Home » Majority of Americans disapprove of Comey’s/Lynch’s decision not to charge Hillary


Majority of Americans disapprove of Comey’s/Lynch’s decision not to charge Hillary — 44 Comments

  1. Maybe at the next such “social” function you attend, you might consider dumping over the punch bowl, jumping on the table, and screaming “What’s wrong with you people!” After all, is there any need to retain such folks as friends or acquaintances?

  2. Incredible to me that people will knowingly vote for a criminal. We don’t even know the half of it.

  3. That 56% may rise, at least a bit among the 8% who neither disapprove nor approve. Here in FL, Hillary and PACs that favor her are running ads 24/7 attacking Trump. Whereas, Trump isn’t running any attack ads, nor is any PAC running ads exposing her history. One poll of non-partisan, randomly selected, registered voters in FL shows them tied. The poll has a MoE of 2.4% and contained the largest rep. sample of the four polls Real Clear Politics lists.

    BLM ‘protests’, cop killings and terrorist attacks ‘lone wolf’ or otherwise, chip away at the democrats deceitful assertions that America is on the right path. That reality supports Trump and puts the lie to Hillary’s claims.

    “In fact, those who spoke (which wasn’t everyone) seemed extremely supportive of her and protective of her.]”

    It is they who have drunk most deeply of the ‘kool-aid’.

  4. “… a lot of Hillary supporters, not one of whom voiced the least bit of doubt about voting for her.”

    Put their names on a list. We’ll take care of them later.

  5. I would guess that neo’s social circles run UMC, like mine, but more Jewish and correspondingly more dyed-in-the-wool Democratic. My circles run to moderate, socially liberal WASPs. The air in those circles seems to be resigned acceptance of the fact that Hillary is a crooked sleaze, coupled with a conviction that Trump is a horror, and a strong minority expressing an intent to vote Libertarian. We’ll see if the last of these happens. So my unscientific survey would predict that the vote among northeastern, UMC, WASPs will run about 50% Hillary, 10% Trump, 20% Johnson, and 20% not voting. (That last category would typically be more like 3%.)

  6. Fascinating. Neo’s women appear to see Hillary as someone who needs mothering, protecting, nurturing. Their little big girl, not someone who should go to prison for two life terms.

  7. This is unsurprising. Everybody knows. Those who care, care; those who don’t, don’t.

    The likes of Cap’n Rusty to the contrary notwithstanding, I urge you not to let this affect your social relations with your friends and family. This is the new normal, and they are still your friends and family. Politics is important but it isn’t everything.

    They–and Hillary–are perfectly right about Trump. But Trump is perfectly right about Hillary–possibly the only thing he is perfectly right about. What a voter should do is not so obvious that you need to hate someone who isn’t doing what you’re doing.

  8. I can report that at my synagogue, 95% of the members of which are your standard-issue Jewish progs — professors, lawyers, civil servants, and the like — the overwhelming issue was the fact that some junior farkle third-class in the Trump campaign apparently used some clip-art from a neo-Nazi website for a Trump ad. That there are two rules of law, one for the Clintons and one for everyone else, bothered them not in the slightest.

    Coincidently or not, this week’s Haftorah (the reading from the Prophets or Chronicles which accompanies each week’s portion of the Torah) deals with the Israelites demanding a king, Samuel’s trying to explain to them all the horrible things — like take all their earnings — that a king will do — and failing to persuade them that’s a king is not a good idea.

    Plus é§a change, plus c’est la méªme chose!

  9. “Coincidently or not, this week’s Haftorah (the reading from the Prophets or Chronicles which accompanies each week’s portion of the Torah) deals with the Israelites demanding a king, Samuel’s trying to explain to them all the horrible things – like take all their earnings – that a king will do – and failing to persuade them that’s a king is not a good idea.”

    Heh. I had no idea when I posted that passage up last week. That Jewish history class I took 30 years ago must have had more of an effect than I realized.

