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The New Adventures of Old Christine — 31 Comments

  1. Actually, Neo, I’ve been thinking for days that she bore a strong resemblence to Sally Fields, particularly in her Gidget persona.

  2. In my ever so humble opinion, and based upon literally decades of observation of the female of the species – Christine O’Donnell is way hotter looking than Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

    I will grant you that they do have approximately the same hair style though….

    Christine O’Donnell proves once more that the chicks on the political right are far more attractive than the females on the political left.

    Perhaps said attractiveness is due to a more positive inner self that shines through?

    THAT is a question I personally am willing to put long hours of thought into….. 😀

  3. Stephen Green quoted on Instapundit:

    “What we all should care about is precisely this: Is any given candidate a person of conviction, and is that conviction to cut Washington down to size? All else is superfluous. A candidate could believe in Caspar the Friendly Ghost, ancient astronauts, or that Mars Needs Women, for all I care – so long as they hold true to that core conviction that Washington must be cut down to size.”

    Plus, she’s good looking.

  4. Christine decides to dedicate her life to public service for lower wages.

    Louis dedicates herself to acting on stage (being in character) for very high wages.

    Christine has common sense values and understands Economics 101.

    From Wikipedia : Louis-Dreyfus campaigned for Al Gore during the 2000 U.S. presidential election.

    From my standpoint Nyom has ANOTHER failure of judgment. He makes a decision with no basis in facts other than smear.

  5. “”From Wikipedia : Louis-Dreyfus campaigned for Al Gore during the 2000 U.S. presidential election. “”

    Crap. Another woman i found very attractive to find out she’s a liberal zombie. Grrrrrr

  6. There is no comparison, given these two photos.
    Julia has a trowel chin; her smile lacks warmth.
    Christine wins, hands down.

  7. Baklava, Ohhh Yeaaaaa. Secretly watch the Raymond show sometimes just to see her. And the funny as hell grandpa is a bonus.

  8. I’ve never understood why some men are attracted to Julia. Her character in Seinfeld has always been a total turn off for me.

  9. I was for Bush in 2000, and 2004. I didn’t vote for him because I was traveling during both those time, but he was the better candidate than Gore and Kerry. To bad Bush couldn’t have run for a 3rd term 🙁

  10. O’Donnell’s witchcraft thing is weird. I hung out with crazy kids too but we didn’t make out on Satanic altars — Satanist are antithetical to any ideas of good morals or ethics, that’s just completely uncool.

  11. “”I’ve never understood why some men are attracted to Julia. Her character in Seinfeld has always been a total turn off for me.””

    I don’t get it either. Nor why i like banana and mayonaise samiches :_

  12. I just saw O’Donnell on Hannity’s show. He was a friendly interviewer, but I was impressed. She makes her points clearly and is very self assured. And that smile! It’s like turning on a light bulb of happiness. I think she can win the election if her opponent will debate her.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but in my mind she looks a bit like Monica Lewinsky. My eyes may be failing, but that’s my take.

  13. Julia didn’t need to become a star to get rich; she was born rich. And while Julia had her moments back in the day, Christine is pretty cute. And I don’t think they look much alike at all.

    I keep thinking Christine must have been wrong about the “satanic” altar: she must have fallen in with an Episcopal women’s group reconnecting with ancient Wiccan practices as a path to communing with the Divine Feminine. Or maybe she had seen “The Witches of Eastwick” one time too many, and started fancying that she was Susan Sarandon.

  14. I always thought Louis-Dreyfus was physically attractive. However over all as said above – the character of Elaine was … not. Of course I can separate the character from the person but even then I knew how her political and social thoughts went too. I knew that her real life persona wasn’t radically different than Elaine and the parts she disagreed with were the few parts I would have liked.

    “Louis-Dreyfus being the classier is on that account alone much much more beautiful.”

    Not sure why one would call her “classy”. Though I guess the correct word was “classier” – strictly speaking a 10 dollar whore is classier than a 5 dollar one, however the post implies the former thought. I wouldn’t agree there either, but I do not think that either one are out for the World Classiest Female Award.

    At least beauty is in the eye of the beholder – I would personally rate them roughly equal if we adjusted Louis-Dreyfus age down appropriately.

    “I was for Bush in 2000, and 2004.”

    Umm, I’m not sure what saying someone support Bush means when they Support Obama and think O’Donnell is bad. It’s kinda like saying “Burger king is the bomb so when I say McDonald’s sucks you know it has to be true”. Frankly it lowers ones opinion of the person saying that. You like one person but dislike the next one over that isn’t that much different – yep that shows us how deep your thinking is. Further from past posts the issues you had with Bush’s Presidency is the reasons why you like Obama’s.

    Sad thing is I believe you, the only thing you are telling me is that you aren’t a yellow dog democrat. Good for you, now if you can tell me why you aren’t simply suffering from an inability to coherently think or even read about a candidate that would help. You dislike candidates for the same reason you liked Bush (and by bringing up the idea of “Yea but this guy was the same and I liked him” you even seem to know this) makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and I have to conclude that you use some non-rational method to select.

