Home » New Canadian government tells the people “take your refugee medicine, like good little boys and girls”


New Canadian government tells the people “take your refugee medicine, like good little boys and girls” — 17 Comments

  1. The Canadian military should quietly decide that when 1000 Canadians have died as the result of future terrorist attacks, that every member of Trudeau’s government will be hanged for treason, as they will have given aid and comfort to a proven enemy. Then every Canadian who can be proven to have voted for Trudeau should have their citizenship revoked, then put on a plane for Syria.

    Too harsh? Actions must have consequences commensurate with their effects.

    Failure to make consequences commensurate with their effect ensures the continuance and progression of the disease. In this case, the ‘disease’ is a refusal to face reality, regardless of how many others suffer or die.

    Until politicians and bureaucrats face proportional consequence for the policies they advocate, this travesty in the west will continue until it’s societal dissolution.

  2. The blowback in the US will be ferocius if there’s another massacre here like the one in Paris. President Hillary will lie her behind off trying to dodge responsibilty for it but it won’t help this time.

  3. Geoffrey Britain, Should George W Bush’s administration have been hung for 9/11 and all the warnings they ignored? Or maybe just those politicians from the past who armed the mujahideen? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone

    The idea that the refugees are full of terrorists has not been proven. Crying that they are is equivalent to wanting guns banned because a few bad people will get them. No one [not even Republicans] are calling for an outright ban on refugees. What they are calling for is to make the screening process more thorough than it already is. Most agree with that.

  4. The Islamic State has forced people from their homes, but it is the left’s refusal to help them that has created a global humanitarian crisis.

    That said, perhaps the Russian coalition, and now France, will succeed to prevent the progress of this social justice-fostered crisis.

    I wonder if this is what the State-established pro-choice cult was preparing for with its selective-child policy that plans and aborts over one million Americans annually.

    Why are they afraid of American babies?

  5. ‘Then every Canadian who can be proven to have voted for Trudeau should have their citizenship revoked, then put on a plane for Syria.’

    That would be nobody since its a secret ballet and surely Trudeau didn’t vote for himself, did he?

    ‘The idea that the refugees are full of terrorists has not been proven.’

    Its highly likely though and ISIS has stated that they are sending their warriors disguised as refuges. For this reason and because Syria is an enemy, I think the onus of proof is on the refugee to provide evidence that he/she is not a criminal, terrorist, lunatic.

    Also refugees are required to return to their home country when danger no longer threatens so a mechanism for that must be in place before we accept anyone.

  6. Steve D:

    Actually, no one says refugees are “full of terrorists.” But there may be some terrorists among them, and a small number can do an enormous amount of damage.

    In addition, refugees are not required to return to their home countries. They can apply for citizenship and often do:

    Refugees may stay in the US indefinitely. They are provided with a pathway to citizenship and usually can apply within five years.

  7. MDL,

    Sure, provided that the Clinton officials under whom, al Qeada grew and flourished are first executed.

    Seriously, we are far past the point where every politician at the leadership level is well aware of the threat. They simply place ideology (the Left) and personal aggrandizement (RINOs) before any other concern, no matter how many will suffer and die.

    The politicians from the past who armed the mujahideen did so in the face of what at the time was a much more serious threat, the Soviets. Threats must be addressed as strategic priorities. Arming Afghanis was never a serious concern, not addressing the root source of Islamic terrorism is the most serious of failures.

    I never suggested that “the refugees are full of terrorists” in fact I stated that only 1 in 5 American Muslims actively support violent jihad. As for the current and planned Syrian refugees, see this, then get back to me.

    Trump is calling for an outright ban on refugees and he’s right. Again see the above link.

    Anyone calling to make the screening process more thorough than it already is… is either ignorant, criminally negligent or a traitor. That is because it is impossible to vet refugees.

    As for why it is impossible see here: then scroll down to: 3. Vetting Syrian Migrants is Impossible

  8. “That would be nobody since its a secret ballet and surely Trudeau didn’t vote for himself, did he?” Steve D

    I stand corrected. Nevertheless the larger point remains, when there is no consequence, there is no mechanism for corrective feedback. That is, until reality applies its corrective, the severity of which is directly proportional to the degree of denial.

  9. @ MDL
    If a Syrian refugee attack happens, nobody will be in the mood to put up with your rhetorical bullshit. Really, I’m surprised by those advocating this idea: it’s not like they stand to gain much if there isn’t an attack, but if they’re wrong they’ll lose everything.

  10. There once was a prize fighter who would smile every time a truly telling blow hit him.

    Early in his fighting career, it worked to dismay the tyros pitted against him.

    Sadly, it became his undoing.

    For it was a ‘tell’ that the blow was on its mark and he was about to go down to the canvas.

    THAT’S what Canada’s doing here.

    The blow to their narrative is brutal. So they smile.

    Ottawa is about to hit the canvas.

    The RCMP has been wildly behind the curve for decades, now.

    Think of Toronto as being Brussels-west.

    Yes, it’s that chopped up with Muslim conclaves.

    It has mosques all over town — in every cubby-hole.

    Unlike Jews or Christians, Muslims will drop to their knees just about anywhere. Prostration IS their rite.

    Jews and Christians are prone to dress up.

    Muslims dress off: no shoes !

    It’s fitting, Islam guarantees submission and enhances poverty.