  10. A 3rd option is realistic this time.

    But its viability depends on the same people mustering a social activist movement sufficient to compete head-on versus the ‘jayvee’ Trump-front alt-Right team plus the ‘varsity’ Democrat-front Left team who were unable to muster the bare activism to counter just the Trump-front ‘jayvee’ squad during the GOP primaries. And have yet to show a spark to team up and compete for real.

  11. Amend me: “unable to muster the bare activism” is incorrect, since activism is in the capacity of anyone. It’s the power of the people. They’re able to muster the activism. They’re just not willing to do what’s needed to compete for real in the arena.

  12. BTW, we need a full-scale Eric-style analysis of just how deep Comey’s dive was. Points to be made: 18 USC 793 does not require that the mishandled information be classified — rather it is information “relating to the national defense,” classified or not. (I was very disappointed that none of the Republicans on the Chaffetz Subcommittee — at least the part I saw — pointed that out.) Congressman Hurd got Comey to admit that there was SIGINT on Hillary’s service — that’s a violation of a separate statute: 18 USC 798. Somebody already mentioned this, but 18 USC 1924 and 2071 were also violated, and they’re only misdemeanors.

    Oh well, what’s the use — if the President can do it, and the Supreme Court can do it, why shouldn’t the Director of the FBI be allowed to rewrite statutes he doesn’t like?

    Chaffetz should have give Comey a one-way to Palooka-ville instead of a ticket to King & Spaulding or Arendt, Fox or wherever he’s going to be rewarded at. Speaking of tickets to Palooka-ville, I don’t know anything about pardons, but is there a chance that Obama will just pardon the Evil Empress for 793 and we can get her for 798, 2071, and 1924 later?

  13. a6z:

    “The likes of Cap’n Rusty,” eh?

    “Politics is important, but it isn’t everything,” you say. This nation was founded upon the principle that here, the people make their own laws. In order to do that, the people must discuss amongst themselves what the laws are to be. That discussion is what is known as “politics.” There are countries where people are not allowed to have such discussions; they are known as dictatorships.

    Given that the laws and regulations have expanded to the point where local, state and federal governments regulate everything we do, I would submit that politics is everything.

  14. Clearly, ‘a6z’ is laboring under the naive illusion that the Left merely has a “difference of opinion” with those of us who still support the principles from which our Constitution is constructed. Evidently he has yet to accept that the Left is deadly serious in their goal to direct every aspect of our lives… with every thought, expression and behavior classified and enforced, as either forbidden or mandatory.

    And for those who think this hyperbolic, I suggest googling “mandatory diversity and inclusion” entrance classes @ universities and now, as also staff requirement criteria.

    “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation, will be the philosophy of government in the next” A. Lincoln

  15. Labeling individuals “naive” who chose to maintain relationships that the commentor knows nothing about is hubristic. Just as others who assumed to know the gender and religious affiliation of those who Neo was interacting with.

    The Great Carnac and Nostradamus are alive and well today it seems.

  16. ” neo-neocon Says:
    July 11th, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    Y81 and Frog:

    the people I was socializing with who were discussing politics were not Jewish. The majority were also men.”

    Can you think of anything, aside from the proverbial sacrifice of a baby to Satan under the White House Christmas tree, that would cause your acquaintances to cease supporting Hillary?

    My guess is to all practical extents and purposes, the answer is “No, there is virtually nothing Hillary could do or fail to do that would cause them not to support her.”

    And that is because, I think we all know and agree, that they long ago embraced an essentially totalitarian sociopolitical view.

    But you know, it’s a good totalitarianism and directed evolution program, not a bad one. So there’s nothing to worry about of course.

