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Obama’s selling… — 32 Comments

  1. As many have pointed out, America is a center right country and Obama is a far left wing type who dishonestly ran as a centrist. Just as lots of advertising can sink a bad product as people try it, Obama is slowly getting exposed. If it weren’t for his near total support from blacks (think OJ verdict), his numbers would really be in the sewer. It’s an outrage that the MSM either shilled for the guy or looked the other way during the election.

    How’s that hopey changey thing working out, Chris M.?

  2. Candidate Obama used to joke about rays of sunshine coming in when he started to speak.

    Joe Btfsplk…

    Bring on the Schmoos!!!!

  3. How many predicted exactly this; he’s right on schedule.
    If congress goes Republican my guess he will spend the last two years of his administration playing golf and trying to make himself important while no one takes him seriously.

    No matter what the results of the November election a whole lot of Dems will avoid the man while quietly looking for alternative presidential candidates for 2012.

    He’ll be reduced from threat status to national absurdity, embarrassing but not fatal.

  4. Just as lots of advertising can sink a bad product as people try it


    Buraq has failed to grasp that beyond a critical but hard to anticipate turning point exposure becomes counter-productive, especially when the exposure consists of simply repeating oneself. And the more ardently and vociferously one repeats oneself, the more one hastens the arrival of that critical point.

  5. Occam’s you are 100% correct. If you are tone deaf and can’t carry a beat, it is time to sit down and stop attracting attention.

  6. I said a long time ago, that this would come and its planned for… they never expected us to actually just swallow things and go on. that our reactions and responses will be repainted to their convenience and make things happen as E pluribus unem becomes divided we fall.

    don’t you remember From Russia with Love?
    [back before they changed tall and handsome for a Putin copy?]

    Betta splendens!!!!


  7. Oh no! i figured out the problem..
    It was fool proof.
    Till a fool came on board!

    Which side to they REALLY look like?

    “There is a sickness these days”
    (that labels itself humanitarianism)

    to me, it looks like they changed sides
    but not rhetoric..

    Aristocracy pretending to be the common man?

    Fops, Fools, Nitwits, Cowards

  8. Obama’s selling…
    …but America’s not buying it.

    Too bad so many of the fools voted him in to begin with…although so long as they’ve learned, even the hard way, I suppose it will suffice. We’ll see for what duration the memory of this lesson remains… 🙁

  9. If the damage done, and more, is not undone, Baraq and the Left will have succeeded. Yep, it’ll take a few more years, but the coming Crash will be devastatingly ruinous, economically and to our social fabric. Even without the last 2 years it will be bad.

    Instead of laughing at him/them, we need to give them a fair trial and sentence them to death. They need to be remembered in the right way.

  10. camojack.
    I don’t know that the fools and knaves who voted for zero have learned.
    Those of my acquaintance have, instead, rationalized what’s happening, when they’re not blaming it on Bush.
    Now, it’s possible they do so in order to avoid admitting to those they scorned and insulted that they were wrong, and will vote in a less lethal manner. Possible.
    Remember, just over half the electorate thought zero was the best choice. His current numbers, making adjustments for blacks voting for a black, aren’t much different from the election.
    The really interesting numbers refer to Congress.

  11. What’s the difference between marching people to death, and people marching themselves to death?

    In the first case everyone gets pissed at you, and it’s very expensive and complicated
    In the second case, everyone loves you, gives you awards and money, and it’s cheap and easy,
    and lots of people will defend your ideas, and protect them from ever being removed.

    Note: if you didn’t spend your life maximizing your wealth, and you don’t have enough
    to leave or get out of the way. Then your not going to be able to escape the social MANDATE

    I remember someone telling me mandates were good things.
    But they had never considered mandates they didn’t like.

    I remember them telling me that the reason for them was that people resisted change.

    I agree… when you want to exterminate them, they resist… no?

    Now, you have a mandate… now they cant resist…
    they can now accept changes they don’t want for the greater good.

    Previous mandates resisted by people:

    Holodomar: the starving of 8 million people was mandated by stalin. The people didn’t want to change.
    They refused to collectively slit their own throats, so they had to mandate they die.

    Eugenics: the old wont get out of the way of the young and help speed the adaptation of new things.
    They also wont slit their own throats, so we mandate rules that will end their live early

    Abortion: the young will grow up and be oppressors. Since they are born oppressors, and they cant change, or be re-eduacated, we have to mandate social justice and the removal of the oppressor class.

    Labor: in Germany, Jews couldn’t own businesses any more. Why? Because like white men, they represented a small amount of the population and owned property in excess of their percentage. So Jews had to turn over these jobs and things to SECULAR Germans and those with political connections. In the US, we now have the SBA 8a program, and new such laws in the family courts and new such laws put in the finance and health bills. [except this time its white males, not Jews, so people wont get angry at oppressing a religion, but will be happy to remove white oppressors (who will not like bowing out of reality, and so you have to mandate their leaving)]

    There was also a time when a man named mao decided to mandate the extermination of people wearing glasses.

