Home » Remember when comedians couldn’t find anything funny to say about Obama?


Remember when comedians couldn’t find anything funny to say about Obama? — 15 Comments

  1. Let’s not forget it’s not only what Obama didn’t do that has made the BP spill a catastrophe: It’s what he did do, the “halt all drilling” order.

    “What can’t he do, Obama” is being replaced by “What can he do, Obama.”

  2. It is soooo entertaining to watch liberal / progressive pain when they discover their faith in the Power of Government is misplaced.

    And if they had paid attention in one of those math classes, they realize that ‘complicated’ is fact of life with complex dynamic systems.

  3. “It is soooo entertaining to watch liberal / progressive pain when they discover their faith in the Power of Government is misplaced.”

    Except they are not – they are simply finding their faith in Obama is misplaced. They will also circle the wagons if we (conservatives) make the same arguments – Stewart will quite quickly.

    What it shows is that they do know the train wreck is quickly approaching, they realize that it is going to hit them too, and are desperately trying to postpone it until/unless they can distance themselves enough from the fool they put all their hopes, dreams, money, and power on.

    This is damage control and will continue to get worse (that is flip flop around between attack and defense) until they can finally throw him under the bus without him dragging them along. He did it to others during his campaign and no one had any problems with it because they will do the same. The amusing thing is that he doesn’t seem to be able to even see it coming either.

    One has to wonder how people like Stewart really feel at the end of the day – not only is their Hope and Change an idiot policy wise but the slick masterful politician doesn’t even see what is happening to him. Stewart and those like him have to at some level admit and know that they allowed someone that horrid to dupe them – they *have* to know that to properly do the whole attack/defend dance to distance themselves and ideas from Obama. Others may follow them (most you see posting on the internet), but the leaders certainly must understand it.

  4. Tammy Bruce has been calling Obama “Urkel” since his inauguration, if not before. Yesterday I noticed a “where is he now?” feature about the actor who played Urkel on the Yahoo home page. I looked at that, and thought, “why, he’s in the White House, of course.” After he’s given up on trying to figure out “whose ass to kick,” Obama will probably ask, “Did I do that?”

  5. Priorities
    Or, how an engineer and a politician approaches a problem…

    “Let’s work the problem people.”
    (~NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz, during the Apollo 13 crisis – 1970)

    “I want to know whose ass to kick!”
    (~President Barack Hussein Obama, during the gulf oil spill – 2010)

  6. > [ADDENDUM: And this is beyond parody. The degree of incompetence in this administration’s handling of the oil spill is quite shocking.]

    It does not matter — all the blame will be displaced by the media onto BP.

  7. > they *have* to know that to properly do the whole attack/defend dance to distance themselves and ideas from Obama.

    strcpy, yes, but you have to grasp the effect of the Liberal Midnight Reset Button in the whole process. (See here for a more complete description of The LMR Button)

    They need to “know” it briefly, in order to do their dance, but then the button gets pushed, all brain function regarding memories of that problem are dispelled, and they go right back to thinking like libtard idiots again, with no recollection of the underlying motives behind their actions.

    The LMR Button is very effective in providing denial and cluelessness.

  8. I read today that Obama plans to make reassuring eye contact with every last American…can’t wait till it’s my turn.

  9. Remind me — was Obama the man we kept hearing was a master at 3D chess, who was constantly out-thinking his opponents and outflanking them? (The man who took six months to think over the troop deployment plans of the general he himself had appointed? The man who now has all our allies mad at us, and all our enemies laughing at us?)

    Hmm, yes, I guess he is. Then it must have been his predecessor who was so stupid he couldn’t even pronounce “strategery” or “nucular”, never mind think ahead a step or two (who nonetheless toppled several dangerous dictators, who masterminded a UNSC unanimous vote for an unpopular war, who saw several allies become closer on his watch and several enemies become afraid, and so on).

    Thank God we finally have an intellectual in the White House. Thank God that, instead of Sarah Palin and her stupid misstatements, we have the wisdom of Joe Biden. And thank God that, in place of Bush’s unilateralism and cowboy diplomacy (who “went it alone” in Iraq, along with dozens of allied countries and their troops), we now have Obama (who apparently doesn’t need allies, because he can’t alienate them fast enough).

    Thanks, folks. I was a little confused, but it all makes sense to me now.

  10. Every time I think, “Well, this certainly ought to do it. Even the thickest liberal cannot avoid the obvious conclusion now,” I am disappointed. So will liberals catch on this time? Probably not.

    Compare conservative California of 1970 with liberal California of 2010; how anyone could fail to see that liberal policies create economic chaos defies explanation.

    Compare America during the Carter Administration with that of the Reagan Administration. I believe these qualify as controlled experiments.

    But then, the MSM cover for liberals. A former KKK recruiter in the Senate? No problem. Amazing.

  11. neo neocon wrote:Michael: yes, incompetence of that degree might be intentional.

    Passive-aggressive? Just a thought.

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