  11. I think it’s a brilliant idea — aren’t those Northwest Territories very thinly populated?

  12. MDL Says:
    November 23rd, 2015 at 6:07 pm

    Geoffrey Britain, Should George W Bush’s administration have been hung for 9/11 and all the warnings they ignored? Or maybe just those politicians from the past who armed the mujahideen? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone

    The idea that the refugees are full of terrorists has not been proven. Crying that they are is equivalent to wanting guns banned because a few bad people will get them. No one [not even Republicans] are calling for an outright ban on refugees. What they are calling for is to make the screening process more thorough than it already is. Most agree with that.



    It’s already been proven.

    Do you pay ANY attention to the foreign press ?

    BTW, the MAIN Muslim threat is demographic.

    They vote en bloc.

    Europeans have consistently FLED the moment the local concentration of Muslims passes 5%

    Military-aged Muslim males largely bum around, shiftless, idle.

    It’s a cultural ‘thing.’ They were just as idle and shiftless back home — since earliest youth. Arab males don’t believe in work. That’s reserved for slaves and hired hands.

    If you actually visited the Arab lands, you’d see this inaction in action.

    Arabs DO believe that their role is to be jihadis — combatants. It’s not that strange. It’s the ethos of the late Mesolithic, early Neolithic. All men hunted and fought. They didn’t toil in the fields.

    In the case of the Semites — both the Arabs and the Hebrews transitioned to pastorialism. The evidence is in the Old Testament and all over the Middle East. ( Where agriculture was impractical, grazing was the style. )

    The Hebrews settled down — in Israel. The Arabs never did so until modern times. ( Arab Iraq is ‘modern’ in the sense that the ancient societies have been liquidated — mostly by Muslims. )

    I’m proffering this history to reinforce the obvious: this cultural obsession with war not work goes back into the mists of time.

    No European state has ever shaken their Muslims enough to cause assimilation.

    The recent jihadi outrage in Paris was performed by totally acculturated ‘Belgian-Frenchmen.’

    [ If this is confusing, some history:

    Belgium was created out of a hunk of France and French occupied Holland.(1815 Congress of Vienna) They STILL hold to their differing languages. So that the Belgians in the zone close to France are French in language — and much of their history.

    Need I say, such Belgians are constantly conflated with Frenchmen — ask Hercule Poirot. The border between Belgium and France lapsed with the Schengen concord. ]

    The critical take-away is that absolutely no-one — at any level — thought of these Muslims as a jihadi threat. Yet within weeks of being called to “dawa’ they blew themselves up.

    This reality means that everything you hold dear about Muslim immigrants has been proven to be quite false.

    In Syria, Muslims called to dawa fingered and murdered their immediate Christian neighbors — whom they’d known and socialized with all their lives — forty- to sixty years.

    The exact same phenomena was reported by Christians fleeing Mosul. Their Muslim neighbors were called to dawa — so they fingered their Christian neighbors for liquidation.

    They fled in the AM — not even stopping to pack — on foot. Within a day, there were no more Christians in Mosul. There had been a Christian presence there for approximately 2,000 years.

    The same event occurred with the Yazidis. Bam. Trapped, murdered, raped, enslaved — by your Muslim pals.

    Their acts were ENTIRELY in concordance with the Koran, with Mohammed, and Muslim feral practices going back to the beginning.

    Such is Islam.

    When Arab Muslims conquered Persia, they were a trivial fraction of that population. Today, Zoroastrianism is a dead religion.

    This cultural extinction has occurred wherever the Muslim has arrived.

    Even seemingly trivial Muslim population fractions prove to be ultimately lethal to the victim culture. That has been consistently true.

    1,400 years — deal with it.

  13. n.n Says:
    November 23rd, 2015 at 6:13 pm

    The Islamic State has forced people from their homes, but it is the left’s refusal to help them that has created a global humanitarian crisis.

    That said, perhaps the Russian coalition, and now France, will succeed to prevent the progress of this social justice-fostered crisis.

    I wonder if this is what the State-established pro-choice cult was preparing for with its selective-child policy that plans and aborts over one million Americans annually.

    Why are they afraid of American babies?


    They are NEVER going to be American babies.

    They will be Muslims — unassimilated — never Americans.

    This reality has been proven over and over.

    However, with your moral preening, superiority, STEP UP.

    Put Muslim cadres up in your home.

    The imams are screaming into their bullhorns: their intent is demographic jihad.

    Hamtrack everywhere. Kafir run.

    And the kafir DO RUN.

    They can’t possibly protect their wives and children from lay-about military-aged Muslim male predations.


    All have taken off in every Muslim ‘community’ in Europe.

    They regard kafir as prey.

    The Koran instructs them so.


  14. As I predicted, Canada will fall. And then which border will people be capable of defending?

  15. MDL is a judas goat. If people don’t know what that is, they can look it up. It’s a neat livestock trick.

  16. Taking in or just “vetting” alleged refugees costs US (you and me) money.
    Money that could be spent in other ways.
    Taking in “refugees” is a tax.
    A tax that is not a one-time expenditure, but a perpetually recurring expense. Even if they are all nice little people, which we know they are not.
    Like the illegal Latinos. Who are now everywhere.

  17. blert:

    I was referring to aborted and planned babies of American citizens that are quietly displaced and replaced through legal and illegal immigration, and the effort to sustain and propagate a refugee crisis that has the same motives and backed by the same interests of the pro-choice and planning cult.

    Following UN strategic initiatives, there would be safe havens created in the war zones, and the military of willing nations to confront the threat to their lives. Instead, there is an effort to leave people and a wasteland behind, spawn a refugee crisis, which has a clearly anti-native character.

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