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Holder and Obama: will Holder stay? — 10 Comments

  1. neo – totally with you on this one. Though if the Republicans can play these cascading Holder disasters correctly in public, it may be a blessing for us if Obama digs in. I certainly don’t expect to get anyone who is anything but marginally better than Holder as AG under Obama anyway.

    I don’t see what he gains by dumping Holder either. It’s not like he’s going to appoint anyone who is FOR color-blind civil rights enforcement, or AGAINST scuttling Gitmo and civilian trials for terrorists. That would of course be an admission of the failure of Obama’s own ideology – and he is rather closely linked to Holder, as you noted, so an extra component, say, something specific to Holder in his behavior at Justice, would be required, I think, for Obama to begin the process of defenestrating him.

    In short, there would need to be something allowing Obama to say, “Good old Eric got a little carried away and didn’t message properly, so I’m going to bring in a better messenger to do the same crap he did.”

    Obama’s been good at extricating himself from the blunders of his unsavory comrades in the past. It just seems harder to do with Holder, because as you mentioned Holder and Obama are completely simpatico, and, after all, Obama appointed him and has gone to bat for him constantly.

    I’ve been stashing popcorn for a while now. Time to start poppin’.

  2. Obama will throw anyone under the bus. If this gets too stressful for him he will blame Holder and, of course BUSH! It is easy for him to deflect the heat by firing Holder. He can have San Fran Nan find him a new job with all the perks and pay. These people are the most transparently corrupt politians ever. Rangel (however you spell it) spent 20 terms in Congress!!! That needs to stop right now. 2 terms if you performed fantastically in the first – and then back home. We are truly the largest banana republic in the world.

  3. Politicizing the law is good. That is what Kagin, Breyer, Sotomayer and Ginsberg do. It is what Vaugh Walker did. It is what Jerry Brown does. It is what the Democrats expect Obama to do. The Ghailani fiasco, the NBPP, the voting roles debacle: all these and more are good things that happened in the hearts of Democrats. They don’t see a crime. They are only one crisis away from Roland Freisler.
    They are itching, itching to suspend constitutional law. Scumbags.

    Obama doesn’t understand law anymore than he understands economics. He only understands what “should be” according to his lights.

  4. Wait – Holder played basketball?

    And here I was thinking he was grossly unqualified to be Attorney General (or even a lawyer, for that matter).

    I stand corrected.

  5. The left has no tolerance for fellow travelers who drift too far from ideological purity. As I posted in an earlier thread, Obama has a very small tightrope to traverse here. Without a dramatic rebound of the economy he has very little chance of re-election if he stays his current course. On the other hand cooperating with the GOP too much will insure a primary challenge and/or a third party run from the left.

    Firing Holder would almost certainly be one of the benchmarks the left has as far as Obama’s viability is concerned.

  6. Firing Holder ain’t gonna happen. They’re two worms in the same apple, munching away merrily. The USA is the apple.

  7. OB, the critical date for our bet is January 1, so you are still in the running.

    Holder won’t get thrown under the bus because he (and Obama) represent the centerpiece of the Modern Multicultural Narrative. It’s what they represent that matters, and must be defended, not who they are or what they do. The Blue Citadels will fall apart without it. Expect the media to avert its gaze.

  8. Oblio, actually I said “by the midterm elections,” so officially I lost.

    But January 1 works for me, too. Anything to get rid of Holder, and return him to his natural metier: night court.

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