Home » For those interested in the earlier report by Fields that police hit her with a baton…


For those interested in the earlier report by Fields that police hit her with a baton… — 34 Comments

  1. Breitbart’s people frankly are creepy. I wonder what Andrew Breitbart would have made of his blog if he knew how it changed since his death.

  2. Brooklyn Boy:

    I have made many similar statements there in response to noxious Trump supporters who have taken it over.

  3. @ Brooklyn Boy: Breitbart’s site has gone down the drain. Its leadership and their vision ia the main reason why a once noble and much needed site has gone mediocre. Some of their reporters are just looking to get a foot in the door of journalism. Frankly, I’m not sure where they find such people.

  4. Breitbart has gone to the dogs, but that insults our canine friends. Andrew was a strident, noble warrior. The people now in charge are beyond the pale. My advice, do not visit the blog. Starve it to death.

  5. Off Topic, a bit:
    Here’s an interesting thing I found about Trump and Carson. One of Carson’s campaign people was the head of the Marianas Islands GOP, and I assume was instrumental in getting the governor to endorse Trump (worth 9 delegates).

    Along with that guy, the article notes a few other Carson campaign personnel that have been incorporated into Trump’s camp.

    First, it looks like Trump had a very slipshod organization and just absorbed another campaign’s management like you would in a hostile takeover.

    Secondly, Carson went over to Trump kit-n-kaboodle. Carson not only got himself a nice job, but jobs for his people as well. Very much like a politician.


  6. to know more about Trump from insider read the documentary Selina Scott did about Trump 20 years ago fir ITV

  7. This is what M.F. told the Daily Caller at the time: “The police officers were beating the protesters with batons, and were also beating the media. They hit Direna and me with batons. They hit other members of the press in order to get them to move out of the street.”

    Do you see the cops beating the protesters in the video? I don’t see one baton being swung.

    She admits that the OWS protesters went there to shut down Wall Street. You can see in the video they are blocking traffic. The cops tried forcing them back on the sidewalks and the protesters pushed back against the cops, essentially assaulting the police officers. Yet not one protester was struck with a baton.

    In the interview she claims the cops were the aggressors and the OWS protesters were peaceful. That’s totally contradicted by the video. She’s a fabulist and possibly a leftist, but most definitely a OWS apologist.

    Anyone that believes her after seeing that interview has their head in the ground.


  8. One thing that could swing me towards Trump is anti-Trump demonstrators. And I don’t think I’m alone.

  9. One thing that could swing me towards Trump is anti-Trump ??

    This is just an excuses go vote for Trump that’s your choice from your heart, no need to be shy to tell.

  10. Fred–

    At this point, this looks like an election where my vote will be “anti” rather than “for.” I intensely disliked the anti-war, anti-Bush protestors; I noted how those same “pacifists” were quiet as mice during the Obama/HRC overthrow of Libya; I intensely dislike the Ferguson and Baltimore and Occupy and Black Lives Matter neo-fascists and so to the extent my allegiance is emotive, there you go.

  11. All you have to do is look at the smirk on her face while she talks about her “ordeal” which somehow does not appear in the video. And now she’s giving it another try. Wow!

  12. Agitated pro and anti-Trump mob scenes + the candidate’s random brain fart rhetoric = killer ratings and a crazed addicted media begging for more.

    It’s Trump’s world. Much like Trump Tower resident Keith Olbermann, the media are just living in it.

  13. miklos000rosza:
    “One thing that could swing me towards Trump is anti-Trump demonstrators. And I don’t think I’m alone.”


    A significant appeal of the Trump phenomenon is its embrace of Left-mimicking activism that exploits the key market inefficiency created by the fundamentally anti-competitive rejection of activism by conservatives and, by dependent extension, the GOP.

    When shopping one’s investment (eg, vote and social-signaling endorsement) in a competitive social endeavor, the side that refuses to compete for real is uninviting, notwithstanding the intrinsic appeal of its ideological claims.

    Activism is (competitive) method, not ideology, that works for anyone for any cause. Or against anyone for any cause. A collective embrace of activism is necessary for any side to compete for real in the only social cultural/political game there is.

    The Trump-front alt-Right insurgency is styled on the Left’s proven effective model. Merely mimicking the Left has been sufficient for them to run roughshod over GOP campaigns that have been crippled by conservatives’ chronic deficiency of activism.

    The Democrat-front Left does not share the GOP and conservatives’ crippling deficiency of activism.

    A head-on contest of “jayvee” Left-mimicking Trump-front alt-Right activists versus varsity Democrat-front Left activists would be (will be?) interesting.

    It looks like a mismatch on paper, and likely will be in the arena, but don’t count out the upstarts.

    Been there, done that.

    Activists are more in their element in the insurgent position, as the Trump-front alt-Right is now, as opposed to a dominant position, as the Democrat-front Left is now.