    Of course, naé¯ve neo liberal useful idiots, forget that this is the power of mandate…
    Like a knife, what it cuts, it cuts without care… the fact YOU always use a knife on food and cake
    Doesn’t mean you cant use a knife to murder, or skin someone alive..

    Its who wields the knife
    And who wields the mandates.

    The left LOVES mandates… they short circuit due process, morals, and all that for pragmatic expediency.

    You can wait till people die… or you can kill them… which is more pragmatically expedient?

    Pathway for the elderly that leads to legal execution

  12. Read havelocks change agent guid for teachers.

    move to a new level


    [anyone look up that word yet.
    been using it for two years now.
    its describes a part of the key process
    of course that would ruin the musings and the god of the gaps, no? ]

  13. two years ago i said where this was going.
    everyone said no…

    i keep using special terms and laws and things,and it seems that we WANT whats coming as we don’t want to see it. now its here… its law, its practice

    read that medical post above,
    Withdrawal of fluids (and drugs) is one of the steps on the controversial palliative care programme known as the Liverpool Care Pathway, which has been adopted by 900 hospitals, hospices and care homes in England. The intention is admirable: to prevent unnecessary invasive treatment and help cancer patients to die comfortably.

    I said things were EXACTLY the same, and that it was ignorance that hid it.

    that the point she makes and makes a point to include at the end of that paragraph is what you use to sell the idea to the idiots who will stand up to have their throat slit…

    the reason, is what the leadership focuses on. so when i tell all what the leaders are focused on, they deny that, and give me the reasons why they and i should accept the end they deny with no facts.

    with hux, and others, it was always 20 to one… with everyone asking, can you write better we are entitled to be saved a certain way, and we dont want to get dirty when rescued.

    well, i ask.. they are copying each other, and they are using precedentoutside the US for legal standing.

    so let me know how your going to stop England before the US used it as precedence?

    Now that we have a name for it, we can compare.
    above is Liverpool Care Pathway, here is Action T4:

    Action T4 (German: Aktion T4) was the code name for the Euthanasia Program in Nazi Germany officially spanning October 1939 until August 1941 but continued unofficially until the demise of the Nazi regime in 1945 and even beyond

    during which physicians killed thousands of people specified in Hitler’s secret memo of September 1, 1939 as suffering patients “judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination”,[2] but described in a denunciation of the program by Cardinal Galen as long-term inmates of mental asylums “who may appear incurable”.

    suffering patients “judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination”

    prevent unnecessary invasive treatment and help cancer patients to die comfortably.

    cancer patience are the suffering part
    unnescessary treatment is the incurable part
    and both are judged externally

    they both dont know that their care is being changed.
    or else they woudl protest. they just get sicker and sicker and die faster, saving the staet money, faciliatating a super race of new socialist man, etc.

    please point out to me what part is different?
    they spoke german we spoke english
    they spoke chinese we spoke english
    they spoke russian, we spoke english.

    is that enough difference?

    remember we jut copied NICE…
    and these are GLOBALISTS with an agenda outside and beyond the country and its people.

    From the official Nazi files, there is evidence that during the official stage 70,273 people were killed.[4] The Nuremberg Trials found evidence that German and Austrian physicians continued the extermination of patients after October 1941 and evidence that about 275,000 people were killed under T4.[5] More recent research based on files that were recovered after 1990 gives a figure of at least 200,000 physically or mentally handicapped people, that were killed by medication, starvation or in the gas chambers between 1939 and 1945.

    withholding treatment is cheaper.

    if you put them in an oven you need all that damning infrastructure, and records… which can teach in history and if not ignorant prevent their doing what they need to do again.

    by withholding treatment or paring it down, you slowly kill the patient (torture – you be constantly dehydrated and let me know what that feels like).

    and when they die, no one sues, if they do its already covered by the state as legal so you get nothing.

    the state gets the inheritance from high tax making a bounty out of every death (didnt hitler take gold teeth and money and belongings, getting a bonus for every death too).

    so it becomes critical to euthanize the elderly to redistribute their wealth and have access to it.

    and you thought they were liberating women!!!

    women live longer than men, so this process favors torturing the women to death slowly for daring to live too long.

    way to go feminism!!!!!!!!!!

    still think its good. you die alone with no family to defend you or care for you, in the hands of the state that wants the money you got either in divorce or inherited from your mate, as they slowly withdraw fluids and the stuff that keeps you alive!!!!

    in the story above, if there was no daughter, like a large number of women now.. the woman would NOT have gone to the hospital, she would be dead.

    they separated women from their families, so they cant pass on wisdom, now they are going to get rid of you before you can use your life experience to talk to the young girls.

    they had already gotten rid of the guys, and since its wife’s and mates that extend guys lives, this shortens the mens too!

    of course i will now hear that the proletariat (who are interchangeable disposable parts TO THE LEADERS), don’t want that (duh), and that wont happen.

    of course, so much is happening as they do nothing but try to erase the message not stop the process. they are too busy suffering and being victims to stand up for themselves… and undo the destruction they have done. (just as eve did… no?)

    do note that i am telling women to stand up like men and be individuals… not go back to some false history of being breeders. to look ahead with a clear vision and say: if we do this, what happens later…

    if you didnt have children, the state can more easily get you… care to refute that?

