Home » The new terrorism in Israel: stabbings


The new terrorism in Israel: stabbings — 18 Comments

  1. And yet our press is deeply engaged in just that sort of apologia.

    And not just the press, but the Department of State Press Spokesman as well.

    A quote from Mr. Kirby: “So incitement can take many forms.”

    To which observation he could easily have appended this further thought: **As for instance, as I am doing right here and now.**

  2. It has occurred to me that this new wave of violence has followed closely the conclusion of the Iran nuclear deal, which will gift Iran with billion$ with which to pay off families of martyrs. I expect this wave to be followed by attacks on Israel with new, much more accurate rockets made available by the new found riches of Iran.

    The nuclear deal may have stalled Iran’s nuclear developments by a few years, but it did not address what they have always been good at – financing terror. The nuclear deal was the equivalent of a pick pocket’s distraction of the mark while the mark’s wallet was being lifted. Mesmerized by a the promise of diplomacy, Obama, Kerry, and company have just provided the means for Iran to continue its aggressions by means of terror and direct aid to allies such as Assad and the Shias of Iraq.

    Desires for peace at any price usually mean the price will be very steep and much greater than envisioned by the appeasers of thugs and radicals.

  3. WSJ : “This is psychotic. It is evil. To call it anything less is to serve as an apologist, and an accomplice.”

    nei -“And yet our press is deeply engaged in just that sort of apologia.”

    As goes out media, so goes academe, so-called “educators,” NPR, and the rich.

    Which was why blogger “drsanity” diagnosed the many manifestations of “BDS” – the old one of Bush Derangement,” not the anti-apartheid manque directed against Israel.

    Which is the REAL narrative being protected here by persistent omission, by the group denial of what Islam is about, what it doe, and how it does it.

    When I was a boy, I had a Big Brother of sorts – a handsome Iranian in exile, after serving in Mosaddegh’s army.

    He was the ticket taker at the beach house, he sold popcorn and made change for those playing pinball – and in a pinch, Hamid was also the lifeguard.

    My folks supported him through university, became partners in running and owning a liquor store, and saw him complete the PhD in physics.

    When I was 12, we visited Europe, picking up Hamid’s diesel Mercedes to drive there, before sending it to the states. After the Shah fell in the Iranian revolution, he converted to Catholicism and married.

    Having missed him, I looked him up, online. He still lives in the ‘old neighborhood,’ retired, with a few kids (and their families) to his credit, and a half dozen patents awarded to him after working for 3M Company (like someone from everyone’s family did there).

    Returning from memory lane, how can the ruling class aid and abet such utter ruthlessness with denial of this hate?

    Such people deserve CONFRONTATION – and then, if unrepentant, hatred themselves.

  4. The evil that is so prevalent among the ‘palestinians’ begins in childhood. A good place to learn about the indoctrination is memri.org

  5. Could taking direct action be an effective answer? Use pork!

    I know this verges on the seasonally correctness of Halloween – like garlic to ward off vampires – but since the surce is an Israeli publication, I’ll share it.

    Pork Latest “Weapon” Used by Israel in War on Terror
    Breaking Israel News ^ | October 12, 2015 | Raphael Poch

    An Israeli man was caught on film placing a piece of pork on the face of a Palestinian terrorist moments after the terrorist was killed after carrying out an attack. The terrorist had stabbed an Israeli Police Officer in the town of Kiryat Arba, located next to Hebron, injuring him. He was shot by other officers and pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics after attempts to revive him failed. Police claim that the terrorist tried to grab the gun of the injured police officer after he was stabbed, in an attempt to shoot nearby Israelis. Israeli news outlet Walla published a graphic video of the incident.

    While pig flesh is considered impure by both Jews and Muslims, Jews are only prohibited to eat the flesh of the animal. However, according to some opinions in Muslim tradition, being in contact with or being buried with part of a pig’s flesh or blood could prevent a Muslim from receiving Allah’s blessing in the afterlife. Lawyer and activist Itamar Ben Gvir praised the act and said that “the person who placed the pork on the terrorist should receive a medal. If this idea leads to fewer attacks, then there is no doubt that this is the idea of the year.”

