Home » Here’s my question for this family—and for Obama and all supporters of taking in Syrian refugees


Here’s my question for this family—and for Obama and all supporters of taking in Syrian refugees — 28 Comments

  1. They go to the head of the line because the governing elite in Connecticut wants to prove that they are morally superior.

  2. Going to the head of the line assists in fulfilling the campaign promise to fundamentally transform the USA. Too bad the tradition of campaign promises being ignored didn’t continue with this President.

  3. the good governor Malloy was just on the radio yesterday expressing his moral superiority; not a surprising exercise for him. He and Blumenthal are doing their best to be Obama Junior.

    I wonder how all the Hispanics are reacting to their being put in second place in the line??? The left once again readjusts their list of victims.

  4. They get cash and other freebies for ‘resettlement’ and most importantly they get a social security number, and then a drivers license. Guess what happens next?

  5. I just watched the video clip in the first article Neo linked to. The Syrian woman speaks, in very good English, and says what Indiana did is “unfair”. She’ll fit in nicely in New Haven.

  6. Want to know why the Left hates you?

    They don’t like their slaves escaping the plantation.

    In 2006, the Left was more likely to kill you in the US, by setting you up. That was because the enemies were mostly overseas. It’ll be a toss up what will happen when the Left and Islam co exist so closely inside the US borders.

    If you don’t kill evil when you see it… evil is going to wipe you out. That’s just how it is.

  7. Treat symptoms, avoid causes, project fault. That sounds so familiar.

    When did Democrats found the pro-choice cult?

  8. Let’s do it. Let’s put all these Muslim migrants flocking to greener pastures in Connecticut. Being a profoundly moral state, it should take way more than its “share.” Put them to work building mosques. Molenbeek, CT. Yes.

  9. Let’s put all these Muslim migrants flocking to greener pastures in Connecticut.

    It’s actually easier and better if people start training in how to kill enemies of humanity. Although that’s my personal pov.

  10. It’s encouraging to hear that a state could reject a resettlement and have them moved elsewhere.

    The Mayor of Baltimore has requested the pleasure of the Syrian Refugees’ company so at least it’s good to know that they have a place to go.

    I don’t think any Syrian Refugees should be accepted and resettled here. Settlement elsewhere in the ME is possible. Unfortunately, I am an American citizen and no one really cares about what I think.

  11. I suspect Jordan has insisted that the US take their “fair share”, as a condition for continued ‘cooperation’.

  12. Geoffrey Britain:

    I will not disagree strenuously, but I will point out that accepting refugees has not been something ME nations are eager to do.

    I lived in Beirut in 1956-57. Acres of land between the city and the airport were covered with black goat-hair tents filled with Palestinian refugees. You know what? they’re still there, in the same black tents, almost 60 years later.

    They could have been resettled in Jordan, Syria, or even gone to live as first-class citizens in Israel. But Yasir Arafat wanted them to stay in their black tents — a constant irritant to the world’s (and especially America’s) conscience, in the hope that we would do what they could not: push the Israelis out of the land they had claimed in 1947.

    No, Jordan did not tell us we had to take our “fair share”: they just did not jump out in front of their Arab brethren, and incur their wrath, by offering to give the displaced Syrians a home. By taking this position they are continuing a policy that has a long history in the ME. And they know us well enough to know that we will step up and do more than anyone else to help, even though it might come back to bite us some day.

    Larger question: do I believe we should resettle Syrians here in the US?

    Pro: if they come here they will not be making trouble in the ME.

    Pro: We have the space to resettle them, and some of them will give up their 14th Century ways and join the modern world.

    Pro: In two generations (if they are absorbed better than the Hmong or the Somalis) they will have lost their ME roots and become productive Americans.

    Con: Some of them might make war on us, as the Tsarnaev brother did.

    Con: They will cost us money and jobs, and people who might call themselves refugees more legitimately (Chinese and Hondurans) will be pushed back in the line.

    Con: They will vote Democrat.

    So which side of the debate is the stronger? I’m still going with con.

  13. My written suggestion to my Congress person. We voters might look more favorably upon this Syrian refugee program if each Senator and Representative in favor would agree to take one family under their wing and pay for their housing, food, health care, and other necessaries until the family has integrated into American culture and become self supporting. Also they will accept responsibility for the damages if any of their guest families happen to go radical jihadi on them.

    Kinda puts the shoe on the compassionate foot. I have received no reply yet.

  14. And you won’t, J.J.
    You think they actually read your stuff? You’re not inside the Beltway, nor a major contributor, and your title does not read “The Hon.”
    But if it makes you feel better, it’s worthwhile, I guess.
    What works for me is having the email address of my Rep.’s Chief of Staff. Which I got by going to lots and lots of local meetings and becoming a recognizable (and non-hostile!) face. My emails get read and usually answered. To what effect? Not much. Makes me feel better, though!