    Progressive Family Values

    The experience of living in a nurturant home provides an intuitive model for morality. By exploring the concepts involved in thinking about the Nurturant Parent Family, we discover the following values:
    Core Progressive Values:

    Empathy: the capacity to connect with other people, to feel what others feel, to imagine oneself as another and hence to feel kinship with others.
    Responsibility: acting on your empathy to protect others from harm and empower them to seek fulfillment
    Additional Values that Emerge When We Engage in Acts of Nurturance:

    Protection (for people threatened or under duress)
    Fulfillment in life (so others can lead meaningful lives as you would want to)
    Freedom (because to seek fulfillment you must be free)
    Opportunity (because leading a fulfilling life requires opportunities to explore what is meaningful and fruitful)
    Fairness (because unfairness can stifle freedom and opportunity)
    Equality (because empathy extends to everyone)
    Prosperity (because a minumum base amount of material wealth is necessary to lead a fulfilling life)
    Community (because nobody makes it alone, and communities are necessary for anyone to lead a fulfilling life)

    These values, when organized via the Nurturant Parent Family, constitute a moral worldview that is the foundation of progressive morality. They are all entailed in the body of knowledge that arises through the experience of living in a nurturant home.
    Extending From Family to Politics

    When we apply the Nurturant Parent Family to the conceptual metaphor of the Nation as Family, we get the progressive moral worldview for politics. Here’s how it works:

    Fill in the domain of primary experience with the experience of living in a nurturant home
    This results in the the domain of subjective experience for politics being understood as a nurturant government
    A number of new conceptual metaphors are created in the process:
    Government is understood to be a nurturant parent
    Citizens are understood to be children in a nurturant home
    The community is understood to be a family
    People needing help are understood to be children needing nurturance …”

    See? Nothing to worry about …

  17. Someone has kidnapped Art. Posting brief comments in his name. Completely out of character. A mystery.

  18. The 16% who are more certain to vote for her are part of a general pattern. We choose the wrong poster children, because that is a measure of our loyalty. Anyone can believe you when you are telling the truth, but it takes a really committed ally to believe you when you are lying.

  19. OM,

    Given the circumstances we face, the fanatical ideologues who plot and are actively working to effect America’s destruction and when liberty itself has never been more threatened, to state that, “Politics is important but it isn’t everything” is either astonishingly naive or a demonstration of appalling ignorance.

    That you fail to appreciate that is an indication of just how deeply your willful blindness extends.

    “There are three kinds of people; those who see, those who see once they are shown and, those who will not see.” Leonardo da Vinci

    You have repeatedly demonstrated into which category you reside but… you are consistent.

  20. I dunno. I’m not sure of the translation of the French “Frisson”. I think it means cheap thrills at a distance or something.
    Could it be that some folks support Hillary! in part because of the frisson of being associated with a real criminal who does really bad things?
    There was a writer about Watergate who referred to the “crazy brave” and the “phony tough”. Liddy was one of the former and the phony tough were trying to be “brave”. So they did stupid things.
    Wondering if there isn’t some fascination at work.

  21. A liberal = A person who believes it (a brutal totalitarian regime) could never happen here, but in the slim chance that it might come to be the liberal believes it will be a regime that will consider him/her to be a model citizen.

    Progressive = A total control freak seeking absolute power who cares not if millions die in the march to achieve utopia.

  22. The whole point of being a conservative (or at least a main point) is that politics shouldn’t be a major part of our lives.

    If we have to adopt “politics is everything” now, we’ve already lost to the left.

    I know mine is not a favored opinion here, but every freaking four years I’m told it’s the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES and so I HAVE TO VOTE FOR [FILL IN THE BLANK] or [FILL IN THE BLANK 2] WILL EAT MY CHILDREN.

    I’ve actually been fairly happy to vote GOP since I first voted for Reagan in 1984. But Trump is a bridge too far. Him or Hillary WILL BE politics, in my face, 24×7. She because she’s a leftist and he because he’s a Trumpist (both are statists) who won’t be able to do what I most desire – just leave me alone.

    It’s a bad place to be. Can’t vote for either one of them. I think not voting for them (if enough of us do so) may actually do some good. Accepting that the new normal is POLITICS 24×7 is unacceptable to me. Your mileage may vary, but my engine doesn’t run on either Trumpanol or High Test Hillary.

  23. For the Clintons and their supporters: “Might makes right.” Morality is for fools who take faith in God more seriously than faith in government and power and money.

  24. In a sane world, governed by common sense and a modicum of wisdom, civility and good will among men, politics wouldn’t even be in the top ten of important topics.