    Womens best protection was ALWAYS family, and their mates who would die first to save them.

    notice that the order or law is given a name that reflects a place… they are cargo cult, they dont get principal, so they copy…

    The codename T4 was an abbreviation of “TiergartenstraéŸe 4”, the address of a villa in the Berlin borough of Tiergarten which was the headquarters of the Gemeinné¼tzige Stiftung fé¼r Heil- und Anstaltspflege, bearing the euphemistic name literally translating into English: as Charitable Foundation for Cure and Institutional Care.

    And the ONLY way to succeed is to make people ignorant so they attack people who arent – so feminism PC games made sure that no one who was female superior liberated and incredibly wise with super female intuitive power, and multitasking ability, would think of themselves as ignorant and actually want to learn

    they would instead suck in the vanity of that description, blow up their heads, attack their mates, abandon their children to the state, and facilitate their own end. (and being the source of people the end of the rest of us too)

    once these elders are gone, you can bet they are going to bring back sterilization again. you may find that they are going to want lebensborn. you can have all the babies you want, as long as you get the sperm from a joe biden, or pelosi, or obama line.

    with all the men gone, as the ladies say, you are one big harem for the elite to breed a future.

    By rendering the labor of one, the property of the other, they cherish pride, luxury, and vanity on one side; on the other, vice and servility, or hatred and revolt.
    James Madison

    Flattery is a kind of bad money, to which our vanity gives us currency.
    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    It seems to me that, in every culture, I come across a chapter headed “Wisdom.” And then I know exactly what is going to follow: “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
    Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Even before the Nazis came to power, the German eugenics movement had an extreme wing, led by Alfred Hoche and Karl Binding, who as early as 1920 had advocated killing those with lives judged to be “life unworthy of life” (lebensunwertes Leben).[18] Germany in the years after World War I was particularly susceptible to ideas of this kind. They interpreted Darwinism to suggest that a nation must promote the propagation of “beneficial” genes and prevent the propagation of “harmful” ones.

    they just left out darwin…
    and denied demographics

    and they USED women…
    [and as always, the tool has to be destroyed so as to have Gleichschaltung]

    of course all us men who tried, were marginalized, called nasty names, made out to be oppressors not to be listened to (so they would only listen to their leaders or msm or conventional wisdom).

    now we are where all that preparation was for.

    In early October all hospitals, nursing homes, old-age homes, sanatoria were required to report all patients who had been institutionalised for five years or more

    oh. like going into an assisted care facility since your a woman with no family to take care of you like in yester-years?

    These included schizophrenia, epilepsy, Huntington’s chorea, advanced syphilis, senile dementia, paralysis, encephalitis and “terminal neurological conditions generally”. Many doctors and administrators assumed that the purpose of the reports was to identify inmates who were capable of being drafted for “labour service”. They therefore tended to overstate the degree of incapacity of their patients, to protect them from labour conscription – with fatal consequences.

    their niceness facilitated a greater evil…

    As with the child inmates, the adults had their cases assessed by a panel of experts, working at the TiergartenstraéŸe offices. The experts were required to make their judgments solely on the basis of the reports, rather than on detailed medical histories, let alone examinations. Sometimes they dealt with hundreds of reports at a time. On each they marked a + (meaning death), a – (meaning life), or occasionally a ? meaning that they were unable to decide. Three “death” verdicts condemned the person concerned. As with the children, over time these processes became less rigorous, the range of conditions considered unsustainable grew broader, and zealous Nazis further down the chain of command increasingly made decisions on their own initiative

    “You’ve come a long way baby!!!” – virginia slims

  14. The poll numbers show that the liberal fools, the useful idiots who voted for zero haven’t learned, his drop in the polls is due to independents dropping their support for Obama.

    He’s down to his base and only more major foul-ups by Obama will erode his support further, a likelihood over the remainder of his term.

    The knaves who voted for zero are not about to change, they are the traitors who hide behind the bill of rights to avoid accountability for their actions.

    Will there be an October surprise? Possibly.

    Will the lame duck Congress attempt to ram through cap & tax, etc in December? Probably.

    Will there be an economic collapse in 2011 as Arthur Laffer believes? Quite probably.

    If such a collapse occurs, will Obama call for Martial Law? Definitely.

    Will Obama be able to use Martial Law to pull off a coup? No.

    Will Obama be able to use Martial Law to further his agenda? Quite possibly.

    After the mid-terms, Obama will spend the next two years blaming everything on the Republican congress, hoping to pull off a Truman style victory. As Occam points out however, the blame game is now counter-productive.

    Plus he’s already toast because he’s failed to understand Lincoln’s dictum; “If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.”

  15. Will Obama be able to use Martial Law to pull off a coup? No


    I would like you to explain to me in detail as I have done, why this is not possible.

    I can and have explained the mechanisms, terms, papers, and principals of action and how they work… please explain the mechanisms as to how and why, and do not rely on some magical quality that Americans receive when they arrived on these shores from the same countries that such games worked previously in (over and over).

