Home » As we learn more about Obamacare…


As we learn more about Obamacare… — 8 Comments

  1. Next question, will the public realize it’s been had? Oops, I forgot the public never wanted this piece of garbage to begin with so their opinion really does not matter.

    Think this story will ever make the MSM?

  2. This was truly designed to break the system so Single Payer can be introduced.

  3. This was a turkey from the beginning, and the American people knew it. Democrats went ahead and jammed it down our throats thinking it would lead to nationalized health care. Nobody with a lick of sense thought it would reduce costs or improve quality.

  4. No surprise. This was well known to anyone who was paying attention. The law of unintended consequences is going to bite the health care industry and all citizens who don’t have guilt-edged insurance.

    Work for the election of conservative Representatives and Senators in November. It’s the first step to reforming or repealing this turkey.

  5. So, you are a divorced father. The divorce decree orders the father to maintain health insurance on the children – either a HMO or PPO.

    Your employer continues to provide the “cadillac” coverage. The cost of the health insurance is going to be treated as income to the employee. So the father will now have higher Adjusted Gross Income in a year when the tax rates have increased. Talk about tax increase.

    Or, your employer will not continue to provide health care coverage. This will force the father to find health care coverage and pay for same out of his pocket. Perhaps a ten-fold increase in his cost for the insurance to avoid being in contempt for failing to conform to a court order – the divorce decree.

    There will be a lot of angry non-custodial fathers next year.

  6. Poole: I believe I am correct in stating that such agreements in divorce decrees come under the heading of “child support.” Child support rulings can always be re-opened and changed due to changed circumstances of either party. If a father cannot afford such an increase, he can petition the court. I’m not sure how the ruling would go, but new hearings based on changed circumstances are fairly common in child support situations.

  7. Since I do not have any children, I am not personally affected.

    However, in my county of about 300, 000 people, a change in Federal Law that would require about 30,000 Suit Affecting the Parent Child Relationship (“SAPCR”) to be amended would clog the court dockets for years to come and would complicate collections efforts against the “deadbeat dads”.

    In Texas, SAPCR are boilerplate – written by the State Legislature which has its regular session every odd numbered year.

    The are going to be a lot of angry non-custodial dads next year.

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