Home » Say it isn’t so, Roger


Say it isn’t so, Roger — 13 Comments

  1. Kind of like Barry Bonds with the Pirates, never could pull it off in the clutch. My brother used to gripe about him every year. Damned steroids.

  2. I’m glad Congress is investigating the real potential downfall to our country: steroid use in sports!

    You know what would really be great?

    If we could get someone to investigate every member of Congress.
    Congress is corruption on steroids.

    Professional criminals investigating professional sports.

    The whole thing is beyond parody.

  3. If politicians were subject to this degree of rigorous scrutiny…

    I can’t stand Roger Clemens. I can’t stand Martha Stewart either, but I think she got shafted. Ditto Conrad Black, probably. Cf. Blago.

    The “crime” of making false statements to an employee of the Almighty Government is a load of BS afaic. Especially since afaik the authorities can say pretty much whatever they please to you while they try to extract a confession.

    Clemens is innocent until proven guilty. And a guilty verdict, if it happens, might possibly be a miscarriage of justice.

    But he’s still a jerk.
    As for the practice of multiple indictments wherein a single set of actions constitutes many crimes, don’t get me started.

  4. Does Congress really have nothing better to do than blather on about this nonsense?

    And given the torrent of lies spouting from them why on earth should any citizen give them a truthful answer about anything.

  5. My first reaction upon hearing this news yesterday was: When you lie to Congress, it’s perjury. When Congress lies to you, it’s campaigning. My second reaction was: This couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

    These juicers cheated me out of the good money I spent to see what I thought were honestly played games. So even though the whole lying-to-Congress thing is ridiculous, I still want to see Clemens (and many others) go down. If that makes me a hypocrite, then I guess I can live with that.

    P.S. Props to neo from another New England female BoSox fan!

  6. “Too arrogant and full of himself…” Now, who else fits that description? Here’s a hint: both he and Clemens share the same birthday, Aug. 4, though he is one year older. Steroid summit anyone?

  7. More evidence that the Federal government no longer recognizes any limits whatsoever to their power. They can micromanage and control everything.

    I have no idea whether Clemens used steroids or not. He still swears he didn’t. If he’s telling the truth, then he’s being railroaded for political reasons. If he’s lying, then doubling down now is probably not a good idea.

  8. I think Clemens is lying. Obviously, I can’t prove it. On the other hand, I think Ted Williams hit over .400, Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio hit in 56 straight games, Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in a season and Sandy Koufax was the greatest left-handed pitcher ever. And all of them did it without steroids. Beside them, Clemens is a total NOTHING.

  9. Joan:
    They routinely exempt themselves from laws they pass for us. Why should this be any different?

  10. I remember Clements pitching for the Round Rock whoevers against the New Orleans Zephyrs right after Katrina. I was a little logy after Katrina and I was all set to watch the New Orleans Zephyrs AAA minor league team beat the great Roger Clemens.

    Which they were doing. It was nearly the end of the game and then I saw something you don’t see too often. Clemens decided he wasn’t going to get beat. His club was down at that point and he had been getting hit pretty badly. He seemed really tired. Worn out.

    But then he came out and you could see it. Feel it. That was IT. He wasn’t going out like that.

    After that the New Orleans Zephyrs didn’t get any wood on the ball. None. Not a hit. Not a foul. Not a foul tip. Nothing. Even in the midst of being flooded out I had to admire him for that.

  11. Never cared for him, even when he was at Pawtucket. Baseball’s attempt to divert attention away from the Bonds situation, to point the finger once again, “but they did it” At least Clemens is adult enough to take the stand. Baseball, like other sports have been taken over by these attention whores, and everyone, including the commissioner, are powerless to do anything about it. The game of my youth is becoming increasingly unwatchable.

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