Home » I am very anxious…


I am very anxious… — 14 Comments

  1. I think Bush is sounding more and more likely as a drop-out after SC. Possibly Kasich. I’m curious to see where their support goes.

    I want Carson to stay in. It is not ego with him. He truly believes his supporters who want him to stay in. I also have looked at some early polling for some of the states in early March, and Carson seems to be in strong 2nd place in both Alabama and Tennessee.

    I think he also wants to see what might happen if Bush or Kasich (or both) drop out.

    March is going to be a blast. CRAZY!

  2. I just don’t see how Carson gets anywhere. I don’t. I wish they (Bush, Kasich and Carson) would drop out for the good of the country. Trump needs stiff competition.

  3. I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s still early and Trump has already hit his ceiling of support at a third of RINO voters. Is it possible for him to win the nomination with only a third of the votes? Maybe there’s some scenario in which that would work, but it’s unlikely.

  4. Trump in politics has become an absolutely terrifying human being. Imagine him and his putting together a transition team after winning the Nov. general. Imagine his cabinet. Imagine his SCOTUS nominee(s). Just imagine for a moment.
    We are watching the reenactment of the death of the Weimar Republic. But it is not farce.

  5. Worry Bully:
    Do not make the error of assuming that delegates to the convention are determined based on proportional votes cast in primaries.
    Rules vary state-to-state, but many states remain “Winner Take All.” So Trump can gather a lot of delegates even though 65% of primary voters are not voting for him, if his 35% pluralities make him the winner..
    It is frankly scary.
    It is how we got McCain. Which is how we got Obama.

  6. Looks as if Ted Cruz is now trying to out-trump Trump — he just asked his audience at a rally in South Carolina to imagine the Duck Dynasty guy as U.N. ambassador.

  7. Ann,

    That is a moment of levity that he routinely mentions at his rallies. I guess that just increases Cruz’s unlikeability in your mind.

  8. Frog:

    In the past, you and I have differed on many things.

    But we don’t differ on this. I’m with you.

    And I hope we’re both wrong this time.

  9. I’m not anxious – more like disgusted. I know that primary polls can be misleading, so I hadn’t been following them for SC. But if Trump really is the choice of that many South Carolinians, they deserve what they get. This isn’t idiosyncratic Iowa, or idiosyncratic New Hampshire. This is a real state, with a fairly typical GOP. It’s time for the grown-ups. And if the grown-ups are going to let Trump win, it’s on them. It’s not on Bush, or Carson, or anyone else; it’s on the voters.

  10. Nick:

    Anxious and disgusted are not mutually exclusive emotions.

    And who is this “they,” kimosabe? All of us will be coming along for the ride.

  11. February 19th, 2016
    I am very anxious…

    …about tomorrow’s primary.”

    Don’t be nervous. All will be well.

    Just be sure to get yourself a roto-tiller and a gun as insurance.

  12. To borrow from Cromwell, I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.

    Oh wait 🙂

    Is it just remotely possible that the “Cossacks are coming” ganglia are ringing/resonating/vibrating and this is getting all a little bit too shall we say lower brain stem?

    Yes I agree that Cruz is the better choice by far. No I do not think Cruz electable by a Kardashian electorate. This election has to be won by literally anyone but Clinton/Sanders if there is to be any chance of turning the tide.

    None of the others but Trump stand a chance. And no matter how bombastic and boorish he may or may not be, he’s the lesser of the two weevils.

    Sometimes it really is that simple.

    I don’t think this is Weimar II and nor do I think Trump is Alcibiades. That was Bill.

    Much respect Neo, but I think you’re flipping out here.

  13. Proof that the world is smaller and stranger than we can imagine:

    As a poor student I washed dishes and bussed tables with a fellow colleague whose family had recently emigrated to Australia. One of Franz von Papen’s great granddaughters.

    Probably just as well to go live somewhere the surname doesn’t stick out like the proverbial!

  14. Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson will be on the ballot in every state as a Libertarian. Among other things he will be pushing total elimination of the IRS and replacement with the FAIR Tax national sales tax.

    Johnson was a very successful and popular two term Republican Governor in a Democrat state. He was driven out of the GOP mainly because he is pro-choice and anti drug war.

    Maybe what we are seeing is a transformation like the one that created the Republican Party in the 1850’s, where the Democrats go the way of the Whigs.

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