Home » The Iran deal: when does 41 out of 100 votes become a big victory?


The Iran deal: when does 41 out of 100 votes become a big victory? — 11 Comments

  1. Within the hour Cruz just blew this whole deal up. He adopted Andy McCarthy’s plan and then provided the key closing detail.

    1. We don’t have all the side agreements so 60 day review hasn’t started and our sanctions can’t be lifted.

    2. Obama ignores the law (again) and says sanctions are lifted. Tells the Street to return $150b to Iran.

    3. BUT there is no law lifting sanctions and Obama can’t lift sanctions by edict.

    4. Big Banks in a bind. Return $150b to Iran (enemy) as part of wildly unpopular deal (70-80%of voters against) in order to placate a guy who is gone in 499 days?

    5. If Big Banks return money to Iran, they face shareholder lawsuits for performing an ILLEGAL act.

    6. No brainer for Banks.

    7. Key here is to get McConnell to pull the vote.

    8. Ted Cruz is a genius.

    9. Expect Carly to get on board with this plan.

  2. “…the Republican majority would be powerless to stop Obama without the cooperation of very significant numbers on the majority side…”

    Don’t you mean “minority” the second time?

  3. “Republicans could … jettison the filibuster rule and vote on the Iran deal even without those 41 votes. The disapproval vote would then pass with a simple majority, but not enough to even come close to overriding a veto. So why bother?”

    To obtain a formal record as to where they stand on the issue. No vote = no future accountability. Democrats OWN this IF they’re on record, otherwise they’ll spin it.

    “Why has this sort of thing never happened before?”

    [on] “very basic issues of national defense …the sides tended to be on the same page on them for the most part.”

    A majority of Congressional democrats now place party loyalty far above the physical welfare of America, even on “an issue where the danger to America and the world is crystal clear, and the break with previous bilateral policy profound.”

    TRAITOR is the only descriptive that suffices.

    Given their oath of office, the GOP Congressional leadership’s lack of reaction is, by any definition, collaborative and collusive in nature. As a cop witnessing a murder, able to stop it, who does nothing, who doesn’t even try… is in effect an accomplice.

    when the vote is blocked, he [McConnell] will just declare that to be “unfortunate,” too, and claim his hands are tied.”

    Another Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of the blood of his victim(s).

  4. So much to say but others have said it.

    DEMETRIOUS: Villain, what hast thou done?
    AARON: That which thou canst not undo.
    CHIRON: Thou hast undone our mother.
    AARON: Villain, I have done thy mother.
    – William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus

    “’Tis the times’ plague, when madmen lead the blind.”
    – William Shakespeare, (Gloucester in King Lear)

    “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
    – John Adams

    Everybody already knows that when you vote Left, you get Left, and that when you vote Right, you get double Left.
    – Moshe Feiglin , Israeli politician

    Democracy is the Dunning-Kruger effect in full swing.
    – Brett Stevens

    It was for times such as these that the devil had made available to the people the imprecation. God, on the other hand had made available to the people supplication to His mercy.
    – Moi

    Though I hold for One over the other I find it not entirely un-Christian to avail myself of both. Curse them and/or pray for them – for all matters are now out of our hands.

  5. I am recalling the wonderful “Nuke The Moon” idea from Frank J at his wonderful IMAO website a few years back. The idea was to convince our enemies that we were so crazy angry that we might do anything, just anything to express it. One of those jokes worth some serious thought.

    I wonder if Trump supporters are at that stage of anger, which accounts for them ignoring some important items about Donald. I’m not there myself, but I admit I see their point. Cruz may be stealing a page from that book, not caring whether people think it’s grandstanding or whether it has a 50%+ chance of succeeding.

    Perhaps Trump is creating space for other candidates to take more risks and be a little crazy. I’m sure that wasn’t his intent, but it may have some good effect.

  6. Assistant Village Idiot:

    I agree about the appeal of Trump. I am mega-frustrated, too, with the leaders of the GOP in Congress. But I disagree with you on one thing—Cruz is NOT stealing a page from Trump’s book. Cruz has been in this position pretty much for the whole time he’s been in the Senate, that of bucking the establishment and staking out extreme positions that have been highly criticized by the establishment.

  7. “There comes an end to all things; the most capacious measure is filled at last; and this brief condescension to evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul.”

    ― Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    “Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo” – The Matrix

    The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. – Proverbs 16:4

    “Нравится вам или нет, но история на нашей стороне. Мы вас закопаем” – Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev

    Iran is the political equivalent of a “swirly”

  8. What’s new is that we have a literally America-hating treasonous bastard in the White House, and too many Quislings in Congress.

  9. Pingback:Iran deal | disapproval vote | delay |conservatives | House

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