Home » The “Obama, knave or fool?” question…


The “Obama, knave or fool?” question… — 28 Comments

  1. More fool than knave, it takes practice and skill to be a knave, but stupidity is open to all.

    Frankly you have to admit he would be a reasonably decent used car salesman.

  2. How can someone so smart be soooo dumb? It’s intentional – all of it – oil spill incompetence included.

    He’s a knave behind the facade of fool.

  3. Bob from Virginia — He’s definitely a knave and he’s had plenty of practice honing his skills at such. For years in Chicago he learned at the knees of the worst of them (happily and enthusiastically, I’ll bet) and, in fact, developed a reputation from his first campaign onward for targeting the opposition and eliminating them.

    He is the lowest of the low, and I wonder if history, let alone future textbooks will reflect his true self. Good guess: if the Teachers’ Unions have any influence, reality will be long forgotten and revisionist history will be the rule. Then again, we can hope those folks in Texas who have been battling to retain actual historical narrative, specifically with reference to the history of the U.S., will keep those heels dug in, and maintain both influence and accuracy in education.

    As far as Obama is concerned, I think the only history he knows is what was said in his last speech. And lately, one can’t even count on that.

    (Even those his poll numbers have dropped substantially, I still can’t figure out how he still has the positive numbers that he does. He definitely belongs in Pelosi and Reid country when it comes to job approval.)

  4. My father sold cars, including used cars–honestly. Please do not paint car salesmen with the same brush you would use on Obama (so to speak).

    Totally agree with Ruth H. He and his crowd have played the knave on a very small stage. They are proving to be fools who are not really ready for prime-time knavery.

    The problem for us is that they are aided and abetted by countless fools and a like number of knaves. I speak of our Congress, and the other strutting popinjays around the world. Combined, they could overwhelm us despite their intrinsic incompetence.

  5. Glad this topic came up again today because I have been wondering if there is something seriously wrong with Obama. He is all of the things we keep saying, but WHY? He doesn’t seem normal to me. I know I am not explaining myself very well here, but he is strange, odd. I understand that his upbringing was pathetic, to say the least, and certainly not his doing, but it seems more than that. I am not talking about where he was born, although I would love for all his secrets to come out, but that is not my point here. He just seems alien to me.

  6. Francesca, I believe you’re noticing the empty suit also has an empty soul.

  7. “… he is strange, odd.” A real life Manchurian Candidate… and it’s actually, true….

  8. Francesca-
    It is not about him, it is about US and the USA. We know enough. He needs to be locked up for our protection and survival. He is doing us immense, truly immense harm, and most of us cannot fathom that because there is an expectation, regardless of politics and policies, that a POTUS means well for the nation (well, except for the BDS-afflicted; I did write “most of us”).
    This man simply means us immense harm and his personal aggrandizement. He must be stopped, regardless of cost.

  9. Obama’s response on what is different between now and when the Clintons tried the HCR plan:

    You have me.

    What happens to a Manchurian candidate when he loses his value?

    What irony that Obama now represents more value to the Republicans than to the Democrats.

  10. The fool vs. knave question has long been settled in my mind. He’s a knave, and he is deliberately and systematically dismantling the United States of America. He thumbs his nose daily at normal, decent, patriotic Americans. He goes out of his way to insult us. He hates white people, and intends to confiscate our wealth and force us into poverty to atone for our imaginary sins.

    Marxist that he is, he is destroying the private economy and forcing more and more people to be utterly dependent on the government. Americans have traditionally been noted for confidence and optimism. He is turning us into an angry, fearful people. All of it is absolutely deliberate.

    The man is destroying everything he touches, without exception. If he was merely foolish or incompetent, he would have to get something right once in awhile. But he isn’t. I’m not a religious person, but if I was, I would have to attribute that to him serving the forces of evil.

  11. …And I didn’t even get into his weakening of our national defenses, insulting and alienating our traditional allies, and coddling and apologizing to our enemies.

    In foreign policy, he is cultivating an image of America as weak and an undependable ally. And weakness invites attack.