  15. In case you haven’t spotted it, Indiana is a classically Republican state.

    Barry Soetoro is trying to re-rig the electoral vote.

    Connecticut is already solidly blue, so this shift frustrates his primary drive.

    You will note that virtually ALL of Barry’s kids are being slotted into Republican bastions.

    It’s the Curley effect on steroids.

  16. Frog, if thousands of voters sit down and write or call their Congress Critters, it makes a difference. The problem is everybody thinks they don’t pay attention. They don’t pay attention to the specific message or name, but they can read trends just like polls. They know that anyone who takes the time to contact them is motivated either for or against something. When enough numbers show up they pay attention.

    My Representative knows me. She doesn’t like me, but she can’t ignore me because I’m on her case on issues big and small.

    Representative government doesn’t work the way it should if the voters don’t get involved. Contact your Congress Critters, write to your newspaper, send e-mails to your contact list, work for candidates in your area. When people don’t get involved, they think all is well. And go with the party line.

    Good to know you have taken the trouble to personally know your Rep’s chief of staff. Good work! Every little bit helps.

  17. I want to know how other Mexicans feel about this situation. My wife is Mexican and she is sick of this mess. To her this is all simple. No refugees from MEast

  18. After several years of war in Syria, who is behind the mass migrations to the West? The US?

    I mean, besides Germany’s Merkel (despite calling multi-cult “crazy” four years ago), and now Obama (no questions here)?

    The Marxist head of the UNs High Commissioner of Refugees, Antonio Guterres:

    The man “empowered” to further Balkanize U.S. society and weaken homeland security through the shifting of tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants here from Syria is United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres.

    Who is this bureaucrat gambling with your family’s safety? He happens to be the former president of Socialist International, a worldwide confederacy of more than 160 socialist parties from 100 countries that pushes open borders to create “one world government.”

    The Marxist network also seeks to redistribute third-world poverty to Western nations through mass immigration. Guterres headed SI from 1999 to 2005.

    Now, he’s spearheading the U.N.’s formal resettlement of 160,000 of the 4 million Syrian refugees and counting on the U.S. to take the lion’s share. “The role of the United States is absolutely crucial,” Guterres asserts. Obama agrees….

    We’ve all suspected it, here. There’s now better documented evidence of this plot.

    At an Oct. 29 speech to Georgetown University Law School, Guterres laughed off fears that the Islamic State might smuggle terrorists among Syrian refugees. “I saw people asking: ‘Be careful, don’t bring us Muslims because they can be terrorists,'” the Portuguese native said in broken English. “I don’t think terrorists would be so stupid to be so effectively scrutinized to come to the United States.”

    “I think the same in relation to Europe,” Guterres added, arguing that no Syrian-based terrorist would be “so stupid to cross into Greece (from Turkey), risk to die in the (sea) crossing, then spend one or two weeks painfully going country by country” through Europe.

    Thousands of Syrians have migrated to Europe, yet “I don’t think we have seen the (terrorist) impact,” he grinned, as the audience chuckled.

    Well that was then; this is now – after Paris has taken 500 casualties. And after Hollande of France has declared war in the Salafist terrorist nation of ISIS.

    And now, after the MOST WANTED terrorist in that plot “could have flown a plane to the US” (according to CNN as I write), the question of the day is this: who among the Republican candidates who will resolutely act to defund and destroy the secure nest of West and US haters at the UNHCR?

    We know these Marxists hate us. Now, after Paris, what is to be done?


  19. What wrong with Jordan? Simple. Jordan as a destination does nothing to hasten turning whites and Christians into hated minorities wherever they can be found.

    And since our evil evil evil country allows baby parts r us i guess we deserve the coming maelstrom.

  20. they will have lost their ME roots and become productive Americans.

    With being a Demoncrat has nothing to do with becoming productive Americans.

  21. Frog, if thousands of voters sit down and write or call their Congress Critters, it makes a difference. The problem is everybody thinks they don’t pay attention.

    The difference on the staff and the secretaries is obvious. You just don’t understand how the system works JJ.

  22. Ymar, if you don’t think individuals can make a difference, then you need to join an organization that is working for conservative change – Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, Numbers USA, the NRA, etc. All organizations that can turn out numbers of callers and e-mailers at the drop of a hat. I support Heritage, Judicial Watch, and the NRA. And I do my own thing.

  23. Ymar, if you don’t think individuals can make a difference

    A bunch of individuals engaging in 4th gen warfare and activism would make a huge difference. What I’m talking about is how your “letters” to your master, JJ, hasn’t proved that your representative is actually paying attention, nor your Senators nor anyone else involved in your chain of command.

    If people think their reps are so fanatical that they need to be “told what to do” to avoid following their party line, then what you need to do is to replace the Representative Democracy (that doesn’t exist) with an actual direct democracy. Hell, people are doing about the same work for votes.

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