    I have lain out how…

    You know, all those big posts which were actually debating terms, not making blind statements that we should accept out of hand…

    Wishful thinking is not erudite debate…

    Why wont the steps of gleichschaltung happen…

    Explain why social democrats are not doing what social democrats did passing Ermé¤chtigungsgesetz… and other equivalences…

    They have just repeated ACTION T4.. in the UK
    (Same outcome, slightly different road not so open)

    Aktion TiergartenstraéŸe 4 = Liverpool Pathway
    [Of which there is similar equivalents in the new health care bill]

    Aktion TiergartenstraéŸe 4 led to the Shoa….

    And the progressive Jews ignoring the other 6 million, made sure we would never know what led up to it, as those others came before them. But you would have to know the history in detail to know that, and we forgot those, as we forgot the conflagration Engels requires, the progressives require, and renamed by Jewish progressives to holocaust (to hide the Marx Engels quote that says it’s key).

    I can tell you how it will come about, as we have let it go too long…

    Can you tell, in principals, how it will be prevented?

    It’s a chess game. Ever notice that better chess players can hide their intents in the open and only other players of similar skill can see it? Nothing is hidden in chess. But we find it very difficult to see how we can make things converge in time to make things happen. each point can be refuted separately, and so we refuse to put them together, and then refuse to take each to the ends of their premises.

    To put this in chess terms… I have been thinking over 40 plys, and most here are only thinking 2 ply if that many. Which is why the guys that thought more than 40 plys refer to you all as REACTIONARIES… compared to someone 40 moves ahead, you guys react more instinctively like animals than thoughtfully like unemotional pragmatic expedient logicians, which is what you’re up against.

    and who you all CONSTANTLY underestimate.

    Personally, I would not underestimate people who were able to move your balls into a vice. Don’t think they are not going to squeeze and the others are not going to fall into their instinctual pattern which they orchestrate to have kick in.

    How well have these methods worked in history.
    That is, you’re going to have to give me historical examples to show your principals
    And I want to know how well such methods, sans external help (USA), have worked out.

  16. Riots mean no food deliveries
    4 days of such will mean no food in ny
    (JIT processes make sure that ny only has 4 days of food on the shelves).

    lack of food means rationing

    rationing means the state chooses who eats, who doesnt, and who gets more than others.

    now, tell me how the choice between food and no food, whose conditions are supported by riot actions, are going to not facilitate control of you and me.

    going to riot to fix it?
    going to not riot to fix it?

    what happens when they have to issue those internal passports for safety as they implement the gated cities concept from china. (do you know how that works?)

    do you know how they were able to murder 70 million people with no real opposition, even to today?

    think on that…

    only a few dozen out of 70 million figured out how to get away… everyone else either died, or were let out.

    tell me how do you march that many people and not be opposed. for that is the force your going to have to also solve.

    and i will warn you. every reactionary answer will lead to that end. just as every reactionary move in chess in 10 moves leads to mate.

    this is not chess. and so there are moves that may finesse things, but not the mass reactionary lowest denominator ones.

    while chavez is supplying MS 13, crips, bloods, and many more… and the panthers are calling for arms.

    may i ask what country is supplying the good people with similar arms

    Chavez has dragunov sniper rifles, and rpgs to give. you want to pull out your hand gun and go against some of the guys from el Salvador when they are supplied by FARC?

    how many FARC have already come over the border.

    you saw some very incompetent spies. how about the competent ones here who know where the caches mitroken detailed are?

    do you know about the caches?

    hard to assess a situation from a position of not enough knowledge, history, experience, is it?

    Information in the Mitrokhin Archive claims, among other things, that more than half of the Soviet Union’s weapons are based on U.S. designs, that the KGB tapped Henry Kissinger’s telephone, and had spies in place in almost all US defense contractor facilities. In France, some 35 senior politicians were alleged to have worked for the KGB in the Cold War. In Germany, the KGB infiltrated the major political parties, the judiciary, and the police. Moreover, large-scale sabotage preparations were supposedly made against the U.S., Canada and elsewhere, including hidden weapons caches; several have been removed by police per Mitrokhin’s information

    so right now, there are lots of weapons caches which are waiting for the event that is coming.

    who will supply the rebels against the communists?

    KGB operations revealed in the files: Supporting the Sandinista movement. The leading role in this operation belonged to the General Intelligence Directorate of Communist Cuba
    According to the 2009 National Gang Threat Assessment, “The gang is estimated to have 30,000 to 50,000 members and associate members worldwide, 8,000 to 10,000 of whom reside in the United States”

    The Crips are one of the largest and most violent associations of street gangs in the United States,[1] with an estimated 30,000 to 35,000 members.

    ok.. so far we have over 100k people with weapons and no opposition as the state DOJ will not prosecute… right?

    dont forget the bloods too.

    then there is the 18th street gang..
    There are approximately 200 separate individual autonomous gangs operating under the same label within separate barrios

    i said read about Prague Spring…
    the government in Hungary with lukacs

    were you taught this?
    The Andrew and Mitrokhin publications briefly describe the history of the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, who established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the Soviet KGB in early 1970s.[46] Secret training for PLO guerrillas was provided by the KGB.[47] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the DFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to the Soviet Union. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters carried out a spectacular raid on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. Advance notice of this operation “was almost certainly” given to the KGB

    and who and what is making things possible in the US, and what side does obama like… care to keep reseting with russia?

    please tell me how we are not going to have to fight when we cant pay for weapons, and we took them apart?

