Home » Cornhead covers Cruz


Cornhead covers Cruz — 22 Comments

  1. Interesting analysis, and helpful.

    I respect Ted Cruz for his intellect, and his adherence to principles.

    On the other hand, I am just very leery of someone who has no real Executive experience; and precious little legislative experience. (The same concern applies to Dr Carson. I give Carly Fiorina credit for her CEO experience.) I would prefer that Senator Cruz serve at least a term in a meaningful cabinet post; then come back to the electorate.

  2. Cruz has been my favorite candidate for POTUS since he first showed up (for me) on Mark Levin’s show in 2011 when he was challenging the Establishment-approved and well-financed RINO, Lt Gov Dewhurst, in the Republican primary for Senator. He was so well-spoken, and, on every issue, he answered every question directly, and every answer conformed to conservative principles I easily identified with. I believe he is our best hope to begin turning this nation on a new course, away from statism/Collectivism/Marxism. If he can’t do it, we are truly effed.

    If another Republican wins the presidency, I’d want Cruz to get the nod as AG. Someone with his courage and conviction will be needed to drain the Marxist swamp the Holder made out of the DOJ, out of which crawled much of the slime that emanated from this administration.

    If Cruz were to become president, I’d love Mark Levin as AG. An actual expert on the Constitution, unlike some adjuncts who trained community activists, i.e., race hustlers, on how to violate the that document, I can hear him now at his first agency conference, “Shut up you, dummies! I’m educating you.”

  3. I haven’t forgotten Cruz and I too am disappointed so many conservatives (or at least self styled “conservatives”) are utterly distracted by, and obsessed with, the sideshows of Trump and Carson.

    But, oldflyer point is well taken. While don’t want Cruz in 5he cabinet (which, frankly, would be a bit of a waste of his talents) I do want him to remain a fiery voice in the Senate and a frontrunner for the 2020 or 2024 nominations.

    That said, he’s still my third choice of the current field, behind Rubio and Carly

  4. For anybody interested in Cruz’s view of American foreign policy towards Israel, here’s a link to an interview that Caroline Glick did with him last week: http://tinyurl.com/p7jn3vt

    And thanks again to Cornhead for doing time on the Iowa campaign trail.

    P.S. I think Dave — and, for that matter, all the Huskers — should avoid confusion and change his nickname back to “Bugeater.”

    (This bug-eater business is said to have originated during the potato-bug and grasshopper times. An eastern man came out here to visit his relatives. On his return they asked him, of course, how things were in Nebraska? It was our worst time, our one year of a double plague, so he answered, ‘Oh, everything is gone up there. The grasshoppers have eaten the grain up, the potato-bugs ate the ‘taters all up, and now the inhabitants are eating the bugs to keep alive.’ )

  5. One minor omission by me and one correction. Cruz does want an “all of the above” energy policy. And the Union Pacific already has had layoffs and is contemplating even more.

    CSPAN interviewed Ted and he really nailed it when he described how Obama’s failure in his first term to approve multiple LNG export permits would have helped the USA and EU and hurt Russia. A historic opportunity lost.

    He also described on TV that Obama’s promised $2,500 savings on health insurance is now $3,000 more; a swing of $5,500. Big money.

    He is a brilliant guy and the most conservative. Seeing him in person is very impressive.

    In Iowa a ground game is key along with personal meetings. He has pastors in all 99 counties. I could see Carson, Cruz and Carly as the top three in Iowa and in that order.

    All three are the opposite of Trump. Donald’s mocking Dr. Carson as low energy really bothered me. It takes high energy to perform brain surgery for hours. Ben just doesn’t run his mouth. Expect Donald to do poorly in Iowa.

    Trump also said the two recent polls “don’t like him” or similar foolishness. Scoreboard, Donald. Scoreboard.

  6. On a more personal note, if you read Cornhead’s post at Powerline, you’ll see that he asks Cruz a question about a nearby coal-fired power plant.

    Many years ago, I worked as a welder-fitter and built a lot of the structural steel components of that plant. To hear that the EPA might shut it down … well, I can’t claim to be nostalgic about the work, but it does personalize the pointless waste of environmental elitism.

  7. Cornflour:

    I’m a Creighton person but proud of my entire state. I wore my cowboy boots to the event.

