevents entry and never opens is just a wall that oozes false hope.

    lots of stuff… and the technological ability to make it work and happen.

    just not the rest of it to surround it with a business as i am professinoally trained by our system, not real life trained to do all that i need.

    in this way, i was made to be a employee

    i am wozniak with no jobs
    myrvold with no gates

    huge notebooks, models, software, tons of ability.
    no capital, penalzied by affirmative action, social engineering, and left liberal hate of classes by surface identity.

    last night was the 5th time in a year physically attacked by stranger who i guess is doing their best for the cause of eradicating all the white oppressors.

    kind of like kicking a jew in germany

    what can i do?
    i cant do deals, i cant read faces
    i cant get capital, sba 8a programs block that
    i cant change my sex (well i can but wont)
    i cant change my color

    i cant get paper pushiers to become ip makers (and obama wont either).

    i cant get theives to see its more economic to team up and keep making it.

    my boss has just locked me down and blackmailed me into no longer making friends at work, working on any projects at home or work, etc… that is, if i want to work, i have to stop all my hobbies and no longer have friends at work or talk to them (cant even have lunch with anyone as the boss wants to be there in case one of these ideas come up and they can then take advantage of it)

    best thing that can happen to me is that someone shoots me or something crappy happens to me at work, my family gets the insurance and some curious other finds my work and publishes it.

    nothing i can do but watch others do the work i have done, be celebrated for it (like the new cell injector i designed, then someone else did it. they are getting a nobel and the phd doc is trying to convince met hat knowing it first is the reward. i said to him my wife and i want to have a baby, can i blend up and feed it the reward?)

    being erased is not fun

  10. i forgot to add a process for making non metallic razor blades for the shaving industry in continuous process

    most of my stuff is new technology, but i do occasionally make more consumer oriented designs.

    like the desktop air conditioner i made since i suffer from hyper hydrosis (sweating excessively). its a cheap peltier based device and some computer fans… about 20 dollars in retail parts..

    new UV iradiation system (i know the guy who makes the current one, and its a ROTTEN wasteful design).

    ah well..

    i lunch is over.
    I have to return to work where i have nothing to do, have to sit and stare into space, and wait until later when iwill get in trouble for not being assigned work.

    nothing i can do about it…

    just sit in isolation, watch the wall, and wait till they take my pension from me.

  11. The demonizing of the “rich” seems to me to conform to an old Russian saying: “I’d rather my cow die than my neighbor has two cows.” How sad!

  12. Art…

    “Poor man’s copyright” maybe?

    You know…where you write up your idea, then mail it certified/registered to yourself, save it unopened so that you have a first claim???

    You could maintain a file…

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