    The chances of others sharing and agreeing with your personal non-rational method is quite slim. But that has never seemed to sink in either.

  15. BTW,

    I sincerely want Nyom to learn from his mistakes.

    Economics 101 is the key.

    He doesn’t seem to be learning though. His judgmentalism with respect to certain topics trumps all other reason – leading him to believe what?

    Would you vote for Coons over O’Donnell sir?

    Who do you WANT to win?

    And why?

  16. Pretty teenager girls love to play witches, it is “cool” for them. Usually it has nothing to do with satanism, just as witchcruft in general. My daugther was fascinated by this “witch” thing since she turn 16, and I never objected. Now she turned 22, graduated from university as mathematician and have forgotten all this stuff completely. I would never blame a grown up person for crazy things she did being teenager. This is natural and needed for maturation.

  17. Ancient women’s magic is witchcraft, and young girls are attracted to it in order to connect themselves with their emergent womanhood. This is just a stage of personal development. It is only troubling when prolonged well into adulthood.

  18. It took me a long time to find the photo of Nikolai Ivanovich Yezhov


    history repeats eh?

    how about David Axelrod?
    He is best known as the top political advisor to President Barack Obama, first in Obama’s 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate in Illinois and later as chief strategist for Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Following the 2008 election, he was appointed as Senior Advisor to President Obama.

    does he have ANY relationship to Pavel Borisovich Axelrod?

    you cant tell since WIKI has scrubbed his lineage. that is, unlike OTHER wiki people there is NO names for david axelrods parents…

    here is all they say
    His mother worked as a journalist at PM, a left-wing 1940s newspaper. Axelrod’s parents separated when he was eight years old.

    PM was a leftist New York City daily newspaper published by Ralph Ingersoll from June 1940 to June 1948 and bankrolled by the eccentric Chicago millionaire Marshall Field III. The paper employed some radical journalists, among them some known members of the Communist Party.

    so Axelrods mom wrote for a communist paper..
    he is an idealist, who likes communism
    we have no idea who his father is.

    and pavel?

    Influenced by Mikhail Bakunin in his youth, he remained an Idealist even after adopting the Marxist philosophy of historical materialism. Axelrod co-founded the Marxist group Emancipation of Labor in Switzerland with his lifelong friend Georgi Plekhanov and Vera Zasulich in 1883. In 1900, Axelrod, Plekhanov and Zasulich joined forces with younger revolutionary Marxists Julius Martov, Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Potresov and the six edited Iskra, a Marxist newspaper, from 1900 to 1903. When Iskra supporters split at the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903, Axelrod sided with the Menshevik faction against Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks.

    there is LOTS more on most people… to read geithners wiki is to be surprised!

  19. strcpy Not sure why one would call her “classy”. Though I guess the correct word was “classier” – strictly speaking a 10 dollar whore is classier than a 5 dollar one, however the post implies the former thought. That’s what you imply .. not I.

    baklava … pick Coon or O’Donnell? … to soon to tell.

  20. if what Christine O’Donnell did in high school is important, than what we have here is a very disturbing look at the mind of a man who now thinks he’s entitle to a seat in the United States Senate.

    Here’s Chris Coons on Chris Coons:

    “The point that others ignore is that I was ready to change. Experiences at Amherst my first two years made me skeptical and uncomfortable with Republicanism…”

    “Kenya provided a needed catalyst; …I studied under a bright and eloquent Marxist professor at the University of Nairobi…”

    “Some of the ‘Leftists’ that I met were terrifyingly persuasive, although I never admitted that.”

    “…several professors challenged the basic assumptions about America and world relations with which I had grown up…and undermined the accepted value of progress and the cultural superiority of the West.”

    “I came to suspect…that the ideal of America as ‘a beacon of freedom and justice, providing hope for the world’ was not exactly based on reality.”

    “What do other nations think of us? Can private enterprise and democracy solve the problems of developing nations? Is Marxism an evil ideology, leading millions into totalitarian slavery? These were some of the questions in the back of my mind…”

    “I realize that Kenya and America are very different, but experiences like this warned me that my own favorite beliefs in the miracles of free enterprise and the boundless opportunities to be had in America might be largely untrue.”

    In short then, Chris Coons the Senate candidate is determined to get to the Senate and be an agent of the Obama radical redistributionist agenda.

  21. Louis-Dreyfus is the usual type of rich person who always roots for the poor. She pats herself on the back for having solar panels on her roof. If she got off the grid completely I’d have a lot more respect for her.
    Her character Elaine would sleep with almost anybody. I always thought that was nice.

  22. Nyom wrote, “baklava … pick Coon or O’Donnell? … to soon to tell.

    It’s soon enough to tell that you have no logic.

    Nyom in a fog.

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