    Bugeaters football is struggling this year. Creighton soccer is number one!

  8. Waste is exactly right. And the people and businesses of Iowa would be impoverished by the 300% increase in energy prices; exactly what has happened in Europe. Council Bluffs doesn’t need more poor people. Neither does America.

  9. Cornflour:

    That Caroline Glick interview is great.

    I have really enjoyed these Iowa events. The GOP candidates are impressive.

    I also think I have provided a valuable service getting the word out to conservatives. The national press coverage is spotty. The OWH reporter does a nice job but she is limited in space and by style constraints. I work in my own views and comments. The DM Register, of what I have seen of it, slants left and the reports are way too short.

    Carly the first time was a real eye opener.

    The three times I have seen Hillary she has never taken questions. She’s too important for that. And when she allows the press to question her the results are pathetic as with the syncophant Maddow last night.

    My favorites have been my reports on the Dems as I spare them no snark or logic.

  10. I Googled Ted’s name and my Power Line piece came up as number two.

    The MSM’s cartel is broken.

  11. 760 shares of my Power Line piece.

    Neo drives the traffic.

    The word is getting out.

    Maybe the NYT should hire me. I’m more popular.

  12. Cornhead Says:
    October 24th, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    Trump proclaimed JEB BUSH as low energy.

    Trump described Ben Carson as being too nice.


  13. The Cruz campaign linked my Power Line piece on Twitter. Now nearly 1,000 shares.

    Social media is the real deal.

  14. Cornhead Says:
    “I Googled Ted’s name and my Power Line piece came up as number two. The MSM’s cartel is broken.”

    I really wish you were right, but one of the major ways the MSM distorts and slants the “news” is by omission.

    I just saw an analysis that claimed ABC, NBC and CBS devoted almost zero time to Planned Parenthood’s baby parts business. All the many, many tens of millions of low information voters who still get their news from the nets have seen of the controversy has been accusations that the Republicans are trying to cut their funds to prevent women from getting mammograms, which of course they don’t even do.

    I found that out many years ago. I would see a breaking story that was highly detrimental to a liberal cause or politician on a conservative site, google it, and all that would come up would be more conservative sites – no ABC, CBS or NBC.

  15. geokstr:

    Good point. There really are two Americas.

    But what talk radio and the net does is reinforces views and drives enthusiasm. Maybe even donations. The Left cannot be excited about Hillary.

    I saw some voting demographic analysis at Red State and putting aside turnout, any national election is decided by 2% of the electorate. He also didn’t take into account the Electoral College. One county in North Carolina might decide the election.

    Shares are over 1,100 within the hour Ted linked it. Cruz has over 500,000 followers. When it goes on Facebook, more people read it.

    We can get our message out and win in 2016.

  16. blert Says:
    October 24th, 2015 at 5:25 pm

    Cornhead Says:
    October 24th, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    Trump proclaimed JEB BUSH as low energy.

    Trump described Ben Carson as being too nice.


    MIAMI (AP) – Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump dismissed polls that show him trailing Dr. Ben Carson in Iowa, calling the retired neurosurgeon “super low-energy” before a boisterous crowd in Miami on Friday night.

  17. As an Iowan who is involved in local politics, I see interest in the donald waning in my area. He is too much of a loudmouth braggart for our Midwest sensibilities. Carson is surging here and by caucus time I think it will be Carson or Cruz who comes out on top. Stepping out on the proverbial thin limb I see the donald in the dumps after SC.

    Perhaps the donald will team up with Webb for a run as independents once they arm wrestle to determine who is VP.

  18. Perhaps the donald will team up with Webb for a run as independents once they arm wrestle to determine who is VP.

    That’s a guaranteed win for Hillary, and she will get the vote for her amnestied illegals through further Executive Orders, Memos, and coordinated actions already underway in blue states like CA. Ryan and McConnell will help her.

    Then it’s lock and load time.

  19. Now 3,800 shares. I don’t know the exact multiplier but I’m guessing 50,000 people have now read my report.

  20. The first Civil War was ignited because Democrats didn’t like Lincoln becoming President, since the Democrats were trying to consolidate federal power to use it to get back their slaves that fled north. Can’t even keep their property under lock and key.

    I wonder if the South will have the guts to do something similar, now that the Democrats aren’t giving them orders.

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