    From my experience as a counter-Left activist (who learned and borrowed from the dominant leftists on the opposing team but didn’t mimic them), Left activists are vulnerable to insurgency because of the inherent strengths of activism for insurgency and, significantly, the hitherto absence of meaningful competition from conservatives has caused leftists to neglect development of their defensive or counter-insurgent activism.

    That being said, my experience is years past by now. (For example, I didn’t deal with current social media.) It’s quite possible that since my time in the game, Left activists have shored up their counter-activism, possibly with lessons learned from my team’s victory.

    It’s also possible the particular leftists I played against were defensively deficient in a way that shouldn’t be extrapolated to national Democrat-front Left activists. I don’t think so because I competed versus leftists who, albeit local, were elite by reputation.

  14. The problem with the radical activist mindset is clear in the video. You become a prolific liar.
    These people know they weren’t assaulted. But they had to make it their reality and they did it with lies to others and themselves.
    How does someone even sleep at night living such a disingenuous life like that? You make a difference by becoming a master of deception?
    Heres a good rule. If you have to lie to get your way, theres not a chance in hell your way has any merit.

  15. Chicago shows up again in a very bad light. It reminded me of 1968 dem convention where cops took no prisoners way back then. Looks like the JV community organizers were very busy setting that up.

  16. PS the *good* thing is that this happened in Chicago
    people in the. know realize that this city is totally prone to this type of behavior, just give them a sign to hold up & point them in the right direction “& here’s a $10.00 spot for your trouble “!

  17. The editor-in-chief of the New York Observer, Ken Kurson, wrote: “I was five feet away from the alleged incident and didn’t see anything. I was literally looking right at Corey when it supposedly happened…If this happened, I think I would have seen it. I have a lot of experience as both a journalist and operative in these kind of press scrums and I didn’t see anything at all out of the norm.”


  18. From now on please issue a “Trigger Warnings”when posting anti-Trump entries.

    It is not just anger, if not Trump, it will be someone else like him….

  19. “How does someone even sleep at night living such a disingenuous life like that? You make a difference by becoming a master of deception?”

    They can sleep very, very well.

    And by the way, you describe the Obama administration to a T.

    File under: Transforming America….

  20. “Nobody’s been hurt [at my rallies] ” says the midday headline quoting Trump’s appearance on some Sunday morning political show.

    Hmmm. So I take it from the absence of any mention of the Michelle Fields story from just this week in the FoxNews headlines that the Chicago protests and cancellation story has blown the Lewandowski assault out of the mind of the questioners on the Sunday shows? Ah well, perhaps that’s to be expected, although the story itself will not so readily disappear altogether, given the publicly filed charges in Jupiter.

  21. Unfortunately, it looks like Neo-neocon has moved on from this story. It’s interesting how all the anti-Trump voices jumped on M.F.’s bandwagon so quickly and noisily but are silently walking away now that the truth is out.

  22. It appears the lady is truly delusional in her previous OWS interpretation of events and has now constructed another gross exaggeration re: Lewandowski. This is what leftists do…always. After a rather exhausting news week, Neo is no doubt taking a respite from the craziness.

  23. I was just coming here to paste a link myself. I reserved judgment until more camera footage was shown. Like we ALL should have. There were so many cameras and phones there, it was pretty obvious that eventually we would see an angle to know if the truth was being told.

    Michelle is truly a terrible liar looking to promote herself. Even this morning, Katie Pavlich was calling on Corey to be dumped! Terrible, terrible stuff.

    A man was maligned and lied about. The press jumped on board with no proof of this altercation except even though it was obvious plenty of cameras would be able to prove otherwise. Everyone jumped to this woman’s defense and bad mouthed the rest of us for questioning her account with no real proof.

    Wow. Maybe now people will slow down and think when another accusation such as this comes out. You may not like Donald Trump nor his campaign manager, but this makes it look like a press hit job from both sides.

  24. The truth which emerged from the assault on Michelle Fields by Corey Lewandowski is that there was an assault on Michelle Fields by Corey Lewandowski. Then another truth, that both Donald Trump and his sycophants gratuitously peddle lies.

  25. sdferr, did you watch the latest video? Corey walks right past Michelle with NO contact whatsoever. She’s a liar.

  26. And on and on you and they go, K-E. Were the appearance not so willing on your part, one might be moved to feel actual pity. But no.

  27. sdferr,

    May I suggest you open your mind and watch the latest video; please observe MF’s face as she steps back from Lewandowski as he passes by. Do you honestly see any signs of assault or pain being inflicted? BTW, your snarkiness toward K-E is juvenile and unwarranted.

  28. “Everyone . . .”, says the sycophant. “Open your mind” says the sycophant.

    Take my sincere thanks for the gift of the contempt from such as these boxty and Richard as a recognition of a sort of honor they do me — unwittingly even, one might say. More, who could expect? Not I.

  29. Contempt? Hardly. I simply asked you to dispassionately review the video and observe MF’s facial response to the alleged assault and you responded with a personal attack. Again, juvenile. Your self- loathing is palpable but hopefully you will overcome it in the near future. I wish you well…

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