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Problems posting — 21 Comments

  1. I’ve had several problems of that kind with Blogger lately, fortunately all of them minor. What happens is that I press “Publish this Post,” and the screen tells me to republish my blog in ten minutes. It’s down for “maintence,” it says. Sometimes it tells me the same thing again after the first ten minutes, and the next ten, and so on. Comments also sometimes take a while to show up. But ultimately it works. This happened first with Firefox, which has independently been giving me problems, so I switched to Safari and it worked better, and I once switched to Explorer when the problem occurred on Safari.

    Republication is often the key.

  2. The trash cans can disappear and reappear in relation to your cache–at least, that’s what I’ve read. Refreshing your cache supposedly can help.

    Another tip: sometimes it helps to change browsers–for example, from Explorer to Firefox.

  3. Ya, you have to log in to delete your posts. Otherwise…

    I think it only works if you have a blogger account.

  4. Those trash cans appear and disappear almost at random. But at least sometimes, if you have an account with Blogger, you can make them appear by logging in.

  5. What a relief. Once in awhile something like that happens with my blogging service, Typepad, and it always seems to be just when I notice a typo or needed word change in something I’ve just posted.

    ‘Glad it wasn’t your new computer. 🙂

  6. Problem is: no trashcan icons. Now that you mention them I remember that they used to be there – but they are not there now. Urrrrgh!

  7. Btw, you can delete your posts by clicking on the trash can icon underneath yours.

    In my experience, so long as blogger accepts the word code and reposts a clean post box, the post has been successful. Even ify our internet cache doesn’t show it.

  8. Neo, I double-commented on your Purpose of Movies post because when I looked after the first posting it was nowhere to be found. After posting my 2nd (duplicate) comment I shut IE completely down & fired it right back up & still no comment was showing. Then I switched to Firefox & I could see both of them!

    It could be a Blogger problem but it could also be an IE problem.

  9. Neo, I double-commented on your Purpose of Movies post because when I looked after the first posting it was nowhere to be found. After posting the 2nd duplicate comment I shut IE completely down & fired it right back up & it still no comment showing. Then I switched to Firefox & I could see both of them!

    It could be a Blogger problem but it could also be an IE problem.

  10. Blogger was inaccessible a few hours ago. Or maybe several hours ago, unsure.

    It went away though.

  11. Neo,

    You are in a select (?) group — I had a terrible time this morning around 9:00 Eastern .. could not post and could not access Blogger.. An error message said there was a problem in their server.. and a tech was on the way to correct it. They did and I did.

    Come on back!!


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