    Tragically, this is a profoundly ‘unsane’ world, one teetering on the edge of a precipice. In such times, ‘politics’ becomes not just the most important thing but the only matter of importance because… nothing else will matter, should we fall over the cliff’s edge.

    Those who think otherwise, are modern examples of “Gone with the Wind’s” Scarlett O’Hara’s father, unable to admit that all they cherished, rested upon the most fragile of foundations.

  25. Neo said: “I was at several social functions this past weekend that featured a lot of Hillary supporters, not one of whom voiced the least bit of doubt about voting for her.”

    Fwiw, that’s what I hear from my left-liberal friends. Some of them are enthusiastic about her, mainly older women. Some dislike her and preferred Sanders, but would never vote Republican. Many (this is via Facebook) posted some dumb-ass “meme” attesting that Hillary didn’t really do anything wrong, some Republican did something worse one time, etc etc.

  26. a6z:

    Don’t worry; I have no intention of cutting off 99% of the people I know on the face of the earth.

  27. GB:

    According to you, all else are blind. It gets tiresome. Do you know enough about “a6z’s” relationships, personality, or circumstances? And yet declare him naé¯ve, people make their own choices, remember. He may not have your force of personality or your ability to charm squirrels down from trees just by the sound of your voice and your stunning logic.

    Get over yourself.

  28. Neo:

    Are you saying that 99% of the people you know are rabid Clinton supporters!?

  29. Cap’n Rusty:

    I’m saying that 99% of the people I know will almost certainly be voting for her. I would guess that about 50% of those are “rabid Clinton supporters.” The rest are either tepid Clinton supporters or dislike Hillary but find Trump even more offensive. These latter are the people (and I know quite a few of them) who would have happily voted for any one of a number of Republicans had they been nominated. Particularly Rubio.

  30. Bill,

    I too will not vote for the presumptive candidates of the dem-gope overlords. Everyone should vote as thier conscience dictates. Unless a miracle happens in Cleveland, I will vote for Gary Johnson and all gop candidates down ticket. BTW, Johnson is a total flake, but better IMO to cast your vote for a flake instead of a criminal or an ignorant buffoon.

    However, everything under the sun is ‘politics’ as far as the left is concerned, even what you ate for breakfast or watched this evening on tv. Never forget that.

  31. OM and GB,

    I can understand both of your perspectives, and not judge either of you from my own POV. Does it ever cross either of your thoughts that you should be allies instead of enemies?

    To quote Yosemite Sam, “Back off.”

  32. GB,

    Unfortunately a sane society is in the rear view mirror. Each of us must seek like minded companions to build our own local sane society. Already done that here in Iowa and in Northern Minnesota, the last rally point for me and mine.

  33. OM,

    It only takes a bit of historical knowledge to recognize that a fascist dictator (that would be Trump at his worst) doesn’t even begin to compare with the evil that Orwell’s “1984” inescapable logic explicates as, the Left’s ‘end state’. In my considered opinion, the dynamics of our circumstances, dictates that Hillary’s election will be the tipping point, that leads us over the precipice.

    Nor is my view even in the minority, as most on the right agree that a third term for Obama…aka Hillary… will be, at the least disastrous. So the only people I identify as ‘blind’ are those who refuse to acknowledge the obvious.

    And where do you get my questioning a6z’s “relationships, personality or circumstances”? I only questioned his assertion that at this point in history “politics isn’t everything”. Even then, I explained that it was only ‘everything’ because of what was at stake, the fanaticism of the forces attacking America and how close we now are to losing it all.

    And irrational accusations of my assertions being egotistically motivated is ‘projecting’. It is you that consistently reacts emotionally, often personalizing your accusations.

    I take no pleasure in the grimness of my rationale, indeed I weep over the state of our country. I just can’t pretend otherwise. Grim acceptance of where cold logic leads, while praying that the premises that underlay that logic are flawed is not a signifier of egotism. I long ago got over myself, being well aware of my “feet of clay”, would that I could say the same of you. Heal thyself first, doctor.