    Ben Gvir went on further to say that “the time has come when we need to forgo the niceties and recognize that we are at war over for our very existence…”


  6. “…Yet we fail to see it when the hatred disturbs comforting fictions about all people being basically good, or wanting the same things for their children, or being capable of empathy.”

    Good point. There might even be a few people who have been bamboozled by the left into believing that all people are basically good. The leftist themselves don’t have any illusions about everyone being good. Their entire world view is based on a mythical struggle between groups of people – between the exploiters (totally evil) and the exploited (totally good).

    “…Above all, it’s time to give hatred its due [as an explanation]. We understand its explanatory power when it comes to American slavery, or the Holocaust…”

    His point is good, we do need to give hatred its due. Some behavior which is hurtful to others is definitely motivated by hatred. However, I disagree on one of his examples. There is no reason to believe that American slavery was based primarily on hatred.

    American slavery was motivated primarily by economic issues not hatred. At the time that American and European slavery was instituted, slavery was a widely accepted practice throughout the World which was not questioned morally.

    The only reason American slavery is held up as especially evil is because Americans themselves first repudiated slavery and view it as reprehensible. The left exploits every available weapon to destroy their perceived enemies including guilt. The left are amoral and are incapable of experiencing guilt but they understand guilt well enough to use other people’s guilt against them. Because Americans themselves believe that slavery was a crime against the slaves and because white Americans care deeply about the welfare of the descendants of former slaves the left uses that moral capacity against good decent people to hurt them. Most other slave holding nations, especially Islamic nations have not condemned, don’t object to enslaving other people so the left has no moral hook to use against them.

    Of course in the case of Islam the left view them as allies so they excuse and praise their murder, slavery, rapes and etc.
    The only reason the so called Palestinians are acting up is because they know that the left supports them and will take all necessary steps to excuse their violence and to protect them from any negative consequences from crimes against Jews.

  7. parker Says:
    October 15th, 2015 at 3:43 pm
    The evil that is so prevalent among the ‘palestinians’ begins in childhood. A good place to learn about the indoctrination is memri.org

    Here, This Is how the Palestinians Raise their Children:
    get a flavor of it.
    Emphasizes the memri reports …. cute.

  8. nyght Says:
    October 15th, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    I would argue that Barry has been trying to pick off the minor fraction of Muslim fanatics.

    This has proved quite ineffective, as the True Believers lust for death.

    Like the Imperial Japanese, Like the SS, you pretty much have to use extreme ( Roman ) methods to get the Muslim fanatics to drop their jihad.

    This is a bridge that few are willing to even think about crossing.

  9. As for knife attacks, a lot of people think the old or ancient martial arts are outdated in the modern world of guns, bombs, and drone assassins.

    Well, here’s one for crazy ancient martial arts, still effective against the barbarians since the barbarians Never Go Away. They just don’t. The old ways still work, especially when the “new ways” aren’t allowed to these serfs that think they are free.

  10. Decimation was so effective that it became a common modern day term that means “reduce by 90%”. Because that was how powerful the morale effect was, compared to the actual damage in fatalities, which was merely 10%.

    The fact that you made people beat up their own comrades, before they were executed, is a psychological weapon. It creates “guilt”, and once a person feels guilt, they can be easily indoctrinated to fanatically kill or do whatever it takes, to atone for that “guilt”.

  11. American slavery was motivated primarily by economic issues not hatred.

    Democrats had an entire ideology and culture based around promoting Slavery 2.0

    It was so “economic” that the North had agriculture and factories, while the South had a bunch of Democrat slave owners that had almost all the slaves, the wealth, the land, and the political leverage/votes that came from it.

    Remember all those times Democrats said the industrialized North was beating on some cotton farming Southerners? That was because the South was a slave economy under Democrats, not because it was “economical” but because it was a good way to keep a feudal system alive.

  12. Another day or two, and another atrocious day of (predictable) news out of Israel.

    And Obama’s lies of outrageous moral equivalence continue.

    It is time to organize a nation-wide demonstration against dear Leader’s evil complicity with hatred – but who will lead? Who has the clarity, ambition, and reach to do so?

    Is there no ADL-league anymore? Or alternative group of people of good moral will to shame His Highness into contrition and apologia?

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