Home » Hubris, nemisis, and partying like its 1773


Hubris, nemisis, and partying like its 1773 — 11 Comments

  1. Neo asked, “Was it actually a deliberate lure?

    I believe she was surprised at the reaction.

    But I believe she now has an idea that she can do this to them again.

    So I believe there will be more deliberate attempts (every once in a while) to catch the lazy media.

  2. The Left is ignorant of history because the progressive movement has rewritten much of it. Most Kos readers don’t get the Tea Party reference in the first place, so they wouldn’t be able to place the event.

    Besides, it doesn’t matter why the Left calls her stupid. The point is that they do so repeatedly.

    Then it becomes part of the “narrative”, which is more important than the truth.

  3. The assumption that leads to this kind of error on the partof the Left is that being a Republican automatically makes one stupid, racist, homophobic, and ythe list goes on. So naturally Palin was in error as was O’Donnell in her ignorance of the First Ammendment. If they were liberals they could have counted on the media to bury any perceived error, or absolve them completely as they do regularly for Harry Reid or Joe Biden. Who still remembers his bit about Roosevelt going on television to explain things to average Americans when the Stock Market Crashed? It’s one of the stupidest gaffes in recent memory and it was immediately sucked down a liberal black hole.

    It’s all about serving a narative about Conservatives that is a complete lie. What is sad is that they’ve told it so long they really believe it.

  4. The left starts with the answer, and works backwards from there, making up facts as they go as needed. They don’t read history, because they make it up.

  5. For some reason I’m getting this fuzzy mental image. I can’t tell if it’s Bugs Bunny (“if I do’d it, I’ll get in trouble” or perhaps “of course you know, this means war!”) or maybe it’s a roadrunner (“meep-meep”), but someone’s about to get a surprise package from Acme.

    Again and again.

  6. I’ve been trying to run a Search here to find the post Neo wrote about how we know a liberal is arguing in bad faith: maybe a troll analysis?

    Can’t find it, but it was brilliant and cut to the heart of how their “minds” work.

  7. I don’t think it was deliberate bait. On another blog, I commented “Let’s party like it’s 1894″ referring to the upcoming election. That was a more obscure reference: the 1894 election saw the largest party turnover in the history of Congress.

    But as Baklava said, this just might give her ideas…

  8. I recently read a take on this by another commentator who pointed out that the state-controlled media and assorted democrat-socialists have so lowered the bar for Sarah Palin by constantly claiming she is stupid, incompetent, uneducated, etc. that if she can just demonstrate that she can pee and chew gum at the same time, she will exceed expectations. Add reading while doing the above, and she will rise to genius level.

    Neo-Neocon – Very insightful article. Two thumbs up.

  9. These national figures are missing out on a great opportunity if they aren’t scheming to bait liberals and use their numerous paradoxes to mock them.

  10. I want to celebrate like it’s 1774. November 3, 1774 to be exact. Which was the date of the equivalent Tea Party in Charleston, SC.

    And coincidentally, the day after the elections this year.

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