    Preparations for large-Scale sabotage in the West

    Notes in the Archive describe extensive preparations for large-scale sabotage operations against the United States, Canada, and Europe in the event of war, although none were recorded as having been actually carried out beyond creating weapons and explosives caches in assorted foreign countries.[53] This information has been corroborated in general by GRU defectors, Victor Suvorov[54] and Stanislav Lunev.[55] These operations included the following:

    * A plan for sabotage of Hungry Horse Dam in Montana.[56]
    * A detailed plan to destroy the port of New York (target GRANIT). The most vulnerable points of the port were determined and recorded on maps.[56]
    * Large arms caches were hidden in many countries to support these planned terrorism acts. Some were booby-trapped with “Lightning” explosive devices. One such cache, identified by Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities tried to remove it from the woods near Berne. Several other caches (probably not equipped with “Lightnings”) were removed successfully.[57]

    * FSLN leader Carlos Fonseca Amador was described as “a trusted agent” in KGB files. “Sandinista guerrillas formed the basis for a KGB sabotage and intelligence group established in 1966 on the Mexican US border”.[58]

    * Disruption of the power supply across New York State by KGB sabotage teams, which were to be based along the Delaware river, in Big Spring Park.[56]

    * An “immensely detailed” plan to destroy “oil refineries and oil and gas pipelines across Canada from British Columbia to Montreal” (operation “Cedar”) was prepared; the work took twelve years to complete.[59]

    so you have lots of links and almost always they work back to the same place. the country that swore we were enemies to the death (That we decided to unilaterally make freinds with and disarm)

  17. Artfldgr,

    No offense intended but I’m not going to support or fully address what appears to be, at least partially, paranoia driven fears.

    If, in fact you turn out to be right and I, in the wrong, I will man up and admit that you were right and I the one in the wrong.

    I am prepared to state why I believe your premises to be in error.

    It isn’t the mendacity or lust for power on the left that I dispute but rather the willingness of the US military to support such a coup through armed and violent suppression of protests. Which would be an absolute necessity for a coup to succeed.

    Certainly a few generals might be so inclined and the enlisted personnel will follow orders when command is unified but in a coup, such will not be the case.

    The US military’s loyalty to the Constitution is near-religious in its fidelity to that institution and I simply do not accept the premise that they would betray their oath.

    Yes, were Obama and the left to attempt during martial law to pull off a coup there would be wide-spread armed resistance. The US military however would not suppress it across the nation in support of a coup overthrowing the US Constitutional and imposing a communist-style Marxist State upon the US with the attendant political gulags that would be necessary and the tens of millions sent to death camps.

    In addition, the American people, including the liberal useful idiots would not support such methods.

    It’s simply a bridge too far to cross, even for liberals.

    As for those on the left willing to support such methods, they are far fewer than appear to be the case.

  18. No offense intended but

    USUALLY after a but and that line comes the intended offense… its a very ingenuous disarming tactic that tends to be employed by nasty people who cant face others one to one, toe to toe, and such. its a way to heap abuse and claim there isnt any intended.

    I’m not going to support or fully address what appears to be, at least partially, paranoia driven fears.

    That’s your debate style? Left liberal bs?
    A veiled ad homenim, and a, “your below me so I don’t have to answer you statement”.
    Or address it?

    Sounds like we got a person who learned debate from global warming people.

    Basically what your saying, by not debating, giving ad hominem, and playing that game, is that you have zero. Nada. Your gun is empty. Your wee wee is shooting blanks, no offense intended.

    You have NOTHING… if you had SOMETHING you would present it.

    All you have is a blind empty assertion based on a personal opinion.
    You can’t even give me any historical references of similar to make your case.

    I made a case here, and in many other posts, with facts, historical references, quotes, and such. I made a case…

    Your much like Hux… so funny… you choose validity or not, not by any logical progression of thought… but by looking at an answer and then gleaning whether it meets your aesthetic systems idea of possible. (only other idiots are fooled by that)

    Why don’t you imagine it this way.. you and I are at the podium. I just made my 10 minute case… I included quotes, history, lineage, references, correlation, and progression from one step to another. Tracing the historical lines of thought through the 1800s, 1900s. through many countries, people, their children.

    ALL verifiable and all standard history references.

    Now it’s your turn. The audience is waiting..
    You say.. I don’t want to insult you, and then insult me
    Then use the insult to say that you won’t debate…
    My position is beneath your addressing it.

    If you were in the audience watching you, do you think you made a good impression?

    Its not paranoia…

    The definition of paranoia is:
    1. a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.