  34. parker,

    In no shape or form do I consider OM to be an enemy. I only consider him to be gravely mistaken as to depth of the threat that Hillary represents and disagree that a viable alternative to Trump exists. As far as I can see, OM and I are on the same side, we want the same things, we simply disagree as to the options available.

  35. I have to admit I don’t have any liberal friends who are going to vote for Hillary. So maybe you can use this.


    “However, there is one conviction under Section 793(f) in a military court martial proceeding that is starting to get some media attention over the past few days – United States v. Rickie Roller (1993).”

    I know for a fact this isn’t the only servicemember convicted under 18 U.S.C. 793(f). And if your friends say “oh, that’s just the military” tell them it’s a federal court system that follows the Constitution and Supreme Court precedent. And in fact the Supreme Court is the final court of appeal, after the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, so if it were less just than the civilian federal court system the SCOTUS would be overturning convictions right and left. But that rarely happens because in many ways the military justice system is more faithful to the Constitution and precedent then the other federal court system they see on TV.

    Just the minimum facts (read the article). U.S. Marine SGT Roller was transferring. On his last day at his intel division he “hastily” packed a gym bag with what he thought were personal items from his desk. He didn’t unpack his bag for several weeks, and discovered he had accidentally put classified documents in it. He was afraid he’d get in trouble, and he was moving, so he figured he’d destroy the documents when he got to his next duty station. But one of the movers found them first.

    “Roller was convicted in a general court martial under Section 793(f)…”

    His conviction was upheld on appeal.

    “[P]rosecution under section 793(f)(1) is [not] precluded of a person who, being entrusted with an enumerated item or information relating to the national defense, in some way violates the terms of his entrustment: violation of the terms of this kind of entrustment does not terminate the entrustment. The terms of any entrustment of national defense information necessarily include a requirement of due ‘care, use or disposal of it,’… [otherwise] many, if not all, acts of gross negligence that constituted a violation of section 793(f)(1) would terminate the entrustment and preclude prosecution under the section.

    …Appellant could be and was prosecuted for such loss.”

    I’m sure your liberal friends think Hillary Clinton was vindicated. She wasn’t. She just got a pass. 20 somethings with high school diplomas are held to a higher standard. Comey is vile. He sat there all smug, and vomited out nonsense that gross negligence being against the “American tradition, possibly unconstitutional,” the statute is invalid, etc. And I know Directory Comey is supposed to be a man of “unimpeachable integrity.” I suppose he is by Washington DC standards. He carved out a special exemption for Hillary Clinton that servicemembers don’t get. They’re not powerful, they aren’t connected. They’re also not named Clinton.

    I wonder if it would make a dent in your liberal Hillary-voting friends’ mindset to know that marine, army, and air force sergeants, and navy petty officers, are expected to know what (Comey’s word) “unsophisticated” Hillary Clinton just can’t grasp. Are they proud to know Hillary Clinton really is above the law, and if it were anyone else they would be going to prison.

    And then tell them this was not some right-wing with hunt. She really is guilty as sin of causing massive damage to national security and committing a felony in the bargain. Other people have been convicted for far, far less. Ask them if they’re proud of themselves for not caring about her crimes or national security.

  36. My youngest sister is all in for Hillary.

    She does not see a flaw on the horizon.

    She is fully aware of the vast right-wing conspiracy to harm the Clintons. ( poor devils )

    She regards Hillary as a blow-out success as SecState…

    And that wondrous things are afoot.

    Did I mention that she’s in a swing state ?


    As Dilbert puts it: facts and logic are wildly over-rated where people are concerned.

    Team socialization dominates — as does salesmanship.

  37. blert –

    Maybe you can ask your sister for info on some of the amazing things that Hillary did while in office as SecState?


    On a more serious note, getting back to Neo’s post at the top –

    While it’s unlikely that many of the Dems who are seeing the Comey news will actually vote for someone other than Hillary, there are likely to be a number of Dems who just decide to stay home that day. And that might affect both overall turnout for Hillary, and also down-ticket races that get fewer voters as a result. So the numbers still contain some good news.

