Home » Freddie Gray arresting officer Nero found not guilty


Freddie Gray arresting officer Nero found not guilty — 8 Comments

  1. The Afro-fascists of the BLM movement care nothing for facts, evidence, reason or logic and are unlikely to accept this as anything other than a manifestation of the “racism” in the criminal justice system.

  2. I am sure that BLM will not be placated by this verdict. I concur with j e above. But I would hope that good people everywhere will see that justice is done and let this rest. I most likely am hoping for too much.

  3. Where “the community has a voice.” I shudder to think what that means. Rev West should reflect on how dangerous it has been for black people when “the community has a voice.” The rule of law seems to have worked out better for them.

    There are people with personality disorders (mostly Cluster B, for those scoring at home) who insist “no one is listening to me.” Attempts to engage them, listen to them, explain to them, or negotiate with them founder because they cannot separate the ideas “listening to me” and “agreeing with me.” Until you agree, they are sure you just must not be listening, because they cannot see things any other way. Something similar seems to be in play here.

  4. “Where “the community has a voice.” I shudder to think what that means.” (AVI above).

    I think it is the new euphemism for what we used to call “lynch law”.

  5. The race card, in this instance, has not trumped (pun intended) the rule of law. Baltimore gave Grey’s family 6 million to avoid a civil suit. Perhaps that will placate the mob, or perhaps not.

  6. Fact is the majority of blacks are and have been racialist (as distinguished from “racist”, which is linked to superiority) forever, and it is not getting better. I think they are shifting to racism; they are superior. For a small minority of Americans, they are now in most TV commercials. Biracial couples are shown. None of the commercial actors have West African features; they’re all of East African mold, like the Great Obama.

  7. Anyone else notice that when the Lynch mob screams “No Justice! No Peace!” they literally mean what they say?

  8. The judge is not, by the standards of the community, “Black”. If he applies the law fairly, he is not “Black” – a “Black” judge must have at least 2 thumbs on the Scales of Justice, to nudge the verdict in the direction that the community wants.

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