    2. Baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.

    Does definition 1 fit because I say that Obama is a communist wishing to overthrow the US, like his uncle did in Kenya? Like his mentor and friend who christened him, Ayers wanted to do by setting off bombs (and who talked about exterminating 25 million people when in power). Like the man who may have abused him as a boy, “Frank”. And that his brand of socialism follows more the line of the process of the fascism of Hitler (conversion of a democracy to a socialist state), with a Maoist bent, and a big big dose of black liberation theology from reverend Wrights church. Which he attended for decades.

    His mother and father met in a Russian language class, and have long past connections to Geithners family and others in the global movement. He has surrounded himself with communists, attempted to reset relations with Russia, bowed to Islamic leaders as if they are sovereign to us. came to the defense of a communist thinker when he was arrested for breaking into his own home, but took how long to make a choice on big things.

    His use of Riefenstahl type propagandist theatrics during his election. The use of a band that plays the soviet international before he took the stage. the theological imagery by the press. Even the femininity too. The inane false genius of a man who tried to marry Einstein’s theory of relativity, to the constitution. Which the administration crows as an example of his genius, and who engineers and physicists guffawed at. Who knew he would become president later.

    In order for number 2 to be correct you would have to prove that my points are baseless.
    You can’t… and you know you can’t…

    I actually was really hoping you could. Don’t you realize that I WANT to be wrong?
    Don’t you realize that if you had anything of any substance, that would be great!!!!!!

    Basically you can’t back up your words without a fancy long winded OPINION.
    And that opinion is not backed up by anything other than maybe others opinions.

    I learned a lot from family. A lot of this is family experience.

    Experience is what you wish you had when you find out
    that you didn’t have it when you thought you did.

    Everyone says that the military will not shoot.

    I have already refuted that several times from history. Not only will they shoot, they will think they are doing the right thing. It’s the difference between making history, and reacting to history. Which I also explained.

    It would be difficult for you to argue that the military will not do what it has already done before. Wouldn’t it? but it would also require you to step up to the plate and reveal whether you actually know history, or like most are making up answers as you go along.

    What is different, is key..
    Its all aligning up like Germany…
    so much so that its very scary IF you know the detailed history.

    Go ahead, ask Occam if I haven’t blown his mind on knowing history details?
    He is about the only one who went to check and would have refuted me in an instant if I was wrong.

    You guys are getting happy over a false sense of hope.

    You have no idea of what they have written, what they think, where their ideas are from, where they get help from. You don’t want to know, you want it all to go away.

    And that’s what the germans did too… not all of course. They did resist it.
    Its nothing like the skim they give you on the history channel.

    Ever notice that they give you facts not principals?
    I guess you don’t want to teach the general public how the magic is done…

    While I LOVE our military… I also know that they are human, and history bears out that they will not know what side to stand on or what to do. They are already being moved to the side. And posse commitatus prevents them from saving us.

    Why don’t you check out the number of marines we have, and the number of new Obama America people…

    And you didn’t address the paramilitary which number over a quarter million with access to automatic weapons. And then there is the historical line from Castro, to them, to the US, and the archive histories of things done.

    by the way i must add:
    imposing a communist-style Marxist State upon the US with the attendant political gulags that would be necessary and the tens of millions sent to death camps.

    you mean that they wont do it AGAIN?
    or dont you know that we had camps twice before when we had progressive presidents?

    notice my source…
    look at the begining and note
    “AR 210-35, Army Civilian Inmate Labor Program”

    then go here:
    http://www.acsim.army.mil/installationservices/logistics/psb/index.htm look at the chart…

    if you want to read the document go here.

    Official Department of the Army Administrative Publications

    Installations will inform local labor unions of
    proposals to use civilian inmates. Bargaining units are
    entitled to participate in negotiating implementation of the installation’s civilian inmate labor program implementation.

    6) Request to establish inmate labor programs will be
    submitted through command channels to HQDA, Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, ATTN: DAIM-MD. Request must include MACOM staffing with functional proponents and endorsement and copies of the proposed MOA and Inmate Labor Plan. DAIM-MD will staff MOA and Inmate Labor Plan before ACSIM forwards package for SAILE approval.

    there are other such contingency plans and places..

    i dont know.. why dont you tell me what that is all about… i will just add this..

    here is van jones (you know that obama appointee that left real fast):

    Van Jones–who was then-serving as the founder/director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights–describes his idea for “Green Jobs, Not Jails,” a program designed to bring together the environmentalist, “environmental justice,” and criminal justice communities.

    1:40: Jones claims, “The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don’t have a racial justice frame.”

    9:58: Jones says that “The ‘Gulag economy’ (corrections system) is overbuilt, and the ‘green economy’ is underbuilt. … We want to get the prisoners and the prison guards out of there and put up solar panels and things that actually heal the community. We want to take the money that the incarcerators are spending hand-over-fist, on essentially enriching themselves, to actually help safe, healthy communities.”

    you tell me… since you know and i am only paranoid because i don’t have the same answer as you. I also have a lot more information than you.

  19. Artfldgr Says:
    July 15th, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    I can and have explained the mechanisms, terms, papers, and principals of action and how they work… please explain the mechanisms as to how and why, and do not rely on some magical quality that Americans receive when they arrived on these shores from the same countries that such games worked previously in (over and over).

