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Electoral votes and illegal immigrants — 12 Comments

  1. the census counts illegal immigrants and other noncitizens equally with citizens. Since the census is used to determine the number of House seats apportioned to each state, those states with large populations of illegal immigrants and other noncitizens gain extra seats in the House at the expense of states with fewer such “whole number of persons.”

    You know that the Democrats did the same thing back in the Slavery 2.0 plantation system of 1830+ right?

    The Demoncrats are just doing the same thing they did before Civil War I, because CW I did NOT wipe out the traitorous Dems. Sherman didn’t kill their bloodline or lineage, he only broke a few cities and infrastructure.

  2. With Motor Voter, I’m sure millions of illegals are voting now. Just send in a postcard and swear, under penalty of perjury, that you are a citizen. It is all in Scalia’s opinion.

    Considering they broke the law to come here, why wouldn’t they break the law again and vote for their protectors.

  3. “the census counts illegal immigrants and other noncitizens equally with citizens”. Who set that up?
    And guess where the Census Bureau has been housed under Hussein: in the White House; no longer under the Sec. of Labor.

    The Democrats are evil, but they are not stupid.

  4. With regard to the Obama’s sentence to Hillary “‘There’s a Difference Between Running for President and Being President'”… I wonder why is so difficult for american politicians to answer those witty-empty attacks from Obama. In any country where sarcasm is a part of the conversation there would be lost.

    Here, for example, Hillary had a very easy answer “I’m glad you finally got it, my dear. Though I wonder why it took you so long to get it”.

  5. We have replicated a situation that has not existed since before the Civil War. The Southern plantocracy could wield political power out of all proportion to their numbers because they could vote their slaves as three fifths of a citizen, and it gave them Congressional seats and electoral votes to which they were not otherwise entitled. Today’s liberal aristocracy can vote their illegal immigrants as 100% of a citizen, which is a better deal than the plantocracy got.

  6. The wonderful thing is they don’t even have to vote. Their presence alone gives those states more Congresscritters and more electoral votes. What’s not to like?

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  8. The Southern plantocracy could wield political power out of all proportion to their numbers because they could vote their slaves as three fifths of a citizen, and it gave them Congressional seats and electoral votes to which they were not otherwise entitled. Today’s liberal aristocracy can vote their illegal immigrants as 100% of a citizen, which is a better deal than the plantocracy got.

    It is also why Southern descendants loyal to the Democrat party unto death, often say that the Civil War I was not about slavery because poor whites and 80+% of the fighters, had no slaves.

    Well, that’s mostly because slave plantation owners and the wealthy/political influence they had as a result, were immune to service and the draft. They didn’t have to serve in a war that benefited them and which was caused by leaders pulling on the leverage of slave ownership. The other reason is because white votes were disenfranchised when so much property wealth and votes were concentrated in the hands of a few political dynasties. Making for the modern Demoncrat party as we see it, even. This produces the result where anti slavery generals like Lee were suddenly forced to quit the Union to fight for their home state, because the plutocrats back home decided they could expand slavery to the US territories if they had a short and victorious war against the weak and cowardly North.

    Given that controlling the federal government wasn’t doing them much good given State’s Rights allowing states like New York to refuse to enforce the return of escaped slaves to the South, since their property “kept running off”, becoming independent and then expanding West and to Mexico were natural impulses of the Democrat South. With allies in the Democrat North too.

    Today’s liberal aristocracy can vote their illegal immigrants as 100% of a citizen, which is a better deal than the plantocracy got.

    It goes slightly beyond that, since rigging the system requires that there are enough registered names and addresses to duplicate (otherwise obvious things crop up like 135% of a precinct reporting votes counted). With more dead people and more census population, the Left can duplicate the number of fake votes they can have, perhaps even multiply it such that for every 100 persons of color, they can have 1000 fake votes ready to go into the system.

    Civil War I did not end slavery as the North wished to believe. But Civil War I also did not break the back of the Demoncrat power and dynasties in the South, as the South reconstructed history during Reconstruction to claim, either. Thus as WWI lead to WWII, so in this case the US suffers from CWI leading to CWII.

  9. Communists give everyone the warm fuzzies of honesty, propriety, fealty to the public and a whole lot more making them deserving of owning the whole country… Gosh… dont ya want to be like them when you grow up?

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