  38. Richard Saunders Says:
    deals with the Israelites demanding a king, Samuel’s trying to explain

    A Study of 1 Samuel

    Bill Says:
    The whole point of being a conservative (or at least a main point) is that politics shouldn’t be a major part of our lives.

    If we have to adopt “politics is everything” now, we’ve already lost to the left.

    What being a conservative, be careful what you telling, look to the chaos what your ilk done, millions around the world suffering…..

  39. So…
    If there’s a coup at the RNC convention and they somehow oust Trump as nominee, will anybody here vote for them?

    Shit, at this point I might even consider voting for Jeb (though not really).

  40. and only 36% approve.

    Only about a third of this country are traitors. Only about a third of the colonies were independence minded, and another third were loyal to GB.

    Lucifer also led a third of the host of heaven.

    This 1/3rd thing is kind of common for wars.

  41. Plus é§a change, plus c’est la méªme chose!

    The Torah was an attempt to replace divine laws, the laws of Moses, prophets, and God, with human derived laws, since for much of Jewish history after Noah, the Ark of the Covenant and the stone tablets of Moses were gone. Supposedly God took them away so that humans wouldn’t be able to research them or corrupt them.

    Thus a predominant history of Judaism is utilizing human laws to replicate the effects of divine laws, and eventually they replaced divine laws. Thus socialism’s promotion of class envy is considered righteous and the Moses law against adultery and envy, is considered obsolete and transfigured by jurisprudence and precedence.

    Even in Jesus time, the Jewish leaders were declaring that on the Sabbath day, you can’t heal people and various other laws and rules humans made up for their own aggrandizement. The Sabbath day, supposedly to make one day a rest day and to devote it to holiness, is now about pleasing man made laws and lawyers.

    The story about various clans of Jews abrogating their Covenant with God, is a good story to have in these days. Because just as the federal and states attempt to overwrite the US Constitution, so the same can be said for the Jews who decided a king in war was more valuable than their King in Heaven. They abrogated their hierarchy and organization.

    For the US, the hierarchy of power went something like this:

    God led to the US Constitution, which leads to federal power over state power such that the states cannot abrogate federal power, nor can federal power abrogate the US Constitution, nor can the Constitution abrogate God’s powers of creation.

    The only thing that was allowed to change the US Constitution was the free will and choice of the people themselves, in each state. By replacing God with Hussein Obola, by replacing state power with federal goons, and replacing the US Constitution with the Rule of Totalitarian Husseins and Clinton messiahs, the American people have abrogated their compact and covenant.

  42. Ymarsakar:

    What you just wrote makes no sense.

    The Torah traditionally means the first five books of what Christians have come to refer to as the Old Testament but which Jews call the Tanakh.

    A later meaning of the word also includes the rest of the Tanakh and the written commentary on the Tanakh. It certainly does not replace it, nor is it meant to; it interprets it and clarifies it. You write that for much of history, “the Ark of the Covenant and the stone tablets of Moses were gone” (the Ark, by the way, supposedly contained the tablets). But that would not require human-derived laws to replace the commandments on the stones, because the knowledge of the commandments was not lost.

    In fact, replacing religious law with secular law could only be argued to be something that Reform Jews might do (and even then it’s not really part of Reform Judaism). That process is a lot more common and more descriptive of what cultural or secular Jews do, Jews who are Jews in the ethnic sense only.

    So when you write “Thus a predominant history of Judaism is utilizing human laws to replicate the effects of divine laws, and eventually they replaced divine laws. Thus socialism’s promotion of class envy is considered righteous and the Moses law against adultery and envy, is considered obsolete and transfigured by jurisprudence and precedence”—that is not a history of Judaism. All religions do change somewhat over time and not all members of a religion follow every last rule of that religion, but Judaism is hardly unusual in that respect, and socialism is absolutely not part of Judaism. You have described Jews who have lost their religious affiliation as Jews. In fact, the more religious American Jews are, the more likely they are to be conservative politically.

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