    I agree with you for the most part, and you have certainly been right more often than not over the past couple of years.

    There certainly are far too many people who think “it can’t happen here” and are in outright denial.

    But America is an exceptional nation, although the progressives have been trying hard to breed and educate it out of us. They haven’t completely succeeded. Many of us still cherish our liberty and our founding documents, and take the concept of limited government seriously.

    There’s another important factor: the Second Amendment. Millions and millions of Americans are gun owners, and sales of guns and ammo have been breaking records ever since Obama was elected, which have led to higher prices and even shortages in some cases. There are also plenty of brand-new first-time gun buyers participating in this buying frenzy.

    There are many reasons for this. Some are concerned about potential new anti-gun regulations and taxes and are hoping to be grandfathered in to any new restrictions. Some are preparing for the possibility of increased crime as the economy continues to deteriorate.

    And some are expecting serious trouble, including civil war, and are preparing as best they can. Any governmental effort to seize total power is going to have to find a way to disarm millions of American patriots. We know enough about history to know what happens after that, and we are not going to give up our weapons without a fight.

  20. some good points rickl,
    but i have to disagree on the gun issue.

    the reason is that we assume Germans didn’t have guns. however at that time, when you went back home from war, you got to keep your guns. German citizens did have guns. what happened was they used the licenses to know where and who had them and whose homes to go to. they then collected the guns of what was considered then, the oppressor class (as being used in todays vernacular).

    basically that poem by neidermoller describes it well, first them came for.. basically it starts with one thing or another thing, maybe after an incident. given shabaaz, and holder and that, it may not be too far off.

    though as far as control… when the food problems hit from the effects of the financial bill on farmers, they will ration it, and when they do, it doesn’t mater much as they pick winners and losers and we all hunker down.

    the problem is that people cant imagine the changes so they cant believe its possible. but its very possible. its also possible it will start and fail. or they will not start and pull back for some reason (like external forces making it too dangerous to go forward).

    the problem is that none of this is good.

    as to your last lines i agree. but the problem is that the minute you start fighting, thats when they win because of how that fighting is then transmitted to everyone else (and whats going on there too).

    in truth, the extra factors are what worry me. the gangs, the nutjobs, the people who have been listening to some pretty funky hateful lyrics and practice the stone cold look.

    today in the news on TV, a young man, and what were a couple of young boys, holding a gun to the head of a 65 year old man. if you note carefully they did a crop job so you cant see the white old man cower as the young laughing sadistic yutes did their thing.

    as soon as a few do something and get off, its going to get real nasty…

    if it gets nasty enough, we, as in most people who dont know much, are going to beg for help. to be saved from the actions of all these people.

    and that farm part of the bill can make it that nasty.

    by limiting key resources so that someone has to divide it up, and then what?

  21. By the way. i really really hope it never comes to any of that. and i am not predicting that. i am saying if it keeps going the direction it goes and nothing stops its tracks, it could very well lead to that. i am no prophet. i just make educated guesses from a very large pool of information

  22. Artfldgr,

    No personal offense was intended and sometimes, no hidden motive is present. I have no animosity toward you and no desire to engage in personal attack.

    I’ll leave it up to others to decide whether they interpret “what appears to be, at least partially, paranoia driven fears” as offensive enough to merit your response.

    I immediately followed that observation with an admission that I could be wrong and you in the right and, that if events bore out that outcome I’d admit it. Hardly the behavior of someone looking to insult another.

    I did address the pertinent premises of your argument; that the military would support a coup and that the American people would “go along” with a coup, like sheep to the slaughter.

    Premises are unprovable, they are assumptions based upon perceptions that only later events either prove or disprove.

    That is why all the information and debating points is irrelevant because all of your information is being interpreted through the filter of your premises. If those premises are correct you are prescient and I the gullible fool. If my premises are correct, you are the one who is mistaken.

    The historical examples you have previously cited to “prove” that the US military would shoot American civilians en masse I do not accept as definitive. Rioting students at Kent State is not the same thing as millions of Americans holding peaceful protests with the majority of Americans supporting those protests. Nor was MacArthur chasing veterans out of their tent city in Wash. DC the same thing as middle class Americans saying that they will not turn in their guns.

    For the military to force them to do so, would be to betray their oath to the Constitution’s infrastructural foundation of inalienable rights. The military would be stating that our rights are NOT inalienable because not only can they be taken away but that they will use force to enforce that denial of rights.

    It would destroy America’s trust in its military by tossing out the Bill of Rights and inarguably establish tyranny. I believe that should push come to shove, the military will support Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln not Obama.

    Clearly, my premises differ from yours, time will tell which of ours is more firmly based in reality.

  23. Artfldgr Says:
    July 15th, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    German citizens did have guns. what happened was they used the licenses to know where and who had them and whose homes to go to. they then collected the guns of what was considered then, the oppressor class (as being used in todays vernacular).

    And this is one of the reasons why American gun owners are so adamantly opposed to licensing and registration. A “license” is permission from the government, not a right. The Second Amendment says nothing about asking permission.

    Law-abiding Germans turned in their weapons when ordered, because they trusted the legal authorities and never imagined that their trust could be used against them.