  12. I agree with everything rickl says. One of the things that fascinates me is the evidence that leads me to the conclusions. I notice that, no matter what the issue (I hate that word, but sometimes it fits), Obama doesn’t seem to be given pause by the devastating consequences of his actions. They seem instead to be just what he’s after, and they are uniformly awful. He projects a very disturbing air of satisfaction and accomplishment when conditions deteriorate. The only time other people and their opinions matter to him is when they piss him off. He makes a pretense of caring about destruction when pressed, but it’s clearly just a sop, delivered with no enthusiasm. Nothing deters him from the damned devastating program he’s so clearly pursuing. Now and again he makes a turn, but only briefly and only to throw people off his track. Then he always returns to the destructive, the high-handed, the contemptuous, course. And he prevails. No one has been able to stop him.

    And unless people in government wake up and understand the nature of the opposition with which he presents us, no one will be able to stop him.

  13. Thanks, betsybounds.

    To continue: He lives ostentatiously, like a Third World dictator. He eats expensive gourmet meals, and uses Air Force One as his private jet. He seems to act like this is his due, and is utterly unconcerned about how it might look to the unwashed masses.

    FDR was a rich man who came from a rich family, but he never acted so callously towards suffering Americans during the Great Depression (at least in public). He at least made an effort to connect to the common man, and was pretty successful at it. Not so Obama. He couldn’t give a rip.

  14. People, if a knave lets you know he is a knave then he is a fool.

    If he were smart he would have played to the center until he was re-elected. Now he is gambling on a corrupt stupid electorate backing his Marxist delusions.
    I am reminded of Lincoln’s statement “he was the biggest scoundrel that ever lived, but in the infinite mercy of Providence he was also the biggest fool”.

    And everyone please see this satirical video and send it to your friends:


  15. What’s the point of getting elected if you have to wait until you’re re-elected to implement your program, to be what you are? If he’s enough of a knave, the fool part won’t matter. Four years is four years, come they now or later.

  16. Incidentally (or maybe not), one of the things that worries me is that he’s counting on more than four years, or more than four plus four years, and there’s no telling when–or where–it will end.

  17. The “Obama, knave or fool?” question…

    These are NOT mutually exclusive alternatives!!!!

  18. Csimon and all, I wonder why he is so popular as well. And mind you, not for one second do I doubt that he is a traitor, an immature petty Marxist sociopath that hates America, is actively working to do it and freedom harm and whose experiences fooling the masses made him arrogant. But we have all read the histories of “men on white horses”, egotistical national saviors who are hailed by masses as the one bringing change. There common denominator is eventual self-destruction. Napoleon may have been a knave, but his EGOTISM made him stupid, so I would rate him as a fool before knave. Now ask yourself, what is O’s most outstanding personality trait? The big question is how damage he will do before his fall?

    I wonder to what it will take to make the rest of the electorate catch on.

  19. He’s the guy on the Boardwalk (oops, showing my age) on the infomercial selling the veg-o-matic. His patter is so smooth that’s it’s beautiful to listen to, but when it’s over, you realize he hasn’t actuially sid anything. Or, if you’re a fool, you have a veg-o-matic.

    “But wait! There’s more . . .”

  20. A veg-o-matic–or, if you’re like me, you have not one but (count them, ladies and gentlemen) two tubes of Di-Di Seven! Because you get one tube for $14.95, but if you spring for two of them, it’s only $24.95! Yes!

    And the worst of it was, the stuff was worthless. Never removed a single spot.

  21. Bob from Virginia Says:
    June 4th, 2010 at 11:00 am

    I wonder to what it will take to make the rest of the electorate catch on.

    At this point, nothing short of disaster, war, economic collapse, pain, suffering, and misery.

    Even then they will blame Bush, capitalism, and/or the Jooooos.

    Some people are so convinced of the rightness of their opinions that they will only realize their error at the moment their own throats are cut. Of course, by that time it will be far too late.

  22. We are all reduced to sitting around waiting for the next blow, with a complete Knool in charge (combining fool and knave was a good idea SteveH).

    BTW I heard the dems plan to run against Bush in November. If true it will be fun to watch.

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