    Americans tend to be naturally skeptical about authority, and we have the example of the Germans to reinforce that healthy skepticism.

  24. Well said Rickl…

    Law-abiding Germans turned in their weapons when ordered, because they trusted the legal authorities and never imagined that their trust could be used against them.

    however they didnt turn them in… they went block to block, zone to zone after restricting movement. so you had curfews and rations… and you have high crime and peoples movements restricted for those conditions. then what happens in one zone is not known in another zone…

    also, they didnt take everyones guns, they only took the oppressor class guns. many to most Germans kept there. again, like the neimoller poem. and they accepted it happy that the force didn’t turn towards them.

    this isnt germany… and nothing plays out the same
    but they do copy a lot and it does repeat.

    i do know that they have been sitting in think tanks year to year and other states organs as well, thinking and thinking and they have angles i have no idea of. dont think they dont. as they will not try unless they have it sewn up. ever see obama ad lib? collectivists have to discuss…

    and GB, I never said the military
    there is such a thing as an administrative coup
    in which the people doing their jobs are confused as whether they should do something.

    as i said, it doesn’t happen the way it does in poor states. Germany was not a poor state as far as its economic social level (financially for the moment it was).

    the problem is that the average person having very little experience, doesn’t know which side to take.
    and the military has been giving out nice questionnaires and sorting its solders accordingly.

    technically its the national guard, police, swat, and volunteers, with americorps that would predominately face the public. as i said above they can use the posse commitatus to advantage.

    if you have Spanish, whites and blacks shooting at each other in the streets and breaking property.. what side does the military take? [this is not a prediction its a tactical example of the bind]

    if you were the butter bars out there, and you were told to handle the situation, and it boiled down to these groups running around. what would you do?

    what if there is automatic fire or a grenade?

    if you say go in and start fighting and hold the place down.. you just described them doing what you said they wouldn’t and being forced into it by circumstances. if you say stand your ground, then you just abandoned all the other people there not part of it..

    if you say lock down each block to prevent movement so that such actions cant explode.. you just created the same end and there was no opposition to shoot at or attack…

    with players and games you can easily make it so that it changes power structure.

    at what point do you think the military guys will decide to take control of washington to stop the laws being made that are tearing it apart worse? and will they all be in agreement?

    your words as to the coupe, as others, belie that you have no idea who shoots at whom. or that a shot isnt even necessary.

    one thing you learn from people who prey on people if you spend time with them. they are much more clever as to how to move people around without them even realizing it… or putting them into situations and forcing their hands in ways they never thought possible.

    easiest way though is not military, which is what i said up there. its screw the food. and food and fuel are now linked and obama just crapped on farming in such a way that it may get interesting.

    food lines and rations get what a military coup cant.

    and organizations like the women and minorities offices have people willing to play certain other games.

    and that gets that nice german word into play..
    [and when you read people using similar words to that word in translation, and they dont know it. its interesting]

    oh and here is a piss…
    i somehow got to this

    and remembered the graphics from my childhood.
    what i didnt remember whas this

    The donkeys demonstrate the interconnectedness of all our actions and the power of arriving at solutions cooperatively. The situation faced by the donkeys can be related to a discussion of social justice. How do countries act like the donkeys? Do they share their wealth and resources with other countries, especially poorer countries? Is there a way Canada can work cooperatively with another country so more people have their needs met? Use this activity as a prelude to showing the UNICEF DVD on Schools for Africa.

  25. Richard Aubrey said:
    I don’t know that the fools and knaves who voted for zero have learned.

    Some have, such that his current approval rating is less than half of the electorate.

    Geoffrey Britain said:
    The poll numbers show that the liberal fools, the useful idiots who voted for zero haven’t learned, his drop in the polls is due to independents dropping their support for Obama.
    He’s down to his base and only more major foul-ups by Obama will erode his support further, a likelihood over the remainder of his term.

    There will always be those “true believers” who vote for their Party, regardless of the reality…

  26. Its these people who are going to be a problem
    and if you read the revolutionary literature they know it, and need it, and we have nothing to do with it, as its the same people who before wanted him.

    that is, the way this works is that they put him up
    they find out and dont like him
    they then go nuts to get him out, and THAT facilitates taking some form of action.

    ObamaZombies Beginning To Turn On Obama:
    “You P***k You Lied to Us You D**k”!


    You CAN read it and learn it, its not a secret, and its close to 100 years old…

  27. I am afraid Krauthammer may have a point in today’s essay, Obama is not out, there are still America’s buying his nonsense. I am referring to two items, a Las Vegas Newspaper poll which shows Reid crushing his opponent and the fact that after 18 months of non-stop screwing up Obama is still uncomfortable close to 50% support.

    In 2008 taught anything it it that there are a lot of immature silly people out there. It is conceivable as Neo pointed out, that the Republicans will run someone so unacceptable that the mainstream independents will stay home. Although if the 1980 election is any guide, such a Republican candidate would have to be a Nazi pedophile (I’m referring to the fact the mainstream saw Reagan as an extreme rightist and finally only accepted him in desperation to get rid of Carter).

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